Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

do okt 19, 2017 3:32 am

what is dead may never die
With a slight delay the White Shark finally sailed along the coast of Falkreath. When he had come back from Mother’s Heart, he had decided to skip Skorravir and sail straight for Hillerod. At least there they could moor in at a harbour, instead of dropping their anchor somewhere off the coast and row to the beach. There was another reason they were going to Hillerod. That reason was named Hati Hróðvitnisson. With Hillerod already in sight, he could feel the tension in his stomach. He never knew how to feel about seeing Hati again. It had been a while. Last time he was still a regular crew member on the ship he had stolen from the previous captain. Now it was his ship, and he wondered what the opinion of the old and wise vampire would be. Every time he went back to that damned brothel, he wondered why he kept visiting it. The way Hati made him feel, he both hated and loved it at the same time.

No one else on this entire planet had any sort of influence on him like Hati did. His judgement was one of the most important things in his life. His judgement, and his approval. For some reason he craved that approval, he was addicted to it and he kept coming back for more. When the Shark finally pulled in to the harbour, the tension in his stomach had turned into real adrenaline. Romeo started shouting some orders, so his ship would be anchored safely. From the moment the gangplank hit the scaffold, he jumped on it and made his way through the harbour. Conan would take care of the rest. Normally he would oversee this by himself, but now he just had no patience.

With a fast but fierce pace he walked down the streets, as if a rope was attached to him and it was now pulling him towards the brothel. It was late afternoon, but when he entered the building it was already pretty crowded. It would be a task to find Hati in here. When he was about to walk further, a younger boy emerged in front of him, seeking eye contact. ”Master Hati is waiting for you upstairs”, He said, after which he immediately disappeared again. Probably someone had seen the ship in front of the coast and had warned Hati, he figured. He didn’t ask any questions. He simply walked over to the stairs that lead to the corridor upstairs and didn't stop when he reached his door. He opened it without knocking. Not because he was trying to be rude, but simply because he couldn’t wait a second longer to stand eye to eye with the man that had a grip on his heart.


Hati Hróðvitnisson
Hati Hróðvitnisson
Real name : Jamie
Aantal berichten : 50
IC posts : 25

Character sheet
Age: 419
Occupation: Brothel owner
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty Re: it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

do okt 19, 2017 11:47 am
Hati had instantly heard the news when a ship came into their harbour. He always liked going to the people there and trade their valuables. Exotic alcohol, plants that could make the wold disappear. It sold with ease. A lot of humans wanted to make the pain of the world around them fly away and be completely somewhere else for a short moment of time. They paid a fortune for that. The best thing about the drugs was that you only need to see that other world once, just once, and you were hooked. Those man and woman always came back for more, their physical body dying because they craved it so much, so much it started to hurt them. He himself had tried every drug they sold, but without the option to feel emotions it had been nothing but a disappointed. None of his own staff were allowed to touch the addicting flora, where many brothels used it to keep their ladies in check, he knew he didn’t need any of those tricks to do that. But one downside of the plants was the fact they hardly grew in their own lands. He had a few of them planted in his basement and dried them to make the effect stronger, but nothing was as good as the quality of fresh leaves.

That’s why he wanted to visit the new boarding ship. With many travellers he had a deal to bring him the things he need for a fairly royal price. He didn’t had need for money anyways, no one would at his age. But his contacts came home with some very interesting information. It was the Shark. A ship he knew all too well, their workers even more. Romeo worked there. He was just a child, young, around the age he was when he was turned immortal. But the boy had such interesting emotions, it was if he wanted him to approve, to be like a father for him. It was shortly said adorable and he gladly played along. He looked for a moment around the Dirty Paws, which was starting to get busy with people. After a nice stretch he looked at one of the children working here, to give orders about letting Romeo go to his room. He knew where it was anyway and the black haired man often stayed there during the day. He was a creature of night after all and days he spends quiet in his room, reading, learning and enjoying some fresh blood. He adored becoming smarter and constantly was trying to learn new things about new subjects. He always was a doctor, mostly aimed at heart related symptoms. But he also had a lot of knowledge about the stars, ships and weapons. Subjects he had read every book about he could get his hands on. What else could he do to spare his immortal time?

