Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
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Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Down by the ocean [Allison]

vr jun 15, 2018 5:33 pm

The truth doesn’t matter

The two greenish eyes of the woman stared over the ocean. Ever since Trystane had provided her the house just outside the castle with the balcony, it was her favourite place to be. She could watch the sun set over and over again. Seeing how the orange ball of light sunk down into the cool blue water, vanishing every day to make place for the millions of stars. It was quite a small place, but luxurious to serve as a little home for her to be, since her home island Cois wasn’t that great of an option. With the wind picking up her long brown curls, dragging them over her shoulders to her back, Eve closed her eyes. Feeling how that moment of peace settled in, hearing the distant crushing of the waves on the beach. All perfect. Too perfect.

Surely Evelyn had to fix her own shit, reclaim her own island, recover that little crack in her and the islands reputation. But for now it didn’t matter, silently planning and negotiating along the way. It all went very slow, the letters took their time to arrive, and so did the boats with the optional trading goods. Giving the lady the time to really prepare for anything that could happen, which was all too fine. But, of course that really couldn’t be the way it needed to go, right? No, life really didn’t follow any rules, and had thrown unexpected turns at Eve more than once, why would this time be different?

Just a few days ago, the dark haired lady had heard quite some noise. Seen it also, because the same balcony provided few to the castle as well. At first, Eve didn’t really panic. Since it was Rhoynar, Brightwater Keep to be exact, raids happened more than often. It wasn’t really a state with much strict rules, and even if that was so, they weren’t followed that neatly. But after a day of silence, the worry began to raise within Evelyn, it was almost too silent. There were no prisoners, making her think they might’ve succeeded in their goal. They wouldn’t, right? The worry didn’t go away, the one day of silence becoming two, and eventually three. After that, the rumours started to spread, all around Brightwater. Making the lady decide it would be best to go on a visit herself. And so she did.

Even though Eve hadn’t been all that long there, she knew the way inside the castle pretty well, following the huge hallways until the lady reached the very fancy chair room. But as her eyes searched for her usual sight, they got a very different one, a woman to be exact. ’What is going on here?’ Evelyn started, her voice sharp while she squeezed her eyes a little bit in the confusion. ’Who are you?’ Was the second question that got fired towards the woman in front of her, reflecting exactly the chaos that was her mind at this moment.  

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

vr jun 15, 2018 11:36 pm
I'm headed straight for the castle
They’ve got the Kingdom locked up
All these minutes passing, sick of feeling used. If you wanna break these walls down, you’re gonna get bruised. And now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it. Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it
In only three days time, her entire life had been changed. She had never thought to find herself sitting on a very fancy chair, in a dress that actually covered her knees for once. Her long, brown hair fell loosely over her shoulders as her gaze fell upon the guard. “I told you to bring him to me unharmed,” she told him, her voice clearly unamused. She hadn’t had the chance to get mad at him yesterday, when they had brought her Romeo. Harmed. So, today, Gareth was facing the anger of his Grand Duchess. He bowed for her, though his expression made perfectly clear that he wasn’t happy with her. Perhaps because she had broken back his nose without a warning. ‘It won’t happen again,’ he simply said, causing her to sigh. “If it does, you’ll be out of a job,” she told him. “And you know what happens to guards who leave their job.” Spoiler alert: it wasn’t good.

Gareth had gone back to his business and Allison had stayed in her very fancy chair, sighing once more. She had always been a leader, taking care of the many people who worked for her and Giovanni. Still, this was different. Because then she chose who she worked with, now it wasn’t all up to her anymore. She had to take certain people in, whether she wanted to or not. For example, her guards. She didn’t like having them, but they were needed. And she would just have to deal with it.

When a lady came walking in, Allison raised a brow again. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that question?” she replied, moving her gaze to the door for a second, before looking at the brunette again.

TAGS, bff
Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

za jun 16, 2018 7:21 pm

The truth doesn’t matter

The room felt different. Evelyn had sensed it ever since the lady had stepped in it, felt it like some sort of weird thing hanging around. Maybe it was the missing of Trystane she had felt from the moment she began to worry. The fact that she hadn’t seen him at all nor heard from him did not make any of that better. And then those rumours, at first Eve didn’t take that much note to them. There were rumours all the time, especially in a lush city like Brightwater Keep. But after the days progressed, the rumours flared up, making the lady to slowly give in to them. Horrible mistake that was. Even though they all varied so much from each other, they all were very negative about Trys. When she finally decided it would be time to see what was going on, the sight of seeing someone else on that very fancy chair wasn’t close to what Eve had hoped for.

