Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Trystane Bayard
Trystane Bayard
Aantal berichten : 33
IC posts : 21

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Duke of Rhoynar
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

Paint your palette blue and grey Empty Paint your palette blue and grey

vr sep 29, 2017 11:42 pm

For hours he had been there in his study room being busy with brewing several potions and poisons. And finally he had found the perfect mixtures to use for diseases but also poisons to light pains for the injured and when someone was sick. Satisfied he placed the purple mixture on the table and scooped it over in a smaller bottle. Placing a shell on top and closed it so it would not get spilled by maids who will clean the room.

Alchemy was always something he was fascinated about. Creating different colours, mixtures and ways for perfect solutions. The mixture of different substances, herbs and powders was something he had been doing for years

It has also been days since he helped the Lady Evelyn. Which he found in the center of Brightwater keep. If it was not for him she would nearly have found death that day. But she was on the better hand right now and almost all the symptoms where gone. And in a few more days she would probably ready to leave. If it was not for Trystane he wanted her to stay. He was curious about her journey, her past and her future and he definitely wanted to know more about her. But he was different than his brother. Less outgoing so he stayed quiet about it.

As he walked behind his desk someone knocked on the door and for a moment he looked up. Come in he said calm. And as the door opened he saw it was a messenger with a letter in his hands. A letter for you, My lord. The man said with a hasty voice. As if he was on the run for something. The messenger walked towards him and handed him the letter. It wore the sigil of Cois. The city Evelyn came from. Trystane turned his head a bit and looked curious at the letter. What was the meaning of this? And why would he receive a letter from Cois? As far as he knew this Island was the most peaceful and quiet place of all Fallen skies. But curiosity got the better of him so he turned the letterr around and opened it.

To the Duke of Rhoynar,
I am disappointed when I was informed about the passing away of Lady Evelyn Keightley. Duchess of Cois in your city. This week. There will be an investigation once her body will be returned to her birth place. IF the investigation request will be refused by you there will be problems between our countries and we will have the right to know what happened. I am sure we will come to an agreement.
- Lord Keightley

Trystane looked up from the letter and for a moment he did not knew what to think.. Evelyn Keightley has died? That definitely must be a mistake or else he ’saved’ the wrong Duchess. He never met Lord Keightley but from this letter he did not seem very upset when he found out the news to she had ‘died’. The lord probably cared more about an investigation then on the health of his daughter.

As he closed the letter he called for his guard. Could you bring lady Evelyn to my study room? Tell her it is urgent. Was his only ‘demand’. Although he never liked to command people around he had to. He was just not used to do it and sometimes he even wondered why he took the “place” as duke over from his brother. Life would be so much easier without all of these troubles from other people.  

Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

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za sep 30, 2017 9:55 pm


What just had been days felt like it were years of things that happened. Her life was from the steady breeze on Cois transformed to a hurricane in just a couple of minutes. Many times she asked herself what would’ve happened if she didn’t grab that glass of wine on that evening. While thinking back to the day itself she could feel the panic almost as vibrant again, it made her shiver for a moment. But with that Trystane had saved her, just in time, she remembered that very clearly. Still, there was a lot of fogginess in her head left, like she was staring through a thick mist in her mind.

Evelyn sighed softly while pushing herself to the edge of her bed. As the days passed she could feel herself getting better and better. The first day after she couldn’t remember much but getting a lot of sleep and sometimes having someone in the room with her to check on her. After that, it was like she had too much drinks the day before, her whole body protested against every move she made and she felt muscle ache on places she didn’t knew she even had muscles. After that her mind cleared up a lot quicker, which relieved her. But with that the questions came slowly in, at first just the simple and normal questions but as her thoughts got more grip on her the desire to get answers to all of those questions, which became more intricate as time went on, became bigger.

