Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
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Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci
Real name : Simone
Aantal berichten : 8
IC posts : 3

Character sheet
Age: 250
Occupation: Painter, Necromancer
Residence : Bright Water Keep

Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching | Duncan Empty Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching | Duncan

zo feb 18, 2018 1:40 pm
The painting selected by the customer, who was in Navarre right now, was in the process of being neatly packed. It had to be protected well, as he didn’t want anything to happen to his creation on the journey. A journey Leo would be making too. The customer who bought it was insistent that it would be delivered personally to Nordshal. And the customer was king so Leo had agreed to the request. Before packing the painting however, he signed the painting with his name. Leonardo da Vinci was scribbled in the lower right corner. It didn’t feel weird anymore, to use a name that wasn’t originally his. He was born with a different name, but as he was turned and was cast out due to said turning, he had shed the name, shed his identity. All in favour for a name of a man who was ten or more feet underground by that time. A new life, a new name. A new identity. He did not want to be traced back to his family. It may have been a petty decision, but why indentify with the people who cast him out like he was trash? And now, after all those years, his name didn’t sound weird anymore. It was a part of him like being a vampire was part of him.

His mind wandered back to the present, and with practiced fingers he bound the painting to his back, walked out of his home, locked the door and made his way out of the city gates on foot. The man who managed the stables and the horses saw him, walked over to him quickly. ‘Would you be in need of a horse, Messer?’ was his hopeful question. With a small smile Leonardo shook his head. ‘No sir, but thank you for the offer. My destination lies within walking distance.’ Was his soft spoken reply. The man in front of him deflated a bit but nodded. ‘Well, have a good trip.’ He said to Leo’s already retreating back. The blonde vampire chuckled and kept walking until he was a safe distance away from the city. And then he took off with a speed that was inhuman, but then again he wasn’t human.

Due to his speed, he arrived quite soon on the border of the town. Nordshal, a town rumoured to be overrun with werewolves. He didn’t know if it was true, but he was cautious just to be sure. Carefully he made his way to the house of the man who had ordered his painting. His skin prickled, his nose itched.  He had the feeling he was being watched. Leonardo knocked a few times on the door, and waited. Within a few seconds the door opened, and the man who had paid him opened the door. ‘I’ve got your delivery.’ The vampire said as he loosened the painting from his back, and handed it to the broad shouldered man. The man nodded, checked if it was the right painting (it was) and closed the door with a ‘Thank you.’

And then Leo turned around. The feeling of being watched, the prickling and the itching, it intensified. Yeah, he was quite sure of it now. He was being watched by this town. It felt as if the walls had eyes.
555 words - English
Am I the only one who feels like i'm being watched?
Duncan Amarok
Duncan Amarok
Real name : Linn
Aantal berichten : 77
IC posts : 11

Character sheet
Age: 34 years
Occupation: Lord of Nordshal
Residence : Nordshal, Navarre

Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching | Duncan Empty Re: Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching | Duncan

ma maa 19, 2018 1:13 pm
Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching | Duncan U4cpEbg
All the sun ever does is blind you
Het was een gewone dag voor de man. Hij was op pad geweest om te gaan kijken naar bepaalde schade waar een bepaalde boer over had geklaagd, om vervolgens enkele mannen te regelen die de schade voor hem konden fixen en deze personen te betalen. Het geld dat hij op zak droeg, kreeg hij van de verschillende trades die Nordshal wel eens maakte met andere landen. Het waren er niet veel, aangezien Nordshal graag gewoon compleet zelfstandig wilde blijven, maar soms hadden ze een hoop meer over dan ze nodig hadden, en dan was het wel eens handig om wat te handelen met een andere stad. Zo werden immers vriendschappen ontwikkeld, niet waar? Hij moest wat bondgenoten hebben, wlide hij ooit dat Nordshal onafhankelijk zou worden van de Medici's. Uiteindelijk had de man zijn weg gebaand naar de binnenstad, waar hij zijn lunch had gekocht op de markt. Hij had niet echt een guard bij zich of dergelijke, iets wat soms als ongewoon werd gezien in andere steden; maar Duncan zag het niet als nodig. Hij vond dat hij zichzelf fijn genoeg kon beschermen, zou er ooit aanleiding zijn tot een aanval. Iets dat hij hopelijk kon ontwijken door goede banden te scheppen met zijn bevolking, iets waar hij al goed mee op weg was.

Uiteindelijk, terwijl hij zijn lunch ergens op een bankje zat op te eten, werd zijn aandacht getrokken door een bepaald figuur. En niet enkel omdat het figuur er bijzonder uitzag, nee, het was meer de afwezigheid van iets, of de geur van de persoon, die zijn aandacht trok. De persoon rook immers naar de dood en zijn gevoelige oren konden geen duidelijke hartslag opmerken in zijn borstkast. Vampier. Hij fronste en besloot de persoon te volgen. Wat deed een vampier in de stad der weerwolven? Hmn. Odd. Dat moest hij maar eens uitzoeken. De man bleek een schilderij te verkopen, aangezien hij aanklopte bij een ander en die persoon het schilderij in ontvangst nam. Uiteindelijk besloot Duncan de persoon te benaderen. "Here for business?" Sprak hij, een licht vriendelijke glimlach op zijn gezicht. Hij bekeek de persoon, wetend dat deze waarschijnlijk zijn dierlijke kant ook goed genoeg kon ruiken. Weerwolven en vampieren konden elkaar altijd al goed identificeren en helaas hadden ze niet.. de beste bond met elkaar.
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci
Real name : Simone
Aantal berichten : 8
IC posts : 3

Character sheet
Age: 250
Occupation: Painter, Necromancer
Residence : Bright Water Keep

Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching | Duncan Empty Re: Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching | Duncan

vr maa 30, 2018 10:13 pm
The feelings of being watched didn't dissipate. And the reason for that emerged soon enough. Leo clasped his hands together and eyed the stranger. The smell hit him when he eyed this stranger. Wolf. Werewolf to be precise. So the rumours about this town seemed true after all. As soon as that thought entered his mind he berated himself for it.  He himself, a vampire, lived in Brightwater keep. That didn't mean the whole city was inhabited by vamps. He still was rigid and on guard here. This wasn't his territory, and he had met some wolves ,and heard the tales, that contributed to the belief his kind and theirs didn't get along so well.

But the stranger had a small, friendly smile on his face so he couldn't be all bad. Except if he's wants to lure him into a false sense of security. Whatever the case, Leo listened and nodded at his words. "Yes. So it was you I sensed watching me?" He answered with a small and friendly smile of his own. " I am indeed. Hopefully my client will stay happy with his purchase." Leo was silent for a bit, while eyeing the wolf. "I hope my presence doesn't disturb you and the other residents of this town. If I have, be assured I don't mean no harm." Is what he said at last, with a shrug of his right shoulder. Leonardo wanted to know some more about this town, the intentionally of the man in front of him and if he could still come here to sell his creations. The blonde painter leaned against a nearby tree, while keeping an eye on his surroundings. The stranger seemed nice enough, but he had learned not to trust too soon and to not let his walls crumble.

//Mob Post. Hopefully kan je er iets mee :33 zo niet hoor ik het graag ^•^
306 words - English
Some people aren’t who they say they are, be cautious of the company you keep
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Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching | Duncan Empty Re: Always wear a smile because you never know who is watching | Duncan

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