Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
current event
Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
List of the current city rulers: click here
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Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

Winter is coming Empty Winter is coming

vr sep 29, 2017 9:50 am
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
Het was duidelijk dat de zomer voorbij was. Het was altijd koud hier in Hillerød, de huizen hadden altijd een flinterdun laagje wit wat de stad eigen maakte. Maar het werd steeds kouder en binnenkort zouden de mensen hun extra dikke gewaden weer uit de kast moeten halen. Er werden maatregelen getroffen voor de komende winter. Houthakkers gingen er dagelijks op uit om hout te halen uit de bossen ten zuiden van de stad. Immers moest er genoeg brandhout zijn voor de strenge winter die eraan kwam. Karren met graan kwamen regelmatig de stad binnen vanuit andere regio's. Vlees werd opgeslagen en ingevroren, mensen die normaal buiten de stad woonde trokken naar Hillerød om er de winter door te brengen. Zo was het altijd gegaan, want iedereen wist dat enkel de dikke muren van de stad de kou tegen konden houden.

Gevolgd door haar twee lijfwachten wandelde ze in de richting van de haven. Er was een nieuwe lading aangekomen en het was haar taak om te checken of alles in orde was. Ze hield ervan om dingen zelf te doen, ze was niet iemand die honderden mannen rond zou commanderen voor dit soort taakjes. Freyja wilde weten of ze genoeg hadden voor de komende winter, ze zou spreken met de mensen die verantwoordelijk waren voor het opslaan van de spullen.

Toen ze bij de haven waren aangekomen zag ze een kraampje met prachtig bond staan. Ze gebaarde aan haar lijfwachten dat ze hier moesten wachten en wandelde er heen. De Skarsgård droeg altijd wolvenbond over haar schouders, het kenmerkte haar als een belangrijk iemand. Met haar hand ging ze over de warme vachten heen, kijkende of ze er misschien eentje zou kopen. Ze zou er de binnenkant van een nieuwe jurk van maken, er waren veel mogelijkheden met dit soort producten en ze vond het handiger als ze deze eerst zelf kon bekijken.

Kleine sneeuwvlokjes kwamen uit de lucht vallen. Ze dwarrelde neer op de lading bond en mengde zich in haar vuurrode haren, winter was coming.
notes: donovar first post!
Donovar Slynt
Real name : Penguin
Aantal berichten : 100
IC posts : 18

Character sheet
Age: 24
Residence : Falkreath

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

zo okt 01, 2017 1:09 pm

Het vuur dat voor hem stond verwarmde de topjes van zijn vingers, die niet bedekt werden door de handschoenen die dat hij droeg. De jongen zat ergens midden in de stad op een vat met zijn rug tegen de muur van een gebouw. Hij had nergens aandacht voor enkel voor het knetterende geluid van het kampvuur. Het zachte geluid bracht een zekere rust in hem naar boven.

Zijn aandacht werd pas getrokken wanneer een meisje met haar zo rood als het vuur voor hem voorbij wandelde, op de voet gevolgd door twee lijfwachten. De Lady van Hillerød. Zijn hoofd ging omhoog en hij volgde haar elke beweging met zijn ogen. Wanneer zij weg ging van haar lijfwachten en naar een kraam wandelde op de markt, schoot Donovar recht om met kalme passen naar datzelfde kraampje te wandelen. Het was een kans die zich niet elke dag voordeed. Niet dat hij perse wilde spreken met haar vanwege haar naam.

Hij nam plaats naast de dame die al aan het kraam stond, met vuurrood haar dat je niet kon negeren. Al snel nam hij zelf een lap bond vast om het te bestuderen. Vanuit zijn ooghoeken hield hij de twee lijfwachten in het oog. Je kon wel zien dat hij niet van één of andere hoge familie kwam en hij had geen zin om weggestuurd te worden door één van de twee mannen. “That are some fine furs.” Zijn blauwe ogen waren gevestigd op het bont wat in zijn handen lag. Hij liet zijn duim over de zachte pels heen glijden terwijl de sneeuw erop neerviel. “Soon everyone will need them,” vervolgde hij. Donovar zou zijn eigen bont niet halen van een markt. De jongeman trok steeds zelf het bos in en ging zelf jagen voor bond en eten. Hij zorgde voor zichzelf en enkel voor zichzelf.