The one question that really appeared to stick and haunt her in the nights were how informed her family was.  She thought about her sister Sasha and how she was doing, but also where her guards were and what news they brought towards her father. With that on mind Evelyn hopped off the bed to find a burrowed dress in the closet. Her stay here was very well organized, even with her unexpected arrival. She put on the relatively simple dress and was just adjusting her messy hair when a guard knocked on the door and came in. ’Lady Evelyn, Duke Trystane demands in his room, it’s urgent.’ The clean words of the guards were as clear as they could, but brought even more questions up in the mind of the woman. With the last touch on her hair, to make it neat again she followed the guard towards the room that vaguely came up in her memories. Once in the room she didn’t wait for the duke to speak but took the initiative. ’What is going on, my lord?’ She asked, soft but clearly. There was something which wasn’t right about this situation, and something told her he had the same feeling.  

Trystane Bayard
Trystane Bayard
Aantal berichten : 33
IC posts : 21

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Duke of Rhoynar
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

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zo okt 01, 2017 4:37 pm

As the guard nodded and left Trystane watch him close the door again and placed the letter on the desk next to him. After that he turned himself around towards the window. His hands placing behind his back From this room he could see the entire city and some parts of the ocean and the harbour. Everything was so calm and people just continued with their lives as if it was nothing. And for that he was grateful. He still could not believe that he was able to control a city. Ever since he got the title it made him a lot stronger and sure of himself than before.

As the door opened again and the guard let Lady Evelyn go inside Trys turned himself around. And before he could even react she already began her words. Lady Evelyn he spoke as if he saw her for the first time but was known with her name. Please call me Trystane Was his next response. While trying to act as natural as he could. But as an awkward silence spread through the room like a disease he started talking again How are you feeling today? Do you have your memory back already? his voice was calm, trying to hide the negative thoughts that he had about the letter he just opened.

Before he could drifted away he continued. He wanted her to know and they had to find a ’solution’ for this problem. For he did not believe that she was the “wrong” Lady Keightley Duchess of Cois. She could not be an imposter. I… I received a letter from Cois. A bit insecure he found her eyes and tried to find her reaction. He could easily have lied about this letter to her but he would not. He would not risk his life or that of his entire family for one mistake.

Trystane walked towards the desk again and slowly he picked up the letter. Turning it around in his hands focussing on the lady in front of him again. I think it is best if you sit down for a bit and read it for yourself. It is kind of shocking, If I can say it that way. With some kind of reluctance in his body he walked towards her and offered her the letter.

Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

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zo okt 01, 2017 9:40 pm


When Evelyn entered the room she looked around for a moment. The vague memories cleared up for a moment when she saw the dozens of glasses with bright colored substances in it. Along with books and what seemed like notes he wrote himself, and little places where he could heat up the mixtures. She could look hours in the huge room, looking at the different textures and looking in the notes. She loved to read, she remembered the countless of hours she spent in the library back at home to read and read and read until the day was far gone already. The words of the man made her focus back on the present. She had difficulties switching between the memories that still came back and leaving them stored in her head, as if she was afraid to lose them again. She gave a quick nod to his request, realizing she was already late to the words he spoke.

His next words made her refocus again. She really hated how much she still needed to do that to participate in normal conversations. A light smile appeared on her face, it was good to know that he was so eager to know how she was recovering. ’I’m feeling quite good, much better than yesterday.’ She stated, thinking about the plans she had this morning before the guard came in. ’It still feels really soggy from time to time, but I regain more memories by the minute.’ It felt good to be positive about the past couple of days, it was actually the first time she could tell him she felt good instead of how her body was still fighting for its survival.

Evelyn observed the man now she had the focus needed to, and felt some uneasiness. There was something and it worried her. The words of Trystane confirmed her thougts. ’From home?’ The tone he had made her concerned and the sentences after did only strengthen the feeling. Immediately her thoughts went running off, did something happen in Cois? For all she knew the government and the surrounding island and Rhoynar were fairly stable, but a fleet of pirates could set off more than wanted. Or even worse, did something happen to her precious sister? The fear and panic came up and spread through her body as her eyes widened, looking with questions to the man in front of her. But she settled down and walked towards the chair that stood by the desk. Taking the letter with shaking hands Eve was almost too afraid to read what stood in it.