With a relaxed pace he walked to his room and layed halfly down on the perfectly made bed. This room was fairly large compared to the others, a king sized bed in the middle with some smaller tables at the side. A writing desk was to the right, facing a window which looked over the crowded streets, the desk overloaded with books, studies and papers he made. Animal pelts filled the floor and bed for warmth. But the walls, oh the walls where not even visible behind the large oak bookshelves, filled to their max with books he collected over the years. Everything that didn’t fit was piled on the ground in a small pillar. Hati lazily grabbed one of the books he hadn’t finished yet, taking a sip of his glass while taking the words in. He already knew Romeo was about to enter before he even touched the door. His emotions where growing closer in his own chest, he felt that childlike excitement, that nervousness, the willingness to please. It caused him to softly grin while he placed his book down. “Hello Romeo” He said with a smile, just in the second he stepped into the room. He gracefully moved his hand to the empty space next to him, as an indication he could sit down on the bed as wel. Mostly because it was the only empty spot to sit. “So how are you doing love? It’s sure has been a while, almost thought you wouldn’t come back” He spoke with a worried tone, of course completely faked. He didn’t feel worry; he didn’t feel anything but emptiness. Now he felt the emotions of Romeo, but if the boy left he would go back to empty again. He studied emotions and could fake them perfectly now, enough to fit in with normal people, to make him more… humanlike.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty Re: it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

do okt 19, 2017 4:55 pm

what is dead may never die
His relationship with Hati confused him to this day. After his father had abandoned him, taking the twins with him but leaving him at his mother’s mercy, some of the worst years of his life had started. When he finally ran away to never look back, Maverick was the one that had offered him a place to stay. Working on his boat as a part of his crew, teaching him the ropes and what it took to be a sailor. He had been the father figure he needed so badly, treating him like a son. Of course he wanted to make him proud, and sometimes he sought out his approval as well. But for some reason he valued Hati’s opinion over the other and he had no idea why. The vampire made him feel things he never knew existed until he met him. Their bond had established over a short period of time, and maybe things had developed way too fast for him to really comprehend what was going on. He never talked about it, to no one. He would only show his affection towards the black haired man behind closed doors. To figure out what was really going on, would take a while, and in the meantime.. He got addicted to the emotions the man awoke inside him. It was something different. Something real. Aside from his rage and hatred towards the world, all his other emotions were fake to some degree. A perfect mask to wear when having social interaction. He didn’t feel love or friendship. He didn’t feel at ease or calm. The display of those emotions was fake. He was confident for sure, and most would call him a good friend, as long as they stayed on his good side. But from the moment they did something wrong, he would turn on them in a heartbeat.

A cruel and dangerous monster, that’s how he’d describe himself. Filled with anger and the hunger for revenge. Revenge on the world that had treated him so badly. In a way, Hati was to him what the magical leaves were to the inhabitants of Hillerod. A drug to fill the void inside him. He could feel something more than anger or sadness for once. And he wanted his fix, badly. Of course he wouldn’t show up empty handed. His shipment for Hati would be unloaded soon, but he had brought some samples for the man to check the quality of the batch. He hoped it would be sufficient, and make him happy. As happy as he would be when he finally was in his presence again. When the young boy told him to go upstairs, he didn’t hesitate a second. His face didn’t give away the storm of emotions that was blazing through his veins right now, but he sure felt it and it hit him hard. The last barrier between the two disappeared when he finally opened the door to his room. He was laying on the bed, reading. “Hello Romeo” He said from the second he walked in. He had been expecting him, obviously. But the timing of his greeting was so perfect, it was almost scary. For any other person, probably. One of the things he liked so much about Hati, was the fact that he never scared him. Not in a way that would trigger him. ”Hati”, He said, and his voice trembled lightly with excitement.