"The moon is my sun the night is my day
Blood is my life and you are my prey"
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

zo okt 01, 2017 5:40 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
Het was wel duidelijk dat de winter voor de deur stond. De kleine sneeuwvlokjes die nu uit de hemel kwamen dwarrelen bevestigde dat. Binnenkort zouden ze extra goed op de haven moeten gaan letten, om ervoor te zorgen dat deze begaanbaar bleef. Dan zou de stad weer onder een dikke laag sneeuw verstopt liggen, dezelfde sneeuw waarin ze als klein kind vrolijk had gespeeld. Maar nu was de tijd van spelen voorbij, nu was ze de Lady van Hillerød.

Een stem naast haar sprak op, wat natuurlijk haar aandacht trok. "They are indeed," stemde ze met de ander in. Ondanks dat het koud was, trok ze de leren handschoen van haar rechterhand af zodat ze de vacht beter kon voelen. "And they will, you are right." Haar mondhoek trok een beetje omhoog. "I hope we'll have enough for everybody." Waarschijnlijk zou ze als lady van de stad wel zorgen dat de armere mensen ook dit soort warme spullen hadden, zo was ze namelijk wel. "And then I'm not only talking about the furs." Als hun havens dichtvroren en het bleek dat ze te weinig voedsel hadden, dan moest alles door het besneeuwde berglandschap komen, niet bepaald ideaal als je snel voedsel nodig had.
notes: donovar first post!
Donovar Slynt
Real name : Penguin
Aantal berichten : 100
IC posts : 18

Character sheet
Age: 24
Residence : Falkreath

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

ma okt 02, 2017 8:47 pm
Dagen werden korter en nachten werden langer. Lang ging het niet meer duren voordat iedereen weer vaker binnen zat en enkel buiten kwam wanneer het echt nodig was. Nu al was iedereen bezig met het inzamelen van voorraden en dan vooral eten. Het was altijd schaars en zeker tegen dat het kouder werd. Je moest al zelf jagen wilde je zeker zijn dat je iets op je bord zou krijgen. “That’s correct,” bekende de jongeman met een zachte knik. Hij legde de pels die hij vast had weer neer en draaide zich dan een halve slag om, zodat hij met zijn bekken tegen de tafel aan kon leunen. Dit zorgde er eveneens voor dat hij haar ook makkelijker aan kon kijken. Een Lady en hij was ermee aan het spreken. Velen zouden hem er op wijzen dat het een geschenk was van de Gods, maar hij wist beter.

Donovar zijn ogen gleden weer naar het bont waar hij nu tegen zat en met één hand speelde hij wat met de vacht. Het voelde heel zacht aan tussen zijn ruwe vingers. “Falkreath is only for those strong enough to survive,” begon hij. “That we are still alive means we are part of the strong. We are neither easily defeated nor killed.” Het koude weer zorgde ervoor dat mensen sterker werken. Hij was er bijna zeker van dat mensen in het hoge Noorden een sterker karakter hadden dan de rest van de wereld. Je zag ook haast nooit een Elf daar, die ging zichzelf echt niet overgeven aan de koude temperaturen.
"The moon is my sun the night is my day
Blood is my life and you are my prey"
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

wo okt 04, 2017 5:33 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
Ze keek toe hoe de ander een wat aangenamere positie aannam om tegen haar te praten, waarbij ze één van haar wachters kort naar de ander zag kijken. Niet iedereen leek zo relaxt te zijn wanneer ze tegen de Lady spraken, maar Freyja vond het alles behalve erg. Ze wilde niet dat mensen haar zagen als iemand die vele malen hoger stond dan hen, ze wilde alleen dat ze wisten dat ze er alles aan zou doen om Hillerød de grote, sterke stad te houden die het nu was.