As she finally gathered the courage to start reading she had another shock. This one, on the contrary, from surprise. Letter after letter she carefully read it again, taking every single word that was written down with the clear handwriting of her fathers. As she finished she checked if the seal wasn’t falsified, but to greater surprise it became obvious that it really was from Cois. Looking towards Trystane and looking back again to read the first sentence again before asking her millions of questions that were raging inside of her head now. At the same time she felt a relief, knowing that there was, or seemingly, wasn’t anything wrong with Sasha. It made her realize how much she missed her. Quickly she pushed the thought away to look at the man again and making up her words. ’So I’m supposed to be dead?’ Was the first thing that came from her lips, surprised as she was. ’What did my guards say to the messengers? Where even are my guards that were supposed to protect me?’ Confused she awaited the response of the man, wanting to know his thoughts about all of this, something was clearly wrong. Now was finding out what went wrong exactly the first thing they needed to do.

Trystane Bayard
Trystane Bayard
Aantal berichten : 33
IC posts : 21

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Duke of Rhoynar
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

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ma okt 02, 2017 9:23 pm

slashed by a sword
She looked much better than a few days ago. Her skin wasn’t that pale anymore and she even regained a sparkle in her eyes. Trys turned his gaze towards her again. I am glad you are feeling better. he began with a soft smile on the corner of his lips. You also look a lot better than a few days ago. of course she did. And again he was talking like some kind of idiot. Which he always turned to when in the company of pretty women.

And as he reached her the paper he felt sorry for her and as try saw her shaking hands he almost felt the need to comfort her. But he didn’t. Instead of helping her he just let her go and see where the ship would sink or land. He saw her eyes moving over the paper and with every word she read a little bit more fear spread through his body. 'So I’m supposed to be dead?’ He didn’t liked to agree on her question but there was definitely no way to talk himself out of this this time. I guess that is what they think right now on the other side of the ocean.  He said lowly, a quiet tenderness in his voice that only hinted at the concern and pain it caused him to see her like this. He titled his head but kept away, obviously torn between wanting to comfort her and fearing for doing anything she wouldn't appreciate. His nearness was hardly something she could want now anyhow.

Once the lady started talking about her guards who where travelling with her for protection he swallowed his words a few times.Wondering if he should say the truth about her guards or not. Trys was doubting it would be useful to tell her what he knew. He would not know how she would react or how her condition would change about it. But in the end she was his equal. And for a better future between the two countries he had to be honest. Even though he would probably hurt her feelings with it. He could not hide it. That is the strange thing about all of this.. he began while leaning back at the desk and crossing his arms over each other. That day we left the café  once I helped you I asked the Innkeeper to get in touch with the guards who escorted you. He is an honest man and I trust him completely. Now the orange thing about all of this is that your guards never came back. He stopped for a second trying to reach for her reaction.

But after a few seconds Trystane sharpened his throat and continued. After I got the information from the Innkeeper two days ago I let my guards travel down the harbour and ask the quartermaster which ships have left and he said yours had left a few hours before my guards asked for the information. He breathed out and took a sip of his drink he had placed earlier on the table. I don’t like to talk about these things and I am sorry everything happened this way. But Cois is .. not safe for you right now. his voice trembling with concern. I know you might don’t want to hear it. But it is best if you stay here for a little longer so we can investigate this matter. And that was what he wanted to. Make sure she could continue her travel safely. If anything would happen to the lady he would probably not forgive himself.

Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

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do okt 05, 2017 10:36 pm


Evelyn felt tens, maybe it was the atmosphere that had a strange pressure that pushed itself onto her slender shoulders. As she looked towards the man she could feel it was partly coming from him, and maybe she herself had some cause in it too. Thinking about something that could have happened to her sister made her fears wake up. But the news was about her, and nobody other than her. Apparently she was dead, and Cois wanted it’s investigation rather quick.