The man gestured to the spot next to him on the bed. Romeo got the hint, but he first took of the warm pelt he was wearing to protect him from the cold. He ignored the slight discomfort the healing wound on his side still caused and hung the pelt from a hook next to the door. After that, he walked over to the bed and sat down on the soft mattress. “So how are you doing love? It’s sure has been a while, almost thought you wouldn’t come back” Hati asked. He felt slightly insulted. ”You know I’ll always come back to you, don’t say things like that”, He replied, on a tone that could indicate the accusation had hurt him a little. The soft frown disappeared when he went on with his answer. ”I’ve been good though. Lots of things have happened the last month, but everything is settling down now and I’m quite happy with the results”, He went on, with a proud gaze in his amber eyes. ”I bet you remember captain Beckfort? I killed him and took his boat and crew, so I’m in charge of the Shark now”, He said with a smile. He didn’t know if Hati would approve the fact he had killed a man to get what he wanted. The man was rich and he had made it clear earlier he would sure pay for a ship if that’s what Romeo desired. But it was his duty as an Ironman to pay the Iron Price, so that was exactly what he did a month or so ago.

Laatst aangepast door Romeo Haris op do okt 19, 2017 10:28 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Hati Hróðvitnisson
Hati Hróðvitnisson
Real name : Jamie
Aantal berichten : 50
IC posts : 25

Character sheet
Age: 419
Occupation: Brothel owner
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty Re: it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

do okt 19, 2017 10:10 pm

Hati had een liefde aan goede entrees en begroetingen. Vandaar dat de vampier netjes had gewacht op het precieze moment dat de jongen binnenstapte om zijn naam te zeggen. Emoties waren verassend persoonlijk en als hij vaak genoeg met iemand in contact kwam zou hij ze kunnen herkennen, zo ook die van zijn geliefde Romeo. Hij herkende de kleine karakteristieke puntjes in diens emoties. Hoe ze van zijn normale veranderde terwijl aan hem gedacht werd. Hij hielt ervan zo goed als hij dat zou kunnen. Hij kende veel van de jongen die nu binnen stapte, zijn manier van doen en hoe hij over kwam tot de rest van de wereld. Natuurlijk ook alles wat hij tegen hem vertelde onthield hij. Hij moest toegeven dat de knul op hem begon te groeien, misschien op de manier hoe hij zijn goedkeuring wilde, altijd terug kwam als een loyale hond. Misschien omdat hij hem herinnerde aan zichzelf toen hij net 20 was. God dat voelde lang geleden. Vroeger was hij een goede jongen geweest. Had hij emoties gevoeld. Maar nu? Niks meer van over. De jaren van mishandeling samen met zijn species hadden hem tot dit gebracht. Hij was ook de hoop verloren ze ooit weer terug te zien. Iets wat logisch was na zo veel jaren. Hij was vereeuwigd in deze perfecte leeftijd. 21 jaar, misschien net iets te jong om als volledig man gezien te worden. Net iets te jong respect te kunnen afdwingen met zijn leeftijd. Net iets te jong om bij die coole vampier clubjes te horen met van die oude mannen die histe. Ah, zo intens jammer. Maar goed, de aandacht viel terug op de ander. Zijn amberen ogen gleden over de jongen heen opzoek naar veranderingen sinds hun laatste ontmoeting. Romeo was immers van hem, een deel van zijn underdog pack. Hij wilde het beste voor hem tot een zekere zin.

