Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
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Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

Splinter Empty Splinter

za jul 14, 2018 5:02 pm
This couldn't go on for forever. That simply wasn't doable. Kaz knew but didn't act upon it. After all, every decision he had made up to this point had been a bad one. It had come to the point that he wasn't even sure if things were even fixable anymore. Maybe he stayed too long in this hurt and fear. Maybe it was already too late.

The vampire had managed to get through the castle almost unnoticed. No sign of Allison nor Gareth, who were his biggest fears to bump into right now. His head was a mess and he looked like a mess and the last thing he wanted was to start a discussion about that. It was probably already a little strange that two servants had disappeared over the past weeks and if people connected the dots, he was done for.

Why he even had thought of getting out on the middle of the day he wasn't sure either. But the fresh air was something positive. Walking through the castle without his cane was a hell and he had to keep one hand against the wall for support everywhere he went. It was becoming a nuisance and didn't really gave him the positive mood he so desperately needed. But eventually, Kaz had found a place in the shadows to sit, looking down on a part of the town of Brightwater below the cliff that ended in the never ending sea. It was ironic that he now was supposed to rule a country that was more sea than land while he hated everything the sea had to offer and he couldn't even swim. He truly picked out the best of what his life had to offer.
Edmund Lennox
Edmund Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 22
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 28 (517)
Occupation: Military advisor
Residence : Falkreath

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

za jul 14, 2018 5:31 pm

replaced with silent disaster

The guard had pointed him towards the stables, where he could fetch his horse. Now this formal introduction had been over, he could finally focus on proceeding with his plans. First, he would need to speak to Mortimer. It worried him his fledgling was late to the appointment. Considering the circumstances, he did not want to assume it was pure coincidence. Preparing for all the different reasons he was not yet present here was the best option for now. Then he would not be taken by surprise. Though it was another factor he couldn’t have foreseen. And it annoyed him, to be honest. His mind was already toying with ways to fix it, calculating which one would have the better outcome. If he could figure out where Mortimer was now, that would bring him one step closer to finding the right response.

While walking through the gardens, towards the back of the castle where the stables were located, a glance to his left made him stop dead in his tracks. A boy was sitting in the shadows of a tree. Could it be Mortimer had just been late because he had been occupied elsewhere first? A closer look quickly made him realise the vampire sitting beneath the tree was not his fledgling. A slight frown appeared on his face. The likeliness with his brother was extraordinary. He walked a bit closer, his attitude still relaxed and unthreatening, yet confident. ”You look a lot like your brother”, He commented, feeling slightly guilty because the man truly looked like a mess. And he knew who had caused this. Knew all too well what kind of pain this young vampire had endured.

Laatst aangepast door Edmund Lennox op di jul 17, 2018 12:35 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

za jul 14, 2018 5:38 pm
How could you love and hate a place at the same time? This city was where he had grown up, where he had learned his ways. It had been cruel but forgiving to him, it had given him a chance. And now he got the chance to pay that favor back. Only.. he didn't want to. As he looked down on the roofs, all he wanted was for it to pay, to burn. It had suffered under the attack of the Vikings, but it hadn't been enough.

The sudden sound of a voice pulled Kaz away from his thoughts, back into the land of the living. As soon as he noticed the man, a flinch of paranoia was already rising in his chest. He didn't know him, but apparently the man knew him. That usually wasn't a good thing. Kaz frowned, hesitated and then opened his mouth to speak. ''Just the looks, luckily.'' He grumbled, leaning against the trunk of the tree as he eyed the other man. A vampire as well. No heartbeat. An easy give-away. Kaz tilted his head a little to the side. ''Have we met?'' A question worth asking. Especially in times like these where you couldn't trust anyone. Maybe this man had ill intentions. After all, it was clear for Kaz now that whoever knew his brother was someone to watch out for.
Edmund Lennox
Edmund Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 22
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 28 (517)
Occupation: Military advisor
Residence : Falkreath

