Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
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Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 6:13 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
Lexa observed carefully as Saggitarius turned towards Mort, growling. She knew the cat long enough to recognize the sound as a warning. Protecting his owner had, after all, been his most important task. And the cat took it damn serious. To a degree where she had to worry about him at times. It felt like one day he was a normal cat, snuggling up against those he adored. The next, she worried that he would hurt someone. If it kept on like this, she would probably start closing him up if she wasn’t there…

But, for now that was not a problem. The cat sniffed the hand that was held out to him and Lexa smiled. “Good people, Saggs,” she told the cat, smacking him on the shoulder as she pushed the big thing aside, to throw an amused look over her shoulder at Mort. “Ready for a hunt?” she then asked. Before she knew it, she was the one to be pushed aside and the big cat jumped down the stairs, making loud noises as he made his way to the front door.

NOTES, none
TAGS, precious vampire ~
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 6:34 pm

only you can figure out

Luckily the big cat was less scary in daylight. Otherwise the growl would have sent him straight on the couch again. And there was no couch in the room! Next option would be to jump in Lexa’s arms, but he didn’t know if she would very much appreciate that. Saggitarius sniffed his hand, while the woman assured him he was ‘good people’. Mort couldn't help but smile. The lion wasn't all that bad.

Thanks to his reflexes, he could catch her right in time when the beast ran past her and pushed her aside. He made sure she had her balance back before he let her go. ”Seems like he is ready”, He chuckled. He fixed his blue gaze on her. ”Are you?” He asked. She would step outside as another person, so he waited for her to take the lead.

Laatst aangepast door Mort Lennox op ma jul 09, 2018 12:16 am; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 6:44 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
She was caught in the strong arms of the vampire and the woman let out a content sigh. It was like a fucking fairytale. She regained her balance and laughed when Mort noted that Sagg was ready for the hunt, after which he asked if she was. Her gaze moved to the door and she sighed for a second. Was going to bed truly not an option? “Yeah,” she then answered, before she walked down the stairs and grabbed the spear that was still standing in the hallway.

As she walked through the front door, the woman let out a deep sigh. She looked at Mort for a second, but shook her head without saying anything. “Saggi,” she started instead, “Hunt.” That was all the animal needed to hear, as he immediately took the lead. She played with the spear a bit, turning it in circles, before her gaze went back to Mort. “Have you ever hunted?” she decided to ask. She missed the safety of inside already.

NOTES, none
TAGS, precious vampire ~
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 6:54 pm

only you can figure out

Without saying much more, he followed her downstairs and outside. He watched how she grabbed her spear, holding it casually as if it was not a deadly weapon. Then again, technically, he was also always armed. Fangs and supernatural reflexes. He was glad he didn’t have to use that on anyone though. With a simple command, she sent Saggitarius away. The young hunter immediately went off to look for trails. Something he could do too, but he was not a simple hunting.. Cat.

”I have not”, He admitted to her question. Why would he? ”I shot a bow once, for fun though”, He continued proudly. That was something, right?

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 7:45 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
He shot a bow once. Lexa raised her brows. He said it had been just for fun and she chuckled. “I swear you’re so…” she shook her head a bit, looking at him with this sheer happiness in her eyes. “So different from us,” she then told him, aiming at her people. “It’s lovely.” She liked it. He was exactly what her people needed to open up to.
She stretched a bit, moving the spear in her hand as they walked. “I assume you don’t want to try your hand at it?” she asked, a smile on her face. She was not a hunter. She was more of a fighter. Hunting had never been her strongest point and would never be so. If she ended up making a complete fool out of herself today, that’d be painful.

NOTES, none
TAGS, precious vampire ~
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 7:56 pm

only you can figure out

Honestly, his life back at Edmund’s mansion had been one of luxury. It was what appealed to the blood dolls. The elder vampire had arranged the household in a way that no one ever had to do anything to get at least their basic needs fulfilled. It was a part of the deal. Mort had never hunted or even cooked a meal. That was not necessary now either. He had shot a bow once though. Edmund had thought he would pick it up as a hobby, but he had politely declined that. Violence was just not a part of him, even if it was just a bull’s eye and not something that was breathing.

The confession amused her, and she told him how different he was. But not in a bad way, apparently. ”I don’t kill”, He said with a simple shrug. It was the truth. ”But if it would help to feed you, I could try”, He continued. Would he really though? It was still a living creature. If he hunted that, then what would be the difference between hunting an animal and hunting a human? What if it was a gateway to hunting? Or was he, as usual, overthinking it too much?

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 8:10 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
Sadly,” the woman started. “It’s the way it is. Living off fruits only isn’t doable,” she then chuckled. She stopped walking for a second, frowning a bit as she looked at him. She knew that, technically, you could. But they did not have the resources to give everyone the correct amount of replacement here. Plus… often all they had was meat, when the crops had been ruined. It was the one thing they always had.