Zijn ogen bleven de jongen volgen terwijl deze zijn warme kleding uittrok, iets waar hij zelf nooit meer aan dacht sinds de kou zijn lichaam niet meer kon aantasten. Hierna kwam de ander toch naast hem zitten, waardoor hij de kans nam dichterbij te komen en een arm losjes rond diens middel te slaan. Hij wist dat de ander een hekel had om zich onderdrukt of vast te voelen, dus dit probeerde hij te vermijden. Toch moesten aanrakingen ervan komen, hij hielt van de vreemde warmte die hij allang niet meer had. Voor een moment schoot er een vreemde gedachte door zijn kop heen, een die zichtbaar moest zijn in zijn blik terwijl hij de ander bijna keurde. Misschien een idee voor later… Als de man wat ouder was. Voor hij het zou kunnen vragen ging de ander al in protest en een kleine smirk gleed over zijn lippen. “That’s why I said ‘almost’ my boy, you know I would wait for you” Hij drukte een kus tegen de slaap van de ander en ging weer terug in een half liggende positie, compleet op zijn gemak en in controle over de situatie. Hij luisterde met volledig interesse naar de woorden van de ander. Een geamuseerde blik kwam in zijn ogen bij het laatste gedeelte. Oh? Hij had Beckfort vermoord? Schattig. Voor een moment wachtte hij om de ander wat nerveus te maken voor zijn reactie, dramaqueen dat hij zelf was. Als de ander eens zou weten hoe hij zich had gedragen toen hij net ondood was, schandalig hoeveel hij dode voor bloed. Ook compleet nutteloos, je kan veel beter geld aanbieden en dan doen ze het vrijwillig. Daarover, hij kreeg weer dorst. Hm, straks maar naar beneden lopen dan. “You sure come with a lot of surprises today, but I’m proud of you” Hij legde de nadruk op het woord trots. “I’m glad you’re getting what you want. But do take my word for it and watch out, as the same faith can happen to you in time. It would be a shame if I have to loose you” Rustig aaide hij door de haren van de ander, een charmante glimlach op zijn gezicht. “I’m always here if you need my help or support, but I’m glad to see you can fend for yourself”

sorry dude ik gaf het engels op voor vandaag <3
danks bob for code

Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty Re: it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

do okt 19, 2017 11:52 pm

what is dead may never die
Being in this room almost felt nostalgic. It felt like one of the only safe spaces on this hellhole of a planet. For some reason it brought out another side of him. Or it was just Hati himself. Another thing to think about, later on. For now he just sat down right next to him, something he would normally not do, not even with the people he considered ‘friends’. People who had proven to have no bad intentions whatsoever, by never touching him or threatening him in any way. Hati touched him. And he allowed it. He was sort of prepared for it, but it didn’t mean he could keep himself from tensing up for a second when he wrapped his arm loosely around his waist. He clenched his jaw, but tried to relax himself again and leaned into the other’s body rather than giving in to his instinct and pushing him away. He didn’t want to insult him. Part of him even wanted to love him, badly, but he still had his struggles and even the vampire couldn’t take that away.

But surely, his words had an influence on his emotions. And the way his dear friend put his next words, made him feel hurt for a moment. It was as if he was disappointed with him for not coming back earlier. But he had a point. It had been a while, and if it hadn’t been for him, he wouldn’t even come here anymore. It was so far up North, and so cold too. He didn’t like it at all, honestly. The sea was also more rough, and sometimes there would be huge chunks of ice floating around. It wasn’t cold enough for that now though, surprisingly, as he was almost freezing while just walking around here. He wondered how the Northmen survived this type of weather conditions. Maybe they had adjusted through the decades of living here. He preferred the more exotic weather down in Rhoynar. He would always come back though. So naturally, he defended himself for a second there. “That’s why I said ‘almost’ my boy, you know I would wait for you” Hati replied, after which he lightly pressed his lips against his temple. Again, he wanted to turn his head away, but he fought it. It was a touch out of love, only good intentions. Something he had to repeat to himself a few times when around Hati. His actions and words calmed him down again though. ”Good”, Was the only thing he almost whispered back. He didn’t know how to feel about it, but for now it made him feel better.

A lot had changed since the last time he had been in Hillerod. For starters, he was now Captain Romeo instead of deckhand. When he gave Hati the update, he was getting slightly nervous again. What would he think about his actions? Would he approve? When it went silent for a moment, he started worrying even more. Normally he would be well aware if someone was toying with him, but it was different with Hati. Everything was different, in a way. Then the relief came, eventually, and apparently the man was proud of him. A smile appeared around his lips, and all the worries he had from earlier went away in a heartbeat. Now they had covered that, he could relax enough to get comfortable on the bed as well. It wasn’t like he would really cuddle the man, but he at least was able to get down next to him. ”I know, and I appreciate it. But for now I’m good”, He started off. ”I took care of any potential threat though”, He continued with his signature smirk on his face. ”And I’m keeping my eyes and ears open, so don’t worry about my safety too much hmm?” He chuckled. ”But what about you? How have you been?” He then asked, although he could almost guess the answer to that.

