- Romeo HarisMember
- Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289
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Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar
Brand new
zo okt 01, 2017 12:29 am
what is dead may never die
After a few weeks the storm had settled a bit. Figuratively speaking, of course. All men who had refused to swear fealty to him, were shipped to one of the islands. The act of marooning was a very effective way to get rid of ones enemies, and he had happily made use of it. The men who had proven their loyalty were now living under his command. Those who wanted to complain about the way he was ruling this ship, could still get away unharmed. He wanted everyone to feel as comfortable as possible, to avoid another mutiny. Their input was important, and for now he would listen to any suggestions. After a while he would shape his own way of ruling, and get rid of those who would objectify against him. Being a captain was simple, at least now it was. It would get more challenging when they would start travelling again. Plundering and robbing other ships, without being caught by those who enforced the law.
One person was an expert in such things. He hadn’t spoken to the man in years, but he knew he could always knock on his door for advice. He had traveled to Brightwater Keep in the hopes of meeting Maverick there. If he wasn’t at sea, he would be in his residence. Romeo walked the familiar streets of his hometown, and he found the place he was looking for effortlessly. With a firm knock on the door he announced his presence, after which he stood there quietly while he waited for someone to open the door.
One person was an expert in such things. He hadn’t spoken to the man in years, but he knew he could always knock on his door for advice. He had traveled to Brightwater Keep in the hopes of meeting Maverick there. If he wasn’t at sea, he would be in his residence. Romeo walked the familiar streets of his hometown, and he found the place he was looking for effortlessly. With a firm knock on the door he announced his presence, after which he stood there quietly while he waited for someone to open the door.
- Jasper EthelwinMember
- Real name : Vinci
Aantal berichten : 105
IC posts : 50
Character sheet
Age: 31 years old
Occupation: Governor of Sunfall
Residence : Sunfall
Re: Brand new
wo okt 04, 2017 12:37 pm
finally i slipped out of reality
De sterke geur van zware drank hing in de kamer als een dikke mist in de ochtend. Jasper had niet kunnen slapen die nacht – het was de eerste keer in maanden geweest dat hij thuis was nadat hij door het hele land had gereisd, de eerste keer in maanden dat hij in zijn eigen bed had kunnen slapen in plaats van in de kajuit aan boord van zijn boot. Pas midden in de nacht, na een cocktail van likeur en de Goden mochten weten wat nog meer, had hij eindelijk zijn slaap kunnen vatten.
Het was slechts een klop op de deur die hem had doen ontwaken – aan het licht dat de kleine ruimte binnen scheen kon hij zien dat het al ochtend was. Normaal gesproken had Jasper niet opengedaan tot de persoon aan de deur door het sleutelgat zijn naam had geschreeuwd – maar nu was het menens. Jaspers bloed kookte, zijn ochtendhumeur buiten alle staten.
Met een snelle beweging trok hij de deur open. In de eerste instantie wilde hij de jongeman aanvliegen, bij zijn keel grijpen als de verstoorder van zijn o zo broodnodige nachtrust. Jaspers adem stokte echter in zijn keel terwijl hij een scheldwoord bedacht om de man toe te schreeuwen – de jongeman kwam hem bekend voor. Het sprankje herkenning kwam pas toen hij de tijd nam om hem van top tot teen te bekijken. De tatoeages in zijn gezicht, zijn donkere haren… Het was Romeo. De jongen die hij van straat had geplukt, in de eerste instantie uit schuldgevoel naar zijn eigen vader toe. Hij had hem de basis van het zeilen bijgebracht samen met zijn eigen bemanning, toen nog. Hoe lang was geleden? Vijf jaar, zes, misschien zelfs zeven of langer?
‘Romeo?’ Jaspers gezicht klaarde op en hij grijnsde, duidelijk verbaasd. ‘Look at you, all grown up and everything now, eh?’ Hij klopte de jongen hard op zijn schouder bij wijze van een begroeting. ’Come in.’
tag: romeo haris
- Romeo HarisMember
- Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289
Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar
Re: Brand new
do okt 05, 2017 1:35 am
what is dead may never die
Getting some advice was honestly only one of the reasons why he was about to knock on the door of his old mentor and friend. Deep down he needed his approval, but he wouldn’t even admit that to himself. He just wanted to show the man what he had accomplished. Maybe even make him a little proud. Unconsciously he had put the role of a father figure on the shoulders of this guy. He wasn’t aware of it though. What he was feeling, was a little bit of nerves. Would he approve of his actions? He had organised mutiny and killed the previous captain. He had paid the Iron Price for his ship. From his point of view it was the only right way to do something like this. But would Maverick agree?