His words that followed on hers made her look up from the piece of paper, letting her brownish green eyes glide over the man for a second. She heard the care in his voice, making her wonder what he was thinking. Was he afraid of the actions she herself would make against Rhoynar or him because all of this? It was the last thing she would think about. ’Something is very off.’ She stated while pulling her one eyebrow. Being the upcoming Duchess she had learned to recognize and find the false in the systems.

Evelyn’s eyes wandered down to the little piece of paper again. The piece that was so fragile in comparison to the problem it listed. Word after word she took in the man’s voice again, hoping it would clear out some of the questions. But it gave her only more. She followed his movements, turning on her chair. ’Why would the guards just leave?’ She asked in response, but listened when he started talking again. Letting it sink in for a moment she leaned back, getting frustrated that her mind still wasn’t cleared up totally. ’So the guards didn’t search for me and just left on my boat.’ She spoke more to herself than the man,  recapping his words. ’Who would benefit by hiring man to “guard” me to Rhoynar, and having me disappear before returning to Cois?’ Slowly her words came out, thinking along the process.

It were his last words that made her smile just a little bit, looking up towards the man again. The man that saved her without knowing she was de Duchess, and now he just not wanted her gone to save the problems but let her stay to solve it. ’It is really comforting to hear your concern towards my safety.’ She started, softer than her words about the whole situation. And with that, she didn’t have much choice other than staying here. ’I’m sure our countries can come out of this,’ Her hands gestured around her, her face getting more serious again. ’This means a hazard for Rhoynar as well, as long as we don’t know who wanted for this to happen. Even if the threat comes from Cois itself.’ She paused for a second while looking back to the man. ’We need to get to the bottom of this.’

Trystane Bayard
Trystane Bayard
Aantal berichten : 33
IC posts : 21

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Duke of Rhoynar
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

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za okt 07, 2017 9:07 pm

slashed by a sword
It was not strange she was asking all these questions. And he felt bad that he could not give any answers to her. Not yet. She was visiting his city and he felt responsible for anyone who lives, travels or visits Brightwater keep. Trystane folded his hands into each other and look a few steps away from her towards the window. Maybe they where told to do so. Even though they did not want it. Right now it was just blank.. the only thing they knew what that someone with a lot of knowledge in poisons had poisoned her, that her guards left her and that her father did not seemed sad once he was informed about her “death.” As he pointed his eyes on the landscape outside he thought. Letting all the solutions for this matter ran through his mind. He searched the clouds for any irregularities. Do you have any enemies that you know of? Or people who want you off the island? he asked her while piercing his eyes still on the horizon.

It was quiet for some moments but as she told him that she took much comfort from his words he smiled and turned himself around. You are always welcome here. He said with a soft smile on his lips. Perhaps it is best if I send a messenger to Cois right now. I could probably tell your father that the ‘deal’ is off. He looked at her questioning. He hated to talk like this but they had to if they wanted to know what happened and most important: who was behind this assassination attempt on her life.

Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

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do okt 19, 2017 2:14 pm


Leaning back into her chair Eve sighed before following his gaze to the window and the landscape it held beneath. The vibrant colors it showed through the clear glass, it was almost a painting until the wind blew and made the picture moving. She let herself get distracted by it for a moment, until the man started speaking again. It made her dreamy gaze switch back to the serious one. ’That could be the case, I hadn’t much conversations with them.’ She said, thinking about the trip she had made. It was a boring one, she remembered feeling like it took years for them to only come to shore. Even the trip on land felt like it took days, instead of the hours it actually took. The let her mind run over the event that happened in the evening, the one that caused all this to happen. ’The strange thing is,’ Eve started talking again, her eyes looking for his. ’they seemed to be in just as much panic as I was, really not knowing how to response.’ If they knew what was going to happen you’d expect that they would react differently. ’Do you know if there were any strange or shady persons in that bar that night?’ Was probably the first question that the duke could give her an answer to.

