Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

[M] Me, myself and I Empty [M] Me, myself and I

di nov 28, 2017 11:34 am
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

it was night. The boat was now almost already a week underway. It was almost killing him. Nathan already had fed several times of someone in the crew. Threatened the person enough to not tell it to anyone, it was how he did thing and it worked. He didn't like being nice to others. Why would he? There was no reason to. He looked out over the water. The city called Seere was for him already easily in sight. Most passengers here, most pirates, were sleeping. While there were some up to man the ship. He had no clue in how to sail a ship. Would Eric know it? Most likely not. He was always too busy whoring around and fucking with people. Both ways.

It didn't take long or they were docking. Around this time the rest of the men on the ship where awake aswell. Most were helpingto dock the ship, while others, like Nathan, were juzt waiting until they could get off. He went to here for diversity. Ofcourse in his years, he had almost seen all of the country, but after being in the snowy Falkreath for a long time, the tropical place wasn't so bad. Ignoring the fact that is was a gathering place for pirates, criminals and other shady people. Him ofcourse included. The blonde would fit in the picture. He got off the ship when he could, having already paid the capitan the last halve of the price for the trip. The first part he paid at the start. Once off, he looked around, having no clue where to go, or what was where, so he just started walking.
Ridley Byrne

Laatst aangepast door Eric Ó hEachtighearna op do nov 30, 2017 6:25 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Real name : Celeste
Aantal berichten : 72
IC posts : 38

Character sheet
Age: 29
Occupation: Jack of all trades
Residence : Seere

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

di nov 28, 2017 1:10 pm
Even though it was late at night, Ridley was wide awake. This in itself wasn’t all that unusual; he had had trouble sleeping ever since his capture four years ago. It wasn’t necessarily because of the nightmares anymore, though those were gruelling and draining, but rather because he was afraid what he would see when he woke up. Since coming to Seere, Hydra had been taking more and more opportunities to emerge, usually whenever Ridley had gone to sleep and didn’t have the presence of mind to keep him at bay. It had only been a week since Ridley had woken up in an alleyway with a dislocated shoulder and a bloody nose, the crumpled forms of two men next to him. He had checked if the men were fine, aside from the odd bruise, but the guilt still nagged at him.

Another unfortunate side-effect of that particular fight Hydra had landed himself in was that Ridley hadn’t been able to do any work for the past week. Since he worked as a jack of all trades and didn’t have a boss to fall back on, it meant he hadn’t brought in any money for a week, which meant that he was running out. He had saved a little, but it wasn’t enough by far to sustain himself for a very long time. As much as hated it, he would have to find some way to obtain food until he was well enough to work again – even if it meant getting said food illegally. So, with a heavy heart, he heaved himself up from his bed and left his house, locking the door behind him. As it was night time, most people were either inside their homes or in a tavern getting drunk, which meant there weren’t all that many people around to see him, much to Ridley’s relief.

He set off in the direction of the market place. He never really visited the stalls during the night, so he had no idea if there was anything salvageable to be found, but it was worth a try. He didn’t like the thought of stealing – as shady as they could be, even the merchants in Seere needed to make their money – but he needed the food. Already, he could feel the effects of careful rationing on his body. Just as he made to turn into the alleyway that would take him to the marketplace, however, his gaze landed on a solitary figure wandering about. Normally, this wouldn’t have given Ridley pause, but he noticed that the man seemed unfamiliar – foreign to Seere, at any rate – and an idea formed in his head. Any inhabitant of Seere wouldn’t pay him a kindness if their life depended on it, but someone freshly arrived might— Reluctantly, Ridley walked over. He preferred keeping to himself unless absolutely necessary, but if he didn’t want to resort to stealing, he would have to try. So he walked up to the man and cleared his throat. “Sorry, can I ask you a favour?” He cringed inwardly. This is why he didn’t talk to people. After four years, it almost seemed like he had forgotten how.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

