Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
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Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

I'll be good Empty I'll be good

ma jul 16, 2018 3:57 pm
The past few weeks had been a complete, fucking mess. And even that was the understatement of the century. Her progression on the Cure for Vampirism had been put to a stop when she became the Grand Duchess of Rhoynar, having no time to focus on that. The resources where here, the knowledge was too… but she simply did not have the time or energy to put into it. Or the attention span, for that matter. With everything that was happening, she needed a distraction from the more serious things that went on. With Kaz pushing her away, an insane vampire on the loose in Rhoynar and a damn disease spreading, she had a lot on her mind. So, naturally, she refused to give herself a single moment to think about the issues she couldn’t do anything about. Instead, she spent her time studying rocks. Rocks. Don’t question it.

But, slowly she started to realize that avoiding her problems was not going to help. Sooner or later, Kaz would decide what he would do. And either he would try staying with her, or he would finally go his own way. No matter his decision, she needed to pull herself together. Either to be ready to be by his side, or to be able to move on alone. Giovanni was dead. And that was something she needed to accept. To do so, she promised herself to visit his grave when she felt like she could no longer handle it. Because weakness was okay to show, yet she knew she never would do so to Kaz or anyone else. Instead, she could cry to a dead man. It would help soothe the feeling of missing him and at the same time, give her the chance to accept that she was struggling. Because, she was. And it was something she needed to work on. Everything was going to be okay. There would be a day where she’d smile and it would be real. And the mere thought of that being a possibility, already livened up her mood.

To make sure she would actually do this, she had decided to take a day off. Away from the castle, without telling anyone. With Abbas, her gorgeous stallion, she had made her way to the beach, north of Rhoynar. The sun had set and the temperature started to go down to a more pleasant temperature, rather than the heat that seemed to torment the lands these days. The stallion didn’t seem to plan to go anywhere, so she left him with her bag and shoes, slowly walking into the water, until it came about half-way towards her knees. She pulled a hand through her brown hair, closing her eyes and letting out a sigh deeper than the water.

I’m so fucking done,” she let out in a whisper, assuming there was no one around to hear.
@ Thri <3
Thriumph Medici
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 172
IC posts : 63

Character sheet
Age: 40 [Immortal]
Occupation: Fallen King
Residence : D'auvignon

I'll be good Empty Re: I'll be good

ma jul 16, 2018 5:58 pm


The first rays of the sun started to show themselves on the lands of Fallen Skies again, indicating a new day had started. Light that wrapped itself around the rocks, making them almost glow up in the warm red and orange tones as that was always the case with the morning light. Meaning party time for Thriumph was officially over. An irritated sigh left his lips, another terribly long day would go on, in which he could only hide into the shadows and lure for new victims, before he would thrive again. A different schedule he worked on than before he was turned. It had been a fairly smooth transition, as the man had always been more a night person, so tying up the activities he was doing during the day, hadn’t been that difficult. And now he lost his throne, he left the day completely for what it was worth, trading it in for being so much more productive during the night.

And so this had been one. Ever since he went to Vanaheim to have a sweet little meet-up with Lexa, he had stopped draining complete villages. It was just too obvious and that wasn’t the thing he was going for. No, instead of just giving in to his hunger like he was doing before, Thri fell back into very old habits. Playing games, with himself as quizmaster and player at the same time. A golden combination if you’d ask him, because he happened to always win. It had been almost a distraction in the process of grief -that was in a way a thing that happened since he lost his throne- making him feel that much more powerful without him losing his head in the process of it. He got to be the quiet one now, the one no one really saw but just whispered about. Anyone who did have that chance of seeing him, mostly held a certain death wish, if they’d know it or not.
This night had been a success, a win for him. Especially now the Plague roamed around, Thri was picky in who he choose to be victims. But as he picked, the preparations began. It was all about him having his patience to let the blood taste even sweeter when he could finally sank down his teeth into the flesh. Stretching out the wait longer and longer, this time it had been days and the reward was so much better.

The day on the other hand, had nothing good in it. No one had been interesting enough, to the greater annoyance of the man, who just travelled further in the shadows. Making no sounds, letting no single soul know he was there. Useless hours it end up being, which raised the question if he should just go out there for one more night of just creating a true bloodbath, or if he really found his patience back to wait for a next one. Either way, Thri had to decide now this utterly boring day was coming towards its end. The place he was now was as silent as it could, no person around to entertain. But just as Thri was starting to decide, his vampire senses picked up someone. Not completely alone, although it didn’t seem like the companion was human either. Figuring this was much better than nothing, he decided to take a look, only getting surprised he had the new Grand Duchess right in front of him, all alone. A horse standing close by indicated the companion and that the man was indeed right about that little fact. He stared at the stallion, watching how it became uncomfortable before he heard the whisper. Closing in, he leaned against one of the rocks. ’Done with ruling already?’ Thri asked, letting his voice cut through the air while he waited for the reaction of her to come.

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

I'll be good Empty Re: I'll be good

ma jul 16, 2018 6:43 pm
The heat only made everything worse. The sickness seemed to spread more quickly, as people were outside trying to avoid the heat that turned their houses into an oven. All the while, the brunette had found herself in the castle. There were parts of the castle that the sun couldn’t reach and those parts were cooler. Still not comfortable, but a lot better than most people had, that much was certain. She had found herself in the cellar on multiple occasions, an open wine bottle in her hands. Though she was probably there for the wine, not the temperature. Something her lovely guard loved to remind her of. She wondered when he had decided it was his personal task to watch out for her. Perhaps he knew that Kaz didn’t at this moment, or perhaps he just knew she was hopeless all together. No matter what his reason was, he had accompanied her in the damn cellar on multiple occasions. He knew nothing, yet knew all. A strange friendship had came from that, though she wasn’t quite sure if she liked him. At least he was good at his job, so he could stay.