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

za jul 14, 2018 6:01 pm

replaced with silent disaster

Being confronted with the harm that had been caused in his name, sure made him feel a sort of anger and disappointment. Not only in Isabella, but also in himself. His hatred towards Rosalie sparked up, as if someone was fanning that flame carefully. Luckily he was quite capable of keeping that fire from burning him down completely. There was no time for rage right now. He had a clear goal, a plan and he had to stay focused. But he couldn’t simply ignore the presence of the young vampire. The vibe coming from him, was dark and heavy. He was clearly suffering. Not physically, as his vampiric healing had taken care of the wounds that had probably covered his whole body. Mentally, he was in a bad place. Edmund recognised the signs, as he had been in the same spot centuries ago.

The bitter tone in the other’s voice, made him wonder what was wrong exactly. He knew how fond Mortimer was about this man, his brother. As long as he remembered, the young boy had been going on and on about him. How much he loved him and how determined he was to go find him one day. So this grumpy man was who Mortimer had been through all that trouble for? He blamed it on his condition. Facing Isabella had probably not been too positive for the poor lad. ”We have not. I heard a lot about you though. Mortimer always spoke highly of you. I am Edmund, his sire”, He introduced himself. Hopefully this information would not be received with a sudden outburst of anger or hatred. If the Grand Duke blamed him as much for his situation as his wife did, this conversation might be over very soon.

Laatst aangepast door Edmund Lennox op zo jul 15, 2018 3:16 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 3:05 pm
The last thing he wanted right now was to be compared to his brother. Somehow he had turned out so different than Kaz had expected. Mort had taken such good care of him in their early years together, they had been insperable. It had been his brother who calmed him down, who got him through the worst situations and who helped him control his magic. And now? Now the only thing he seemed to be good at was fucking up so badly Kaz suffered from it. It technically wasn't completely true, the whole ordeal with Lexa had been Kaz his own fault, but it was much easier to blame others than yourself.

This man, this Edmund, he had been the cause for a lot of trouble. But Kaz wasn't sure if he was to blame. After all, it had been Mort who had stupidly decided to not share the location of his sire with that crazy woman. This man probably had no idea what had gone down. Or at least, Kaz hoped. The last thing he expected to hear though, was that Mort spoke highly of his brother who had fallen from grace so many times it wasn't even worth getting back up anymore. Kaz frowned, looking at the man before giving his judgement. ''Thought you'd be taller.'' A very stupid thing to say, but who cared. Kaz for sure didn't. ''Kaz. But you probably already knew that.'' He let his gaze drift off towards the cliff again. Would a vampire feel the pain if they jumped down? Would they even die? Stupid thoughts, wrong thoughts, thoughts that needed to be gone. The vampire let out a deep sigh. ''Mort isn't here, sorry about that.'' Not really. At this moment, Kaz was glad that he didn't have to look into the face of a traitor. Of someone who he wasn't sure if he could ever trust of love again.
Edmund Lennox
Edmund Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 22
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 28 (517)
Occupation: Military advisor
Residence : Falkreath

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 3:31 pm

replaced with silent disaster

After hearing stories about this boy for over two decades, he was finally at the point of meeting him. He hadn’t quite expect that to ever happen. Perhaps a bit more when his fledgling had told him he had turned his brother as well. It was kind of impossible to never run into him, especially because he still believed the two brothers were on good terms with each other. With his perspective, he had awaited the day Mortimer would properly introduce them to each other. Now he got a more unfiltered Kaz in front of him, or so he figured. Someone that wasn’t held back by the influence of his fledgling. At least that was what happened when he was around the younger vampire. He tended to mind his words a bit more, seeing his son could be quite.. Fragile.

