Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 12:33 pm

the mind is where the beast lives

In a bit, he expected her to call it a night and go to bed. It would leave him here, outside, alone. She had scared away the ducklings, so he would have to find something else to keep himself occupied. He was not worrying though. He probably would find other ways of entertainment. But that didn’t mean he would go easy on her. His threat caused a startled expression on her face, followed by a little punch on his upper arm. “I swear to the Mother if you do that I am taking you with me,” She said, while she was still trying to figure out if he really meant what he said or not. Mort pulled up his brow slightly. For once, he managed not to smile or anything.

It was amusing to see her stress though. ”Well, honestly, the ducklings were my last resort”, He said thoughtfully. He pulled a hand through his dark hair and focused bright blue eyes on her face. ”And since you’re the one who ruined it, I think it’s only fair if you come with a solution”, He said with a sly grin. Let’s see if she could save herself from a midnight dive.

Laatst aangepast door Mort Lennox op ma jul 09, 2018 12:20 am; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 12:55 pm
The ducklings were his last resort. Lexa raised a brow, looking at Mort as he pulled a hand through his hair. He told her that it was her turn to come up with a solution, that it was only fair. “Perhaps we should go for that dive, then,” the Commander told him, showing him a smile. She nodded towards the water.

It’s only fair if you jump in first, though,” she then said. She shrugged, as if the words she spoke were the only logical ones to speak. No, she was not actually planning to jump into the water. For once, she was without what Romeo would call her raccoon-face. If she jumped in now, something told her the bit of make-up she had on her eyes would cause her to look as if she was about to head for war. Watching Mort jump in, however, would be amusing enough to keep her busy for a while.
victory stands on the back of sacrifice
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 2:03 pm

the mind is where the beast lives

It was a little test. He was curious as to how creative she could get. Probably nothing that could beat watching baby ducklings splashing around. To his surprise, she suggested to go for a swim anyways, even though she had been reluctant to him throwing her in. But.. He had to go first? That was a weird request. Mort, however, wasn’t suspicious about it at all. Sometimes he trusted people too much way too quickly. And he knew that. The only thing he failed at, was using that information to stop making the same mistakes over and over again.

”Sounds good”, He therefore said. Swiftly he got up, in a way it was clear he had supernatural abilities. He pulled his black long sleeve shirt over his head, casually dropping it in the grass. Then he walked right in the water, until he was about knee deep. The young vampire turned around to face her again, after which he let himself tip over and fall back. He bent his back a bit to break the surface of the water before submerging in it for a few seconds. He could stay under for as long as he wanted, but he soon got up again. Now the water was raised at around his hips. With his head tilted to the left, he watched her in anticipation. Her turn.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 2:10 pm
There was no expectation. She truly had anticipated him to just throw her in for even thinking he would be stupid enough to jump in and trust that she would follow. But, the vampire took off his shirt, revealing his upper body. This was one of these moments where, in the 21st century, you would pause your show and look at it in a moment of awe. Lexa, however, did not have that luxury. Her eyes gave away her thoughts, however, as she watched him walk into the water, before turning towards her again. Not only did he walk in: he let himself fall back and actually went fully under. What a fucking legend.

When Mort watched her in anticipation, she shrugged. “Now that I think of it,” she spoke, as if she had a revelation. “Maybe I prefer to sit and watch.” An amused smile appeared on her face as she raised her brows. She was not going to jump in there and she did not mind the view, so, she considered this situation won already.
victory stands on the back of sacrifice
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 2:58 pm

the mind is where the beast lives

Being ‘locked up’ away from other people, had made him so trusting of everything and everyone. He believed everyone had good intentions. Even after all she had told him earlier at the bar, he trusted her completely. He did not for a second think about the fact that she might have been lying to him. That’s how he ended up in the middle of a pond. Wet fabric enclosed his legs, but he didn’t feel any cold. Moonlight vaguely reflect from his pale skin. Dark hair was swiped to the side to clear his face, revealing curious blue eyes.

“Now that I think of it,” She sounded. “Maybe I prefer to sit and watch.” She continued. She smiled at him, amused. Mort lightly shook his head. ”That’s not how it works, Lexa”, He chuckled. See, she wouldn’t get out of it that easily. The vampire used both his hands to send a splash of water her way. After that, he walked out of the pond again, standing in front of her in the blink of an eye. Water from his body dripped down on her as he leaned over her a bit. He reached out his hand, to help her up. ”Why don’t you come join me? It’s good fun, I promise”, He said with a mischievous grin. She was already wet now anyways. Might as well go all the way, right?