"You are right, we are strong. Stronger then most people think." Voor een moment richtte ze haar blik weer op de zachte vacht waar ze met haar hand over heen was gegaan. "Some think we are weak because we hide behind our walls." De andere vikingen keken vast op hun neer vanwege hun muur, het was niet gebruikelijk om een muur te hebben als vikingstad. Toch had haar familie generaties geleden besloten om wel die muur te bouwen. "Perhaps not only those who are strong, but those who are also smart survive." Veelbetekenend keek ze hem aan. Lichamelijk was zij niet sterk, maar hier stond ze dan. En niet één van haar broers.

"Tell me, what is the name of the person that descided to have this interesting conversation with me." Ze was oprecht benieuwd naar wat hij nog meer te vertellen had, en het zou wel handig zijn als ze een naam bij een gezicht kon plakken.
notes: none
Donovar Slynt
Real name : Penguin
Aantal berichten : 100
IC posts : 18

Character sheet
Age: 24
Residence : Falkreath

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

wo okt 18, 2017 7:18 pm

Donovar noticed how the guards were constantly looking at him. Where they scared that he was going to kill Freyja? Adorable. He probably could if he would and if he wanted to die after that, but he didn’t. If people knew what he was, they would think of him as a killer, but he was not a killer. At least he would not kill one of his own in cold blood. If it was an invader with bad intentions or someone who tried to hurt him that he would kill that person. But never because he liked it for he did not. He did not even when there was this constant urge to hunt, attack and kill. An urge that grew stronger when the moon became larger and brighter.

It was true that a lot of strong people lived in Falkreath, but they were not at all smart. At least most of them weren’t. “Not sure if I can agree with you about that, m’lady.” Donovar immediately looked around him at all the people that passed by. Some of them were downright stupid and they didn’t even care. They only cared about ale, women, and plundering. That was where they lived for and they did not think about their actions or were not at all smart enough to come up with some kind of plan. “A lot of people would already be dead if it are the strong and smart ones that survive.” Even though he was poor, didn’t own a house and was a monster, he still looked down on a lot of people. He looked back at her when he noticed her eyes burning on him. “But then again, if what you say is true, then that would mean I’m both strong and smart. I like that.” A width smile covered his face while he placed the fur he was holding back with the rest.

Donovar frowned when she wanted to know his name and soon after that narrowed his eyes. He was not sure why someone like her would show interest in someone like him. “The name is Donovar. No need in telling yours, I already know, everyone knows who you are.” That was not a lie. She was the lady of this place, of course, she was known by everyone.  

"The moon is my sun the night is my day
Blood is my life and you are my prey"
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

do okt 19, 2017 10:40 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
It seemed like he wasn't going to agree with her about all those people here being strong. "You can be smart without being strong and strong without being smart, most people are only one of those things," she reacted on his earlier words. Physically she wasn't strong at all, that was a fact and everybody could see that. She was a lady and no warrior that would fight in battle. It was the reason those guards were with her almost every moment of the day when she was exposed to other people. Freyja could not die, the city would get into chaos and her aunt would probably take over the place.

He said that he would like to believe he was strong and smart. The eyes of the red haired lady followed his hands that placed back the fur back with the rest. "Who knows you are," she said with a smile. She didn't knew him, so she could not decide if he was both of those things. On the other side, he was someone from the north and still alive. That must count for something.

His name was Donovar, and his eyes gave away that he was a little bit suspicious now. It was weird that a lady was interessed in his name, she could understand that. He also knew who she was, what spared her from introducing herself at this point. "Don't be so suspicious," she said while investigating him for a bit. "I'm truely interested in certain people." She wanted to bond with the people that were wandering in her city.
notes: none
Donovar Slynt
Real name : Penguin
Aantal berichten : 100
IC posts : 18

Character sheet
Age: 24
Residence : Falkreath

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

ma okt 23, 2017 10:43 am

Donovar gave a few nobs when Freyja start talking. “That is true,” he agreed. Most Vikings were strong, but not at all smart. They were animals that only wanted to fight and kill and eat and make love. Every day, over and over again. And then they would call him a beast if they knew what he was. They were more monstrous than him. So many women got raped, because of the man's desires and their inability to control themselves. “Most people here are clearly strong but not at all smart.” His blue eyes scanned the place and it wasn’t hard to find one of those strong, but stupid Vikings.

