Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
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Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

Nights out Empty Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 11:20 am
Sometimes I just really want to rip your clothes off.

It has been a while since he did visit this place, it was now busy, warm and just.. urgh. He wasn't used to this. The cold didn't bother him, but the heat was annoying, as for now his clothes kept sticking to his body. Ofcourse, Sk∅rravir was still in the cold north, and that was feelable by the climate, but warmer then usual wasn't better, not always. Especially if everyone here was used to the normal, bitter cold. It probably just was that he's complaining too much, but hey, you need to do something, true? And since he wasn't working, this is what the vampire was doing with his free time. He was sitting by a bar somewhere, close enough to easily get drinks, and also close enough by the door to easily see who was getting in and out of the place. the drink he was having was for him almost tasteless, it wasn't special, but ofcourse, his body wasn't meant anymore for normal food or any drink. Only for blood, something he definitely didn't forget to drink. Yeah, more then enough instances have been for that, and he'd rather have it that it didn't happen.
It was now quite busy in the bar. a place or three free at the bar, and almost all tables were occupied, people really did like the place here, didn't they?
Agnar Heglund
Agnar Heglund
Agnar Heglund
Real name : Irini
Aantal berichten : 189
IC posts : 123

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Viking
Residence : Falkreath - Hillerod

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 6:28 pm

Ending up at a bar after a day of work was not something rare for Agnar. Actually you could say that it became part of is daily routine. After a day of making money, you spend it. Preferably on beer or other alcoholic beverages. If you are lucky enough you pass out before spending all your cash, so you can buy some food the next day. Agnar entered one of the many bars in Skorravir. Apparently he was not the only man in Skorravir with needs, because the bar was almost full. He spotted a few free seats at the bar and that is where he ended up. ”A pint please,” he said to the barmaid. Meanwhile he tried to find the money in his pocket to give it to the barmaid, but instead these coins ended up on the bar’s floor. ”Fuck,” he grumbled. Agnar tried to reach the few coins, but while doing that he bumped quite hard into the guy that was sitting on the chair next to him.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 7:36 pm
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

Someone else had taken the empty sopt not much later next to Eric. He was a rough looking type of gal. hm, the blonde would be guessing he was probably either a viking or pirate. That's usually the case with these people. While Eric took his time with sipping his own drink, which was a nice aged whiskey, he saw how the other guy struggled to pay for his drink. Literally, he couldn't get it from his pocket and when he did, it fell on the ground, from what E was seeing. In the process, he got bumped against bij the rough looking guy. "Your money is on the ground, not no me hotstuff" it was something standard of Eric, and really how he called every guy when he saw fit in it. Like now, it worked for him a lot even. Like look at him.
Agnar Heglund
Agnar Heglund
Real name : Irini
Aantal berichten : 189
IC posts : 123

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Viking
Residence : Falkreath - Hillerod

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 7:59 pm

It kinda surprised him that it was happing while he was sober. Alcohol always made him clumsy, but that was not the case right now. To make it even worse, while trying to grab the coins off the floor, he bumped a bit too hard into the guy on the seat next to him. Agnar wanted to tell him sorry, but the guy already started talking before him. ”Your money is on the ground, not me hotstuff,” he said. Did he hear that correctly? Agnar quickly grabbed his coins before returned to his seat. ”My apologies,” he mumbled. ”It has been a long day.” Agnar tried to ignore what was said before. Maybe he didn’t hear it correctly. Nevertheless, it made him feel kinda uncomfortable. ”Here is the money,” he said to the barmaid while handing it over the cash.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 8:26 pm
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

He seemed to confuse the guy with his words, or maybe let him think that he didn't hear it right, as no comment was about it. "Ah it's fine, no need to make a fuzz about it, right?" apparently he had a rough day, something which was not uncommon to hear from the people. But he liked talking with them. It gave him some well desired attention, something he got almost even addicted to. Sure, this may be a lame way, but it is a way."Want to talk about it, hotstuff?" He had put some empathize on the last part. Oh yeah, he had heard him right, and the blonde only wanted to make that clear. Wheter it made rhe other uncomfortable or not.
Agnar Heglund
Agnar Heglund
Real name : Irini
Aantal berichten : 189
IC posts : 123

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Viking
Residence : Falkreath - Hillerod

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 9:40 pm

Fortunately the guy didn’t seem to be bother that much as he told Agnar it was fine. Often when people already finished some pints of beer they responded much more aggressive. It would not be the first time that he ended up in a fight because of something silly as accidently bumping into someone. Agnar grabbed the beer that the barmaid just served and took some of his beer. ”Want to talk about it, hotstuff,” he heard the guy say all of a sudden. This time Agnar clearly understand what he said, but didn’t know if he was happy about it. Agnar definitely liked to be in the center of attention and to get compliments, but not compliments of these kind and given by a man. ”No thanks,” he murmured while taking another sip of his beer. He hoped that by ignoring him the guy would stop talking, but he already had the feeling that it wouldn’t work.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 10:01 pm
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

