Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
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Dacosta Laendaerys
Dacosta Laendaerys
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 599
IC posts : 46

Character sheet
Age: 38
Occupation: Queen of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

do feb 08, 2018 9:06 pm

She narrowed her eyes a bit. She had thought this man came from her lands. But his words seemed to twist that idea. No he didn't. He was from somewhere else. Or just an complete lunatic. It was also an possibility. He was quite good looking, but something about him seemed to fend her off. Some kind of uneasy feeling when being close to him. Or in this case breathing the same air as him. And yet he seeme to draw her in. She wanted to hear more of that hounting voice. See more of his light skin. Feel more of his touches burning and throbbing as he had hold her just before. Why was it that a man like this could hold such power over her?

"Valyria is my home. It's where my throne is. I throne I intend of carrying very soon." She narrowed her eyes staring at him. "I only hide to protect myself. For now. When the time comes there won't be a need for hiding any longer. You know that as well as I do. I do not wish to hide, but I have to." For the sake of her little sister. Would this man also know about Aria. Then perhaps she wouldn't be safe here. Shit what if he knew. What if he would hurt her, or worse.. touch her.

She nearly kept a growl in hearing the humming, recodnizing the words he didn't even sing to the tune. It was an disgusting song, a vile song and yet she almost instantly seemed to hum with him.

"Then what use are you to me?" She hissed coldly. If he couldn't do that one simple task. Why should she trust him with more? He was worthless if not for just a sword atatched to an arm she could use. This had always been the way she thought of men. And especially men who looked and acted like him.

Those touches. They once again left burn marks on her skin it felt as she let him pull her close she closed her eyes as she just stood there forcing herself to not curl her arms around him listening to his words shivering as she felt the kiss which seemed to eat away her tender skin. She hold her breath and only released it again as he let her go and fell back on the couch. Silently her deep blue eyes turned back to his once again. "A princess does not ask." Her voice was low. Forcing herself to calm her fastly beating heart as she took a step to him again, and another one. Till she stood in front of him laying her hand under his chin. "A Princess commands, and I command you to tell me. What am i to you. Why would you want to protectt me. And what do you think of me." She whispered moving her face closer to his, her long dark hairs falling over her shoulders, dangling besides her face seeming to close them off from the rest of the world. She kept heer stare on his eyes her mouth the tiniest bit open as she breathed running with her thumb along his lips. So close.. Narrowing her eyes she let him go and moved back again sitting down next to him on the couch, crossing her legs, which made the skirt she was wearing pull up a bit revealing a bit more of her leg as she leaned backwards.

"Are you loyal to the Rhoynish pigs or to the throne?" She asked coldly staring at him. "Because the way you speak makes me wonder how much I can really use you." Looking away from him she stared around the house. Well atleast he didn't belong to the Amor family, even if he was from Dorne. "They'll never catch it. Even they do not know what it is and who it carries." She smiled leaning back. She was sure of her case. After all. If there was one thing she knew about it was this. She may not have been thought the way males were in her land, but she was tought the ways of a ruler, a queen. And with that the secret her family held. "And if they do, it will be used against them. You see. The weapon is no sword or axe. But you already knew that didn't you. It's inside, passed on from generation to generation of Laendaerys." She let her fingers run over the man's arm staring him into his eyes. "Neither my father, the king, nor any man, woman or child know's what it truly is, and know's how to use it. Except for me." She looked at him. "And I'd advice you to not try and find an excuse to use it to your own provit as well sir. A beast will never let itself be chained. Ahrk Zu'u fen neh kreh fah vonumiik med hi."

Even when she's dethroned by hardship
she still wears the sun as a crown


You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

do feb 08, 2018 9:09 pm
You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Untitled_12png_by_ladyperfume-dbzy8js


Larethian was still sitting on the edge of the couche, it was a quite large couch with a high backrest so he made himself comfortable and leaned backwards. His blue eyes where still pointed on her. She never left his sight, they where always looking at her, haunting her like a prey. His lips where still curled in a sinister grin like he was up to something.. The beer in his hand was almost empty and before he knew he drank the bottle empty after continuing his words. I don’t take orders from a princess who can’t even control her own country. But I understand the position where you are in right now. His voice became calm, the storm was still raging inside of his mind but after years he was able to let it rest and ignore it for a while, Until it had to come out. You see, I think it's easy to mistake understanding for empathy - we want empathy so badly. Maybe learning to make that distinction is part of growing up. It's hard and ugly to know somebody can understand you without even liking you.