Hati Hróðvitnisson
Hati Hróðvitnisson
Real name : Jamie
Aantal berichten : 50
IC posts : 25

Character sheet
Age: 419
Occupation: Brothel owner
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty Re: it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

zo okt 22, 2017 8:05 pm

Het voelde goed Romeo weer bij hem te hebben. Alle emoties, manier van doen en zelfs zijn lichaam was voor hem even vertrouwd als dit brothel, dat zei genoeg. Dit huis was voor hem een uitbreiding van zichzelf. Al jaren, eeuwen had hij dit in zijn bezit. Jaren ouder dan de jongen die nu bij hem kwam. Maar Romeo hoorde hier, hij hoorde bij zijn idee van een pack, zijn clan. Vampieren waren immers groepsdieren en dit was de zijne, degene die hij leidde. Het liefste had hij gewild dat de ander hier ook zou wonen, werken achter de bar of als uitsmijter. Zelfs al zou hij hier alleen slapen en ander werk zoeken in de stad zou het hem gepleased hebben. Maar de jongen wilde met zijn bootje weg. Hij begreep het wel, en hij zou de ander ook nooit dwingen om hier zijn korte leven te slijten. Vroeger had hij ook op een boot gewerkt. Hij had al veel gedaan in alle eerlijkheid… iets wat er gebeurde als je even oud werd als hij. Zijn voorkeur van beroep was nog altijd doctor, zijn interesse in mensen werd hier alleen maar door gevoed. Maar hij had als soldier gewerkt in een oorlog, op een roofboot, als doctor en als royal guard. En nu was hij hier, eigenaar van een brothel als hoofdberoep. Nee, het zou oneerlijk zijn als hij zijn jongen hierin zou tegenhouden.

Hij voelde de emoties van de ander veranderen bij zijn opmerking en kon het niet laten om zachtjes te grijnzen. Whoops. Hij hielt van deze controle over andere, alsof hij toch nog iets kon uitmaken in zijn eigen leventje. De ander leek echter ook weer opgelucht te zijn na zijn bevestiging. Natuurlijk wist hij dat hij terug zou komen, hij rekende erop ondertussen. Romeo was zo vreemd voor hem, want hoewel de jongen duidelijk iets tegen aanrakingen had liet hij dit wel van hemzelf toe. Hij voelde hoe de ander zichzelf vocht om niet tegen zijn handelingen in te gaan. Hati zou er zelf niks meer over zeggen, dit waren de keuzes van Romeo zelf, niet van hem. Maar Hati was ook een pestkop en dramaqueen. Hij bleef expres langer stil dan nodig tot hij de ander ongerust voelde worden. Pas toen gaf hij zijn mening over de zaak. Zelf was hij al jaren vreedzamer, simpelweg omdat doden voor hem juist tegenwerkte. De meer mensen hoe beter voor hem, dode mensen gaven immers geen emoties meer mee. De jongen ging verder terwijl hij meer ging liggen, iets wat de zwartharige fijn vond. Hij trok de ander iets meer tegen zich aan en relaxte zijn arm ook weer, om alles prettiger te maken voor de ander. Zijn hand speelde losjes met Romeo zijn haren. Hm. “I always worry about you, that’s my job. Humans are so fragile after all” hij grijnsde even naar de ander “But I know you can handle yourself hotstuff, you’re a big boy” Een grinnik verliet zijn lippen. “All fine like always, things don’t change much around here. My new hobby is annoying the lady of this city, Freyja, such a prude thing, it’s amusing” hij voelde hoe een van zijn langere plukken voor zijn ogen gleed. Een klein grijnsje speelde nog altijd rond zijn lippen. “I’m just so awefully bored. Really, you’ve been the highlight of my week so far” Voor een moment drukte hij zijn gezicht tegen de haren en hoofd van de ander, verborg zich hierin en genoot van de typische geuren van zee, zweet en lijfgeur. Plus het aroma van diens bloed, iets wat hij enorm makkelijk kon uitmaken tussen de rest door.