Evelyn stopped herself from walking, crossing her arms over each other. No, this was not only a thing she didn’t hoped for, she hadn’t expected it either. The words made the brunette answer the raised brow with one herself, as she got even more confused on them. What was she doing there? Did she really not know who she was? Sure, Cois was a small island, but until now, Brightwater Keep and her island did always have a strong connection. ’Depends, on who you are.’ Slowly Evelyn spoke her words, the suspicion clearly hearable within her voice. ’Evelyn Keightly, Duchess of Cois.’ She spoke after, giving her her name and status. Hoping that it would give Eve the same in return.  

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

ma jun 18, 2018 8:12 pm
I'm headed straight for the castle
They’ve got the Kingdom locked up
All these minutes passing, sick of feeling used. If you wanna break these walls down, you’re gonna get bruised. And now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it. Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it
There had been plenty of people demanding her to tell them who they were. Allison could have had their heads for the disrespect they had shown, but instead she had decided to play Good Cop with her people. If she ever needed someone to be the Bad Cop, she had Kaz. So, she smiled at them. Exactly like she did now. The people needed to think that she was good, that they could come to her with problems, with whatever they needed. They needed someone who would actually not hide behind her walls, but went out and gained the trust of her people. If they thought of doing anything stupid, however, there was mister bad cop who was happy to rip their heads off. It was a perfect balance.

The woman in front of her was, apparently, the Duchess of Cois. Allison immediately smiled. “Well, well,” she spoke, clearly not impressed, but amused nonetheless. “My name is Allison Lenier,” she introduced herself. “The new Grand Duchess of Brightwater Keep.” The smile turned into a smirk as she raised a brow. “Can I help you?”  

TAGS, best friend xoxoxo
Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

wo jun 20, 2018 10:05 pm

The truth doesn’t matter

Besides planning and contacting her own island, Evelyn was away from her Duchess like duties. Fixing the political status of her and Cois, that took it very easy as Eve could stay with Trystane for whole way through. Strengthening the bond between Brightwater Keep and Cois at the same time, it really wasn’t necessary to speed things up. At least, that was what Eve thought until now. Until the rumours about the Grand Duke started. She wasn’t in the castle every day anymore, eventually she had found herself an pretty great house right besides the castle. Just as the lady started to visit less often, a thing like this happened. Making her want to slam her head right through the wall, because now she needed to fix the whole thing herself. But that was for later, for now it were the questions Evelyn had that were more pressing. Why this lady was here, what she was and how she got there. With that came the question, how even hadn’t Eve known her already?

As the lady started to speak, it gave her at least some answers. Answers that Evelyn was almost desperate for, since she felt like her view of the last few days had huge holes in them. For sure what happened here, to say the least. Very shortly the lady smiled back, merely a flash before her expression faded into a more suspicious one again. It most certainly didn’t seem like her status meant a lot to her, and while she spoke about her being the new Grand Duchess, it all got that much clearer. ’What happened here?’ Evelyn squeezed her eyes together even more, not trusting the whole situation. At all. ’I think you can actually.’ She spoke after, flashing that faint smile once more. ’Where is Trystane?’ The question seemed almost too stupid to ask, but she did anyway. Hoping it wouldn’t be what firstly flashed into her mind, which was not a pretty picture.

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

do jun 21, 2018 2:33 am
I'm headed straight for the castle
They’ve got the Kingdom locked up
All these minutes passing, sick of feeling used. If you wanna break these walls down, you’re gonna get bruised. And now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it. Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it
What hadn’t happened here was probably a better question to ask. But, the woman wasn’t going to be witty. She wasn’t trying to turn anyone against her, though their actions would have the necessary consequences. Those who were loyal to the previous duke would hate them, no matter what words she would use. And those were exactly the people she would have loved by her side, rather than those who jumped ship so easily. Like their new leaders hadn’t killed their Duke, taking his place like it was nothing. A saddening thought, but Allison knew that most of them just wanted to work in a safe environment. As long as she gave them that, they were no threat to her and would work as they were told to.