Larethian felt some kind of grief for the girl she had been trough a lot and although he grown very fond of her he still didn’t want her to know who he truly was. Did she really not recognise him? So out here, you are nothing, you maybe be one day the queen of Valyria but this is the normal world with normal people and you are just as low as me.

So, basicly if you want to survive in this world, you can’t do that without me, I am the only one here who knows your secret and I can kept a secret for you or I can take your precious quite life away with one blink of an eye. So, do right and you'll live through this.

Larethian rose from the bench, his eyes where now focusses on the large fireplace in the living room. It became rather chilly so he decided to light the fireplace. Not too long ago he was still sitting in front of the fireplace in the large castle in Valyria, The little spare time he had not watching the kings daughter of being busy with his kings guard duties he loved to sit next to the fireplace and reading, or writing himself. About all the things that he has been trough and has experienced. Larethians eyes where still focussed on the small fire that became larger within a few seconds, his eyes where triggered on the flames but once he heard her talking about loyalty he closed his eyes for moment. Thinking about what loyalty actually ment to him. As a kings guard he was never more then loyal to his king, He grew close with him and sometimes that was not a very positive thing. Growing close to the king also ment that he knew most of his secrets, had to keep them save and if anything should leak out, his head would be on a wooden spike right now.. What was loyalty? Does it mean keeping secrets for each other? Or does it mean to give your life up for someone else it’s duty, protecting the king? He still wasn’t quite sure about the answers but he already made uo his answer for the lady; I am loyal to my king, which is right now the only rightful heir, Rhaegar Valyra Vynix Laendaerys. Larethian opened his eyes again and felt the head of the flames almost burning on his clothes, he loved the heath, the sun on his skin. He once could ride for hours in the damping head with his horse If you still think of me as some kind of scam then I have to disappoint you. I am not. he replied rather cold. Dorne has always been an enemy, and will be until the day I let my last breathe go. Dorne has always been nothing more then trouble for the country. And it all begun since the new king sat on the throne, it was a sick person which poisoned the country and where sickness thrives, bad things will follow.

All good things to those who wait, pretty lady. I’ve waited a long time for answers but how long can you wait until the truth comes out. How long before the Dornishmen come for you His piercing blue eyes looked right trough her and for a second he could swear he heard her heartbeat. Larethian made his way to the kitchen again and found a lighter from he drawer. He lit some candles next to the fireplace and on the table and then placed himself on the couch again, this time he went sitting next to the lady in front of him. You are still a young and silly girl, and life has so many possibilities for you. If you would only set aside your arrogance. You need to see that you are no princess here, no one sees you like nothing more then a girl that works at a café But not for him, she was more then anything he ever wanted, although he couldn’t..


Dacosta Laendaerys
Dacosta Laendaerys
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 599
IC posts : 46

Character sheet
Age: 38
Occupation: Queen of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

do feb 08, 2018 9:13 pm

She wasn't fearfull of this man. He could throw nothing at her she hadn't already endured. She had lost her home, her father and her subjects. She was like a fawn, lost in the great big world. But instead of shivering like a coward she fought to stay on top. She acted day after day to protect her Aria and to gain enough power here so she could overrule her father. "I have not given up yet." Her tone was cold as ice as she stared at him. "I do not want your understanding or your empathy, is it so hard for you to realise you're nothing to me other than a possible tool to use against the king?" She pulled up her brow. She didn't want to hear this so called wisdom of his. She wanted her crown and her throne, if he could help her she'd pay him with whatever he wanted. If he could not help she'd take his head.

Her eyes followed the men listening to his words as he walked to the fireplace. "Don't ever even dare to compare yourself to me." She had to laugh shaking her head slowly. How could he even begin with saying she was as low as him? Had this man no respect for royalty. Royalty he seemed to admire and wish to protect? "There is no maybe. I will be queen. I will rule Valyra, the valley beyond the void and even these lands. I will turn the entire world to ash and dust if I decide that I want to. I am Dacosta Valyra Vynx Laendaerys, second of my name, heir to the throne of vallen skies and princess of the valley beyond the void. I will rule. And I will defeat those who stand against me. Now I give you one last warning. Do you stand against me. Or beside me?" She narrowed her eyes staring ice cold at him. She may not have any weapon on hand right now. But her voice ringed with pure fury. She would not allow him to speak this way to her. She would not allow him to disrespect her, god knew she had already been disresected enough.