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 3:46 pm
A few seconds too long. She only stared for a few seconds too long. Blame her. The Commander had looked at the guy as he splashed water at her, which caused her to spread her arms and look at her now partially wet attire. “Oh dammit,” she cursed, shaking her head. How could she have expected him to leave it at that? He clearly wasn’t planning on giving up, as in no-time he appeared in front of her. Damn vampires. The water dripped down on her body as he stood there, his hand reaching for hers. For a few seconds she considered to fight it, but…

Slowly, she undid the belts around her waist, to take off the jacket she had been wearing. She put it on the ground and looked at the man as she took off her gloves to put it on top of the jacket. Was this really going to happen? A part of her knew she was going to get in some way or another. She started to unstrap the belts around her leg. The woman was very rarely seen without her daggers in one way or another, so when she actually put those on the small pile, for a second, she felt vulnerable. But she also knew she had a vampire at her side. She’d just have to trust him if anyone would want to cause harm.

Do I have a choice?” she sighed, as she took his hand. Well then.
victory stands on the back of sacrifice
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 3:55 pm

the mind is where the beast lives

It was actually adorable how she thought she might get away with this. No, she had promised him and now he would make sure she followed through with it. She cursed when the water hit her, soaking her clothing partially. There. That was her own fault. She should have been smart, then this wouldn’t have happened. But Mort wasn’t fully satisfied yet. She had proposed a midnight swim, and he wouldn’t be the only one swimming with the ducks tonight. So he flashed out of the water, to make sure she would actually end up in the pond too, as it had been his intention all along.

With eagle eyes he watched her take off her belt and jacket, followed by the daggers she had strapped around her legs. After she put it all together on a pile, she put her hand in his. Mort pulled her up, and immediately placed his arm behind her knees. With ease, he picked her up, supporting her shoulders with his other arm. He walked into the pond again, until she was hanging right above the surface of the water. ”See, this is the fun part”, He said, holding back a chuckle. ”At least for me it is”, He continued, cheeky smile around his lips. And he let go of her.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 4:02 pm
Lexa had expected to be helped up, where she could’ve complained a few times before finally being pulled into the water. You know? The kind of thing that normally happens. What she did not expect, was to literally be swept off her feet. “W- What?” she gasped, shocked at the fact that her feet were no longer touching the ground. Her eyes were fixed on his and the realisation hit. “No. Don’t you dare,” she told him as he walked into the pond. She struggled a bit, but it wasn’t of much use in his unnaturally strong arms. Damn vampires… ‘See, this is the fun part,’ the vampire spoke and her eyes grew wide. No. No fucking way. ‘At least for me it is.’

Don’t y-

Before she got to finish her threat, the woman was dropped into the water. She went fully under, feeling the cold water all around her, before she managed to work her way back on her feet again. Her hair was a mess, dripping wet, as were her clothes. And her skin. Everything, actually. “You absolute…” she cursed him, giving him a little push before she started laughing, shaking her head.
victory stands on the back of sacrifice
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 4:20 pm

the mind is where the beast lives

Maybe his actions were a bit over the top. But at least, this way, she couldn’t change her mind again. Or well, she could all she wanted, but he was in control now. She would end up in the water and there was nothing she could do about it. Not like this. Her words only caused him to laugh softly, more of a hum in his chest than anything else. Oh he was enjoying this. Maybe too much. She tried to squirm her way out of his arms, but he held on to her tightly. When he was standing in the deeper water again, he announced the fun part.

When he let go of her, she dropped in the pond with a loud splash. Seconds later, she emerged from the water again, soaking wet. Mort could barely keep it together by now. The little push she gave him, made him lose his balance just a little bit, but he didn’t tip over again. Blue eyes sparkled with amusement. ”I was right thought, it is good fun”, He mentioned proudly. The ducks had now left the water. They were not wrong. ”How cold is it?” He then asked her, as he had no idea because he didn’t feel it like she did.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 4:29 pm
Everything was soaking. She could feel her shirt stick to her body as she got up out of the water. Her long hair must smell like… well… like nature at this point, while it kept dripping over her body, even more of a mess than it already had been. With her hand she went through her hair, making sure she could actually see and not have it in her face. ‘I was right though.’ The words made sure he grabbed her attention again and she raised a brow. He seemed proud of his actions and she laughed. Damn vampire.exe.