The Duke is dead,” she replied calmly. “My sincerest condolences.” Not really. While a part of her felt for the Duke and his loved ones, she also knew he would have died. With or without her help. Giovanni had taught her that the few could be sacrificed for the many. That it would all be worth it. Trystane had to die anyway. She might as well take the throne (*very fancy chair) and make the best of it.

TAGS, bff <3
Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

do jun 21, 2018 2:32 pm

The truth doesn’t matter

Slowly Evelyn pulled the gaze of her green brownish eyes off the lady. Looking through the room to see if there were changes she could notice right away. Despite the very obvious change of a woman on that very fancy chair, maybe there would be other changes that gave her some more information. But even as the lady looked closer, she couldn’t see anything. Everything was clean, just like it was two weeks ago when she had visited the man for the last time. The gaze shifted just very careful around the whole room, taking in all the details it had. Looking at the windows, the curtains, the floor, not missing a single centimetre. There were none, nothing seemed different and still it felt that way. Was it because of the lady standing in front of her? Although Eve most certainly didn’t trust this whole situation, she kept her calm. Besides some cautious looks from her, and her body language being not so friendly, she withheld herself from any action. For now that was.

And that “now” was almost ending, as Eve heard the words, forming the answer she didn’t want to hear. Words so simply spoken, but with meaning far beyond. Her eyebrows formed into a frown while her eyes flashed back to the brunette in front of her. ’What do you mean?’ Pushing her body off the spot, Eve made a few steps towards Allison. ’What happened here?’ She asked again, observing the woman with her eyes to see any reaction from them. A rush of emotion struck through, this couldn’t be happening right? This couldn’t be true.  

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

do jun 21, 2018 2:47 pm
Surrounded, but always alone
So pick a place, pretend it's home
The higher you climb, the further you fall. But don't be ashamed of wanting it all. Cause the view from the top is beautiful but fleeting. Looks can be deceiving
Allison didn’t expect to befriend the woman with the words that were spoken. But, she had to hear them. Keeping the Duke’s death a secret would only cause her to hear the rumors from someone else, facing the biggest moment of anger outside of this castle. Where she’d have time to plot something incredibly stupid and Allison did not want to have to kill the Duchess of Cois. There was enough chaos already. Keeping the current leaders where they belonged would be for the best.

The woman spoke and took a step towards her, causing Allison to raise her hand. “No closer or I’ll have to call for a guard,” she simply spoke. None of them would want that to happen. It would be humiliating if the Duchess would have to be locked up until she finally calmed down. “Vikings raided the city and... the Duke lost his life,” she spoke, voice terribly calm. As if she didn’t care about the life lost. “It appears he had some enemies.” Because, of course. It wasn’t just because she wanted to sit on his very fancy chair herself.

TAGS, best bae
Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

do jun 21, 2018 3:23 pm

The truth doesn’t matter

Was he, just gone? Did he just stop existing, and Eve didn’t even know. There was a new leader, that had stepped in his place, and she didn’t even know. Living almost besides the castle she just got on with her day. Completely ignorant to what was happening, even when there was a raid. She had just expected it to be the same like any other, she hadn’t even worried and now he was gone. Evelyn couldn’t help but feel a little guild run through her body, asking herself if it would be any different if she wasn’t that unknowing.

Her step forward got an immediate response. The words clear, which made Eve let her arms fall next to her before she turned towards the window. Softly pushing her fingers through her hair while letting a sigh out. She knew how things went, being somewhat of a royal herself for her whole life had taught her that for sure. If she could avoid guards coming in and locking her up, it would be for the best. But that wasn’t that easy. Evelyn took a deep breath in to say something, opening her mouth before pulling it shut as Allison started to speak again. ’And you were here,’ The lady turned towards the brunette again. ’very conveniently, to take his place?’ Eve squeezed her eyes a little, still not trusting any of the situation.