"That man is no king, he's weak. He let love rule his heart, a witch take over the place where a rightfull queen used to sit and let his own two daughters be cast out. I am the only rightfull ruler at this point. The people back in Valyra know this. And you know this as well." She leaned back watching the flames nearly lick his skin and smirked soft somewhere hoping they'd grab him and pull him into the firy pits of whatever hell this man crawled out of. He was nothing more than scum. Even though her heart told her different. She could not listen. She could not accept the connection she felt with him. It was nothing more than lies and hormones taking control of her body. She was to be a queen. She could not be tempted by these feelings.

"How long before you tell them I'm here for some extra gold? That would be the better question." It was but a whisper comming from her lips as she leeaned a bit more to him before gasping and looking away as the man suddenly walked off again. God damn him, god damn all he did and all he thought he was. As he lit some candles and set next to her her heart sped up once more and she took shallow breaths listening to his words a slightly mocking grin forming on her lips. Was that really how he wanted to play this. "Arrogance comes in the package of being the future queen. What's your excuse. You're just as arrogant and bratty." She whispered leaning a bit to him and staring up into those cold blue eyes of his.

And in that moment she knew. She remembered. How the hell could she have forgotten. The emotionless voice. The strong arms. She knew him and he knew her. Her lower lip started to tremble as she layed a hand on his cheek. "That cannot.." She shook her head again and pushed herself up and away from the couch. "Larethian." Her eyes grew a bit wider. It had been years. Years since she last saw him. He left without a trace, she had been a brat. She never cared for him, well. She did. Hell she fantasized about the big strong guard who was always there to protect her. He had been her prince on a white stallion and she had forgotten about him. Had she banished him from her mind when she had gotten too scared he didn't care for her like everyone should. Had she forgotten to protect herself. Or had she just simply.. not cared for him.

Tears seemed to well up in her eyes staring at the man she knew, the boy she had loved as a child and the guardian she had dreamt of as a teenager. "You're a cruel man." She whispered again before falling through her knees and grabbing towards him. He had this whole night been speaking like a cold blooded person. Someone who'd be able to sell her out to the enemy or keep her locked away for his own pleasures while he was her protecter and guardian. Her Lareth.. How could she have forgotten..

Even when she's dethroned by hardship
she still wears the sun as a crown


You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

do feb 08, 2018 9:13 pm
You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Untitled_12png_by_ladyperfume-dbzy8js


He heard every word she said, and his eyes where still focussed on hers, like a hawk watching his prey from the sky, watching, waiting until he could strike. His lips where still curled in an arrogance and sinister laugh. He was still sitting next to her waiting to strike, waiting to haunt her in her dreams like he used to do. She was his soul, his day and night and if anything bad would happen to her his whole being would be crushed and bruised. I like the fierceness that you have around you, I admire it that you have grown from a young girl into a real woman, a queen anyone would follow. He grinned shortly, his hand grabbed hers and for a moment he felt the warmth of her skin. It only took a few seconds until he let her go again rose from the couch and walked towards the window.

Even though it was late in the evening the sky grew darker and darker and Larethian could see some drops of rain falling in the distant, the streets where wet and it would not take so much time until it would started to rain harder and harder. He smiled for a second hearing her words about his understanding or empathy made him laugh inside. She clearly did not understood the meaning of empathy and how to even show it. Of course, why would she? She did not need to make any excuses for her actions after all she was a royal.

Larethian turned around and leaned back on the edge of the window, His eyes again focussed on her, they would never leave.. they never left her sight. But you don’t need to let that ‘fierceness, and arrogance overpower you, cause it may cause you a lot of problems miss’. His voice was cruel, harsh and if she would only think about it for a second she knew that he was right. Her greedy and arrogance attitude will coast her, her beloved and most cherished throne.

I would never dare to compare myself to you, but you see.. you have no power here. So that makes that you are as low as I am.

Fighting next to the king has made me arrogant, cold and unforgiving miss. He replied cold, his light blue eyes where pierced in hers but when he thought back about that time his gaze turned towards the window again, to the quiet streets down below.

Once he heard her calling his name he knew it was done he felt a shiver running trough his spine once she called him by his 'real' name. Larethian had just betrayed himself. Although it was not really a betrayal since he already told his “name” to her. At least she finally knew who he was. Maybe he had to tell her in the first place but then it would have spoiled the surprise. Are you not happy to see me dii reg? I’d guessed you would have recognised me after all these years, but unfortunately not..


Dacosta Laendaerys
Dacosta Laendaerys
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 599
IC posts : 46

Character sheet
Age: 38
Occupation: Queen of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

do feb 08, 2018 9:17 pm

  Her world seemed to crumble around her. Everything she knew and believed in slipped away as he showed her it was really him. A simple yes had been enough to break her but he buried her under ten meters of regret and pain in one sentence. How could she..

