Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Phaato Tamageno
Phaato Tamageno
Real name : Comis
Aantal berichten : 9
IC posts : 6

Character sheet
Age: Looks 19
Occupation: Sage [Freedom]
Residence : Forlindon

A small wish Empty A small wish

ma apr 16, 2018 12:03 pm

He held his hands up, to protect his eyes from the eveningsun. Well-rested, he sat up. “I’m awfully hungry.” He said to himself. “Suppose I’m going to have to look for something to eat.” He bent his knees so he was able to sit a little more upright, and rummaged through his belongings. He found a lot of things, mainly stuff he vaguely remembered owning. But no food, alas. He then noticed several pouches hanging from his belts. Without even thinking about it, he put his hand in one of the pouches. “Ouch!” He exclaimed. Out of the pouch grew a prickly rose, which died as soon as it was fully blooming. Reluctantly he grabbed the rose and threw it in de sand. Sand. He put his hand on the warm sand, he sat on. “I can’t say I particularly like sand, but I like it’s warmth.

Some time, after figuring out his own name and how he could work his belongings, he set out for a walk. A walk to find some food. But this sandy wasteland was not intending to give the man an easy meal. In fact, he was lucky he never met any of the other creatures here, looking for a meal. He surely would’ve become one. Several times during his walk, he said: “Phaato.” It was his name. But he sure felt like it was missing something. It had to. Phaato was not enough for him. “I want my name to be a short song.” He said to himself. “Speaking of names. Where are the other names?” He would sure like to meet somebody right about now.

In an hour or so, he walked into a little town. There were two rows of buildings. The smell of something delicious entered his nose. “I’ve got to go there!” Some people looked up at him, wondering what he was on about. He followed the smell for a bit, but got distracted by everything that was going on in the town. Namely the lovely ladies. “Hello there my dears. Who of you would like to be my wife?” He asked. A man, sitting on a chair next to them, started laughing. “Old man. At least I still have all my teeth.” He said angrily. “I can change that for you.” The man made a fist and stood up. Phaato jumped back, kissed one of the ladies on the cheek, and walked away. The old man tried to spit at him, but he couldn’t get very far.

Next, he skipped towards a lady selling perfume on the streets. He kissed her. “Wretched wretch!” She yelled. “Why did you do that?!” “Because I wanted to, of course.” He then got slapped in the face and fell on the ground. Luckily his green tunic remained uscathed. Although, his butt hurt a bit, which reminded him of poop, which reminded him of food, which reminded him he was hungry. He got up, and frivolously walked into the tavern. “My. What a good place to rest my ass and eat. And come to think of it. Drink too!” A money minded bartender immediately took her chance. “What would you like then?” He smiled. “Food to make my tummy smile. And drinks to make me feel silly!

One could find him in the middle of the large tavern, laying down on three chairs, listening to a story, the pretty lady next to him was telling. “Say. Could you feed me one of those round green things again?” “How many times must I tell you. They’re called grapes. You act so peculiar.” She said, while she started dropping the grapes in his open mouth. And as he wanted to eat the last grape, she hesitated. “What is the matter?” “Well, this doesn’t feel right.” She dropped the grape on the ground, and left the tavern. He lowered his head, and watched upside down, how she walked outside. “It felt right to me..

He placed his hands behind his head and looked at the sealing. “A shame. She was a good kisser.” Then he immediately got over it. His tummy felt good. His head felt silly. And life felt great. A long, and firm, burp followed. He got some people in the tavern laughing because of that. He suddenly felt a little sad. “I never wanted to upset her.” He whispered to himself. “I wonder if I’ll ever see her again.” Then, again, he immediately got over it and sighed contently.

[+ Marie]
Syrena Nyissa
Syrena Nyissa
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 38
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 23
Occupation: Painting pretty faces
Residence : Navarre

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

do apr 19, 2018 9:35 pm
A small wish __by_ladyperfume-dc5sxhm

She goes where the wind takes her

She's busy, as always, flitting from one project to another. Her mind a puzzle, a huge clump of thoughts and dreams that can't be untangled without loosing some part of her personality. But truly she would not want to change anything at all, she loves her life, her scattered mind, her little atelier where she works on her paintings and where she can create new worlds. But this day her feet had taken her to another world. Another country. One of golden sand dunes, liquid sunsets and new possibilities.