di nov 28, 2017 1:42 pm
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

He felt so horrible, thristy. This is what happend when he just went with the little bits. He needed to hunt. But even for the night, to was too lively around, he needed someone who was more solitery and alone. So he tried to find more of an alleyways. Dark and alone. And now it was waiting. He walked around some not te look all that suspicious, but quickly, he heared the steps of somebody behind him. Only by the hearing of his voice, and once the person was close enough, the blonde vampire turned around. A favour was asked of him. Only that and nothing more. It let him frown, but he was somewhere curious enough to hear it. "What?" Nathan asked roughly. Although he sure was curious, he didn't care ahout the feelings of this person.. although he seemed interesting. He couldn't place it what it was.. but for some reason, it would almost remind him of him and Eric. But no way, he could barely believe that. He just looked at the unknown person, now waiting on his reaction. Everything of his reaction.
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Real name : Celeste
Aantal berichten : 72
IC posts : 38

Character sheet
Age: 29
Occupation: Jack of all trades
Residence : Seere

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

di nov 28, 2017 11:25 pm
Almost instantly, Ridley knew he had made a mistake by approaching the man. There was a certain wildness to him that Ridley could only see now that they were close – a sense of danger he was normally more alert to, but which had slipped his attention until now. When the man turned around, Ridley felt his shoulders tense as if they were gearing for a fight. He forced himself to calm down, since he relied on his composure not to make the situation any worse. If he didn’t hold onto his self-control, this would be a perfect opportunity for Hydra to wreak some havoc, and that was the last thing he wanted.

Still, his mind was whirring with possible scenarios. His eyes darted to possible exit points – a trait, he was almost embarrassed to admit, he had taken from Hydra – before they came to rest back on the man in front of him. He steeled himself. He would have to shoulder through and ask what he had come to ask; perhaps then, he would be able to get away without much of a fuss. “Food,” he managed, then realised that wasn’t a proper sentence. “I’ve had a bit of a situation,” he tried again, growing frustrated when that didn’t sound right, either, though he tried not to show it. “I was wondering if you might have something to spare.” The longer he spoke, the more ridiculous his request sounded. Inwardly, Ridley was kicking himself. He should have stayed at home.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

wo nov 29, 2017 12:03 am
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

The person before him, seemed to tense up. That would be a smart, as a not smart idea. It made it only harder for the blonde to control himself. Not that Nathan had much self control at all. But the little control he had, he wanted to keep that. Is was almost getting impossible. Different thoughts where racing through his mind, one of them telling him to keep his cool, and listen to whatever the black haired guy had to say. Another thought told Nathan to rip the guy open, suck up all his blood. A lot more messy and violent then the other option, but that sure was how he liked it. If the guy wanted to fight, he surely had a reason to do it, and he wouldn't stop himself then, bring it on. He wanted to say that so badly. Fight him then.

Ofcourse not. Even though the tensed stance, the person seemed to look for an escape route. Now look, that was boring and useless. It would only cost them both unnecessary effort. With the simple word first being said, it snapped Nathan out of his destructive thoughts, while he was still directly looking at him. Not even breathing, as he had no need to. It seemed that words and sentences where hard te make, as he noticed from. The next few words. But still because of the first one simple word, it reminded him more and more of his own hunger. "I don't" His own blue eyes kept in the meanwhile looking at the neck of the blackhaired guy. He could almost taste it. He couldn't resist it anymore. That was the breaking point he couldn't stop himself. With unbelievable speed, he rushed to the guy, ofcourse being able to stop himself quickly and buried his fangs in the person's neck, to drink some from the delicious blood from him. He liked it the most when it was fresh, and ofcourse from a healty person. But he couldn't be picky, especially now. He felt how Eric was trying to take over. Not now. He was busy feeding them. Idiot. But it was so much distracting him, and it was hard enough already to keep in charge. That's why he just gave control to Eric.

