Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
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Elodie Beauvais
Elodie Beauvais
Real name : Echo
Aantal berichten : 44
IC posts : 34

Character sheet
Age: 25
Residence : Navarre

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

di jun 12, 2018 7:25 pm

black heart

Living her whole life in a house, somehow protected from the rest of the world, didn’t help her prepare for what, apparently, the real world was. Pain like this, was the last thing she expected to feel, so soon into her journey to find a better life. One that clearly wasn’t right up ahead.  Her little bubble, the one where she was hiding, popped when that arrow pierced her flesh, when his arm tightened up around her neck, when his voice killed her inside, whisper after whisper.

She had to do something, her situation didn’t look like it was going to get better by the minute. The girl agreed, only to be able to slightly breathe again. Even though his arm was still around her neck, air could easily go through her throat now. While gasping for air again and breathing frantically, the girl held onto his arm even stronger. She was trying to hold onto him because she could clearly feel her vision getting blurry and her senses slowly fading. His voice ringing in her ears was as sharp as the pain she felt just a moment before, especially because he was threatening her again. As if she had any chance to do anything now. As if she was woke enough to just get up and run away. At least now, she was completely alert again.

The man released her from his grip and the arrow came out of her thigh as fast as it got into it. With a groan she fell on her knees, the pressure that her body was putting on her thigh was somehow reassuring. Pain meant that she was at least alive and was the one thing she could focus on, to avoid thinking about this person who she had just helped and the fear for him that was building up, stronger and stronger. He wasn’t helping much with that though, because soon after, she could feel his hands on her skin once again. The man was roughly pulling her towards the direction from which she came. ’No..’ She said in her mind, hoping that somehow he could hear her. Her voice wasn’t coming out, she couldn’t think straight and couldn’t order her body to get up. ’No.’ The word finally came out, her voice was firm as if she had gained back her energies all at once. Clearly it wasn’t like that. She tried to pull her arm away from his grip, but all she achieved were a couple of weak movements, that tired her out immediately. ’Fuck.’ She said huffing between her teeth. That was it. He was going to kill her now, right? At least he was going to end her sufferings. To finally end her poor and useless life once and for all. Maybe that was for the best.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

di jun 12, 2018 8:02 pm

may never die

What a struggle. By now he had gotten used to the fact that he only had to speak his command and it would be executed without any protest. Fear was a very powerful weapon. Even stronger than the promise of coin. His crew was loyal to him because they knew it was best not to be against him. His reign had started with a lot of bloodshed and cruelty, but it had paid of in the end. If he would have to do the same to her, to achieve his goal, then he would not back down. No one turned their back on him. She soon found out why. It seemed like it had at least somewhat of an effect. For a second she obliged, and started walking with him. That was until one softly spoken word was audible, followed by a faint attempt to break free.


Sharp inhale, slow exhale.

With a kick to the back of her knee, he made her kneel down. Afterwards, he walked around her and crouched down in front of her. With a casual movement of his wrist, he placed the point of the arrow softly below her chin. Urging her to look up, otherwise she would hurt herself. Burning amber eyes caught her gaze, anger and frustration clearly visible. He wasn’t trying to hide it. ”I don’t think we are on the same page here”, He started, after which he tilted his head slightly to the right. In silence, he inspected her face for a second, before locking his gaze back in hers. ”You are coming with me. It’s up to you in which condition”, He continued, putting some more pressure on the arrow, drawing blood as it lightly pierced her skin this time.

Elodie Beauvais
Elodie Beauvais
Real name : Echo
Aantal berichten : 44
IC posts : 34

Character sheet
Age: 25
Residence : Navarre

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

wo jun 13, 2018 1:14 am

black heart

Not even her could predict the boldness with which she tried to oppose the man. Her tone sounded firm to her, she felt like she was getting somewhere with just that. After being all over her, he was only holding her arm, she didn’t have an arrow in her thigh anymore and now could express her own will, couldn’t she? How that thought even crossed her mind, she didn’t know. She had already tried to leave and she ended up with this man grabbing her, forcing her to do something she clearly didn’t want. Regardless, she was still trying to go against him.

