Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
List of the current city rulers: click here
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Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

And so he spoke.. Empty And so he spoke..

zo okt 01, 2017 7:36 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
Het was een lange dag geweest, met veel regelen en problemen die door haar opgelost moesten worden. Sommige mensen konden zeggen wat ze wilde, maar een stadhouder zijn was niet makkelijk. Zeker als een vrouw, dan moest je nog beter op je woorden passen. Elke verkeerde beweging kon een bekentenis van zwakheid zijn - en ze moest ervoor zorgen dat ze Hillerød neerzette als een krachtige stad en een goede handelspartner.

Met een diepe zucht plofte ze dan ook neer op de stoel die in haar eigen kamer stond. Het was volledig bekleed met dierenvacht - zoals de meeste dingen in dit kasteel waren - en trok haar leren handschoenen uit. De dingen gebruikte ze vaak, zeker nu de winter in aantocht was en het te koud was om zonder naar buiten te gaan. Ze keek naar het vuur wat al voor haar was aangemaakt en sloot voor een moment haar ogen. Het geknetter van het vuur was niet meer het enige wat ze hoorde, ze hoorde voetstappen in de stenen gang voor haar kamer, gevolgd door een zacht geklop. "Come inside," zei ze vervolgens, hard genoeg voor de persoon om het te horen, maar hield haar ogen nog even gesloten.
notes: morton first post!
Morton Svartsson
Morton Svartsson
Real name : Nath
Aantal berichten : 62
IC posts : 25

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Adviser & protector of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

And so he spoke.. Empty Re: And so he spoke..

vr okt 06, 2017 10:31 pm

M O R T O N ▲
Morton staarde strak voor zich uit terwijl zijn levensverhaal weer eens door zijn hoofd heen spookte. Nee, hij was niet ongelukkig, hij was tevreden met zijn leven en met wie hij was. Waarschijnlijk zou zijn leven lang niet zo goed geweest zijn als hij nooit weg gehaald was bij zijn nu dode biologische familie. Hij was geadopteerd door de familie Skarsgård, al had zijn adoptie moeder het niet zo op hem gehad. Zijn adoptie vader daarentegen wel. Morton had veel van hem mogen leren. Zijn adoptie broers en adoptie bastaardbroer had hij het ook altijd goed mee kunnen vinden en dan bovenal zijn adoptie zus, Freyja. Freyja had hem omgetoverd tot adviseur vanaf het moment dat de zij Lady van Hillerød was geworden. Hij kon het nog steeds niet geloven, maar accepteerde het allemaal. Hij vond het een ongemakkelijk idee dat zij nu zo in het midden stond van alles. Freyja kon niet eens fatsoenlijk een zwaard tillen. Ze was dan slim, maar met verstand alleen kwam je nergens. Nu zij alle macht had in Hillerød wilden mensen wat van haar en de mensen die liever in haar voetstappen treden zouden ver kunnen gaan. Dit maakte dat Morton alert was, op elk moment van de dag. Hij kon goed vechten, was sterk en goed met het zwaard maar ook met pijl en boog.

Morton verliet zijn kamer en liep over de stenenvloer door naar de kamer van Lady Freyja. Hij wilde zien hoe het met haar ging en misschien kon hij wat voor haar betekenen. Hij droeg zijn zwaard aan zijn heup, droeg donkerbruine wolvenvachten en leer. Toen hij voor haar kamer stond klopte hij zacht op haar deur, waarna er een 'come in' volgde. Morton opende de deur en bleef even in de deuropening staan terwijl zijn ogen over zijn prachtige adoptie zus gleden. Hij glimlachte en stapte naar binnen, waarna hij de deur achter zich sloot. "How are you, dear sister?" Vroeg hij vervolgens en ging zitten. Morton had zijn zwaard losgekoppeld en legde deze op zijn schoot neer, terwijl zijn heldere ogen op zijn pleegzus waren gericht.
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

And so he spoke.. Empty Re: And so he spoke..

za okt 07, 2017 1:42 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
Haar blauwe ogen waren gericht op het knetterende vuurtje wat ervoor zorgde dat haar kamer redelijk warm was. Op de grond lagen meerdere dierenvellen, van berenhuiden tot wolvenbont. Zonder die harige kleden zou het ijskoud zijn op de grond, maar hier in het hoge noorden hadden ze er genoeg op gevonden om warm te blijven.