He kept going for a few seconds longer, but actually did stop before causing any temporary damage. Like the blood will come back. So once he got his fangs out, and as the blonde always wanted to make everything as sexual as possible, he liked his neck, paying no attention in what the other guy would do. But was smart enough to take distance. He aswell realised that this wasn't close to enough to feed him, and surely he would fix that later. With a completely different voice, attitude and almost everything, he chuckled. Actually finding it all  extremely amusing. "Sorry about that~ but yeah I do have some money"
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Real name : Celeste
Aantal berichten : 72
IC posts : 38

Character sheet
Age: 29
Occupation: Jack of all trades
Residence : Seere

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

wo nov 29, 2017 11:02 am
Suddenly being given control of Ridley’s body was a shock. Instances where Ridley felt threatened enough to immediately shut down were rare; usually, he had a better grip on his self-control. But this time, Hydra had practically been thrown forward. As such, it took him several moments to orient himself and take stock of the situation. He had been watching from the back of Ridley’s mind, as he always did whenever Ridley was awake, but the moment where Ridley shoved himself out of the way always blurred the lines of Hydra’s perception, so he wasn’t entirely sure what had triggered him. Because he had emerged so suddenly, it also took him several beats to get a proper hold of his senses. As such, he didn’t notice the pain in his neck until the blond man Ridley had approached – stupid, stupid Ridley, hadn’t Hydra taught him anything? – had already leaned back with a last lick to his skin.

When it hit Hydra what had happened, he let out a growl and he shoved the man back against the wall. His eyes immediately sought out the vulnerable spots on the man’s body and his mind was racing with finding the best way to incapacitate him, but something held him back. Ridley, who, though shell-shocked, was still present and was pleading with Hydra not to do anything rash. Hydra almost scoffed. Rash? When the man – vampire, his mind supplied – had just bitten them? Ridley had always been too soft. In the Ouroboros arena, he hadn’t defended himself properly even when he was in danger of being permanently damaged, and it seemed his attitude hadn’t changed, despite all he had been through. Stupid, stupid boy.

Several seconds later, the change in the blond man’s attitude registered in Hydra’s mind. This, more than anything, had him pause. Eyes narrowed, he looked the man up and down, still holding him up against the wall. He seemed like a completely different person now than he had when Ridley had spoken to him. Hydra frowned, trying to parse the information into a logical explanation. Was it because Hydra was now at the forefront, and the man had seemed more threatening to Ridley than he did to Hydra? No, that didn’t make sense. Hydra had watched the man before. He was radically different now. Then it struck Hydra. Was the man like them? He had never met anyone like him and Ridley before. He had thought they were the only ones. His grip faltered momentarily and he searched the man’s face for any signs that supported his theory. “How?” he growled. He didn’t know if he made sense; he didn’t much care. He was still trying to figure out where to go from here. He tightened the grip on the man’s shirt again to keep him in place.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

wo nov 29, 2017 11:26 am
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

It happened more quick then the blonde would've guessed, but the other guy had him pinnen against the walls. Eric recognised the look, it was someone looking for his weak spots. Even in this situation he remained calm, and kept it that way. He wasn't planning to let any weak spots show. He had always thaught from himself that he never had any, or just barely one. But then again, it won't be the first time he would prove himself wrong. More light the millionth time, he lost count. But that was what made it still interesting. not being right about things, and rediscovering them in the way it is right. He studies the face of the man pinning him against the wall. He seemed a lot different then before. Less likely to flee, looking for the confromtation.. it was a good thing Nathan wasn't out. Else there would be a fight. He was completely sure of that. It happenes with those aggressive types. They would fight eachother, no matter what would happen with it, and both would go for the victory. "Very fun and all, holding me against the wall. But you know I could probably lift you up?" he didn't seemed all that heavy anyways. He'd be almost tempted to try it.