Suddenly, before she could understand what was happening, she found herself on her knees once again. A little groan came out of her throat when she hit her thigh. Her reflexes were so slow that she didn’t have the time to turn around and see if he was again behind her, that he was crouching in front of her. The girl could barely keep her eyes open by now, but she forced herself to do so, she needed to look at him the way he was looking at her. She wasn’t going to kneel down. As soon as she thought that, she realised her position and how much power he had on her by just fixing his gaze on her. He was literally gluing her to the ground with his eyes only.

A cold feeling right under her chin made her reflexively raise it up, as if she was trying to push away from that sensation. Realising that she couldn’t move her neck further up, she slowly inhaled trying to calm down, but the movement pushed the tip of what she understood being the arrow slightly towards her soft skin. A frown wrinkled her forehead, uneasiness could be seen in her eyes, in her motions, in everything she was doing. ”You are coming with me. It’s up to you in which condition” This was it, this was the last warning for her. It was either she gave up or… ’Kill me.’ Elodie found the strength to say while fixing her gaze in his. Blue meeting amber. Calm meeting rage. ’Kill me now.’ She repeated, even more convinced of what she was saying, If she had to live a life where she had to suffer because of this man, she’d rather die right there, right now.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

wo jun 13, 2018 1:32 am

may never die

Slowly he lifted his hand, holding the arrow between them. His amber eyes focused on the tip as he twisted it around, catching the ray of sunshine that broke through the treetops. Captivated by it, he smiled for a second. It quickly faded away again though, and he lowered the object again so he could look at her. ”I admire your bravery”, He said with a cold tone in his voice. ”Unfortunately, I’m not done with you just yet”, He continued. Romeo got up, looking down on her as he observed her for a while. The way she was kneeling right in front of him, powerless. How he was in control, and there was no way for her to challenge his position. The corner of his mouth pulled up in a crooked smile. Oh how he enjoyed this.

After getting a grip on his own emotions again, he turned around and laid his hand on her throat. Unbothered by the fact that he was cutting her air off again, he lifted her up on her feet. Letting go of her when she her feet touched the ground. For a moment, he observed her again. Then, out of nowhere, his anger erupted and his fist found its way to her jaw. The punch was hard and above all, unannounced. ”Do. Not. Disobey. Me”, He growled through clenched teeth. ”Now walk”, He commanded again. He had meant what he had said. She would come with him to his ship, alive, but it would be up to her to determine how bruised and battered she would be.

Elodie Beauvais
Elodie Beauvais
Real name : Echo
Aantal berichten : 44
IC posts : 34

Character sheet
Age: 25
Residence : Navarre

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

wo jun 13, 2018 1:57 am

black heart

A disgusted expression spontaneously found its way to Elodie’s face while she was looking at him. He somehow complimented her, but broke all her expectations of finally being able to get over with this whole situation as soon as possible. Her eyes followed every movement he made and when he got up, towering her again, while she was kneeling down, she felt like an ant. Something that could’ve been crushed with one foot, or even a finger. She used to feel like this too when her stepfather treated her as if she was nothing. Maybe she actually was nothing.

He wrapped his fingers around her neck and lifted her up as if it wasn’t a big deal. Somehow the redhead found a way to feel surprised by his strength once again. At the same time though, she found herself gasping for air for what it felt like the hundredth time in such a small amount of time. Her hands automatically found their way to his arm, she clinged onto him again, not because she was trying to rip him off of her, she was clinging onto him the same way she was clinging to life. Even though she wanted to die just few moments ago.

Her legs weren’t exactly stable, but she focused on the few energies she had left and tried to stay still, tried not to fall back at his feet. It was then that a different and new kind of pain struck her as violently as the first one did. Her face tilted to the side while she was processing what was happening. Her whole jaw felt numb for a couple of seconds before she could taste blood in her mouth, which she spat on the ground, right before his feet when he ordered her to walk. ’Fuck off.’ There wasn’t much else to say. He was quite adamant on the matter. He wasn’t going to give her up and that wasn’t a good thing for her. That was her new life, her new beginning; but if he thought that this was the last time she was going to disobey, he was extremely wrong. Stubbornness was deep-rooted in her personality and she wasn’t going to give up the freedom she had finally gotten so easily. Elodie looked at him one last time, her gaze unrealistically cold and she started walking towards the sea, towards the direction where she came from, far away from her real destination.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

wo jun 13, 2018 2:13 am

may never die

There were too many ways he was familiar with that would break her spirit. Just like his mother had done to him to establish control, he would do the exact same to her. Deep down he knew it was wrong. But he didn’t know any other way. He needed this control over her just as much as he needed air. Only then would he be able to profit from the plan he had thought out earlier. With his job and rather aggressive approach to life, he got hurt. A lot. She was exactly what he would need when that happened again. A personal healer, always available on his ship. That was exactly where they were headed now.