The comment made him chuckle amused. Unfiltered, indeed. Which he didn’t mind. ”Yes, I figured”, He said with a small nod. Edmund followed the other’s gaze. Looking down on the city below, an impressive view. It was hard to imagine this young boy actually owned all of that. When he spoke again, he turned his focus back to the vampire. ”So I heard”, He said, that same worry sneaking in his tone again. ”I hope he’s safe”, He continued. He had come too late to prevent all this happening to Kaz, but it was about time this situation was properly dealt with.

Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 3:54 pm
It would be hard to impress Kaz at this point. By now he thought he had seen everything and everything inside him was just.. numb. If he would get a punch in the face he would probably still get angry, it was Kaz after all, but what would be the point? It was just another reaction to pain, pain that was feeling just the same as every other time he had experienced it. So why bother? Probably because the pain still reminded him that he was alive, that he could change whatever was going on. But then again, why would he? With every different step he took, two more backwards were made. It wasn't wort it.

Edmund obviously wasn't really a chatty person and Kaz appreciated that. Or, he knew what Kaz had done and was just silently judging him. Which was also fine. The worried tone of the vampire made Kaz question how much this sire of Mort actually cared. Right now it was probably more than Kaz, who shrugged and looked away again. ''Knowing Mort, he's probably knee-deep in problems again.'' Kaz spoke without much care. Gods, how did his brother ended up like this? Was his Sire to blame or couldn't he help it? Or was there more that met the eye? Another sigh as Kaz looked back at Edmund again. ''You're the reason he's still alive to this day.'' The vampire started, hesitantly. ''Thanks, I guess.'' Though Kaz didn't look particulary thankful, the thought of being on this wretched world without any family somehow hurt even more.
Edmund Lennox
Edmund Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 22
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 28 (517)
Occupation: Military advisor
Residence : Falkreath

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 4:08 pm

replaced with silent disaster

This conversation kept taking unexpected turns. This man was hard to read, speaking incoherent statements. He quickly turned around. He figured he was restless, but above all, confused. The way he spoke about Mortimer gave away there was more to it than Edmund knew. On one side, he did not really seem to care about the safety of the younger vampire. On the other, he thanked him for keeping him alive. He was smarter than to ask a lot of questions. His general attitude was to observe rather than to actively seek answers. Information that was passed subconsciously was worth a lot more. It tended to be more true, rather than answers to direct questions. Because people had tendencies to either hide the truth or twist it in a way that was more beneficial for themselves.

”Don’t thank me for that”, He said, the slight frown disappearing as quickly as it had appeared when Kaz had spoken his thoughts. ”His will to survive did not come from me. It came from within him”, He continued. He wondered how much this boy actually knew about his brother, and the motivation that had helped him decide to take on eternal life. ”And you were the reason behind it”, He mentioned. Throughout the years, his fledgling was focused on one thing and one thing only. Returning to Fallen Skies and finding the man that was now sitting in front of him.

Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 4:23 pm
He was talking to someone who already knew him while Kaz himself had no idea who was standing in front of him. Thisn knew him from stories, from the endless talks of Mort about him, their adventures. The vampire wondered if Mort talked about the bad stuff as well, the nightmares, the demons, their demise. Would Edmund know what he had done? What he could create and destroy? A shiver went down his spine as he realised he was speaking to someone who had probably already figured him out completely. And that while Kaz was still struggeling with himself and had no idea who he really was and who he wanted to be.

The bad thing about Edmund was that he sounded extremely boring. No chitchat was nice, but the answers he gave him were just.. horrible. Kaz didn't want to hear any of it. Annoyed, he looked down, picking at a thread of his shirt to keep himself distracted from saying anything that he would regret. Kaz the reason why someone wanted to live? Surely this man had fallen on his head on his way to the castle. People didn't want to live because of him, they wanted to get away from him as soon as they figured out what an asshole he was. Kaz halted his movements with the thread of his shirt as he let the words sink in, only then to scoff. ''And look how much of a disappointment I turned out to be.'' He spoke bitterly, looking at the other vampire, pure self-hate showing in his eyes. ''I am not someone worth living for.'' The vampire took a deep breath in. His eyes trailed off again, the sea and the city beneath it. His city. ''And I hope he finally understands that.''
Edmund Lennox
Edmund Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 22
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 28 (517)
Occupation: Military advisor
Residence : Falkreath