Today, however, there would be no one to look out for her. No one she could lean on. And that was exactly how she needed it to be. For the first time in her life, she was going to take care of herself. While she had always told herself that she had done so, realization that she hadn’t, had set in once Giovanni had died. Her rock, the man she loved more than anything in her life (or so she believed) was gone and she had fallen apart. While she had scrambled them together, slowly putting them back piece by piece, some had gotten lost in the progress. Bad pieces had perished, together with some good ones too. Her confidence, for example, seemed to have gone too. But, she was sure she would find it back. She just needed to allow herself to. And acknowledging that this problem was not something she could avoid, was one step in the right direction.

Sadly, she wasn’t alone. A voice sounded and her stallion took a step backwards, his entire body language signaling how uncomfortable he felt with the presence of the man near. The horse had always acted like that around the vampire brothers too, making the assumption quite easy. Either he was just a creep, or he was a monster of the night too. A sigh sounded as she looked back at the sun, slowly making its way around the earth. Or, the other way around. It was strange to think that not everything revolved around this stupid planet, but that was a deep thought for another day. Now, she had someone to pay attention to as she had this idea that he wouldn’t just walk away if she ignored it, which meant he had something in common with the problems in her life.
After a minute of silence, she finally seemed to move, taking a step farther into the water as she acknowledged his presence by responding. “Quite the opposite,” her voice sounded, as soft and sweet as ever. “I’m just getting started.
Thriumph Medici
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 172
IC posts : 63

Character sheet
Age: 40 [Immortal]
Occupation: Fallen King
Residence : D'auvignon

I'll be good Empty Re: I'll be good

di jul 17, 2018 6:44 pm


It seemed like this day did brought him something after all. On the edge of it, so to speak. The warm rays of light were getting too familiar, the man had watched them appear and disappear again and again, bordering his activity. Even now, when the light was so much weaker than it was during the hottest hours, it still weakened the vampire. Softly, Thri pressed his jaws together. At some point he needed to get used to how he felt under the sun, but after the crown was wiped from his head, he didn’t care less for it. Somewhere deep down he knew there would come a time he needed it, and now he was getting angry at himself he hadn’t done it earlier.
The girl in front of him wasn’t his usual something the day could bring to him, no source for blood, sadly. At least not directly now, the future brought weird things. For tonight, however, he needed to have his control back to its finest again. Getting annoyed with the sunlight, wouldn’t help him with that.

The man moved himself to a more comfortable position, as he awaited for the lady to answer. Folding his arms he pushed one of his feet against the rock he was leaning at, letting his bored look move over to the horse again. The poor creature didn’t got the chance to settle down again, as the ice blue eyes stared at it. Not having anything better to do, Thri watched how it finally moved backwards a few steps, pulling the very slightest satisfaction out of it. In contrary to how the brunette let him wait, mostly unimpressed, which annoyed him maybe more than the irritating warm light. Asking himself if she was just as annoyed by him interrupting her little alone time, he judged from the little whisper, which was something that helped that control being just as neat.

When she finally reacted, his gaze trailed back so slowly, listening to her sigh that brought up a little smile in his cold expression. Maybe that was the thing he should do the whole night, just annoy the shit out of her. As his eyes rested on her while she pushed herself deeper into the water. Letting his response await just as well. The words tucked up the corners of his mouth a little more, flashing his gaze back to the horse to ensure it would stay as unnerved as it already was. ’Done with something else then?’ The question sounded almost innocent, if it wouldn’t come from the mans lips. ’I was almost disappointed you’d stop so soon.’ Thri went on, switching his legs to have his other foot rested against the rock. Taking another scanning look before he let his voice cool down the atmosphere again. ’You remind me of someone. Just as stubborn.’

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

I'll be good Empty Re: I'll be good

di jul 17, 2018 10:48 pm
For most of her life, Allison had to deal with men who thought they were more than she was. It was simply because of their sex, their supposedly bigger strength, that they deemed themselves stronger, of more worth, than she would ever be. That was, until she showed them a faint smile, empty promises and the right words. Where these particular men had been so sure of themselves, they were even more sure about what they wanted. And when she made sure that she was what they were after, there was so much she could make them do. She never actually gave them anything but the empty promises, a soft stroke over their shoulder while showing just a bit too much skin. A method she had quit using a while ago, as her business got more serious.
It was at that point that she learned to use fear, rather than lust. Asher was a good example of this. She started out with the latter, trying to walk the easy road. As soon as they realized it wasn’t happening, she needed to show them that she meant what she was saying. Threatening them with a simple syringe often did the trick. As a Grand Duchess, however, this had become a lot easier. Sending her guards after someone and having them dragged to the castle was an insanely easy way of getting someone to do what she wanted them to do.

With this man, she knew neither method would work. She hadn’t looked at him yet, hadn’t gotten the chance to put the links together. To her, he was just one of these men. Yet, he had a vibe around him that made clear he wasn’t as simple as that. He knew who she was by just her looks, which meant he knew what he was doing. Most had no clue until she introduced herself, especially since she looked nothing like a city holder, let alone a Grand Duchess.
I plan to rule for a while,” she spoke, still not looking at the man as she did. She had very little interest in knowing what he looked like, even if that might give her some indication who she was actually talking to. Ignorance was bliss and as she did not recognize his voice, she doubted his face would be any more familiar.
I prefer to call myself strong-willed,” she corrected him, pulling a hand through her hair as she enjoyed the soft breeze of wind. Stubbornness came from that, after all. But, while being called stubborn was often an insult, being called strong-willed was not.
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