The harbour was small and there were only three ships docked when they arrived. The White Shark was the first one they encountered, so they didn’t have to walk past the other ships. When they set foot on the gangplank, he stepped closer to her again. His crew had to realise she was not one to be played with. He held on to her wrist as soon as they were standing on the deck. ”Listen up”, He shouted, drawing the attention of the crewmembers nearby. ”This girl is to be left alone. Anyone who dares to touch her will be dealing with me personally. Let it be known. Am I understood?” He continued. A few affirmative shouts and nods were exchanged and he looked around for a second. ”Prepare the ship to leave”, He instructed, after which he started walking towards his private quarters.

Once inside, he lead her to the couch and pushed her down. Now they were in this safe place, he sighed deeply, to relax himself. He took some distance from her and leaned against the table where he kept all the maps they used for navigation. ”I will arrange a room for you so you can have some privacy on board”, He started off. She would be spending a lot of time here, so she might as well get comfortable. ”This is what is going to happen. I’m going to take care of you, keep you safe and in exchange you will learn how to control your magic and take care of me when I need you to”, He continued. The Captain pushed himself away from the table and walked over to a bucket of fresh, cool water. He grabbed a clean piece of fabric and submerged it in the water before returning to her. He kneeled down in front of her, gently pressing the cloth against her jaw. As if he hadn’t been the one to cause it in the first place.

Elodie Beauvais
Elodie Beauvais
Real name : Echo
Aantal berichten : 44
IC posts : 34

Character sheet
Age: 25
Residence : Navarre

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

wo jun 13, 2018 2:55 am

black heart

Anger had now completely replaced her fear for him. She was following him without really paying attention to her surroundings; she had already seen those trees, those leaves, that path was the same she was observing so closely just when she arrived there. And now she was going back, walking the exact steps she took the first time, only that she was clearly unable to walk properly, due to the pain that pierced her thigh every step she took.

The harbour was exactly as she left it, but the ship she was on when she arrived wasn’t there anymore. It was her last chance to get help from someone, but she saw it crumbling as soon as her shoe touched the wood of the ship he brought her on. He didn’t expect him to shout that loud and didn’t expect everyone in the crew to get in front of him, ready to listen to every word he was saying. The voice in which he was demanding people to leave her alone, wasn’t at all the voice in which he commanded her to come with him. It was still firm and authoritative, but it wasn’t scary. All those people on the ship immediately complied with his orders and he then started walking again, as if nothing had happened. Why did everyone treated her as if it was normal that she was there? As if it was normal that she couldn’t walk, that her face was swollen? Even if her mind was tied up to those thoughts, she spontaneously started following him, as if he had tied his leash on her. Her legs were moving by themselves and her control of herself silently slipped off her own hands.

They entered a small room where he pushed her on a couch. It was the first comfortable moment in what it seemed like an eternity, but his hands on her rang a bell and she couldn’t fully relax. Her eyes followed every movement he was making and her body was completely tensed up, her heart beating like it never did before. ”I will arrange a room for you so you can have some privacy on board” His words made her frown her eyebrows in confusion. Why was he being so kind now? What did he want? ”This is what is going to happen. I’m going to take care of you, keep you safe..” Her ears basically shut off at the sound of those words. How was he planning on keeping her safe? By locking her up? By punching her again? Elodie was so lost in her thoughts that she couldn’t grasp everything that he said. ’What..?’ She said in a confused whisper, her voice still didn’t want to come back. When he started moving again, she jumped on her seat, scared, before following him with her eyes once again.

Few moments later, he was kneeling in front of her. His presence was so overwhelming for her. Just the fact that they were in the same room made her tense, but the fact that he now was so close to her, terrified the girl who tried to pull back from him. Her confused look didn’t want to leave her face and when he gently pressed a piece of fabric against her jaw, her forehead stretched out and the wrinkles she had on disappeared. Her eyes widened in surprise and she slightly gasped because of the pain he caused by touching her right where she was hurting. ’Don’t touch me.’ Words slipped out of her mouth and reflexively, she slapped his hand away.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

wo jun 13, 2018 10:31 am

may never die

There were so many layers to his personality he sometimes wondered if he had lost track of the real Romeo. This persona he had created, kept him safe and in control though. Wasn’t that the only important goal? No one had to know the real him, as that boy was nothing more but an insecure and weak child. Not fit to be a Captain and certainly not capable of going through what he was doing now. His whole identity was based on manipulations, carefully crafted illusions, well thought-through actions and words. It was how he survived. To survive is to adapt. He was exactly what he needed to be at the right moment.