It was a country that she had visited very briefly. When she had taken all her belongings and decided to move to Navarre she had travelled trough the endless desert. And with that thought in mind she thinks back about her homeland and the many sketches, scribbles and paintings she had made of it. Probably because she just loved the landscape, probably because she missed her homeland too much. It were pieces fully created from memory. Her homeland: Mothers heart. The orange tones of the endless rock fields and mountains piercing vibrant with the endless blue sky. Maybe it were not exact copies from the landscape itself. But for her it reminded her of home. Something she missed very dearly. But back in mothers heart she would never have the change to realise her dreams. But .. In Navarre.. it was possible. It seemed as if everything was possible there.

Her ice blue eyes scanned the small town as her feet moved quickly through the streets. Her hands still covered in paint. Although it seemed to be a little faded from washing it off. Too bad for her the oil paint would get stuck on her hands a stay there for a while. She was getting used to it now and then. Her lighter colored dress patched with bright red, blue and yellow. Around her neck fall three very slender golden necklaces, all with their own unique gem dangling at the end. Syrena looks as colorful as she is in personality. With a soft humming voice she let her eyes trail and get used to the rays of sunlight that fall upon her pale face. She brushes a blonde lock behind her ear and points her eyes on a little tavern. Probably a good place to sleep for the night. It was probably the only place were she was able to get a good night rest. She did not need much only a bed, some food and drinks where good enough for the lady. She was used to the ‘poorer’ life of Vanaheim.

After a short moment of hesitation she decides to enter the tavern. And as she moves herself inside her blue eyes scanned the room. But no familiar faces could be seen. Not that she expected that. She was a long way from home.

Syrena Elia Nyissa

Phaato Tamageno
Phaato Tamageno
Real name : Comis
Aantal berichten : 9
IC posts : 6

Character sheet
Age: Looks 19
Occupation: Sage [Freedom]
Residence : Forlindon

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

vr apr 20, 2018 9:18 am

Jup, he could live here. Place a bed in the corner over there and.. well.. actually that was it. Here he could have all the foods and drinks he could ever want. Only a bed was missing. He took out his pan flute and started playing a mediocre tune, whilst sitting upside down on one of the chairs he had claimed for himself. He was not particularly musically gifted. But he liked playing music all the same.

As he was playing, he fiddled his legs up in the air a little. For some reason, looking at his legs felt sort of comforting. And surely enough, he got an idea, he himself would call ingenius. He placed his pan flute on one of the chairs next to him and reached his arms out to take off his shoes. He released a sigh of pleasure. “I must say. Free feet are the best feet.” And then the doors opened.

He fell off his chair, but could really be bothered by it. “You look like a Parrot.” He said. “And I can’t even remember what a Parrot is supposed to be.” He got up and sat down normally on the chair. “Are you looking to live here as well?” He wondered out loud. “Company is certainly welcomed.” The bartender gave him a weird look. Wait what? Living here? She decided that it was best to keep an eye on the man.
Syrena Nyissa
Syrena Nyissa
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 38
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 23
Occupation: Painting pretty faces
Residence : Navarre

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

vr apr 20, 2018 4:42 pm
A small wish __by_ladyperfume-dc5sxhm

She goes where the wind takes her

Clearly the whole environment of Valyria gave her other more unfamiliar feelings then he streets that Navarre had to offer. The air was different, the lights were different, the people looked different and perhaps not even as friendly as the ones in Navarre or Vanaheim. But maybe that was just her opinion on things. She was now used to the life in the northern parts of Navarre and she has no plans of returning to her old home in a few years. In fact she had already made some customers for herself during a ball at the royal palace of Navarre. Is was a duke and his wife the duchess of devonshire who wanted some portaits for themselves. Which she had gladly accepted. days, weeks and many nights she had worked on these sketches and painting until they were finally done and ready to be seen. And after that project was finished it was time to visit another place on this beautiful earth. That is also one of the reasons why she had visited the smaller city at the borders of Archeon.

Once her eyes had found a tavern that looked somewhat decent to stay for the night she had entered. Making sure to remember every little detail in her creative mind that she could find. From the little flute that was filling the room with sounds to the innkeeper who was doing his job. Her rosy lips curled a bit up in a smile as the door got closet and she stepped further inside. It was rather quiet for a bar and that wasn't strange because it was not very late at day. But while making her way towards the bar she could hear a voice say that she looked somewhat like a parrot. A parrot? she mumbles slowly as her face turned around towards the source of the voice. Not knowing if she should take it as a compliment or not a subtle smile showed on her face Well thank you. she answers without hesitation. And as the next words felt she tilts her head a little. I don't think I will be able to stay here long, sir...