danks bob for code

Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty Re: it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

ma okt 23, 2017 6:26 pm

what is dead may never die
While he sat there, waiting for a response, he went through a scala of emotions he didn’t feel often. In the meantime, he wondered if the rumours were true. Some people talked about how Hati didn’t feel any emotions. Romeo didn’t know if it was a vampire thing, or just something that had come with him being so old. It would make sense if it was a side effect of being a vampire though. He could imagine it would be hard to hunt down a human if there were emotions involved. Romeo had killed people cold-blooded, but feeding from them? Nope, he didn’t think he could do that. It would be helpful for him not to feel too. He and the people around him would be better of if he didn’t feel so damn much. His anger issues, those would be pretty nice to get rid of. All the hate he had gathered throughout his childhood, how he was never showed he could feel love as well. It was better to feel nothing at all, he figured.

His emotions settled again when Hati finally approved of him again. He even managed to get comfortable with the man. The bed was of good quality too, so he wanted to enjoy that for a second. As a captain, he now had access to the cabin just below the quarter deck. It had a bed, instead of just a hammock in the ship’s hold. But this was way more luxurious than his bed on the Shark. And it had Hati. Cuddles were still a weird concept to him, but when he could keep himself together and his aggressive reflexes in check, he could just try to enjoy it for a while. The man was running his fingers through his hair again, and he couldn’t help but sigh softly as he felt his body relax.

“I always worry about you, that’s my job. Humans are so fragile after all” hij The man reacted with a grin. “But I know you can handle yourself hotstuff, you’re a big boy” He continued. Romeo huffed quietly. ”Fragile, yes. But not weak”, He then chuckled. After that, he questioned Hati about how he spend the past few months. Apparently there was a new lord, or more so a lady, that ruled over Hillerod now. That was interesting information. Something he would remember for sure. When a lock of hair suddenly blocked the face of the other man, he carefully pushed it back, his hand shaking a little. Being touched was a whole lot different from when he touched someone himself. In this way, that was. He really cared about Hati and it was the weirdest feeling ever. He quickly shook that thought. ”And naturally you’re going to torment her a bit, aren’t you?” He joked. ”I want first row seats to that”, He grinned. He had experienced first hand how touchy Hati could be, and if she was young she could be easily intimidated by that behaviour.

Hati Hróðvitnisson
Hati Hróðvitnisson
Real name : Jamie
Aantal berichten : 50
IC posts : 25

Character sheet
Age: 419
Occupation: Brothel owner
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty Re: it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

do okt 26, 2017 8:24 am

He listened amused to the words of the other man. He knew humans weren’t weak, well, not as weak as he first thought in his younger years. They have proven themselves to be strong at times and rather useful. But Hati couldn’t help in a way to still look down at them. They were just so rude and idiotic at times. He lived through quite some wars in his time and all started by some humans who had a problem with each other. This could be a pretty girl they both wanted, a piece of ground they both wanted of power they both wanted. It basicly came down to people who never learned how to share when they were little. That was just how humans worked. They wanted everything for themselves and loved solving their problems with war and fighting instead of talking it out in a civil conversation. For him the generations of this species passed so quickly he could hardly follow it at times. It was weird how fast they came and went. Not that their behaviour changed. A part of him wondered that they acted so rash and quick because they don’t have any time to spare like he had. It was a cute idea. And then you always had the point of them being a food source for many others. He had been guilty of them himself. When he just turned he was rather hungry for some hunting. He used to force people, pin them down and bite them. Or force other things on them like himself. In that way he didn’t change much. But instead of forcing them with raw power, buying slaved or anything like that he now forced them with his charms and words. He wasn’t the strongest person around but he had read more than any other. He was smart, a tactic thinker and great at manipulating. His greatest interest always had been people. He loved their build and the way their body worked, and now he loved their emotions and way of acting. It was so amusing for him. Like watching a drama show that never truly ended. It was fun.