We have a rule here,” she decided to tell him. “It’s the reason we send out experienced hunters, rather than have everyone hunt for themselves. You use everything. Not a single piece gets wasted. This way we hurt the wildlife as little as possible.” A smile appeared on her face. It was more than most countries did. She knew that plenty even bred animals, just to eat them later. Seemed stupid to her. Her people weren’t even allowed to kill a mother, as its children could end up like Saggy would have, had she not rescued him.

NOTES, none
TAGS, precious vampire ~
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 8:43 pm

only you can figure out

Yesterday had been close enough already. The blood dripping from the wound had almost pushed him over the edge. It was now two days ago since he had fed as well, instead of just one. But this time, he was prepared. Hopefully she wouldn’t get hurt. Normally animal blood didn’t have the same effect on him, so all should be good. Interested, he listened to her explanation. It was a nice mindset. See, they weren’t savages to their core, now were they? ”I like that”, He said with a genuine smile. He felt more at ease now, to be honest.

The predator inside him would have no issue with killing for fun. It was as if he had a whole second personality inside him. But Mort knew he was stronger than the monster lurking beneath. ”I would still like to see you try first though”, He continued. There was nothing he liked more than learn new things, it didn’t matter if it was little facts, exciting skills or pieces of information about the people he surrounded himself with.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 9:11 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
It seemed like Saggitarius had picked up a scent. The cat started to purr and slowly made its way to the left. Lexa held her finger on her lip, making sure that Mort wouldn’t speak, as she ran towards Saggitarius. Being quiet was, luckily, something the savages were quite good at. After all, even though hunting was not her favorite, she knew her way with a spear. A bow, however, was not quite her thing. Her aim was perfect when she had to throw, but as soon as it came to a bow she felt like… she’d be in trouble if whatever she was hunting, would start to hunt her. Though she doubted that would be the case, as deer were far more common than anything else here.

What Saggitarius found seemed to indeed be a deer. Lexa could see it standing there, eating grass peacefully, not aware of the danger that lurked. She knew that deer had poor eyesight, but would catch movement quite quickly. She just had to get close without it noticing her moving, then… She bit her lip and slowly stepped forward, freezing when the deer seemed to look to her, instead of straight forward. Their sense of hearing and smell was actually really good, so she knew that would be more of an issue than anything else.

She was almost there. She rose her spear, ready to strike, when she noticed that her cat had gotten impatient. He alerted the deer of his presence by jumping towards the creature. Sadly, the deer was quicker and started running. A sigh sounded and Lexa kneeled down in the grass, only to watch Saggitarius take off after the deer.


NOTES, none
TAGS, precious vampire ~
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 9:36 pm

only you can figure out

It looked like he would get his little show sooner than later. When he saw her gesture, he only nodded one time, then disappeared into the background. He opened up his senses more, finally picking up on her heartbeat, and two others. Saggitarius and the prey he had spotted, probably. There were more heartbeats around them, but they were much fainter. Smaller animals, hiding in the trees. Watching, just like he was, what was about to unfold. The vampire slowly let himself slip into a mood more fit for hunting. Even though he wasn’t really hunting, he was much more aware of the environment now.

Of course he wouldn’t let it get to the point where he would feel the urge to attack her again. He made his way through the forest, like a ghost, the perfect predator. When the deer came into his field of vision, he stood still in the shadows. He watched as she approached, with interest and anticipation of what would happen next. It didn’t take more than just a wrong move. The deer was startled, frightened away by Saggitarius. Lexa sighed and sat down, while the mountain lion darted away in pursuit.

”I got this”, He said with a little smile when he ran past her, still at human speed. A second later, he too took off. He made sure not to get too close to Saggi, as he didn’t want the other to turn against him. The heartbeat of the deer was clearly audible, pounding hard in its chest. It didn’t take long before he had caught up. But now what? Mort just decided to go with his instincts. His eyes found the spot, a thick vain pumping blood in the neck of the animal. With a leap he closed in on it, fangs cutting through tender flesh as he tackled it.

The animal let out a scream, clearly fearing for its life. Both the vampire and the deer crashed into the ground, as he held on tightly to its neck. Only mere moments later, Saggitarius approached on full speed. He immediately went for the back legs of the kicking deer, probably because Lexa had trained him that way. A low growl emerged from the vampire’s chest, as he looked up from the prey, face smeared with blood. It didn’t taste that bad. It wasn’t the same as human blood though. Speaking off.. Where the hell was Lexa?

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 10:28 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
Saggitarius was clearly hungry. He was a good hunter. One that could take down a deer by himself, but it was just better if she did it. less of the pelt got wasted that way. She often asked Saggi to only grab it, while she would stab the deer between the shoulders, where she would be able to stab it straight through the heart. But, the cat had been hungry and had taken matters into own hands. He would probably catch it, or maybe not. Then he’d come back home after a few hours in the grumpiest mood. She should probably not let the cat inside in that state, as he might very well be growling at Mort all night then.