Net toen ze haar ogen had gesloten werd er op haar deur geklopt. Ze vertelde de persoon dat deze binnen kon komen, maar nam nog niet de moeite om op te kijken wie het was. Het kon één van haar handmaidens zijn, of misschien wel één van haar adviseurs of simpelweg iemand anders die in het kasteel ronddwaalde. De houten deur ging krakend open en er viel een schaduw in de kamer.

Toen het nog even stil bleef sloot ze haar ogen en keek ze naar de persoon in de deuropening. Het was Morton, de jongen waarmee ze was opgegroeid en die ze altijd als één van haar broers had gezien. Ze had er altijd vier gehad, maar haar broers die volledig hetzelfde bloed met haar hadden gedeeld waren er niet meer. Enkel haar halfbroer, een bastaard volgens hun moeder, en hun geadopteerde broer. De deur werd weer gesloten en hij kwam haar kant op, om vervolgens ook te gaan zitten. Ze keek naar het zwaard wat hij op zijn schoot neerlegde en liet haar blik vervolgens omhoog kruipen. "Brother," zei ze met een kleine glimlach op haar fijne gezicht. "If you forget the part that I'm tired of pleasing all those lords that come to our city, because they are scared that I will break everything father built, I'm good." Ze had al aardig wat mensen moeten ontvangen, zoals de Lord van Isla de Juegas die alles even goed op papier wilde hebben. Dachten mensen echt dat ze - omdat ze een vrouw was - dom was?
notes: none
Morton Svartsson
Morton Svartsson
Real name : Nath
Aantal berichten : 62
IC posts : 25

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Adviser & protector of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

And so he spoke.. Empty Re: And so he spoke..

vr okt 13, 2017 7:46 pm

M O R T O N ▲
Misschien was het ergens jammer dat hij als broer werd beschouwd en hij haar als zus beschouwde. Voor zolang hij zich kon heugen was ze altijd in zijn leven geweest, al wist hij ook dat hij geadopteerd was en dit dus niet zo was. Freyja had mooie lange, fijne rode haren, helder blauwe ogen, een prachtige egale blanke huid met rossige wangetjes van de kou of haar ginger bloed. Ze had een ook prachtige lengte, een hoofd kleiner dan hij was. Ja, als hij haar zus niet was geweest, had hij wel anders naar haar gekeken. Al keek hij zelfs nu wel eens stiekem op die andere manier naar zijn adoptie zus. In feite was hij toch niet haar broer, anders was hij zelf wel Lord van Hillerød geweest. Niet dat hij dat wilde, maar het was wel zo. Als hij echt een zoon van Halldor Skarsgård en Celesse Skarsgård was geweest, was hij nu de Lord van Hillerød geweest.

De kamer van Freyja was een typische kamer van een noordeling. Vloer bedekt met huiden en vachten, een haard die brandt. Niet te groot, zodat het makkelijk was om de kamer relatief warm te houden, al moest je toch altijd goed gekleed zijn om ook echt warm te blijven. In het hoge noorden was het belangrijk om warm te blijven, anders kan je wel vergeten dat je zou overleven. In het hoge noorden was het ook belangrijk om goed te kunnen vechten, want andere groepen mensen zouden altijd bleven azen op wat jij wel had en zij niet. Hier in Falkreath was het overleven, ook als Lord of Lady. Niks niet luxe luizenleventjes zoals in Valyria of iets dergelijks.