So simply said. They might not be weak in the eyes of the man here, but they were. They will always be just that. Weak and limited by their short time on earth. “My offer still stands Romeo, if you ever feel like joining me in this way of life, you just need to ask me” He always had been rather clear about his small desire to turn the other vampire as well. He liked the idea of the people he.. cared… about to be immortal. It’s just a shame to have put so much time and energy in something that dies so easily. Like pets for normal people. Wasn’t it weird to love and care about something, train it for years so it does what you want and then have it die in 7 years? To then just buy a new one like nothing happened? The concept was strange and he had lost many great people of his clan this way. But the conversation shifted to the ruler of the city. Poor lady Freyja. His grin grew by the question. “Oh, I already have done that my love” The amusement was clear in his voice. “It’s adorable almost, she is so prude and tries to act serious but has no idea what to. She even turned her back to me while not trusting me. Really I would think she dies in a week. But I did get what a want, a free pass to go into the library of the castle” He looked at the man against him in somewhat of a joy. He adored books, they were everywhere in his room and who knows where else. “I could never pass up the chance for a good book and you know it” He chuckled warmly and turned his body to that of the other, laying on his side. One arm supported his head while the other softly traced along the body of Romeo. “Hm, I should get you some as well for boring days at sea. I have a great story laying around about a girl and a man, both of rival families, falling in love. It’s pretty quick paced and the action is there after a few days. I think you will like the story, it has a surprisingly grim ending”

danks bob for code

Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty Re: it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

do okt 26, 2017 5:30 pm

what is dead may never die
Compared to vampires, of course humans were weak. Hati’s vision was blurred by his own experiences. Feelings could also be a weakness. Something he knew all too well. When he was controlled by his anger instead of the other way around, people got hurt. He himself got hurt. He made bad decisions and stupid mistakes. He was well aware of that. And yet, he sometimes lost control. He lost the ability to keep up his perfect mask. He could simply not play his own game of manipulating and lying. That’s why he sometimes got jealous of Hati’s emptiness inside. So when the man spoke again, he started doubting once more. “My offer still stands Romeo, if you ever feel like joining me in this way of life, you just need to ask me” He said, and the young man shut his eyes for a second. He inhaled deeply and let the air escape slowly. Of course there were a hell of a lot benefits. ”It’s not that I don’t think about it now and then”, He replied, his voice soft and clearly full of doubt. ”But deep down I know no one would be better off if I lived forever”, He continued. It would probably wreck him first. He hated this world with a burning passion, and there were only a few things that could make him feel somewhat normal feelings. He would have to live an eternity tortured by his past. He could barely live a normal life now, and he feared it would only get worse if he was turned into what Hati was. Secondly, the world would be a better place if he was dead. Maybe the man would miss him at first. But he had dealt with it before and he would get over it once again. He caused too much trouble, innocent people who fell into his hands were marked for life as he felt like it was a fair thing to do. He had never asked to be a victim of his mother either, so it was his right to take revenge. Or so were his views. Dangerous views, and they wouldn’t change. Never.

When Hati continued to talk about the new lady of Hillerod, he listened with an amused smile across his face. Poor brittle thing. No one should stand in between a man and his love for books, that was for sure. He was happy for Hati he eventually got what he wanted. ”I’m not even surprised, who could ever deny you access to books”, He chuckled. The man practically lived in a library, you couldn’t really move around this room without having to navigate through piles and piles of books. He didn’t even doubt Hati had read them all, cover to cover. The vampire turned to his side and his hand started tracing his skin. For a brief moment he held his breath, after which he relaxed again. The longer he was with him, the more he got used to the touching. It was easier to allow him after a certain amount of time. “Hm, I should get you some as well for boring days at sea. I have a great story laying around about a girl and a man, both of rival families, falling in love. It’s pretty quick paced and the action is there after a few days. I think you will like the story, it has a surprisingly grim ending” He suddenly said. Romeo turned his head a bit so he could look Hati in the eye. He knew the man wasn’t aware of his illiteracy. The only thing he could ‘read’ were numbers, and maps. The important things on a ship. ”Days at sea are never boring”, He joked, in an attempt to distract the man from the subject. But he felt a hint of shame, knowing it would disappoint Hati if he found out. And he also knew that hint of shame would be detected by the vampire, as he would probably be paying attention to his emotions.

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it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you Empty Re: it's like the beat in my heart skips when I'm with you

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