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 4:42 pm

replaced with silent disaster

The longer he was talking to this man, the more despair he started showing. He was the complete opposite of his own fledgling. Where Mortimer was a little ball of positive energy, his brother seemed to suck all the life out of his environment with his negativity. A fact he was probably aware of, considering the comments he made about himself. He wondered if this was the result of his encounter with Isa, or if this went way back before that. A question he would probably never have an answer to. It was not really of any importance though. He did not come to Rhoynar to rebuild the self-confidence of the Grand Duke. Not even that of the brother of the boy he cared for so much. His love did not extent beyond the ties he had made himself.

On the other side, he did not feel as if Mortimer deserved this. The boy sitting in the shadow of the tree, was indeed not someone worth fighting for. Which was exactly what he would point out. He had very little time and even less patience to listen to him moaning about how terrible his life was. ”If he doesn’t, I will make sure he knows after I talked to him”, He said, still calm but it was a clear insult. ”It is not up to anyone else but you to pull yourself the fuck together and actually be better than the disappointment you claim to be”, He continued. Hard words, sure. Not what he wanted to hear right now either, he guessed. But if he didn’t stop making excuses, he would keep Mortimer away from him, before he pulled him down with him as well.

Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 5:12 pm
What even was he doing here? It was in the middle of of the day in summer and the sun was about to scorch him if he took one step outisde of the shadows. Why did he even think of going outside? Did he truly have a deathwish? I mean, same. But somehow, he always made the same mistakes over and over again. He truly didn't learn anything. At least now he had an eternity to think about everything that had gone wrong in his life. Everyone he had hurt, pushed away, everyone who died at his hand. He had an eternity to think about how he was better off dead.

Edmund only seemed to agree with him. Kaz just stopped entirely with what he was doing, falling still and letting his eyes drop to his lap. What was he supposed to say? Should he be angry for hearing something that was basically the truth that no one wanted to tell him? Allison told him things would be alrigh in the sofest way possible, Mort tried to pierce through him a different way and though it sometimes worked, it always backfired. But Edmund? Edmund didn't give two fucks. Kaz looked up, examening the older vampire in front of him. ''Can't say you're wrong.'' He spoke simply as he leaned back against the trunk of the tree. ''You should've come sooner.'' Maybe then this whole 'I-am-sad-and-need-attention'-thing wouldn't have happened.
Edmund Lennox
Edmund Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 22
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 28 (517)
Occupation: Military advisor
Residence : Falkreath

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 5:37 pm

replaced with silent disaster

Life was a bitch. If someone knew that for a fact, it would be him. He had seen five centuries of this exact fuckery and he had no time, patience or energy to deal with it anymore. Whenever it pushed him down, he would push back twice as hard. It didn’t matter how broken a person was, there were no excuses. Surely not for a vampire. The boy would have to deal with heartache, hurt and pain for a very very long time. So he better do something about it before he spent his eternity loathing himself and the life he had. If he was not mistaking, he had a very loyal wife sitting on the throne inside and a brother that had literally died for him so he could come look for him. They both deserved much better than the sorry excuse of a man sitting in this garden.

The message hit him hard, but it was questionable if it really came through. He was still very casual about it. ”Seems like it, yeah”, He commented. The vampire looked down on the other for a while. There was a lot of work to do, and he better started right here and now. As long as he did not want to change, he couldn’t expect others to help him pull through. The first step had to come from within himself. ”So, better get a grip on yourself soon then. Because it’s not too late, you know. It never is”, He said, and even though his tone didn’t change much from the calm and neutral one he always possessed, it was truly meant as words of encouragement.

Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 8:03 pm
Comparing Edmund to Mort wasn't even possible. How could his sire be so straight forward and hars while his brother acted like he was made out of sugar and could melt at the first water droplet hitting him. You would say that if you lived long enough with someone, you started to act like them, you took over certain traits, but Kaz had yet to see where Edmund showed traits of Mort and the other way around. Because right now, they were both very different people. And Kaz didn't trust it.

The vampire frowned slightly, a little surprised at the calm yet stern demeanor of the older vampire. He was a very different person from not only Mort, but also Allison. She tried to soothe him with warm gestures and calm words, telling him everything would be alright while she even was doubting those words herself. It was a reason why he had sent her away and told her to take care of herself. She couldn't doubt herself and try to fix him at the same time. it would only mean that if one broken mess was healed, the other would break down themselves. It would lead them into a vicous circle that was impossible to break.

''I have eternity now, don't I?'' Kaz asked, although it was meant rethorical. Unless a cure was found soon, he had a long time to wallow in self-pity. ''Where's the best place to start?'' The vampire raised a brow, daring the other to answer. If he truly was as old as Kaz had heard, then he sure would have had his own demons to fight. And one could only learn from the best.
Edmund Lennox
Edmund Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 22
IC posts : 20

Character sheet
Age: 28 (517)
Occupation: Military advisor
Residence : Falkreath

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 8:44 pm

replaced with silent disaster

During his time on this earth, he had met a lot of different people. He had seen the same patterns in them over and over again. There were a few stereotypes, clearly. He had filled a lot of those himself as well. Changing his personality, purely for his own survival. If he hadn’t left Rosalie’s seethe, for example, he would have probably killed himself. Or asked someone to kill him, that was. Change was necessary. Especially for immortal beings like he was. To survive is to adapt. This boy was on his way of destroying himself, and every relationship he had in the process. He just needed to pull his head out of his own.. You get the picture. Either way, he probably needed a little push. And Edmund would gladly give him that. If it was for Mortimer’s benefit, there was not much he wouldn’t do.

At least he seemed like he was willing to learn, willing to change. Asking him for advice, of all people. He barely knew the guy, yet he had quite the experience under his belt to give a proper answer. ”You start by turning your misery into motivation. Realise that whatever you feel is temporary and you have the power to change it. Doesn’t matter what it takes. Set a goal and work towards it, reward yourself once you reach it”, He replied. It was all pretty vague, but after all he was not the one to determine the young one’s purpose. There was only one person that could and it was he himself.

Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

zo jul 15, 2018 8:54 pm
Kaz wondered what the man truly thought of him. He was supposed to be the Grand Duke, a strong leader who was willing to sacrafice if it was for the good of his people and the land. But all Kaz truly was, was a miserable piece of shit who didn't even want to do anything with the throne. Yet, here he was, crowned and ready, though the last part could be discussed. Maybe in a few years he was able to sit on that throne with pride. But not now, now he only saw it as a burden. At least he didn't need to wear a crown on his head all day. He would probably pawn the thing as soon as he could get his hands on it. Everything for a little bit of gold.

Turn misery into motivation. What a joke. What was there to be motivated for? If everything in your life was a misery, then why fight? Why would you look for something that wasn't there? But.. he had a point, how much Kaz hated to give him that. The young vampire looked away again, seeing how the shadows of the castle walls had begun to stretch more, announcing the slow setting of the sun. ''I can see where Mort gets his positive outlook in life from.'' He grumbled sarcastically, plucking at the thread of his shirt again. It was useless sitting here. But then again, he was useless. Eventually, Kaz shrugged. ''Well, what do I have to lose.'' The vampire spoke as he slowly got up with the support of the tree behind him. Sitting down was way more easy than getting up with a leg that was damaged beyond repair.
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Splinter Empty Re: Splinter

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