Yes, he may have had a few drinks, or three. but that didn't matter. Being honest, in the long time of being a vampire, he'd never really been drunk. Once maybe when he used to be human, but that was so long ago.. he doesn't even rememberit anymore. That's now for how long ago it was. Because of this, he barely had any drunk reactions, and people nowadays didn't even know how he could be once that.. neither could Eric, but still. In the meanwhile, the for now nameless blonde guy, wasn't exactly comfortable with the compliment he was giving him. "No? shame~ it seemed like that would've been maybe the case with you. Ya know, talk stuff out" he was just teasing him. And if the actually wanted it.. Eric wasn't stopping him. He was bored enough for it.
Agnar Heglund
Agnar Heglund
Real name : Irini
Aantal berichten : 189
IC posts : 123

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Viking
Residence : Falkreath - Hillerod

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 10:16 pm

Perhaps this guy already downed a few beers which made him plastered. How many times did that happen to him? After a few beers everyone becomes a bit more loose. When drunk, Agnar’s need for affection was even bigger than normally. Nothing better than some drunk cuddles, even from your male friends. Yet, in times of soberness it made him feel uncomfortable. While looking at this pint he heard the guy continuing talking. At first Agnar wanted to ignore him, but somehow he couldn’t let go. ”What kind of stuff?” he spoke slightly annoyed. ”I don’t have much to talk about, I am sorry.”
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 10:31 pm
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

He fnished the last bit that was left in his current, to order another one without hesitate. They had surprisingly good booze here. Like dang that was new. he liked it. Since mostly, it wasn't as aweful in comparison to other places. He got asked the question that should've been the other way around. "Well, I don't know. You were talking about a long day, weren't you?" and yet, he followed with saying he didn't had much to talk about. come on man, that's just a shame. don't first be like that he had along day, and seconds after that, nothing to tell. He was now just.. dissapointed by it. shame.
Agnar Heglund
Agnar Heglund
Real name : Irini
Aantal berichten : 189
IC posts : 123

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Viking
Residence : Falkreath - Hillerod

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

ma mei 07, 2018 10:50 pm

After his words he realized that he shouldn’t have responded like that. The guy didn’t do anything wrong. Not yet at least. He was probably a bit drunk after downing a couple of glasses, which made him obviously more loose. ”Yes, I was. I had to work today,” he answered the question of the guy. He was not completely sure if he could call it work, but Agnar was not in the mood to explain all the things he did today. Due to the fact that he was moving to Hillerod he had to arrange and finish some things here in Skorravir, which he made sure of today. ”What about you? What have you done today?” he asked in order to prevent the stranger from asking more questions.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

di mei 08, 2018 11:59 am
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

Shame, the guy barely talked. Even if it wasn't spicy, he wanted the details, so come on people. Come up with those. Like the unknown blond next to him, he just had to work. Wow, like that couldn't be literally anything. "Well, what kind of work do you do then? Let me guess: you're a viking? Or pirate." people experience he'd call it. Instead of that.. he got asked what he al did, on which he shrugged. "Not much, haven't visited here ina while, so I though it might be fun to do that again" like why not. The people alwas kept it interesting, and he didn't really take effort in it to go to another land. In other words, entertaining himself with the people here made it work out.
Agnar Heglund
Agnar Heglund
Real name : Irini
Aantal berichten : 189
IC posts : 123

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Viking
Residence : Falkreath - Hillerod

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

vr mei 11, 2018 1:16 pm

By starting asking questions he hoped that the guy wouldn’t ask any more questions, but that was not the case. Instead, he asked what kind of work he did and guessed that Agnar was either a viking or a pirate. Agnar indeed looked like a viking, but that goes for almost all the men in Falkreath. ”Do I look like a pirate?” he asked. Agnar couldn’t really picture how pirates generally looked like. They were the vikings of the south, so he assumed that they dressed differently from the men in Falkreath. ”So you didn’t work?” he said when the guy answered his question. Somehow the guy didn’t look much like someone from here, but he could also not imagine him being from somewhere else. Maybe he was just different.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

Nights out Empty Re: Nights out

vr mei 11, 2018 10:59 pm
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

He got the question, if the guy looked like a pirate. Atleast it was that the blonde was right with the fact that the other was a viking. True. Vikings were up in the cold, dark north. Pirates usually in the warmer south. Not that Rhoynar wasn't far away from Falkreath, but is sure was a hell lot warmer there, in comparison to SkØrravir or hillerod. "It could've been, pirates are usually less warm clothed. But it is always cold here, so I couldn't blame you." A smiley grin played across his face, but then he shaked his head. "Nope, no work for me today" the most that people would hear Eric complain about his work, would even be a lack of customers that he could.. take care of, so to speak. It was always yet a shame, when people were either too busy with the other whores. But ofcourse, he didn't take the customers from his colleagues away. That'd be rude.
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