Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
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Aantal berichten : 104
IC posts : 99

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Peace
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

zo jul 22, 2018 12:19 am

And no it's not a phase 'cause it happens all the time

Start over, check again, now tell me what you find

It would always be a surprise which stars would end up shining at night when he looked up. Sometimes it were the usual ones, sitting on their place like they had never moved in the first place. Other times it felt like the sky had shifted and wanted to surprise him. Mercury was fine with both. Stars were stars as long as he could look at them.

The Commander was about to tell the other it might be better for him to get hunting if he still wanted to get something out of this night, when he asked Mercury a question he couldn’t refuse to answer. No, he simply had to. His enthusiasm suddenly bursted out as he smiled broadly as he started talking. ''That's one of my favorite ones. See, that star connects with those stars,'' He spoke as he tried to show her which stars he meant. ''And see how they all seem to point to the direction of those stars?'' Now he was getting excited. ''The story goes that the larger constellation that the stars are turned to, was the mother who had an affair with a magical king. That king had a wife and one day, when walking through the forest with the woman, he had to change her into a bear to avoid being caught by his wife. His wife told him to go back to the palace, so he couldn't change the woman back into her human form. Now that woman, had a son, and he was on a hunt. And he saw the bear and without knowing it was his mother, shot the bear dead.'' Mercury paused for a moment to get some air. ''To make amends, the king placed the mother as a constellation in the sky, changed her son into a smaller bear and placed him next to her, but in a way so he could always watch over her.'' He yawned, rubbing his eyes for a moment. ''That's why they are so close together.'' He looked sideways, awaiting Apollo’s reaction like a small child awaiting the approval of a drawing he had just made.

Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 42
IC posts : 41

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Health
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

zo jul 22, 2018 12:28 am

des monstres l'ont mangé

This time he made sure to ask a more appropriate question. He knew Mercury well enough to kind of manipulate his mood a bit, by simply showing interest in the things that made him happy. Even though he was the one with the magic to heal people and his brother had the kind that could calm down even Minerva, he knew a few little tricks to lure out those emotions. It wasn’t entirely fair, but necessary. And like this, he learned new things as well. Like the story of how the mother and her son were reunited in the stars. A smile graced his lips as he closed his eyes, picturing them running free in the sky. ”I want to paint that one day”, He decided. He could relate to the mother bear, as he tried to look out for his fellow Commanders and the Children that were counting on him as well.

Aantal berichten : 104
IC posts : 99

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Peace
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

zo jul 22, 2018 12:35 am

And no it's not a phase 'cause it happens all the time

Start over, check again, now tell me what you find

It was no secret Mercury loved to talk and once he did it was hard for him to stop. And it was even harder think about stopping when someone mentioned something the young one loved to talk about. Apollo had touched one of those subjects, asking him about a certain star constellation in the sky. It was one of the few Mercury would be sad about if one day they would truly disappear. But for now he cherished every moment he had with it.

He rambled on, talking about the story more than he actually wanted to, but once started it was hard for him to shut up. As he looked sideways, he saw how his brother had closed his eyes. His words only warmed his heart as the smile on Mercury’s face widened. ‘’You would?!’’ He exclaimed, realising that he might have been a little too enthusiastic and he shifted a little in hopes of getting the embarrassment out of his head. ‘’I mean… I would love to see that.’’ He spoke a lot more softer after clearing his throat.

Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 42
IC posts : 41

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Health
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

zo jul 22, 2018 1:01 am

des monstres l'ont mangé

A frequent theme of his paintings were stories exactly like Mercury told him now. He got inspired easily by those, for some reason. Nature was another topic, and so was the Mother. He painted her quite a lot, especially on days where he missed her most. Painting was one of his favourite occupancies when he was not out hunting or busy with taking care of the people. So when he heard his brother’s surprised exclamation, he chuckled amused. ”Of course, I’m serious”, He confirmed with a small nod. His gaze dwelled to the stars again. ”If I like it enough, I will show you”, He grinned. Painting it was one thing, actually showing others was a whole other matter. Perhaps.. He could gift it to him. But only if he was satisfied with it. Otherwise it would gather dust with the rest of the paintings stashed away in his house.

Aantal berichten : 104
IC posts : 99

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Peace
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

zo jul 22, 2018 10:49 am

And no it's not a phase 'cause it happens all the time

Start over, check again, now tell me what you find

Every Guardian had his or her own thing. Mercury loved to stargaze, Diana had her plants, Minerva had her soft moments where her demons couldn’t get to her and Juno.. he wasn’t sure about Juno but she sure had something and Apollo had his music and his paintings. And Mercury loved his paintings. It would probably not be a wise idea though to tell him he sometimes snuck into his house just to look at them.

But when the Commander of Health offered to make a painting of the story Mercury had just told, it was hard for him to cover up how overjoyed he was. Mercury shifted his body on the side, so he could look better at his brother. ‘’But your paintings are beautiful! You truly have a talent brother. You should show them no matter what.’’ At least he didn’t have the fear of someone ruining his paintings like Mercury had with his cats and Minerva telling him over and over again she would break their necks. If Mercury still did that thing called sleep, he probably would have nightmares about it.

Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 42
IC posts : 41

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Health
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

zo jul 22, 2018 3:47 pm

des monstres l'ont mangé

Even with centuries of experience, the Healer was still pretty self-conscious over his work. He liked painting just because it could keep him distracted for a while. It put him in a peaceful state of mind where he could actually enjoy being alive, which was important since he had been going on for so many years. Painting, or writing poetry and music, could alleviate that sense of boredom that sometimes caught up with him when the days went by. That didn’t mean he always liked the results though. It was therapeutic but once it was finished, the paintings would often disappear behind a closed door and never see the daylight again. His brother seemed to disagree though. Apollo turned his head towards him as he spoke. ”Perhaps. I think it’s because I can see all the flaws and mistakes in them because I painted them? It makes me a little bit scared at times because to me those mistakes are really obvious”, He speculated. No one liked criticism on a work they had put time, energy and love in, right?

Aantal berichten : 104
IC posts : 99

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Peace
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

zo jul 22, 2018 4:03 pm

And no it's not a phase 'cause it happens all the time

Start over, check again, now tell me what you find

Come to think of it, Mercury had never really seen Apollo show off his work. It was either on display in his home, but then it would be humble and not even that in sight, or it was just not there. A pity, because the younger Commander truly thought his brother had a gift. And it was a gift that didn’t need to be stashed away in a dark room like that. The vampire let his head rest on his hand as he put his elbow in the grass, looking down on his older brother.

They were a strange pair and above all, probably not even alike. They were the complete opposite of colors, Mercury sporting the black, red and white and Apollo wearing any color the sun looked like that day. Or so Mercury thought. Apollo didn’t often share his insecurities with him, which made this night extra special. ‘’But wouldn’t you want to hear the criticism?’’ Mercury wondered out loud, letting his eyes fall on his brother again. ‘’Wouldn’t that make you want to improve and show others how good you actually are?’’ The vampire had zero knowledge of painting or any art that looked like painting, but he could understand the basic concept of showing it off and being scared for people’s thoughts. ‘’Nothing is perfect and besides, those mistakes you made? No one will know they are mistakes until you point it out.’’ And mistakes only pushed you in the direction of perfection.

Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 42
IC posts : 41

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Health
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

zo jul 22, 2018 5:23 pm

des monstres l'ont mangé

To him, painting was strictly personal business. He did it for himself in the first place. It was easier when there was no pressure. He did not have to please anyone with his work, therefore he couldn’t disappoint anyone. From the moment there was an audience, he wasn’t painting just for himself anymore. And that made him feel really insecure about his work. ”Perception is personal, isn’t it? What if I like my painting a lot, and then someone walks by and says it gives them a headache”, He replied, letting go of a soft sigh after. ”I wouldn’t touch a brush in years after that”, He admitted quietly.

His next words were a bit more uplifting though. ”That’s true”, He said, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. ”I hope I can do the story justice though”, He then chuckled. It was a challenge for sure. He had never really painted the stars, and the sky could have so many different hues. He hoped he could capture some of the magic in his painting.

Aantal berichten : 104
IC posts : 99

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Peace
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

zo jul 22, 2018 10:49 pm

And no it's not a phase 'cause it happens all the time

Start over, check again, now tell me what you find

The other seemed more sensitive than Mercury had thought. They had lived together for so long now that you had a certain image of them in your head that was hard to get away or change. Mercury had always seen his brother as the one who would take people under their wing, who would listen and care. Somehow it hadn’t come to him that Apollo carried his own insecurities and worries. It was dumb of him to think that Apollo was an invincible being, it only showed how careless the young Commander was.

But that didn’t matter right now. Because his brother didn’t need to worry like he did. So he would try his best to cheer him up, even though it didn’t look as worse as he did sometimes. The vampire nodded in understanding. ‘’Of course you can. You’re Apollo, you can do anything.’’ It might not be the best advice he had given, but the man really needed the confidence apparently. ‘’And if you don’t like this story, I have many more.’’ He chuckled with a crooked grin. The vampire patted the other on the shoulder as a way to tell him not to worry that much. Mercury’s standards weren’t that high, he was basically pleased with anything.

Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 42
IC posts : 41

Character sheet
Age: Centuries
Occupation: Commander of Health
Residence : Mother's Mountains

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

ma jul 23, 2018 2:06 am

des monstres l'ont mangé

Never had he mentioned his insecurities before. He had always kept his hobby kind of hidden from the other Guardians. Of course they knew about the music and the poetry, but painting was a whole other thing. He suspected they kind of knew though, when he disappeared into his house for a while without really showing his face for a couple of days. And when he did, he often had more colourful paint splashes mixed with his usual white war paint. Though he never actually showed them the results of his hard work. But Mercury believed in him. It meant a lot. He showed him a grateful smile. ”We should do a project together. Where you tell me more stories and I paint them afterwards”, He suggested. That would be a nice change of pace, as he usually just painted his surroundings. Those were.. Getting quite old as well, to be honest.

God of the Forest
Aantal berichten : 5
IC posts : 2

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Occupation: Harbinger of Death
Residence : Everywhere

Moonrise kingdom - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Moonrise kingdom

di jul 24, 2018 2:09 pm


Ze zeggen dat eenhoorns maar zelden door levende wezens gezien zijn die het naverteld hebben. Toch heeft eentje besloten om een kijkje te nemen bij jou. Wat ga je doen?
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