But it looked like Eric was not the only one checking the man out, it was also the other way around. Atleast Eric didn't insist on attacking him, that was clear. He recognised the behavior. Two different personalities. He smirked seeing it. ".. They're like us" good job Nathan, you figured it out aswell, want something for it? Too bad, you won't get it. "How what, dear? Honestly, one word without a context isn't a question" he chuckled. Easily, they were like him. "But if you mean the personality change, then we could be considered the same" he didn't see it a lot, not at all being honest. Never would he reallt start about it on his own intuitive either, people would declare him for craxy. Only other people who shared it, would not. Know the feeling aswell.
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Real name : Celeste
Aantal berichten : 72
IC posts : 38

Character sheet
Age: 29
Occupation: Jack of all trades
Residence : Seere

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

wo nov 29, 2017 12:52 pm
The man in front of him kept infuriatingly calm. Hydra’s blood was singing with adrenaline from the aftermath of the bite and the man seemed determined to be as much of a little shit as possible. Hydra’s eyes narrowed further when the man mentioned being able to lift Hydra up. “Try me,” he bit out, not relinquishing his hold on the man’s shirt. He was waiting for an answer to his question, which came much later than he would have liked, but confirmed what Hydra had suspected: the man before him was just like him and Ridley. And he seemed to be much more at ease with it, too. Hydra felt a momentary stab of jealousy; Ridley still shied away from him and tried to pretend Hydra didn’t exist.

All the while, he still hadn’t let go of the man. He only did so now, at Ridley’s insistence that the man in front of him wasn’t the one who had attacked them even though he inhabited the same body. Even so, Hydra stepped away with a great amount of reluctance; the man in front of him might not seem particularly threatening, but Hydra still didn’t trust him and would have preferred to keep him close. As he stepped back and dropped his hands, he felt a twinge of pain in his left shoulder and remembered the dislocation that had only just started to heal. He seemed to recall Ridley insisting on not doing any heavy lifting for a few weeks, and only now understood why. He sent a wave of apology to Ridley and rubbed at his shoulder to alleviate some of the ache. It didn’t help much, but anything was better than nothing.

Once he had more or less finished with his shoulder, he raised a hand to the puncture wounds in his neck; some dried blood stuck to his fingers when he removed them. He didn’t feel particularly lightheaded – no more so than usual, after a quick shift from the back of Ridley’s mind to the very front – so the man must not have taken that much. Still, the fact that he had bitten them at all was cause for concern, in Hydra’s opinion, even if Ridley didn’t seem as concerned with the bite and more with getting away before the situation escalated again. Hydra ignored him and fixed steely eyes on the blond man. “Did you turn me?” he growled. He didn’t think the man had, as he didn’t feel that different, but he had limited experience with vampires and even less with being bitten by one. Better to be safe than sorry.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

wo nov 29, 2017 1:37 pm
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

He got challenged to actually lift him up, he wanted to do it now, purely just to fuck around with the guy. "I'd love to, but it's unnecessary effort, don't you think?" He wanted to know how the man in front of him was thinking with his.. alter, or if hebwas the alter and whatever. The whole story and what you want to call it. Once he did let Eric go, he straightened his clothes some. It was always so fun and interesting to see. What he could conclude now, the personality that was now out, was the alter. Protecting to the original, but aggressive. Hold on a minute. He teased Nathan with the thought of that this guy was his long-lost twin. It would almost fit amazingly well.

He watched calmly as the guy seemed to inspect the puncture wounds, they were bleeding a bit, but Eric could control himself way better then Nathan. But he still wanted to hunt. The guy growled an answer.. hold on, but wasn't it the job for the actual vampire to be growling? And not some edgy aggressive person? It worked out and he didn't question it. But back to the question, he shaked his head. "Nah, if I did turn you, you'd have to drink my blood aswell and you would have to die, and I'm pretty sure you're not dead now" he answered with some humor in his voice. Come on, it was close to almost common knowledge how to become a vampire.
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Real name : Celeste
Aantal berichten : 72
IC posts : 38

Character sheet
Age: 29
Occupation: Jack of all trades
Residence : Seere

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

wo nov 29, 2017 10:02 pm
This guy must have some screws loose. He didn’t seem apologetic in the slightest for having bitten them, nor was he making himself scarce. Not that he was one to talk, Hydra thought to himself; he didn’t usually hide away until he absolutely had to, which was less often than one would expect. Hydra usually didn’t leave any witnesses to give him away. The two men he’d gotten into a fight with and who had dislocated his (or Ridley’s, either one worked) shoulder two weeks ago were an exception. As relieved as Ridley had been Hydra had actually let them live, the fear of being recognised and hunted down had stayed with him. It had been the cause of many sleepless nights – and far fewer opportunities for Hydra to get out and stretch his legs, so to speak. Never mind that he’d hit the two men over the head hard enough that they probably wouldn’t remember anything.