She had lived her life after he had dissapeared, never once seemed to regret not telling him how she had felt about him or why she always wanted him to be with her. At first she had cursed the feelings and told herself it had just been a childish crush. Off course it was. The man had been way older than her and a protector. He cared for her and kept her safe. Any young girl would mistake friendship for love especially at her age when hormones where just kicking in. But now standing here with him in front of her, she on her knees in tears, she knew the feelings had never been lies.

There seemed to be no life in her legs, or atleast no feelings at all. Her throat was dry and even swallowing didn't seem to fix that. She probably looked like a mess standing in front of a man with such weight in his look alone. She wanted to crumble back down, for the first time in her life not feeling all to high and mighty. "How do you think I feel seeing you after you abandoned me." She shot back at him her voice trembling with insecurity. This was not all right, this was not good. She was going to die right here and now if she couldn't stop herself from staring at him.

She turned her head grabbing her coat quickly. She needed to get out of here. She needed to leave and fast to get her head cleared again and to make sure she wouldn't fall for him. "You've changed and so have I. Off course I wouldn't recodnize a man with a heart as cold as yours." She hissed back again putting on her coat and walking towards the door.

"You have no shame do you?" She spoke softly but with a harsh undertone. Even if the door was not locked, even if she opened it. She couldn't leave. Not without atleast saying him how much he had ment for her and how much he had broken her heart when he dissapeared. But words could not flow over her lips. Certainly not those words locked away deep in the iron chest of her heart. So she turned back to him and stepped towards him. He was taller than she was but it didn't seem to matter, nothing seemed to matter anymore. She let her tears go, slipping down her cheek. "Lareth.."

In a moment she lost everything she was and everything she would be. Curling her arm around his neck and pulling him down towards her she planted her lips on his.

The taste of his lips seemed almost sweet This was what she had dreamt of as a little girl. This was her very first real kiss, and back in the days she had always wanted it to be with him. Later on she tried to think of princes and high born lords. Man that would meet up to the standard that he had placed. They never could reach it. But this man had taken everything and made it so much more important, so much more special for her. She wanted him, and he would give himself to her. Atleast for now. Atleast this evening, she'd trow all that she was away as he had said. And she'd show him how much he had ment for her. If only that could make up for all those years lost.

Even when she's dethroned by hardship
she still wears the sun as a crown


You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

do feb 08, 2018 9:18 pm
You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Untitled_12png_by_ladyperfume-dbzy8js


Larethian was still standing with his face towards the window. hearing her speak about how he had abandoned her made him some kind of angry. He had never done anything negative towards her, protected her like she was his most precious desire. Like she was the only thing he ever had in his life. I have never abandoned you, nor your sister. Larethian started with a soft voice. They.. He exiled me once He knew that I was not true to the throne anymore. He fired on her once she was done finishing her words.

Before he could even look around she got up and grabbed her coat. Larethian pointed her eyes on the room and turned himself around. Watching her go by was something he never wanted, something that already had happend and he had promised himself not too let it happen again. But maybe this was for the best. letting her go was meaning they could live their own “safer” lives. And not hurting each other. My heart might be cold. But that is precisely the way you and your royalty wanted me to be. He answered sharp and almost irritated. before he watched her go towards the door. His voice thrilled as he pointed his mysterious eyes on her. You and your precious father wanted me to be this way, make a killer of me. Protect you and your royals, kill for you, murder for you. Kill someone who might had to be a danger for you, but turned out to be innocent. So. Before you even dare to judge me, first off all judge yourself miss. The sea of words came out his mouth before he even knew it. They where chosen very precisely and yet they felt like they where said in an wave of emotions.

Her desperate actions made her even more vulnerable. And before he could blink she was already walking towards him again instead of walking out the door. This moment he knew he had her where he wanted to have her. It was just perfect, too perfect to even be true. Was she playing games with him? Playing tricks with his mind like he was doing with her? Or was it more…?

Before he could take any actions she had already pushed her lips on his. This felt so wrong, and still so right.


Dacosta Laendaerys
Dacosta Laendaerys
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 599
IC posts : 46

Character sheet
Age: 38
Occupation: Queen of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

do feb 08, 2018 9:18 pm

  He hurted her deeply with his words. Off course he did. She had no reply to them as she was sure every single one of his words was right and they hit the mark. But still it had been those words which had moved her towards him and kiss him.

If there was such a thing as sparks for a first kiss, this would be it. To be honest, it was her first kiss all together and she had only wanted it to be with him.