It was also why he was so unpredictable. Once they entered his quarters, his behaviour seemed to change in the blink of an eye. He was still distant, but his attitude towards her was softer now. There was no need to scare her anymore. At least not at this moment. He had put fear in her heart and he knew it would last a couple of days. He could see it in the way she was reacting to his actions. She was in pain and he had caused it, and she wouldn’t forget that. Which was a good thing, at least to him.

When she pushed his hand away, he clenched his jaw for just a second. ”Fair enough”, He replied, while reaching the cloth out to her. ”Then do it yourself”, He continued, urging her to comply with the tone in his voice. Afterwards he shifted his attention to her thigh, where the arrow had pierced her skin. With another sigh he got up again, walking over to the cabinet in the corner of the room. Getting hurt a lot meant having a stash of first-aid type of supplies available at all times.

The ‘kit’ contained alcohol for cleaning wounds, bandages and a cream to battle infection. There even was a needle and thread for stitches, but he didn’t think that would be necessary. He placed everything next to her on the table. ”Take care of the wound on your thigh too”, He instructed her. He would have done it himself, but she would only struggle and perhaps make it worse. So instead, he grabbed a bottle of rum and pulled out the cork. While leaning against the table again, he started sipping on the liquor. He sure could use some after the events of today.

Elodie Beauvais
Elodie Beauvais
Real name : Echo
Aantal berichten : 44
IC posts : 34

Character sheet
Age: 25
Residence : Navarre

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

wo jun 13, 2018 10:15 pm

black heart

If when they were on the deck of the ship, Elodie’s main emotion was anger now that they were in a room alone, fear started taking over. After the unexpected change in his attitude towards her though, confusion suddenly hit her right in the face. Ironic. He got close to her, told her he was going to take care of her, tried to help her with the wounds he had inflicted her.

The redhead had enough emotions for the day. She was tired of feeling out of control, she felt like she was now back at that time when her stepfather used to denigrate her. His voice was not as pleasant as she first thought it was. His hands on her skin felt like burning flames and she couldn’t handle it anymore. After slapping his hand away though, Elodie froze for a couple of seconds, eyes widened and fixed on the floor, fearing again his reaction. ”Fair enough”, he then said, surprising her once more. The girl moved her gaze to him and subconsciously grabbed the cloth he was handing her. What was she supposed to do with that anyway?

She was once again hypnotized by his movements. It was like a moth captured by a bright light, unaware of the fact that that light meant death. Her breath was getting slower and slower, as if she didn’t want him to notice her presence, even though she was conscious of the fact that he perfectly knew she was there.

His voice woke her up from her trance, but she had some difficulties to grasp the meaning of his words right away. When she did though, she looked at the kit he had placed next to her, then at the cloth in her hands and then back at him. ’I don’t know how to.’ She whispered, a little embarrassed. She never had the chance to get hurt in her whole life so she never really needed to learn how to take care of a wound herself. At the same time, she didn’t want to ask him for help and didn’t want to feel him as close as he was one minute ago. ’It’s okay, I’ll leave it like this.’ Talking was getting harder, her jaw hurting with every sound she made. On the other hand, she was kind of getting used to the pain on her thigh and almost forgot about it. Maybe she could’ve left everything as it was without any consequence.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

wo jun 13, 2018 10:41 pm

may never die

Her reaction to his touch was normal, and he had expected it as well. This time, he held back his temper and allowed her to smack his hand away. She was scared, and that was all he needed her to be. She had to fear him, yet seek safety with him as well. The ultimate way to manipulate someone. Make them scared enough to follow orders without second guessing, but love him enough not to turn their back on him. So he stepped back, giving her the time to take care of her own wounds. He couldn’t heal her like she did, but at least he could offer her a way to patch herself up and make sure the wound wouldn’t infect. Last thing they needed was her getting sick because he had let her walk around like this.