Donovar liked to think he was both. He was an excellent thief and was good with his words if he wanted to be. Maybe he was not as strong as some other Vikings. Some of them looked like bears after all, while he was much more slender.  

She noticed that he didn’t trust the situation, but nothing else seemed to happen so he relaxed again.“There you have it, certain people. There isn’t much I can offer you.” There was a small smile dancing on his lips because he knew he’d made a point. He was living on the streets, while she lived in a big castle, with everything her heart desired. She didn’t need to do anything, everything came running towards her, while the normal people needed to go hunting, needed to work for it. And every day it became harder and harder. There was less prey and more people went hunting. There were days he had no food. It was not like the other villagers wanted to share their catch with him.
But he didn’t blame her. Freyja was one of those lucky people, chosen by the Gods, while they had abandoned him. “Most people with your power do not care about the lower ones. So excuse my suspicion,” he explained to her while shrugging. You could hear that he didn’t blame her, there was not a lot he could do about it anyway.

"The moon is my sun the night is my day
Blood is my life and you are my prey"
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

ma okt 23, 2017 4:31 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
To be honest, she doubted that her ancestors had been both smart and strong. Most of the man that had been lord of Hillerød before her ended up dying in battle after all, not the smartest thing to do as a leader. Freyja didn't even know how to fight properly, and she was not planning on getting herself in so much trouble that she had to fight for her life. The red haired lady was used to other people protecting her, her father always made sure of that. But now he was gone she was just a tasty shark meal, waiting to be taken by the first hungry shark that swam by. "You're right.." she agreed with him while her eyes gazed over the other people around. Some seemed to be strong, but there was no way everybody used their brains instead of their human instincs. She considered herself as one of the smart people, definately not strong. Perhaps she wasn't smart either.

A little smile appeared on her face while the other person said he had not much to offer her. "Yet here we are, still talking." That meant he did had to offer her something, his company at this right moment.

Freyja pointed her eyes at Donovar again when he told her that the most people of her status didn't really care about the lower ones. "I'm not like most people," she immediately said after he was done talking. "But I don't blame you for thinking like that." The people had to know that she was nothing like the other lords and ladies, those who used their power for their own good and never thought about the lower class. Freyja wanted to be a lady of the people, but she knew she had to earn that place first.
notes: none
Donovar Slynt
Real name : Penguin
Aantal berichten : 100
IC posts : 18

Character sheet
Age: 24
Residence : Falkreath

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

zo dec 24, 2017 2:24 pm

Talking with the Lady of Hillerod, it was a special thing. He would have expected guards to drag him away. Donover looked more like a homeless person than a real villager. If you compared it to the Lady, there was no denying the difference. He envied her a bit. Why, out of all people, were some blessed with everything and others with nothing? It was a weird thing. Most people said it was because of the Gods, but no good had come to him. So unless the Gods hated him to the bone, there were no Gods. It was easier to think that they didn’t exist than to believe they were punishing him for some crime he didn’t know of.

Donovar didn’t think of himself as an interesting individual. Most days he spends alone, trying to find enough food and water. He didn’t really have connections, never had. His current state didn’t make it any better for he feared death if someone got to know him. There were enough hunters in the town, so he had to choose his friends carefully. “I’ll take it as a compliment then.” Donovar must admit that he liked the little encounter that they had.

She was not like everybody else, or so she said. There was no proof of it and for now, he could only take her word for it, but what when she figured it out? What when she knew what really was talking to her? He doubted she would behave the same. No one would when a monster stood before them, not even he would behave normally. Donovar hoped that he never had to know how someone would respond to seeing him like he really was. For the few times it had happened, he managed to get away from everyone and no one had died by his hands. Or at least that was what he thought. “Hmm,” he said thoughtful, with a sly smile on his face. “You didn’t convince me.” There was still a smile dancing on his lips. “What about giving me a chance to figure out myself what kind of person you are? I mean, it is hard to trusts people, for anyone can lie if they want to. Only some people do it better than others.” He hoped she would take the offer because it would mean that they had to spend more time together after that day. How else was he supposed to know what kind of person she was?

