Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
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Amon Boyd
Amon Boyd
Aantal berichten : 12
IC posts : 6

Character sheet
Age: 30
Occupation: Thief
Residence : Vanaheim

Maybe I don’t want heaven Empty Maybe I don’t want heaven

vr maa 23, 2018 5:00 pm
so, that

It was already the middle of day when Amon walked out of Mother’s heart. But he wasn’t planning going any further than Vanaheim. Today was as any other. Where people didn’t ask him to do something and he didn’t have to take any risks.
For him, taking risks was just like pulling a card. You just choose an option and hope that it’s the right one, then maybe, it means something. You either find a huge goldmine or you die in the next 12 hours. It wasn’t like fate would play a role in this. He believed in many things, but fate wasn’t really the one he’d like to add. Perhaps the only fact that everyone succeeds in life, would be thanks to themselves.

But now it didn’t matter. Because he had finally a chance to rest somewhere and stay around Vanaheim. Looking for his sister was already a lost cause, it was impossible to find her in such a big place without any further information or plan. Hence why he crashed against the lady of Sundarin. He almost risked a chance to get thrown into some dungeon or whatever. But needless to say that it could’ve been worth it, since the woman wasn’t that bad looking either. Well, let’s say it would be almost impossible to erase that beautiful face from his memory.

The man was heading towards the mountains. He had no idea why, but he thought it would be a good idea if he started looking for that place everyone told him non-stop since he was a child, The Temple of Light. It wasn’t like he wanted to immediately step into that place, he wasn’t stupid. He just wanted to see it from afar, see if it was true. But only if he could get information to find it. The only thing he knew was that it was in the mountains

+tag Merethyl Zyltris

Merethyl Zyltris
Merethyl Zyltris
Real name : Saf
Aantal berichten : 9
IC posts : 2

Character sheet
Age: 28
Occupation: Waitress/singer
Residence : Mothers Heart

Maybe I don’t want heaven Empty Re: Maybe I don’t want heaven

vr maa 23, 2018 8:57 pm

Silently a slender, blond haired woman moved over the rocky grounds. Her footsteps were carefully placed, on purpose, so no tiny rocks would tumble down. Even the skirt of her white colored dress was slightly lifted up, held up by specially made brackets. Merethyl designed and created the dresses herself. All her creations were one of a kind, but not less beautiful than any other dress. Probably she could've started her own little business, if she only wasn't so scared of trying something new. Because, finally, after some few fucked up years, she felt like she had her life back on track. The job she had was nice to do, and it payed enough to live on a normal level. She wasn't poor, neither rich. Just perfectly in middleclass, the safe way as she called it. Why would she give that up? Besides, she didn't wanted to make her prescence known to the outside world. Anxious her father would find out where she was hiding, and would be forcing her back into marriage. Heck no. There was no way Merethyl was going to let that happen.
The thoughts of it made her clench her fingers tighter around the bow. Yes, she carried a bow. An item which interrupted the image of an innocent woman taking a hike across the mountains. No, not even that. People would think she was lost, considering the type of clothing she wore. For many not exactly the type of outfit they would wear during a hunt. After all, that was what Merethyl was doing. Once in a while she helped a poor, old woman in town. Ayda. The lady was struggeling hard. Unable to work the lady could hardly get any food. Sometimes Merethyl gave her money, sometimes she went on a hunt. This time she chose to hunt. There were enough foxes around here, and one fox was enough to feed a hungry mouth. It wasn't like she liked hunting, on the contrary actually. Any life on earth was valuable. Robbing someone of it felt horrible but yet, in some situations, it had to be done. Circle of life, right?
Suddenly a low growl came from behind her, while on the other side there was a sound of.. Laughing? No human laugh though. No, these sounds came from animals and Merethyl quickly understood who had been following her. Quietly she grabbed an arrow from the quiver. Her grey eyes catched the glimb of a hyena, right before she saw some movement on her left side. In the meanwhile she had put the arrow in it's position, ready to shoot whenever she had to. That moment came sooner than she thought. A hyena spurted towards her, willing to bury his teeth in her virgin white skin. Yet, Merethyl's reaction was faster. She let go of her arrow, which took down the crying animal. To make things even worse, a second human appeared. Probably unknowing about what the fuck was going on. ,,Move out of the way!" She called to the man, after pointing a second arrow in his direction. Only this wasn't ment for killing the man, but for the predator who sneaked behind him.

Amon Boyd
Amon Boyd
Aantal berichten : 12
IC posts : 6

Character sheet
Age: 30
Occupation: Thief
Residence : Vanaheim

Maybe I don’t want heaven Empty Re: Maybe I don’t want heaven

vr maa 23, 2018 10:04 pm
so, that

His only plan was to just enjoy the view for once and to not bump into any other person. But again, when did he really get his way without doing anything necessary?
He was just halfway behind a mountain, in the shadows as he looked around. This was slightly near Nymmerwell. Hence why the grass around here was getting greener and greener than the ground at the West side of the region. He definitely preferred this place. It was far too dusty on the other side anyway.

He hadn’t notice the hyena spotting him from behind, nor did he notice the woman hunting for it. And even if he did, he didn’t really have much to defend himself but his own magic abilities. Amon thought that this day would be peaceful, without any weapons to use. But clearly, he was wrong.
,,Move out of the way!" The first reaction he made was a raised eyebrow as he stopped in the middle of fixing his sleeve. Until he saw that she pointed the arrow at him. He took a step back, purely out of instinct. Though it didn’t take long for him to find out that the arrow wasn’t meant for him. The growl behind his back was difficult to ignore and just right before he fully turned around, the hyena jumped on top of him. Causing him to fall on the ground. Luckily he managed to defend himself on time. Holding the animal’s mouth open with his two hands as it still tried to bite in his face.

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Maybe I don’t want heaven Empty Re: Maybe I don’t want heaven

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