Her words kind of surprised him. A soft whisper, nothing more, but with consequences. Romeo shook his head slightly. ”No, if you do, it could infect”, He said, a somewhat calm tone in his voice. It was merely an observation. He put the bottle down and considered the options. ”I could help you, or walk you through it. It’s not that hard”, He suggested. He kind of felt like she would go for the second option though. She had been pretty clear that she didn’t want him to touch her for the time being.

Elodie Beauvais
Elodie Beauvais
Real name : Echo
Aantal berichten : 44
IC posts : 34

Character sheet
Age: 25
Residence : Navarre

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

wo jun 13, 2018 11:07 pm

black heart

Elodie never thought she could’ve been so emotional. She had never felt such a wide range of emotions within few minutes and in such an intense way. If on one end, he was making her feel new things, which was the reason why she left Nordshal in the first place, on the other hand, she was feeling completely out of control and she hated that. She never asked to feel pain, she never asked to be scared, surprised, confused, angry, upset, sad and ready to die. She didn’t ask any of that and yet there she was.

”No, if you do, it could infect”, for once, his voice tone didn’t sound as sharp and didn’t hurt as much as it did up until now. He was talking to her calmly and she almost felt like he was really concerned about her health. It was then that she remembered that he was in fact the one who caused that pain, and if he hadn’t done that, she wouldn’t risk to get an infection now. Her thoughts were interrupted by his voice, which felt sharp once again. The girl jumped on the couch when the wound on her thigh felt like it was pierced again and caused a little wave of pain running through her whole body.

Did she want him to touch her again? No. Was she sure of the fact that she could follow the instructions he was willing to give her correctly? Not with her current state of mind. The smartest solution was to let him take care of the problem he himself caused, but she didn’t care about being smart at the moment. All she wanted was to get as far as possible from him, and if that wasn’t possible, then she could’ve at least kept a certain distance from him. ’I’ll do it.’ She finally stated before looking at him with a neutral expression that was trying to hide the growing panic that was building up inside her chest.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

do jun 14, 2018 6:32 am

may never die

There were a few things about this redhead that made him wonder where she had been spending her life up until now. She didn’t know she had a gift, had been in shock because of some blood (though, fair enough, it hadn’t been a pretty sight), didn’t know how to take care of a wound properly.. It was special, to say the least. Later, he would ask and see what it was all about. He was direct like that, not afraid to ask questions if he needed answers. For now though, it was important that she fixed that wound. Romeo had given her two options and waited somewhat patiently for her answer. As expected, she picked the second. With a neutral expression that was clearly hiding other emotions, she looked at him in anticipation of his instructions.

”There’s a knife hidden below the surface of the table. Take it and cut away some of the fabric”, He started of, trusting on her fear she wouldn’t use the knife against him. He was still armed as well and she would be incredibly stupid if she even tried. ”Take the cloth and clean the blood”, He said, after which he took the bottle of rum again and took another sip. ”Grab the bottle and pour some of the liquid on the wound”, He continued when she was done. ”It will sting but it will keep the wound from infecting”, He calmly explained. This would probably be the hardest step for her, so he paused shortly to see how she would handle it.

Elodie Beauvais
Elodie Beauvais
Real name : Echo
Aantal berichten : 44
IC posts : 34

Character sheet
Age: 25
Residence : Navarre

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

do jun 14, 2018 8:45 pm

black heart

Talking was getting annoying, she felt like she couldn’t move her jaw, but she had to make him understand where she was standing in this situation. Thinking about it twice, though, she knew that if he wanted something, he would’ve got that, she understood that pretty well by now. But for now, he looked like he wanted to respect her boundaries and she wanted to take advantage of that and set them pretty high, at least for now that he was willing to stay away from her.

Her eyes widened slightly when she heard him talking about a knife. Of course he had some hidden weapons everywhere. The realisation of that, made her feel extremely unsafe again, right when she was trying to calm down. Also, the fact that he was fine with her having a knife, meant that he didn’t see her as a threat at all, which made her feel even more upset. Nevertheless, she did what he told her and leaned closer to the table to grab the knife. Once she had that in her hands she had to cut the fabric, right? He was still instructing her, telling her what to do, while she was trying to understand how she could’ve cut the fabric of her pants when they were extremely tight without touching the wound.