‘I got this.’ Lexa looked at the vampire, who sped past. She got up and sighed, following the trail Saggitarius had left behind. It didn’t take too long before she found mort, covered in blood, with the deer and Saggitarius who proudly held on to the butt of the dead dear. The mountain lion wagged his tail in an impatient manner and Lexa frowned. “Sagg. Get out,” she told the cat, who seemed to reconsider his options for a bit, until he let go of the prey and put his butt on the floor, impatiently wagging his tail as he watched his owner, who walked up to her vampire. “Did you…” She had not expected to see how he was actually capable of taking something down without an actual weapon. The true power of the monster, hm?

NOTES, none
TAGS, precious vampire ~
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 10:36 pm

only you can figure out

With his last intake of blood now two days ago, it was surprisingly easy to give in to his instincts. It was safe though. He didn’t feel out of control for a second. The thirst though, was coming up again. Especially with the scent of blood in the air. It didn’t trigger him as bad as human blood would do. Not nearly as bad as yesterday. But still, he would have to be careful. The deer wasn’t dead yet while his fangs were plunged into its neck deeply. It struggled on for quite some time, causing him to rip open its artery when he tried to keep it down. The vampire was sitting almost on top of the deer, holding it down with his upper body. It was a bloody mess.

When the mountain lion approached, his instinct made him growl at him. This was his prey, until he was reminded that it wasn’t. This was Lexa’s breakfast. So when the deer finally stopped kicking too much, he let go, still holding it down though. The life was draining from it with every drip of blood spilled on the ground. When Lexa finally emerged from the woods too, he looked up, blue eyes locking with hers. The woman commanded the lion to step away, and indirectly Mort felt like he should take some distance too. So he pushed himself up again, taking a few steps back.

Confused feelings were overwhelming him. He just killed a deer. With bare hands. Or fangs, for that matter. “Did you…” Her voice sounded, and he looked back at her. Carefully he wiped his face with the back of his hand, warm liquid dripping down from it as he did. ”I just.. Kind of tackled it and ripped its artery”, He said, not even sure how he had pulled it off. Hunting instincts.. He couldn’t imagine he would do this to a human though. Maybe this had been a good lesson.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 10:50 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
Lexa stepped towards the vampire, taking his face into her hands as she got rid of a bit of blood off his face by moving her thumb across his cheeks. “You’re a bloody mess,” she whispered. The smile on her face made clear that she still did not see him as the monster he could be. Yes, he had now shown her the strength and speed he had. But, that did not change the fact that he had not done anything with that yet. He had not hurt anyone and she was sure that he would try everything in his power to not hurt her either.

She let go of Mort again and turned around, looking at the deer. “Now…” she said, frowning deeply. “I had planned on taking it home without blood everywhere,” she then mentioned. How the hell were they going to do that? It was not the biggest deer, being a white-tail. Probably weighed around 50 kilograms at best. But, with the blood everywhere, it would be messy. Then again… looking at Mort, it was already too late to care about that.

NOTES, none
TAGS, precious vampire ~
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 10:59 pm

only you can figure out

Now he knew what it was like, to kill with his abilities, he realised that it still wasn’t anything he would ever do without a very good reason. Not on animals, not on humans. It hadn’t really shocked him, but it had felt strange. The thrill that Edmund had mentioned, had not hit him as he had expected it to feel. Maybe because his prey wasn’t human, but perhaps just because it wasn’t in his personality to begin with. He didn’t want anyone to fear him. He didn’t want to be a monster. This hunt had made him even more determined to never hurt a human.

Her thumb caressed his cheek while she wiped away some blood. “You’re a bloody mess,” She whispered, but not with a hint of disgust. He let out a relieved sigh as he now just grabbed his shirt and cleaned the rest of his face. It was ruined anyway. “I had planned on taking it home without blood everywhere,” She then said. He stepped forward a bit, so he stood right next to her. ”Well, I can carry it if you want? I mean, I don’t think I can make it much worse than this”, He chuckled, gesturing at his shirt. So he bent over and grabbed the deer before putting it over his shoulder. It didn’t even weigh that much, and with his strength it would be no problem at all to get home.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Who I am - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Who I am

zo mei 20, 2018 11:12 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
Mort offered to carry it. She would have denied out of good manners, but she knew that it was the better option. He was way stronger than she would ever be and already covered in blood, so it would not matter that much. She shrugged. “Sounds like a plan. Thanks,” she told him, watching how he put the deer over his shoulder like it was nothing. She rolled her eyes, only to smile after. “Showoff,” she told him. Though he could show off for her any time. No complaints heard. She went over some blood on his shirt with her finger and frowned. “Looks like you’ll have to take this off when we get home,” she told him, as she started walking. How sad.

When they arrived back at her place, she stared at the meat pole that was luckily in front of her house. Normally it would be in a different spot, but since this entire village was built a bit weird, there had been no room behind. Not bad though, as there was never anyone in the village anyhow. “Let’s hang it upside down,” she said. Now the skinning could start. Fun.

NOTES, none
TAGS, precious vampire ~
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