Syrena Elia Nyissa

Phaato Tamageno
Phaato Tamageno
Real name : Comis
Aantal berichten : 9
IC posts : 6

Character sheet
Age: Looks 19
Occupation: Sage [Freedom]
Residence : Forlindon

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

zo apr 22, 2018 9:57 pm

Oh no no no no no.” He said quickly and desperately. “How can you not? There is free food, there are free drinks and the people here are great fun. ” He jumped up and walked towards her, actually managing to keep at an appropriate distance from her. But once he got there.. he got distracted. “Where did you get those colors? I like those colors. They remind me of..” A metaphorical light bulb lit up above his head. “Like flowers. Hand on..” He reached his hand into one of the pouches hanging from his belt. Seconds later.. A yellow tulip grew out of the pouch. He grabbed it, and presented it to the lady. “Like this Tulip.” And then.. it died. It had roots and everything. But there was no soil, in which it could keep living. Although he had the power to make the flowers grow, he had no control over the rest of their future. Or did he? A little disappointed.. he placed the dead flower on the bar. “I’m Phaato.” He then said, it felt like he could not shut up. “By what name should I call you? If you have one.. that is.. I’m still figuring out what my full name is.

Immediatey after that, a sound was heard from outside.. that instantly caught Phaato’s attention. It was a sharp and uninviting sound. He turned his head and jumped towards the sound. He then walked until he was standing in front of the window. Looking at something horrible. Slowly.. he clenched his hands. His face was painted in anger. Out there on the street.. there was a woman.. hitting her whip against the backs of three chained people. Weirdly enough.. his shoulders got lower.

And he started to remember something. Somehow.. in his mind.. he went back to a time where he wasn’t even four feet tall. He was holding someone's hand. A big hand. The sand dusted upwards for a moment and.. then he saw them. A row of chained people, being whipped. One after another fell down. His small hand, held the big hand tighter. He knew he wasn’t supposed to say anything. He wasn’t supposed to do anything. Imprisoned in man made rules.

Unknowingly, while he was having that flashback.. he started to mutter something in the Forlindonian language that roughly translates to: “Don’t weep. For light shall come. And break your chains. Bring the sun. Even the darkest of times melt away. Winter might break your day. Love will fade. But neither dawn nor dusk shall will obey. The darkness that is within. My child. Have faith.” His words sounded neither angry nor calm. Somewhere in between.
Syrena Nyissa
Syrena Nyissa
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 38
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 23
Occupation: Painting pretty faces
Residence : Navarre

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

za apr 28, 2018 8:55 pm
A small wish 456_by_ladyperfume-dc9s950
Syrena Nyissa
She goes wherever the wind takes her

As soon as her foot set a few steps into the tavern she could feel the warmth around her face. Het light blue eyes travelled along all the faces that she saw and she made her way towards the innkeeper who was minding his own business behind the bar. The man seemed to be rather busy so she hesitated a little before Syrena stepped further. And her rosy lips a soft smile could be seen. But before she even managed to speak to the man and perhaps even rent a room she got disturbed, or intruded. One way or another a boy started to talk to her. And from his lips came the strangest words she had ever heard. He called her a parrot. The lady possessed a colourful personality, but no one ever called her that. With a curious smile on her lips she had turned herself to the boy. Her eyes pinched down a little. But only so much that a little frown was placed on her face. I currently live somewhere else, and I am just travelling to Valyria for some personal business. Of course she would not give him the full information. After all. She knew nothing about him. But as he started to point out the colors on her dress and perhaps also her arms she leaned back a bit. Looking down at her dress were some splatters of paint could be seen. Vary from blue, emerald to a deep and darker red. It was almost as if they were place there on purpose. She laughs a bit as her light eyes found its way up to the boy. I am an artist, a painter. her slender fingers slide up and played a little with the small necklaces. I look like this all the time.

Totally forgetting about the man and the question she had for him Syrena stepped closer towards the boy. Her head still slight tilted and her fingers still around the gems. Seeing his movements made her wonder if he was on acid or if he was always acting as strangely like this. But perhaps she was too judgemental and was this a way of action around this place. Although that seemed rather odd to her. And as he placed the dead flower back on the bar her eyes trailed to the man behind the bar who raised his shoulders a little. Well, perhaps this would be an odd encounter. But at least he knew how to make her smile. Something other people always seemed to fail in. Phaato.. she repeated his name on her rosy lips and shows a smile towards him. Syrena, is my name sir. But before her sentence was even ended in her head he seemed distracted by anything outside. She frowned as the tension curve of the boy seemed to be rather ‘low’ this day. Wondering if he always was like his Syrena decided to follow him towards the window but kept a proper distance from now since he was doing the werid thing again. But as he started to mutter some things she could not help it but to step closer. Slowly her hand rise up but hesitated a little and she takes it back in an instant. Are you feeling well Phaato? What were those words you just spoke? Do you need anything? Even though she did not knew him he was definitely triggering her ‘caring’ senses.