Cloth, alcohol on the wound, it will sting. She was prepared to all that, but still scared of feeling pain once again, so soon after getting used to it. With her index and thumb, she grabbed her pants and tried to move them as far as she could from her wound, then brought the knife closer. Using only the tip of it, she slowly managed to cut enough fabric off so that she could have a better view of her wound. ’Now take the cloth and clean the wound…’ She whispered to herself without really moving her mouth, while she turned around and took the cloth that she had put down few moments before. Now she had to touch the wound with that cloth and she wasn’t ready for the pain. To avoid that, she tried to slightly pat all around the wound, never really touching it. She didn’t realise she was holding her breath, up until when she finished cleaning the wound and released the air from her mouth. ’Okay, next..’ She sighed silently and turned around again, but in doing that, she met his gaze. She almost forgot he was still in the room and his eyes on her now felt once more like burning flames. Shaking her head and inhaling deeply to calm down again, Elodie took the bottle next to her, but she was now visibly trembling and knew for sure that she couldn’t do that anymore. ’No.’ She said, her tone louder than before. ’I can’t.’ She then stated, putting down the bottle on the table before holding her head between her hands and closing her eyes. All that she wanted was disappear and hoped that somehow, closing her eyes would’ve helped her with that.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

do jun 14, 2018 9:38 pm

may never die

It was obvious how she was still struggling with herself a lot. How to carry herself in a situation like this one. One moment, it seemed like she would start crying. The next, he expected her to attack him. The conflict within her made her vulnerable though. For now, he decided to be the one solid factor in her surroundings. Hoping that she would turn to him for support, eventually. It was one way to manipulate her into being loyal to him. If he wanted her to have some kind of use in his life, which was the goal, he would have to gain her trust while keeping her scared enough so she wouldn’t make decisions that could hurt him in the end.

His instructions were clear and calm, and he watched her slowly follow them. Somehow he wouldn’t be surprised if she passed out at one point. She looked pale and weak, her movements uncertain and her voice quiet. Still trying to get back in control of her emotions. When she got to the next step, she finally broke. Romeo held back a sigh. Of course he had kidnapped someone who was as unstable in her actions as he was. It was potentially dangerous, but for now, it was annoying.

His thoughts were his alone though, and he kept them hidden beneath a perfect neutral mask. Carefully, he walked over to the table, keeping his distance from her. He grabbed the cloth and the bottle and stepped away from her while he poured the alcohol over it. When it was drenched, he held it out to her again. His posture as non threatening as possible, though she was still sitting down. He was still in control. As it should be. ”Focus on your breathing”, He said, his voice still sounding calm. ”Inhale, take the cloth, exhale and push it down”, He suggested. If she kept refusing.. He would have to do it himself. Because one way or another, he would not risk the wound getting infected.

Elodie Beauvais
Elodie Beauvais
Real name : Echo
Aantal berichten : 44
IC posts : 34

Character sheet
Age: 25
Residence : Navarre

Van Gogh's Crows - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Van Gogh's Crows

do jun 14, 2018 11:21 pm

black heart

That man, standing in front of her was the only reason she was now in a situation where she didn’t know what to do nor what to feel. She was upset, angry, sad, confused, uncomfortable, feeling out of place, feeling pain and that wasn’t at all what she had expected when she decided to turn over a new leaf. She didn’t expect her new leaf to be the same as the previous one, she didn’t expect herself to be the same as before, she thought she was ready.

Clearly, she wasn’t, because as soon as her eyes met the ones of the man who caused all this, she broke down. She was already feeling weak, she honestly didn’t even know how she hadn’t pass out already, given the amount of pain she felt, but now not only her body was weak, but her mind was playing tricks with her and she just couldn’t hold herself up anymore. She tried her best to hide her feelings and once again, whatever she tried to do to hide them, was useless. Everything she did was pointless, she couldn’t even clean her own wounds, she couldn’t take care of herself.

Her safe space, which she thought ended where the man was standing, was now even smaller, given the fact that he got closer to her. His voice didn’t sound threatening at all, but it just woke her fears up once again. He was still telling her what to do and she knew she couldn’t handle any more orders from him. The girl’s eyes weren’t focusing enough for her to understand exactly what was happening, but she suddenly stood up. ’Leave me.’ She said, looking away from him and trying to physically distance herself from that person, she walked up to the farther corner of the room, where she sat and hugged her knees before hiding her face behind them.
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