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

vr jun 22, 2018 4:29 pm
Surrounded, but always alone
So pick a place, pretend it's home
The higher you climb, the further you fall. But don't be ashamed of wanting it all. Cause the view from the top is beautiful but fleeting. Looks can be deceiving
The woman in front of her wasn’t good at keeping a pokerface. Or maybe she just didn’t even try. Allison, on the other hand, barely showed any emotion, only raising a brow in either amusement or confusion when the woman spoke. One of the things she had learned to do in the past, as showing any fear or weakness could be the end of you if you were dealing with the wrong people. Many of her deals were successful because she was bluffing, making them think she’d have a whole lot more in store for them than she actually planned to. Something that would, probably, one day, bite her in the arse. But that day wasn’t today.

I ordered for his execution,” she calmly spoke, changing her position slightly and straightening her back again. She carefully watched the expression of the woman in front of her, ready to call for a guard if she planned on doing anything remotely stupid. “There were multiple people out for his head, my lady. People you wouldn’t want on this very fancy chair.” And this was honesty. What if she hadn’t made the deal? Who would have ended up here? It would have been a game of luck, as she doubted that Ragnvald would have wanted to sit here himself.

TAGS, best bae
Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

vr jun 22, 2018 11:18 pm

The truth doesn’t matter

The thought that she never should’ve visited the castle in the first place ran through her mind. Maybe then she would never know, live on with her life in the illusion he would be just there. Maybe she would even forget him, and go on living like she did before. Now, everything but facing the harsh truth was better, if that was living in a lie, so be it. Of course, she couldn’t  be living in a lie for her whole life, and she couldn’t avoid it either. Or outrun it, or do anything else but facing it now. And, if Evelyn had to be honest, she didn’t care how she handled it, how it looked like for the woman in front of her. Not now anyways, and not that she could do anything about the way she felt her emotions burn through her face. Feeling how the tears collected themselves in her sockets, how her heart started pounding in her chest of the anger that came with the package.

In contrary of herself, the lady in front of her held almost no emotion, as she was the calm Eve couldn’t be herself. It angered her even more, in a weird way that was. But even though her face showed more than enough emotion, she held herself from doing anything. Staring out the window for a few moments whilst hoping it would calm her down, because even the slightest would be a win for now. The words were again not what she expected nor hoped to hear. ’Why?’ Eve asked, a question not really focussed on Allison or herself. Just a mere word lost in the space. ’And you expect me to want to have you on the very fancy chair?’ She turned around, while sighing softly. ’I know every leader, especially here has their enemies.’ She gestured around the room, her gaze not even remotely calmed down. ’What makes you stand apart from those, others? She squeezed her eyes, looking for any reaction coming from the lady.  

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

vr jun 22, 2018 11:32 pm
Surrounded, but always alone
So pick a place, pretend it's home
The higher you climb, the further you fall. But don't be ashamed of wanting it all. Cause the view from the top is beautiful but fleeting. Looks can be deceiving
It hadn’t been the exact truth. She had not ordered for an execution. Larethian had. But, had he not, she would have still killed the Duke. But, twisting the facts was what had gotten her this far in life and she was planning on letting it take her even further. She was an ambitious woman, one who wasn’t planning to sit still. While currently life was getting a bit too much, she knew that eventually she’d find her place again. And once she did, this life wouldn’t be enough and she would fight for more. It had been her life and it would forever be. Which was, perhaps, good. As her further goals would involve a certain cure and better potions.

Eve’s words were exactly what was to be expected. “Because you wouldn’t want a viking on the throne,” she answered calmly. “And only a Northerner like myself could have calmed that down.” True. She didn’t think Ragnvald would have made a deal with a Rhoynishman. “Look,” she spoke, slowly getting up from the very fancy chair and taking a step in Evelyn’s direction. “I only want the best for our people,” she explained, shrugging lightly as she set another step in the direction of the woman, eyeing her response. “What I want to know, however, is what you’re doing in Brightwater.” Shouldn’t this woman be in, well, Cois?

TAGS, bff
Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

za jun 23, 2018 2:45 pm

The truth doesn’t matter

It was the immediate guilt that struck Evelyn the most. An unforgiving mind that kept reminding her that she could’ve maybe done something to stop all of it. He, Trystane, had helped her, had saved her from sheer death that one night. That night her guards tried to poison her, and didn’t do anything to help. Because she was supposed to die in Brightwater Keep, just because her father would have something to say in Rhoynar. And he had helped her through that as well, making sure she made a good enough recovery. Offering her a place here in the castle, and later on even an apartment just around the corner. And now he was dead and she didn’t do a single thing about it. She didn’t even notice it when he was gone. Evelyn shook her head for a moment, staring out the window once more to regain the control over herself.