"The moon is my sun the night is my day
Blood is my life and you are my prey"
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

do dec 28, 2017 12:38 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
This day turned out very different then she had in mind. At first she thought she was going to stroll around the city for a bit, but now she found herself in a situation that quite surprised her. This little encounter was not something she had every day. Not much people had the courage to walk up to her like that, and she had to admit she liked it a lot. Finally someone that wasn’t scared off because of her status and name. He was going to take her words as a compliment then, what made her grin for a moment. Yes, he was an amusing company to have.

She told him she was not like most people, and narrowed her eyes a little bit when he seemed to question her words. It was not like she was angry, she was actually quite amused and a little smile danced around her lips. “Didn’t I?” she spoke while raising her eyebrows in a playful way. It was not like she had to defend herself or something. He wanted her to give him the chance to figure out who she was. Again there was this amused expression on her face that she wasn’t able to hold back. “Alright then,” she agreed with it after a brief silence. She knew that this meant they were going to see each other more then this one time and she had to say she didn’t mind that at all.

“Perhaps I should invite you to dinner tonight,” she said with an amused look in her eyes. Probably not the best idea, to invite someone into her castle that she met on the streets. There was just this thing about him she was not able to place. Maybe it was because he was not afraid to talk to her, knowing who she was and what kind off power she had. Most people didn’t spoke to her like this, they were much more reserved. He, in contrast, didn’t seem to bother at all. He spoke decent, yet straight to the point and with this bit of self-assurance in it. “And since you knew who I was, I also think you are able to find the way to where I live.” Everybody knew the Lady lived in the castle that was built in the centre of the city. The Skarsgårds had been living in that castle since they built it by their own hands. She looked at him with a certain curiosity in her eyes, she wanted to know if he was going to accept the offer she made him just now.
notes: none
Donovar Slynt
Real name : Penguin
Aantal berichten : 100
IC posts : 18

Character sheet
Age: 24
Residence : Falkreath

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

zo jan 21, 2018 7:27 pm

Why would he trust her when she told him that she was not like the others? He could say the same about himself, tell her that everything about him was normal. Yet that was not true and you would only know that if you spend time with that person. If he didn’t like her company, he would have reacted differently, but he liked the idea of spending more time with her. That way he would get to know her better and who knew where that would end. Donovar was still waiting for an answer and when he got one, a big smile appeared on his face.

His eyes moved to the large castle that was towering over the town and its people. You couldn’t miss it even if you wanted to. “That will not be a problem,” he said. It felt strange to imagine that he would be sitting there for a few hours. He didn’t even have a real house and now he was invited to have dinner with the lady. How would others react when they saw him going there?  Not that he cared about the opinions of others. On the other hand, he did care how she would think of him when he would set foot inside. Maybe he could steal some good clothes somewhere. “When will dinner be served?” he then asked while looking back at her. In the end, it would not be as bad as one would think.  
Maybe he was more afraid of what people would think about her if she let him in. He was not the typical guest of a Lady, not at all. It was a dangerous thing to do for him. Things could go wrong and he didn't want that to happen. This… life he had now was different and he still had to get used to it. The most important thing was that Freyja would not figure out his little furry secret. No one was allowed to know that.

"The moon is my sun the night is my day
Blood is my life and you are my prey"
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

zo jan 21, 2018 10:51 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
She couldn’t help but smile when she saw the big smile that appeared on his face when she invited him for dinner. They were strangers, they knew nothing much more then their names. There was just this part in her that wanted to know him better He was certainly not scared of her, something she approved. Perhaps she would finally have someone to talk to as a normal human being, not as a noble. The formal talk was getting on her nerves some days, and even her handmaidens talked to her with a certain distance. She really liked the idea of someone breaking with that norm.