That he would only find out if he actually got to telling his ‘story’. There was not much movement from inside the house, and he had almost turned around to try another day when the door flung open. He looked a bit distorted though, like a wild animal that had been woken up when some reckless kid had poked him with a wooden stick. But all that disappeared in the blink of an eye when Maverick took a closer look and eventually recognised him. ‘Romeo?’ He said, which made the young man smile broadly. "The one and only", He chuckled. ‘Look at you, all grown up and everything now, eh?’ He continued, while patting him on the back. ’Come in.’ He then invited him in.
With his signature smirk still carved onto his lips he followed the man inside. It smelled like strong liquor, something he could have expected. ”It’s been such a long time”, He said, a sense of nostalgia in his voice. ”What have you been up to then? While I was growing up and stuff”, He asked curiously. He sat down on one of the chairs that was standing around a big wooden table in the room. Completely at ease he even unbuckled his sword from his belt, putting down the weapon against the wall. He didn’t need to be armed in here. He trusted Maverick completely and in only his company he dared to be ‘vulnerable’.
That he would only find out if he actually got to telling his ‘story’. There was not much movement from inside the house, and he had almost turned around to try another day when the door flung open. He looked a bit distorted though, like a wild animal that had been woken up when some reckless kid had poked him with a wooden stick. But all that disappeared in the blink of an eye when Maverick took a closer look and eventually recognised him. ‘Romeo?’ He said, which made the young man smile broadly. "The one and only", He chuckled. ‘Look at you, all grown up and everything now, eh?’ He continued, while patting him on the back. ’Come in.’ He then invited him in.
With his signature smirk still carved onto his lips he followed the man inside. It smelled like strong liquor, something he could have expected. ”It’s been such a long time”, He said, a sense of nostalgia in his voice. ”What have you been up to then? While I was growing up and stuff”, He asked curiously. He sat down on one of the chairs that was standing around a big wooden table in the room. Completely at ease he even unbuckled his sword from his belt, putting down the weapon against the wall. He didn’t need to be armed in here. He trusted Maverick completely and in only his company he dared to be ‘vulnerable’.
- Jasper EthelwinMember
- Real name : Vinci
Aantal berichten : 105
IC posts : 50
Character sheet
Age: 31 years old
Occupation: Governor of Sunfall
Residence : Sunfall
Re: Brand new
vr okt 13, 2017 3:46 pm
finally i slipped out of reality
Romeo, oh Romeo. The one and only, zoals hij zelf al gezegd had. Van alle mensen die op dit tijdstip aan zijn deur konden staan, was hij wel de laatste die Jasper in gedachten had. Het was dan ook zo lang geleden – Romeo was nog maar een tiener toen hun wegen scheidden, Jasper zelf pas een twintiger – jong en roekeloos met alle gevolgen van dien.
De jongeman mocht dan nu wel officieel volwassen zijn, die brede grijns op zijn gezicht was hij in ieder geval niet verleerd. Jasper schonk hem net zo’n brede grijns toe voordat hij hem binnenliet en hij de deur achter hem sloot. Het verbaasde hem dat de jongen hem had gevonden – dat hij zelfs nog wist waar zijn oude mentor woonde. Jasper mocht dan zowel qua uiterlijk als innerlijk veranderd zijn na al die jaren dat ze elkaar niet gezien hadden, zijn kleine huis bij de haven van Brightwater Keep was echter al die tijd een stabiele baken van rust gebleven. Hij liet Romeo even ‘achter’ in de kleine woonkamer, terwijl hij zelf in een stel kisten rommelde, op zoek naar nog iets sterkers om de dag mee te beginnen. Liquid breakfast – het was de enige manier waarop hij ook maar een beetje wakker kon worden. ’It’s been such a long time,’ merkte Romeo op, en Jasper kon niet anders dan hem gelijk geven. Meer dan eens had hij nagedacht over hoe het met zijn oude leerling en crewmaatje zou gaan. ’Way too long, my boy,’ riep hij hem toe vanuit de voorraadkamer in het huis, gevolgd door een plagerig lachje.