The calmness of the woman in front of her still pissed her off more. Though, Eve still held her calm, as she tried to think properly as best as she could. It was true what Allison said, even though she wouldn’t want to admit it. ’What were the Vikings even doing here in the first place?’ Evelyn asked, turning her body fully towards the lady again. Her voice troubled as she squeezed her eyes again. Following her movements as she saw her step off the very fancy chair. ’I can’t forgive you though.’ The lady spoke, feeling the tears burn before she swallowed them away. ’Not for killing him.’ It were honest words coming from the lady. She understood what the brunette was trying to say, but refused to give in just now. The question made her head tilt for a moment, surprised by the sudden move of the subject. ’Trystane offered me a place as guest here in this castle, since,’ Eve paused for a moment, looking up to Allison. ’my personal situation at Cois isn’t ideal.’ Sighing softly on the words she awaited the response, realising in what kind of mess she sat in.

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

zo jun 24, 2018 3:43 pm
Surrounded, but always alone
So pick a place, pretend it's home
The higher you climb, the further you fall. But don't be ashamed of wanting it all. Cause the view from the top is beautiful but fleeting. Looks can be deceiving
Allison had never felt bad for lying and she never would. She did, however, try to be as believable as possible. Which you did by twisting facts and hiding truths. You turned the truth into a lie, rather than creating one out of nothingness. Yes, the vikings had raided Brightwater. Yes, the Duke had a price on his head. Related? No. Did that matter? Not really. All they needed to know, was that the Duke had gotten himself in quite the penile situation and that it had been the end of him. If Allison needed to twist some facts to make sure her own head stayed on her neck, she would do so. In the end, all that mattered was what had happened. Vikings had raided. The Duke had gotten killed in the chaos. It had been planned that way. Why and by whom were questions that were only for those involved. Not for Evelyn.

What the vikings had been doing here in the first place? Well, certainly not killing the Duke. “Being vikings. Raiding a city, screaming a lot,” she shrugged. There was more to it. But again, irrelevant to the discussion they were having. Evelyn told her that she wouldn’t forgive her and Allison nodded. “I do not expect you to,” she calmly spoke. Evelyn had explained her situation and relationship with the Duke and she calmly walked by the woman, heading to the window and looking outside, her hands behind her back. “I can not ask for forgiveness for ending the life of a loved one,” she spoke, without turning towards her. “But I can allow you to stay here.

TAGS, bff
Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

za jul 07, 2018 7:25 pm

The truth doesn’t matter

Slowly, the lady let out a sigh. Breathing out for as long as she could, while her gaze ran over the whole room once again. Still, she couldn’t see any difference, still, there wasn’t anything that had changed. Except for the lady that stood right in front of her, the new ruler, the new grand duchess. Who just told her the previous ruler had died. And there Evelyn was, she had been in Brightwater Keep for quite some time now. And just now, her being here for that time, instead of really forcing herself back to Cois, she had nothing. She stood there, in the very fancy chair room, with nothing more than empty hands. Not prepared for what was happening to her right now. Not able to do anything against it. Being forced to keep herself alive by not screwing up her words now, or actions that was.

Her question got answered, but not in the way she’d wanted it to be answered. ’They were quite a long way from home to just raid a city.’ Eve said, squeezing her eyes a little as she looked towards Allison. She didn’t trust all this, though she knew she really wouldn’t have any other choice. That didn’t meant she wouldn’t gather as much information as possible, it was the very least thing she could do. ’Good.’ The lady answered shortly at the statement. It was an important one, that was for sure. Smiling a little bit on it while her gaze trailed the lady in front of her until she looked outside. Following the set example, the greenish eyes stared to the outside for a few moments. ’That is, something that I can appreciate.’ It sounded a bit reluctant, because she didn’t want to say them. Scream at her, yell, declare war was the thing she’d really want, but it was the last thing she needed right now. So she settled, nodding at Allison before she gazed outside again.  

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Down by the ocean [Allison] Empty Re: Down by the ocean [Allison]

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