Zodra Feryja haar ogen op hem gericht had stapte Morton naar binnen en sloot hij de deur achter zich. Hij liep naar één van de stoelen, ook bedekt met huiden en ging zitten. Morton legde zijn zwaard op zijn schoot en richtte zijn heldere ogen op die van zijn zus. Qua ogen hadden ze inderdaad echte broer en zus kunnen zijn. Morton droeg echter een andere achternaam en had toch andere ouders. Hij was een Svartsson, voor zover hij wist een uitgestorven familienaam, op hem na. Feryja begroette hem door hem broer te noemen en Morton glimlachte. "Why would they say such things?" Reageerde Morton snuivend en trok zijn wenkbrauwen op. "They're ought to have more trust in a smart, clever Lady like you," sprak hij en grijnsde vervolgens. "Besides, you've got some strong and good people behind your back, like me," vervolgde hij en zijn grijns werd nog een tikkeltje breder. Hij gaf haar adviezen en vocht voor haar en hij zou alles doen om haar te beschermen en alles goed te laten gaan. Want ook al was hij adviseur, hij was ook goed met zwaarden, pijl en boog, messen en bijlen. En hij hield er van om zijn werk uit te voeren.
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

And so he spoke.. Empty Re: And so he spoke..

vr okt 13, 2017 10:53 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
She had only been in her chamber for a couple of minutes now. One of her handmaidens had lit the fire before she came in, preparing the room for the Lady of Hillerød. The moment she sat down in het comfortable chair she focussed on the little flames, daydreaming away for a bit with her eyes closed.

Someone knocking on the door drawed her attention and while she left her eyes closed for a moment, she told the person to come in. Freyja recognized his voice, she always would with certain people that had been in her life for so long. The strange thing was that she already was forgetting her fathers and the ones from her brothers. Were human minds really like that?  Would they erase everything from someone that wasn't among the living anymore? Those were questions that haunted her head from time to fime.

He came in and closed the door behind him, sat down on one of the other chairs in her chambers and put his sword down on his lap. Morton asked her how she was doing, for wich she had quite a sarcastic answer. All those lords that were stalking her city and were trying to frighten her with stories about things that would happen if she broke the agreements her father made with them.

"They say it because they think I'm just a little girl that is too stupid to understand their businesses. Wich I'm obviously not." For a second her eyes found his, but then she turned her head away and looked back at the fireplace. A little smile appeared upon her face while she listened to the words he had to say about those lords, but he was right. "I'm lucky with people like you, Morton." He was her brother and she knew he could be trusted. Just like Athelstan, probably the two man she trusted most. "Some say I'm not a true viking-lady, that I'm not fitting in this position." Everybody knew Freyja never learnt to be a ruler. She was supposed to stay an innocent girl until she was old enough to marry and have children -wich she was right now, but there was nobody that could marry her unless she wanted it herself. At this moment she had more important things on her head than her lovelife. "I asked Athelstan to learn me how to fight, so I can defend myself at least." Freyja glanced at Morton to see his reaction, quite curious for his thoughts about her idea.
notes: outfit
Morton Svartsson
Morton Svartsson
Real name : Nath
Aantal berichten : 62
IC posts : 25

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Adviser & protector of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

And so he spoke.. Empty Re: And so he spoke..

vr okt 13, 2017 11:45 pm

M O R T O N ▲
Morton eyed his sister, searching for any troublesome signs. He wondered if she'd always tell him when something was going on. His number one priority was to protect this young woman. And though she was young, she was potent too. There was no need to feel constantly worried and he knew that. He was mostly worried about the men setting their eyes on her. She was single, virgin, for as far as he knew, a beauty and a Lady. For a single male searching for some power, she was the perfect target. And that worried him. He was a male himself, he knew how a man's brain worked, how his instincts worked and what they craved for.