The man in front of them didn’t seem to have any issues with the actions of his alter ego. When Hydra asked him if he had turned them, the man seemed almost nonchalant about it. But at least Hydra hadn’t been turned. He didn’t think Ridley could have handled that, on top of everything else. Still, Hydra was peeved the man had been able to attack them so easily, and the comment about them not being dead rankled him. “Don’t know if I can say the same thing about you,” he muttered, mostly to himself. He wasn’t actually looking to provoke the man; even Hydra knew he wouldn’t stand a chance. He looked the man over and lifted his chin. “You mentioned something about money?” That was the reason Ridley had stepped up to him in the first place, after all – or, rather, food had been, but money would be even better, since it could tide them over for a while, if they (meaning Ridley) were smart about using it. Now that he was in control of his body, he could feel how sparsely Ridley had eaten over the past few days. He needed the food, and Hydra didn’t want this night to have been a complete waste, even if it hurt his pride to ask a man who had attacked him not five minutes before for money.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

wo nov 29, 2017 10:50 pm
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

He tried to read the guys emotions. Something which seemed harder then he had hoped, expect one thing that wasn't hard to pick up, and what he ofcourse had discovered way earlier. It was easy to notice how angry, or more.. annoyed he was. Eric was amused by it, but then again, he was someone to be quickly amused. He calmly kept looking at him, registering all of his moves, seeing and predicting his next few moves. This was almost like a fun hobby. Just studying people. In how they act. Everything.

Ofcourse he did hear the muttering. It was as clear was water for him, like the person would've just said it normally and spoke clearly. He laughed some by it. He didn't feel sorry for his actions. It was something needed to happen. "You can't indeed. Half alive, half dead. It's whichever you prefer" it was just for some reason so much fun. He liked this, bothering people. Mostly as it resulted giving him the attention he wanted. He was addicted to it, like it was his own, special drug. Sadly, it didn't gave all the effects of a real drug, but of he could sure live with that. He loved it. The guy got back on the subject of the much needed food, or well, rather money. "I sure did. But can't I talk with the other guy? He seemed way nicer" the amused smirk didn't leave his face. That would be an almost impossible task to do for people.
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Real name : Celeste
Aantal berichten : 72
IC posts : 38

Character sheet
Age: 29
Occupation: Jack of all trades
Residence : Seere

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

do nov 30, 2017 9:38 am
Of course, supernatural hearing. Hydra should have considered that before his scathing comment, but he never had had much of a sense of self-preservation, as Ridley constantly reminded him. He wasn’t used to having to be careful. If he ever did land himself in trouble, he could fight his way out of it. It had worked that way in the arena – and by all that was holy, if Hydra didn’t miss it – and it had worked that way when Ridley had taken them into hiding after their release. With this guy, though, Hydra would have to adopt a different approach. As much as he would like to take the smug smile off of his face, the fact remained that he was a vampire, and Hydra, for all his skills, was a human with no enhanced talents of his own. Caution was key, as much as he hated it.

When he asked for the money the guy had spoken of earlier, the man maintained his amused smirk, as if he liked toying with Hydra, which he probably did. When he asked if he couldn’t speak to the other guy – meaning Ridley – Hydra almost forgot about being cautious. He felt himself tense and noticed his hands had curled into fists at his sides. “No,” he said curtly. Even if Ridley had wanted to come back, Hydra wouldn’t have let him. Better that he deal with this guy, given Ridley’s reluctance to so much as defend himself properly. As it was, Ridley was still shaken enough that he wasn’t even thinking of taking back control of his body. With great care, Hydra uncurled his fists. Caution, he reminded himself, though that didn’t keep him from squaring his jaw and staring the guy down. “Well?” he asked. His patience was wearing thin. If the guy insisted on playing with him, he would have to look for food elsewhere. After all, he didn’t have the same reluctance to steal that Ridley seemed so fond of.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