Her thick coat dropped off her shoulders as she pulled him closer towards her. She deepened the kiss opening her lips inviting him in as she leaned more against him.

It was weird. She had never expected this to be that way. To have him so close to her and never wanting to let go. Sure this would be what he wanted after all. He didn't want anything less than to ruin her and he officially just did so.

Slowly she pulled loose from him setteling herself down on her feet again as she had just pushed herself on her toes. It took her a minute to catch her breath again and slowly let her arms fall down her sides again pain visable in her eyes. "Don't.. Don't ever asume." She swallowed pain away staring up at him. "That I wanted you to be this way. I never wanted anything else than you to be happy and smile. I did not want you to be a killer or to kill anyone in our name. I did not, I never knew about it, don't lay that blame on me." She managed to whisper her blue eyes growing darker as she bit her lip. He had to understand. How much she felt for him. He had to understand that his words were breaking her and she wouldn't stand for it.

Even when she's dethroned by hardship
she still wears the sun as a crown


You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

do feb 08, 2018 9:20 pm
You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Untitled_12png_by_ladyperfume-dbzy8js


He had her at her breaking point, This is what he always wanted. Create chaos in her mind.. And for the first time he could feel the weakness in her bones. Larethian never knew she could be this way.. weak.. like a vulnerable lamb that just learned to walk. For a few moments he answered the kiss and pulled her body against his. He felt the passion and lust running trough their bodies and he definitely wanted more of it. But after a moment he came to his senses and pushed her away from him. This.. This cannot happen ever again. he just replied coldy taking responsibility for his actions. I maybe wanted this a long time ago, when I had to babysit you everyday and take care of you.. make sure you felt safe but not anymore. Not now. His gaze was burning, consuming. Into hers as she spoke. Not leaving her out of his sight.

You wanted to see me happy? you wanted to see me smile? Larethian laughed as he moved his face closer to hers. And started talking again. Then please explain to me why my heart feels like it’s been death inside of me for years.. Please tell me why I feel like every vein in my muscles feel like it’s been drained out and ripped apart? If.. If you wanted to make me feel happy and all of that what you just said you would have done anything. Larethian shook his head. But wat could you do…? You were just a mere ‘princess' in an world full off adults who wouldn’t listen to you. How voice was low. his eyes stood sharp.. that certain kind of sharpness how a tiger looks at it’s prey.. and still his eyes sparkled brightly. You tried so desperately to persuade me just now that you totally lost yourself.. I wonder if there IS something left of that arrogant princess who I just met this evening. His gaze was dark. Almost haunting. As he turned his eyes away from her eyes and let them glide over her body. Tell me, Dacosta. Would you say you love me? Even if you were the one who kept running away from me and kept hiding from your own past?.


Dacosta Laendaerys
Dacosta Laendaerys
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 599
IC posts : 46

Character sheet
Age: 38
Occupation: Queen of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

do feb 08, 2018 9:23 pm

She felt a shiver running down her spine. Tears in her eyes burning her cheeks as they slowly dripped down. He seemed angry. His laugh unreal and his words frightened her. "Then what do you want Larethian.. What is it you want from me. For I cannot do a thing anymore now. I'm an orphin rejected by my own father. Cast out like a dog. I cannnot hold any value to you or to anyone anymore. They will not realise my value. Not untill it's too late already."

With each word she spoke she tried to grasp onto her own reality once more. She was a princess. A queen, but also a cast out. Fearfull and small. This man may as well be her only possible salvation. But he wouldn't help her. He wouldn't even try.

His words once again hit her. This time in a different spot. Her eyes grew a little darker as she grabbed him by his neck. Pushing him a bit more against the couch. "There has never changed anything about me. I am still me. I am more powerfull than any weapon, man or god. I am a dragon in human form and I will have what I want, when I want it Larethian Akesh. Do you understand this?" Cold were her eyes as she let her hand slide over his cheek. Pulling his chin to him. "I am only letting you in to my protective lines because I do love you." Narrowing her eyes she slapped his cheek before turning away from him and took a few steps back creating more distance between them. "But as you seem to reject this closeness I will no longer share it with you. Instead I'll rule you. And if you disobey I'll turn you to dust and ash as I will do to anyone who dares to oppose me."

Her voice trembled a bit with the power she put in to it laying an hand on his shoulder and pushing him down a bit. "Now. I'd suggest. You bow."

Even when she's dethroned by hardship
she still wears the sun as a crown

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You do not even know our tongue do you? - Pagina 2 Empty Re: You do not even know our tongue do you?

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