But people, I guess, can't live like that, We all must pay a price. To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing

Phaato Tamageno
Phaato Tamageno
Real name : Comis
Aantal berichten : 9
IC posts : 6

Character sheet
Age: Looks 19
Occupation: Sage [Freedom]
Residence : Forlindon

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

zo apr 29, 2018 11:39 am

The feeling.. started to fade away. And his vivid memory started to pass. Not even realizing he had been reciting a Forlindonian Sage Spell. He may not realise what had happened, he could feel it was serious. So he was not surprised at what the beautiful.. uh.. what was her name again?.. was asking him. “Yes I need something. I need to go outside.” “You’re paying for all of that!” The bartender immediately shouted, pointing at the empty glasses and bottles at Phaato's table. Phaato then looked at the woman with curiosity, and childlike humiliation. “What does he mean?” His brain had convinced itself that everything here was free. Wishful thinking.

That horrible sound resonated from outside again. With each time the sound was heard, Phaato closed his eyes, as if he was in pain himself. He didn’t particularly inclined to go and safe those poor people. But somehow he knew he was inclined to do ‘something’. He did want to go there. Out of reflex, he started to groom himself a little bit. He stroked his hair back, revealing his pointy ears. Being pretty, is good for diplomatic business. Not.. that he remembered that. “Well?!” The bartender said impatiently. He was thankful to the world, for giving him this caring and colorful person to interact with. He wasn’t thankful, for having to pay. Whatever that meant.
Syrena Nyissa
Syrena Nyissa
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 38
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 23
Occupation: Painting pretty faces
Residence : Navarre

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

wo mei 02, 2018 9:55 am
A small wish 456_by_ladyperfume-dc9s950
Syrena Nyissa
She goes wherever the wind takes her

That the boy seemed not out off this world was no question to Syrena anymore. Curiosity for him ran down her system and she could not help but to wonder what was going on in his clumsy mind. Perhaps a lot of things if you would have asked her. And inside her own weary mind she was already making sketches that could fit him. They were just little scribbles that she kept here and there for safekeeping. One could never know when you needed them.   She did not even worry about the room she had to rent for anymore. Right now. This. special being seemed to have take up her time. And perhaps it was wrong from her to bother herself so much with it. But he was actually the only one who seemed nice to her around these borders. And having a friend or and acquaintance never hunted anyone. right?

Phaato told her that he had to go outside once she had asked several questions towards him. But the tavern keeper did not seem to happy about that at all. He wanted him to pay for the food and the drinks and she could not blame him for that. The man was only doing his job for all that she could say from it. You have to pay with money Phaato. Her brows frowned a little once she had spoken. A little confused about this whole event going on. What if he was making up all of this? What if he was just a liar not going to pay for the costs he had made. Syrena crossed her arms and squeezed her eyes a little. Are you going to pay that man or not? It was not as if she was going to pay for the things he had bought. Not at all. I don't think it will be appreciated if you leave like that. Besides, you bought some things from him right?

But people, I guess, can't live like that, We all must pay a price. To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing

Phaato Tamageno
Phaato Tamageno
Real name : Comis
Aantal berichten : 9
IC posts : 6

Character sheet
Age: Looks 19
Occupation: Sage [Freedom]
Residence : Forlindon

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

vr mei 04, 2018 11:53 am

Money. Images of coins falling out of a pouch formed inside of his head. Right. How could he forget? He actually tried to remember if he had ever used money. And where he could get it. Did he have money with him. He seemed a little frustrated now. She kept talking while he was trying to think. “Yes I know now.” He said irretably. He walked up to where he had been drinking before, and grabbed his shoes. He looked inside of them. No money. Then he placed his bag on the table, to look inside of it. Still no money. “I feel very bad now..” He said to himself. It really felt like he had done something horrible. He didn't mean to, honest. Now, a mental foot kicked him in the brainstem. Don’t forget the slaves Phaato. Sweat started to form on his forehead. “Is there any other way I can pay?” He asked the bartender. Everything was going wrong right now, and he did not know how to handle that. He wiped some of the sweat from his forehead. Five minutes ago life was so simple. He felt a funny feeling in his stomach and started to get a little lightheaded. He let himself fall down on one of the chairs. He grabbed a dreamcatcher and a woodcarving, of a parrot, out of his bag. “Are these worth anything?” He asked the bartender desperately.
Syrena Nyissa
Syrena Nyissa
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 38
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 23
Occupation: Painting pretty faces
Residence : Navarre