When he asked her how cold it is, she put a hand on her arm, feeling how her skin was about the same temperature as his now. “It’ll take a bit to get used to,” she laughed. Not that she got that chance. Where you’d normally dip in your feet first, she was thrown into the water. Literally. But ah well, they might as well make the most of it now, right? Without saying anything, she just walked somewhat deeper into the water.
victory stands on the back of sacrifice
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 4:37 pm

the mind is where the beast lives

In the end, he was rewarded with exactly what he had wanted. Suddenly he didn’t mind the fact that she had scared away the ducklings as much anymore. The view he got now was.. Better. Luckily vampires couldn’t blush. Her shirt was sticking to her skin, not leaving much to the imagination. The expression on her face was also worth it though. He was very satisfied with the situation, and it showed as he couldn’t keep himself from grinning. As usual though, he was worried about the people around him though. With his condition, he couldn’t get cold. But that didn’t mean she was safe from freezing as well.

The warmer seasons were coming soon, but at night the temperatures could drop quite a bit. So he asked her if she was cold. Apparently not too cold, as she stepped into a deeper part of the pond. Mort turned himself on his back again, gently pushing himself from the bottom. He now drifted around on his back, blue eyes looking at the sky. ”If you freeze, I got a fire going in my room to warm you up again, so don’t worry”, He let her know. Could be important information.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 4:48 pm
Mort seemed awfully pleased with himself as he grinned at her and she rolled her eyes once in slight amusement, before she had started to walk into deeper waters. It was cold, absolutely, but she’d live for a while. The water would only get colder the longer they were here, however, so when he said he had a fire in his room she raised a brow, looking back at the floating vampire. “You’re inviting me to your room now? I usually don’t accept that on a first date,” she mentioned. Voice serious, but she laughed quickly after. “But I might take you up on that,” she said as she stretched. She pulled a part of her shirt off her skin, but as soon as she let go it just stuck itself back again. Hopeless.

Slowly the brunette moved back to the vampire again, trying to make an effort to push the floating man under water. Revenge. If he thought it was a good idea to force her into the water, she was not going to let him float around like he was the king of the pond.
victory stands on the back of sacrifice
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 4:57 pm

the mind is where the beast lives

Even when it got warmer outside, it was nice to have a fire going at all times. He couldn’t feel cold, but warmth.. The feeling of a burning fire on his skin was pleasant, so he almost never put it out. It could proof itself useful as well, if Lexa wished to warm herself up too. He could feel her looking at him, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. Her choice of words made him melt a little inside, and he tried his best not to let it show. ”It’s a standing offer”, He only replied innocently.

For a second he had closed his eyes. The feeling of being weightless had a soothing effect on the young vampire. Shouldn’t have done that. The sound she made while moving through the water, gave away she was approaching him, but before he could react it was already too late. Her hands pressed down on his chest. He went under without the usual air bubbles escaping from his lungs. He didn’t have to hold his breath either. Under water, he grabbed her wrists and managed to pull her hands away. Feet found the ground, and he pushed himself up. At the same time, he turned her hands behind her back and her body away from him. With a firm grip he held on to her hands as he stood behind her. ”Can’t drown a vampire”, He whispered in her ear, as he leaned forward a bit, chin hovering over her shoulder.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 5:17 pm
He told her it was a standing offer and Lexa nodded. Interesting. But, who knew. The night might actually get cold enough for her to step outside of her comfort zone and accept his offer for warmth. The fire’s warmth. Whatever. Same thing.

She had not quite anticipated what would happen. In all fairness, she should have. With his supernatural speed and the fact that he couldn’t exactly drown, she could have totally expected him to grab her wrists and turn this against her. She expected to be pulled under water, but instead her body got turned away from him, her hands against her back. There she stood, captured, his face right next to hers. She bent hers away a bit, looking at him from the side. “Looks like I’ve been caught red-handed,” she said softly, almost in a whisper too. She bit her lip slightly as she stood there, feeling his cold hands hold hers as the water dripped down from his face onto her shoulder.
victory stands on the back of sacrifice
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Why we lose - Pagina 5 Empty Re: Why we lose

do mei 17, 2018 5:32 pm

the mind is where the beast lives

What she was trying to achieve here, was a true mystery to him. Probably she was taking revenge on him, but he didn’t know what exactly she had expected. It was easy enough for him to overpower her. It felt like she wasn’t even trying to resist either. His reflexes and speed was restored completely after he had fed, so it wouldn’t have mattered anyways though. The water had drained much of her warmth, but he could still feel it radiate off of her. Or, the warmth was coming from within him. He didn’t know why or how, but he felt a certain attraction he hadn’t felt since he had been turned

The vampire barely paid attention to her words. All he could focus on, was how her voice had this husky undertone, how she lightly bit her lip. He let go of her hands as his drifted down to her hips. As simple as that he had turned her around again, pulled her closer so her body leaned against his. Burning blue eyes locked with hers for just a second before he closed them and pressed his lips against hers without worrying too much about the consequences of his actions.

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