Morton sat down, laid his sword on his lap and looked at his foster sister. He'd greeted her and asked her how she was doing and she'd reacted rather sarcastic. He'd answered with a question, because he really wondered why the other Lords expected such foolish things about her. Of course he could see that it was a special situation. A rather young woman becoming a Lady, father gone, brothers gone and a depressed mother, with only a bastard brother and a foster brother left. Yes it was a special situation, but they forgot that Freyja was a Skarsgård and that she was raised by her father. So Morton said that they had to have more trust in her, because Freyja was a smart, clever woman. And she had strong and good people behind her back, which included Morton himself. He was her adviser and protector.
And then Freyja started answering his question and comments. He kept silent while she spoke, gathering the right words to react with. His own gaze softened while she spoke and for a moment her eyes found his. She said that she was lucky with people like him, on which he looked amused. "You certainly are," he replied. "Give those Lord's time, you know how they work, they have to see first and then they'll start believing it," he said. "But when they threaten you, tell me, ok?" He wouldn't let his foster sister be threatened. Not only his sister, with that they threatened the whole of Hillerød. Freyja continued and Morton fell silent again. Morton narrowed his eyes while she spoke. She might've been raised by her father, she was never supposed to be a ruler. And now she was. "Dear Freyja," he began while bending toward her. "You are a true viking-lady, and you are strong. The gods have trust in you," he spoke directly looking in her eyes, laying his hand on her knee. And then Freyja told him that their bastard brother was training her. He rose an eyebrow and grinned, "and you didn't ask me first?" He said exaggerated. Then he laughed. "You know I'm a better fighter than he is, right?" He continued, with other words, he wanted to train her.

Laatst aangepast door Morton Svartsson op za okt 14, 2017 2:18 am; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

And so he spoke.. Empty Re: And so he spoke..

za okt 14, 2017 1:10 am
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
She was lucky to have two brothers she could trust with her life. Ofcourse she had her handmaidens wich she saw as her best friends, but that was different. They were not raised by the same people as Freyja and all her brothers. Then there were her loyal advisors, her warriors, her alliances. It was something yet to learn for the red haired lady, that in this world most people were not worth trusting.

He told her to give them some time. First they had to see her, they had to see the strong lady she had become and they also had to see that she was a woman of her word. Freyja wasn't planning on destroying everything her father built, she would try to keep his trading partners and probably find some new ones too. Things for later though, for now she had to focus on the lords that came to her city.

She nodded when he told her that if one of them ever threatened her, she had to tell him. Her brother was one of the protectors of the city, and also one of her advisors. He would always keep her safe, she knew that. She continued to speak and he listened. It was always nice to be in the company of someone that actually listened to what you had to say. Freyja descided to tell him about the rumors she heard, about the people that didn't see her as a real viking-lady. He bended towards her and spoke out her name, obviously certain about what he was going to say. She felt his hand on her knee, but her eyes were locked in his. How could he say such thing? "You don't know what the gods think, nobody does." Perhaps Odin disgusted her and he would make sure that she ended up somewhere dead. She didn't knew what the gods thought of cities that were ruled by woman. Maybe they were ashamed for her, maybe they were not.

The red haired woman told him about Athelstan and their trainings. "Be happy I told you about it in the first place," she teased as she leaned against the back of her chair again. Nobody knew abouy those trainings, they were a secret and she wanted them to stay a secret, but she trusted Morton with it. "Don't get cocky now," she said with a grin while she shook her head. "It will get you killed one day, thinking you're the strongest of them all. And I don't want you dead, I need you by my side. The kingdoms are at peace now, but father always said peace never lasts long."
notes: outfit
Morton Svartsson
Morton Svartsson
Real name : Nath
Aantal berichten : 62
IC posts : 25

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Adviser & protector of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

And so he spoke.. Empty Re: And so he spoke..

za okt 14, 2017 2:15 am

M O R T O N ▲
Morton was glad that he had some kind of a family. Yes, his foster mum hated him, but he had a sweet darling foster sister and a foster bastard brother whom he liked. His family meant everything to him. Morton still wondered what his life would've been if he'd never been taken away from his own biological, now death family. Maybe the stories his foster father had told him, weren't true. Maybe he would've been a strong ruling viking over his own lands and waters. With a wife and a living family. But he'd decided to believe his foster father and if his family had lived and he'd lived with them, his life would've been one big hell. He would've been a whole different person. Respectless and ruthless. When he went on a raid with his men here, he was quite ruthless, though he kept some respect, especially for women and children. So maybe Morton was quite ruthless, only when needed, though.