Teruggekomen uit de kamer zag Jasper dat Romeo al had plaatsgenomen op één van de stoelen bij de tafel. ’Want a glass as well?’ Vroeg hij hem, nadat hij zijn uiteindelijk gekozen fles van zijn kurk had ontdaan met zijn tanden. Jasper ging zelf zitten op de stoel tegenover Romeo en schonk alvast zijn eigen glas in, dat nog op de tafel stond van de avond ervoor. ’What have you been up to then? While I was growing up and stuff,’ vroeg hij hem. Terwijl hij nadacht over een goed antwoord op Romeo’s vraag, nam Jasper een slok – hij fronste zijn wenkbrauwen lichtjes door de bittere smaak van de alcohol – misschien toch iets te sterk voor de vroege ochtend?
’I fired my entire crew, got meself a boat,’ Jasper lachte zachtjes, zijn zware accent duidelijk doorschemerend in zijn woorden. ’Traveled a bit, smuggled a bit…’ Het goede leven. Hij tuitte zijn lippen. ’And what about you? What made you come back to your old mentor, hmm?’
tag: romeo haris
- Romeo HarisMember
- Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289
Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar
Re: Brand new
vr okt 13, 2017 10:00 pm
what is dead may never die
Of course he was also wondering what Maverick had been up to since he had left his crew. He had learned basically all his skills to be a good privateer from going along with that crew, so he owed the man quite a lot. Maybe he would now find the opportunity to actually start paying him back. Even though he was sure he wouldn’t want anything in return. Deep down he just had a heart of gold. Very deep down, that was. Romeo had just turned out to be the lucky one to catch a glimpse of it. He also knew if it had been any other person who had knocked on his door this morning, that person would probably lose some teeth. He had the privilege of being invited in. It was just as he remembered, even the furniture was the same. A bit more cluttered around the room now but oh well.
Maverick disappeared to another room, but he knew he couldn’t be that far away. The house wasn’t really big and the walls were pretty thin. ’Way too long, my boy,’ He heard him reply from the other room. He had a point. He hoped he hadn’t given the impression he was ungrateful or anything. The other man returned to the room carrying a flask of booze. ’Want a glass as well?’ He asked, and Romeo nodded. ”Sure”, He agreed. It was early in the morning but who cared anyways? He asked an important question, how had Maverick spent his life since he had left his crew?
’I fired my entire crew, got meself a boat,’ He answered after taking a sip. Romeo placed his arm on the tafel and turned a bit towards the man. ’Traveled a bit, smuggled a bit…’ He continued, and he automatically chuckled. Good life. ’And what about you? What made you come back to your old mentor, hmm?’ Jasper then asked. He took a sip himself now, to build up the suspense. ”Have you ever heard of the Haddock? The ship of Captain Beckford?” He asked, but he was quite sure of it. It was a regular guest in Brightwater Keep. ”I killed Beckford and the ship is now called the White Shark”, He said with a meaningful grin. Now he was curious about his reaction.
Maverick disappeared to another room, but he knew he couldn’t be that far away. The house wasn’t really big and the walls were pretty thin. ’Way too long, my boy,’ He heard him reply from the other room. He had a point. He hoped he hadn’t given the impression he was ungrateful or anything. The other man returned to the room carrying a flask of booze. ’Want a glass as well?’ He asked, and Romeo nodded. ”Sure”, He agreed. It was early in the morning but who cared anyways? He asked an important question, how had Maverick spent his life since he had left his crew?
’I fired my entire crew, got meself a boat,’ He answered after taking a sip. Romeo placed his arm on the tafel and turned a bit towards the man. ’Traveled a bit, smuggled a bit…’ He continued, and he automatically chuckled. Good life. ’And what about you? What made you come back to your old mentor, hmm?’ Jasper then asked. He took a sip himself now, to build up the suspense. ”Have you ever heard of the Haddock? The ship of Captain Beckford?” He asked, but he was quite sure of it. It was a regular guest in Brightwater Keep. ”I killed Beckford and the ship is now called the White Shark”, He said with a meaningful grin. Now he was curious about his reaction.
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