Finding her castle wasn’t going to be a problem to him, which she expected. She followed his gaze to the large castle that was visible everywhere in the city. Her ancestors mad build it all. The walls, the houses, the castle, the harbour. Even though it all looked a bit cold and gray, so did most places in the north. The little snowflakes that were falling from the sky gave the city a certain softness. Freyja always loved the snow. She remembered that when she was still a child, she used to make snow angels in it. Sometimes her brothers had joined her, but they were always busy with training and fighting. She had never been like that. But now she was the lady of a city like this, she had to learn how to fight. If she didn’t, there would be no viking respecting her. It was hard for a young woman who had recently lost her father and two of her brothers.

“At dusk,” she said while looking back at him again. For a moment she seemed to forget about all the problems of the past few weeks. A dinner would do no harm, right? After all, she was the lady, there was nobody to forbid her to invite people into her castle. “I’ll tell my guards I have a special guest tonight, just say your name and they will let you in.” She was looking forward to it already, she rarely ever had guests that were no important Lords or Ladies who came to her city for political reasons.
notes: none
Donovar Slynt
Real name : Penguin
Aantal berichten : 100
IC posts : 18

Character sheet
Age: 24
Residence : Falkreath

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

wo feb 14, 2018 7:01 pm

He had no idea what to expect when approaching the castle. Everything seemed so strange to him and he felt like he didn’t belong. Now he was for sure the black sheep between all the white once. One look at him and you could see he wasn’t of royal blood. He was trying his best not to seem to out of place and stay calm. Some eyes were burning on his back. They knew he was coming, but they probably also knew which social class he had. Donovar ignored every one of them, looking straight forward.

Standing in front of the large wooden door he felt rather small. His home was as large as the door was high. What was he doing there? It was no place for him. He only belonged somewhere outside these walls in a small house deep in the forest. A place where he could harm no one and where no one would find him.

Eventually, the wooden doors opened and he was greeted by a few guards. When he walked inside they accompanied him towards the dining room. They were making him nervous though. With every step, he could hear their armor and swords. He was hoping they wouldn’t stay while he was eating. It wasn’t like he was a known criminal or had bad intentions, yet he knew they didn’t trust him. They were walking close to him, with their hands placed on their swords. One wrong move and he was dead.

Donovar took a deep breath when they reached the dining room and walked inside. It was beautiful inside and so warm. If he stayed to long he was afraid he wouldn’t want to leave anymore. Much better than his little home.  

"The moon is my sun the night is my day
Blood is my life and you are my prey"
Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

Winter is coming Empty Re: Winter is coming

za feb 17, 2018 3:28 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
Freyja had been preparing herself for her guest tonight. She tried to keep herself from showing off too much. After all she was not planning on impressing him that much, but she also wanted to look good for him. Strange, she never felt like doing so for other guests. After she brushed her hair for the third time, she decides she was ready and left her chambers, going to the room she always dined in with her family and important guests. Today her brothers were busy, so she would normally dine all by herself. Not today though, today it would be only her and her guest.

A smile appeared on her face when she saw him standing in the dining room while she walked in. “You found my castle, I see.” Of course, he had found her castle, there was no way anyone could miss the big building. Freyja had left her guards a note to bring him to the dining room when he arrived. They had shown her a confused glare, but there was no-one who wanted to go against the words their Lady. It surprised her that none of her brothers had come to her, telling her that she was being stupid, inviting strangers for dinner. She only saw it as a chance to meet new people, to meet people that were living in her village and northerners from other parts of Falkreath. Donovar seemed to be an interesting individual. The guards had not frightened him to come up to her and talk to her while knowing who she was. You needed a certain character trait to attempt such things.

“Do you want anything to drink?” she asked him while she walked over to the table with some different drinks on it: wine, ale, rum and water. For herself she filled a glass with wine, although she knew she should not drink too much of it. She had to admit she felt a bit nervous, so the wine would help her to get comfortable with the whole situation. She looked up at the guards standing next to the door, signed them to leave and they did. Her eyes went back to Donovar again, waiting for his answer.
notes: none
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