Morton told Freyja to give the other Lord's some time. They'd to see her for the woman she was, the powerful strong viking Lady she was. So she had to be patient. Trust comes with time. And Morton trusted Freyja to uphold what her father had built, from alliances 'till trading partners. He also believed that she'd expand what her father had built, that it could only become better. Feryja wanted the best for Hillerød, Morton knew that for sure.

His expression became pleased when Freyja nodded on his words. She had to tell him immediately when someone threatened her. Or Lord or not, it didn't matter to him, when she was threatened he had to know. He was not only the protector of Freyja, he was also the protector of Hillerød itself. When The Lady of Hillerød was threatened, Hillerød would be indirectly threatened too. He listened while Freyja spoke and knew it was nice to have someone who actually listened to you. When she'd told him about how other think of her, he bended forward, laying his hand on her knee. He spoke about the gods, in which Freyja reacted quite severe. As if she was surprised in an unpleasant way by his words. Morton leaned backward and narrowed his eyes. "Of course nobody does, but I like to believe that it's so," he reacted mildly. "Thinks happens for a reason and when the boat sank, the gods knew that you would become Lady, right? Thor, the god of thunder and storm knew," he continued and sighed.

Finally their conversation got a more sober, rather enjoyable atmosphere. He grinned while Freyja spoke in a teasing way. "Well, I'm still disappointed that you didn't ask me first to train you," he objected with melodramatic grievous expression and gave her a soft shove with his feet. He told her that he was better than Athelstan, on which Freyja reacted that he mustn't become cocky. He definitely could get quite arrogant, sometimes. Morton knew he was a good fighter, and not easy to defeat. When the following words came out of Freyja's mouth he laughed again, though he appreciated her concern. "I didn't say that I'm the strongest of them all," he retorted. "I might be one of the strongest, though" he continued with a thoughtful glance. Then his expression became soothing, because she was right, especially about the last words. "You wouldn't lose me that easily, dear sister, and I would never underestimate my opponent," he ensured her. "But, what about me training you, too," he then continued. He liked to see what she'd already learned. And it wasn't a bad thing to have to teachers.

OOC: My late night posts are the worst, sorry~
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

And so he spoke.. Empty Re: And so he spoke..

zo okt 15, 2017 12:11 am
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
Some would say that she was the ruler of a boring city. Hillerød was a small city in the middle of nowhere, covered in snow and ice. The cities in the south were different then hers, there seemed to be more life in them. Freyja was proud over her city, because it was her home and all the people in it were her responsibility. Moreover, it was the only city she had ever seen in her life.

In a rough world like this one she was a lucky person to have two brotherfigures in her life, even after the death of her own beloved brothers. She had always seen Morton and Athelstan as two of her brothers, Freyja never bothered that they didn't share the exact same blood as hers. She grew up with them, sat next to them when they had diner and watched them fight when they became older. Freyja never understood the fun thing about fighting, but all boys seemed to like it.

She was slightly surprised after he spoke about the gods. Sometimes the convinced herself they were not real, because why would they kill her father and brother? Other times she knew they were there, and that everything happened with a reason. Nobody knew their intentions, not even her beloved brother. "Perhaps they made a mistake." Freyja shook her head and squeezed her lips together. She wasn't out for a fight tonight, she just wasn't able to believe his words. How badly she wanted to believe him, she could not.

Her teasing way of talking changed the conversation and she liked it much more this way than have a little discussion with her brother, she was tired after all. He said he was still not happy about the fact that she didn't ask him to train her, at wich she only grinned as reaction. "See, still being cocky aren't you," she said with a smile after he declared that he probably was at least one of the strongest. He ensured her that she would not lose him that easily. "You better stay alive, I need you." It was true, she probably could not cope with losing any more of those she loved. "He's learning me how to use an axe, perhaps you can teach me how to hold a sword." A smile appeared on her face while she looked at him.
notes: outfit
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And so he spoke.. Empty Re: And so he spoke..

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