Looking at her hands, trying to keep as much focus as she could she saw the natural color of them. Even though they weren’t as black it took days before the slight greyness of them ran off. ’Well I’m the Duchess, so there are always people that want my position and so on despise me.’ Her view left her hands only to search for the man again. ’But it seemed like everyone was quite happy with my succession, it even costed Cois some of its fortune.’ Eve’s voice went on, hoping them two to figure out at least something. The next words of the man made her smile back at him just as softly, while she first discovered his eyes that could be called just as beautiful as the view the window showed. ’I think that is what you should do.’ She folded the letter with care and laid it on the desk. ’I’d be pleased to know when my body arrives there, it shouldn’t take long before someone notices something doesn’t fit.’ Eve stood up from her chair, leaning in the desk. ’Then I’ll stay, until at least this situation is cleared up some more.’ Another soft smile was found around her lips, letting tension glide off her shoulders. It truly felt comfortable that she was at least welcome here.

Trystane Bayard
Trystane Bayard
Aantal berichten : 33
IC posts : 21

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Duke of Rhoynar
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

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zo nov 12, 2017 7:54 pm

slashed by a sword
In an instant it was clear to him that the ‘duke’ or her father had more to do with this than the letter has told them. Even though the duke would not be the one who poisoned Evelyn. Trystane truly felt he had something to do with it. All the evidence followed his trails and came back to the man that Evelyn had to call her her father. Trys sighed for a moment and turned his dark gaze back towards the lady. ’That could be the case, I hadn’t much conversations with them.’ He nodded in silence. and let her continue her words. ’The strange thing is,’….. ’they seemed to be in just as much panic as I was, really not knowing how to response.’ He folded his hands and leaned back at the desk. Letting his mind conceal the words. before he spoke again. ’Perhaps’ they wanted it to look like an accident or they wanted to deceive you. his words where honest with no doubt in them. Who knows, lady Evelyn.He felt sorry for the lady. Sorry that she had to go through all of this and for what? A piece of land..

Trystane tilted his head as she asked her next question. For a moment he thought back the night it all happened. He had spoken to Bard. Asked for some herbs and some small talk like he always did with the man. Bard was one of his loyal companions and had many travellers in his brothel / café every day and night. He would definitely have told Trystane if he saw any shady figures in the tavern. But from what Trys saw that day he could not remember there where any strange persons. So he nodded. I am afraid I haven’t seen anything strange around the tavern that night. He had to disappoint her on that part. But I will make sure we find out who the traitor is. Nothing in Brightwater keep goes unseen, my lady. He began, with more certainty this time.

As the lady agreed on writing a letter back he slowly rise up from the desk and placed himself on the chair behind it.

Lord Edward Keightley,
It saddens me that the brief visit of Evelyn Keightley has ended in such a disaster as this one. I can asure you that this will not be shoved away without any investigation and search for the true killers of Lady Evelyn Duchess of Cois. Therefor I have to refuse your request on sending her body back just now. I want to investigate ‘what’ or ‘who’ could have killed her to counter this in the future.

Yours sincerely,
Trystane Bayard, Duke of Brightwater Keep

Trystane folded the letter and sealed it with his own sigil a viper. He then nodded at the guards and the man moved himself over towards Trystane. Make sure this letter reaches the duke as fast as you can, and take some of my informers with you. I want them to find out as much as you can about the duke and his ‘companions’. His voice was rather cold and demanding this time. After the guard left he turned his gaze towards the lady in front of him again. Breaking the silence that fell over the room. For now; we have to wait if we get any response from the Duke and my investigators. as he slowly rise from his chair he walked towards the small counter with some drinks on it. Can I offer you something to drink, my lady? his voice warm a charming smile on his lips. As he waited for her response he poured in some wine for himself. and turned back towards Evelyn. Since you are going to stay here for a while. Would you have dinner with me tonight? I would love to hear more about Cois and where you grew up. Taking a sip from the wine.

Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

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vr jan 12, 2018 5:07 pm


The fact that the man listened to her with such detail made her relax just a little bit more. It wasn’t quite that peaceful at home before she was supposed to be shipped off to get married. Though Eve had all the support she needed from her court back at home, it could rather be called hostile. Especially since her little sister didn’t want anything to do with the restrictions the castle life had. Eve knew it didn’t please her father, stretching the tension even more. ”’Perhaps’ they wanted it to look like an accident or they wanted to deceive you. Who knows, lady Evelyn.” The words, honest and true as they were set her to thinking even more. Burying her into her thoughts about reasons they wanted to get rid of her. But the only thing it gave her at this moments were a few shivers that went down her spine. She knew being the duchess would leave her with some enemy’s that would kill her without thinking twice if they had the change. This, on the other hand felt like it came from much closer she’d expect. ’Perhaps they did, we can only guess from here.’ Her soft calm voice filled the room for just a few seconds, after she had gathered her thoughts. Deciding there wasn’t very much more for her to do now than just wait on what comes next.

”I am afraid I haven’t seen anything strange around the tavern that night. But I will make sure we find out who the traitor is. Nothing in Brightwater keep goes unseen, my lady.” He had the answer for her first question that made sense, although it wasn’t what she had maybe hoped for, it was at least something. Focusing her brown eyes on the beautiful landscape outside again she nodded slowly. ’Well, I’m sure we can find out what exactly was off that night. It’s good to know you are this invested as well.’ Just to be sure Eve decided to show her gratitude through her words again. He had helped her tremendously already, he even saved her live to be exact and she didn’t took that lightly. With a small smile curled around her lips she followed the man, her eyes sharply focused until he started writing. Patiently the dark haired woman waited for the Duke to finish, trusting him for what he would write in the letter. His tone changed while talking to the guards, cutting straight to the point. It gave her the time to stare a little to the surprisingly handsome features the man had. As he turned back Eve quickly looked somewhere else, realizing she had just stared at the man and blushing a little bit. ”Can I offer you something to drink, my lady?” The tone in his voice had changed again, making her look up and smile a little. ’If it isn’t poison, I’d gladly take the offer, my lord.’ Her smile grew wider. ”Since you are going to stay here for a while. Would you have dinner with me tonight? I would love to hear more about Cois and where you grew up.” A little surprised she looked at the Duke again, nodding softly again. ’I’d be honored, my lord.’ Eve answered. ’I would love to hear the wild stories Brightwater Keep has within.’

Trystane Bayard
Trystane Bayard
Aantal berichten : 33
IC posts : 21

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Duke of Rhoynar
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

Paint your palette blue and grey Empty Re: Paint your palette blue and grey

wo jan 31, 2018 6:28 pm

The man's infamous
and not just for poisoning his sword
Once the viper sigil had reached the paper and the duke had handed over the letter to one of his companions personally. He told them to go with some others and find as much information as they could about the Duke of Cois. Trystane had turned his body towards the duchess of Cois again once the guards had left and a subtile smile was placed on her lips. He noticed she still felt somewhat insecure about this whole event going on. So the next thing he asked her was if she would be interested in a drink. He could not help it but smirk slightly once she answered the question. Especially because it was so easy for my to deform a simple glass of wine into something deathly. The receiver of the drink would probably not even notice that there was something wrong with it. Just as Lady Evelyn did not notice something was not right with her wine.

The smirk on his face disappeared as he picked up the glass from the table and poured the red fluid into a small wine glass. His eyes rested for a second on the red substance. No one would ever notice what kind of tricks he could play with fluids and other substances. It was not hard for him to add three drops of a deathly liquid to the glass. But he preferred to keep those poisons safe and well hidden. For there might be useful for the right people in the right time. Maybe for the duke himself until his time would come. Pondering on that thought a bit more, his eyes lingered on the other object that he collected recently. He could not remember being in need for these items, but he was always very fond of collecting things. From maps of the different worlds in tis universe, to compasses, hand painted drawings, gems, books. Everything has crossed his list and perhaps this had been one of these rare occasions where he wanted to collect some more ’trinkets’. For a moment his turbulent eyes sparkled but as soon as the lady started talking again his thoughts vanished. Making him pick up one of the glasses and handed over to Evelyn. There you go, all safe and sound. I will make sure the cook will check our meal twice tonight. With the last words he had caught her gaze; her brown eyes.