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

di mei 29, 2018 8:07 pm
A small wish 456_by_ladyperfume-dc9s950
Syrena Nyissa
She goes wherever the wind takes her

Syrena wanted to know about this boy, he seemed to be so odd and it had woken some curiosity in her mind. She could think of a hundred scribbles and small sketches with only this encounter so there definitely was more about this boy. He walked back towards the place were he was drinking something and pointed out that he felt bad. She actually started to feel sorry for him. That is, in a healthy way a person could feel sorry for someone they did not knew but only by name. He seemed to gather some personal belongings and asked if it would be enough to pay. Slowly she shook her head and pointed her gaze on the bartender. Which started to get more and more irritated in the mean time. Syrena bites her lip softly and takes a step towards Phaato. I don’t think that will be enough to pay your debts Phaato, she told him with a little murmuring voice. She pulls her hand up and twists a light blonde lock of hair around her fingers and pushes it back behind her ear. but turns her gaze towards the bartender and grabs her coin purse. I will pay for what he has brought here, I am sorry for whatever troubles we made sir. In the mean time she pulled some coins out off the purse and handed them over to the man who only sighed a little and made his way towards the bar again to continue his duties. Syrena then pulled her focus back on Phaato and his strange behaviour. Whatever reasons the boy had to act like this there definitely would be an answer for it. Something she wanted to search for.

But people, I guess, can't live like that, We all must pay a price. To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing

Phaato Tamageno
Phaato Tamageno
Real name : Comis
Aantal berichten : 9
IC posts : 6

Character sheet
Age: Looks 19
Occupation: Sage [Freedom]
Residence : Forlindon

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

wo mei 30, 2018 9:42 pm

In his desperation he did not notice that the beautiful lady stepped towards him. However, he did notice, when she spoke to him. He wasn’t even trying to hide his feelings. A little spark of hope sprung into his eyes, but faded when she said his crafts weren't enough to pay for the food and drinks. His eyes, now looked inside. That was it. There were going to be consequentes. Oh man.. he didn’t like consequentes. They always came after the fun, and ruined everything. Until.. The woman was standing in front of the bartender. What was she doing. He pushed himself up from his chair with his hands. She was paying instead of him. The chains of criminality broke loose from his wrists. That’s what it felt like. He was speechless, up until the point where she looked back at him again. “My thanks are great. For I have multiple thankses for you.” He said. “For your first reward, I shall grant you one of my crafts.” He was feeling so much better now. “Have a look in my bag. Pick one, go on.” He was way too excited. “After that I shall give you your second reward! Maybe there will even be a third.” He pressed his hand to his chin, and stared into nothing. “There will definately be a third reward.” He was enjoying thinking about rewards he could give her. The options were endless. Maybe he should ask her to be his wife. She would like that yes? Hm, first things first. Reward number one, two and three.
Syrena Nyissa
Syrena Nyissa
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 38
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 23
Occupation: Painting pretty faces
Residence : Navarre

A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

wo jun 06, 2018 9:53 pm
A small wish 456_by_ladyperfume-dc9s950
Syrena Nyissa
She goes wherever the wind takes her

It was a ridiculous scene to see. The lady trying to calm down the already irritated Innkeeper. And the boy, Phaato. Who seemed even more odd than the paintings on the walls of her small estate. If it was not for all of this she would have rent a room by now and retire in her room. To lay on her bed, sketch some ideas or just watch the amazing view she would want to have from out off her window. But ever since she stepped into the bar everything had changed. And after paying for whatever the boy had cost she was now stuck with him. Not that she felt bad about that. She liked the company and his special personality. He seemed to be very dreamy, just like her. But also very kind and honest. At least he seemed to be honest to her when he thanked her. Which caused a subtle smile on her face and her eyes lit up a little. It was nothing, really. she bit her lip as her soft blue eyes gazed away from Phaato towards the Innkeeper who seemed to mind his own business again. Luckily for them. Because she did not want to know how this could have ended. Phaato seemed to continue his words and her interest was brought back to him. He offered her his bag to take something that was inside which made her create some distance between them. No no, I cannot accept that Phaato. she was able to speak out and raise her hands before her to deny his kind offer. It is very kind of you, but I cannot accept your offer. she stubles over her words again as she took another step back. Away from his offer and his way too kind gesture. but.. perhaps you could help me instead.. It was a better idea to let him 'pay' back his debt with something she needed to take care of herself. Instead of taking his belongings.

But people, I guess, can't live like that, We all must pay a price. To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing

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A small wish Empty Re: A small wish

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