do nov 30, 2017 10:48 am
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

He couldn't speak with the other person. What a shame, now he was almost like he was stuck here with an even grumpier Nathan clone. Although not as far handsome as himself ofcourse. The perks of supernatural beauty. But on the other hand, the person in front of him wasn't bad looking, slightly rough, but he liked that. What or who didn't the blonde like. "Daw. But who's the original by you guys?" he liked to know everything about people, and sure was blunt enough to ask about anything that could get into his head. Eric wasn't shy, very talkactive.

He got reminded about the money. Jeez, how impatient. Eric rolled his eyes "Impatient. But I do have money, and I don't really care about it either. Yet I'm not going to give it away for free" maybe he would actually. Just pestering the guy at first would be also fun. Because of this, the amused yet slightly mean smirk surely kept on his face. He just wanted some amusement, and he was sure that this guy, or well, better said these guys, could provide that. It was now only such a shame he didn't had the emotional link magic thing. What was it's name? He didn't knew anymore for the moment, but couldn't care less either.
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Ridley Byrne
Real name : Celeste
Aantal berichten : 72
IC posts : 38

Character sheet
Age: 29
Occupation: Jack of all trades
Residence : Seere

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

do nov 30, 2017 12:52 pm
The question about which of them was the original caught him off guard, but not enough to spill Ridley’s name. Ridley had always been very careful not to give it out to just anyone, especially here, and Hydra understood his need for secrecy. Names carried power. Names could be used to track someone down. Hydra was half-inclined not to answer at all, but he did still want the guy’s money. “He is,” he grunted. He didn’t really mind admitting to that much; he had made his peace with being dependent on Ridley for his existence and it was stupid to try and deny that Ridley had been there first. He wondered why the man wanted to know, what the information would get him, but he didn’t ask. He just wanted this business over and done with so he and Ridley could be on their way.

But of course it wasn’t that easy. Of course he wasn’t just going to be given the money. How he ever could have expected differently, Hydra didn’t know. The man before him was a predator in every sense of the word, and he seemed to enjoy playing with his prey, which at the moment, unfortunately, seemed to be Hydra. Hydra was far from content with being prey; it made his skin crawl and his blood boil. For now, however, he would have to endure it. “What do you want?” he grumbled with obvious reluctance. He didn’t like this at all. If Ridley hadn’t been bombarding him with images and emotions that implored him to try, he would have been out of there by now. This man was bad news.
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Eric Ó hEachtighearna
Real name : Denise
Aantal berichten : 112
IC posts : 96

Character sheet
Age: 364
Occupation: Professional fucker
Residence : Falkreath

[M] Me, myself and I Empty Re: [M] Me, myself and I

do nov 30, 2017 1:22 pm
Sometimes  I just really want to rip your clothes off.

He got such a disappointing answer. Come on, he wanted the spicy details. Not just two words. Sure his question was answered, but still. He sighed unnecessary loud, just to prove his point that he wanted to hear more. "Hm, I thought so~ you seem to be very protecting to him" Not telling names, stiffening up when Eric wanted to know more. Or it was disgust. But he wouldn't bet on that. No way. Disgust was something entirely different for that. The blonde carelessly put his hands into his pocket, but kept looking at the still for him nameless guy. Almost like it would be easier if he knew a name, so he could adress him with that instead of the whole time 'guy'.

He was lying, mostly. He didn't want anything of the guy as in an object. Or a task. "Well, I'm lying already with that" he walked to him, quickly putting an arm around him. Whether the guy would struggle or not. "I'm hugely addicted to either sex, or attention. I'll give you either way money. But maybe a lot extra" he wasn't subtile with it. Very direct to the point aswell. That was how Eric was. He could Nathan complain to not have sex with everyone. Or if he did, he should do it at the brothel. Not in the middle of the damned street.
Ridley Byrne
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