If only for a few seconds he catches her gaze and he moves along. His eyes trailed down each and every painting of the room as he found his way back towards his glass of wine again. He picked it up and let himself lean against the tabled. Wild stories about Brightwater keep he murmured. Twirling the red substance in the glass a few times so it created a small whirlpool. Well, I guess you already know the many pirate stories that are told in any taverns around these borders. So I am not going to bother you with that. he answers her as if it is the most normal thing in the world. And for him it was. Even though he was no pirate at heart, he had accepted the way of life people lived here. No rules, no boundaries. Only free birds, the wind in your hair and the waves crashing beneath your feet. Pirates had set up some rules for themselves and the duke was fine with that. As long if anyone knew their place in the end there was nothing wrong with a little free thinking. His mind trailed it’s own rough path again and he had to dive deep to focus himself on her words again.  I am afraid, I run a rather boring life I guess. he continued her in al his honesty. No crazy pirate stories from me, my lady. You see, I am not very fond of the sea anymore. for a moment his breath stopped and so did his words. He swallowed one time and went on. My mother died when her boat collapsed into the ocean. My brother Rhys and I where only 14 maybe 15 years old back then. he took another sip and let the warm fluid erase all the pain from his mind. Turning his gaze into hers again to see what her reaction would be.

Evelyn Keightley
Evelyn Keightley
Real name : Bo
Aantal berichten : 39
IC posts : 32

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Duchess of Cois
Residence : Cois

Paint your palette blue and grey Empty Re: Paint your palette blue and grey

ma feb 12, 2018 11:57 am

The truth doesn’t matter

Evelyns green-brownish eyes followed every movement the man in front of her made. It was in a relax way, though, for some reason she was intrigued by every move, her eyes lingering for them. She followed his glaze towards the dark red liquid, even though she had said her words jokingly, there was a little core of anxiety present. Just a few nights before the woman had drunk just a few sips of the wine that seemed perfectly normal. And there the chaos started. Eve wondered if she could’ve done anything to prevent all of this. Maybe there had been something visible, something that was off. Especially after her guards reacted so unprofessional, so panicked. And even weirder, they disappeared instead of helping her. His words shook her up, making her staring up at his eyes again. Realizing she had been worrying again, lost in her thoughts. ’Thank you,’ She said, taking the glass of wine as he handed it over. ’You need to be extra careful too, especially since we don’t know who wants me dead and how active he or she is.’ Were her next words, pushing the worried thoughts away. If there was someone she needed to trust, it would be the man in front of her. Not that she had any other option, but that aside.

For a moment she caught his intense gaze, piercing her further into the chair. A moment Eve was frozen, stuck at glaring into his eyes. It made her lose all the speech she had, unable to move out of his view. The few moments, that felt like an eternity made her blush a little before pulling her gaze towards the glass of wine. Carefully taking the smallest sip, slowly the flavor of the berries came into her mouth. With the same attention she heard his words, being patiently quiet until he finished. She thought about Cois, and how it was a fairly silent island. Aside from the wine plantations and the castle with the village around, there wasn’t much treasure to be taken. And so they weren’t that vulnerable for the pirates, since it wasn’t an attractive thing to do. The last words made her look up, from the wine she was staring into. ’I’m so sorry to hear that.’ Evelyn softly said, her gaze worried towards the man. ’The ocean always takes lives, as if wants to show how untamed it is.’ She continued, taking another careful sip at her glass. ’I always get sad when those things happen.’ Maybe it was a reason why she was so protective over her little sister. She always wanted to get off the island, travel towards the main country, she had always a love for the ocean, the adventure. ’What did you do? Since you were so young?’ The lady couldn’t handle her curiosity, quickly her eyes darted towards the man. Hoping it wasn’t too much, but only his reaction would tell.

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