Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Asher Morrigan
Asher Morrigan
Real name : Demi
Aantal berichten : 758
IC posts : 559

Character sheet
Age: 38
Residence :

Time's Arrow Empty Time's Arrow

di feb 27, 2018 9:31 pm

It had become somewhat of a routine for him to flee the house as soon as he woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes in the morning, he’d try to escape from Skaði’s grip and disappear to the docks as fast as he possibly could. Their relationship – or whatever it was – had turned painfully sour over the last couple of weeks and avoiding her was his only way of dealing with it. He’d make way to the city early in the morning, trying to distract himself with work he usually made other people do for him. He stayed out from dusk until dawn, only to come back home again where their argument from the night before was ignited once again. They fought about everything, no matter how insignificant, and over time he had almost come to resent her. Somehow, she was still there.

Asher had spent the majority of the day hanging around the harbour, helping his crew to ready the ship. They were to leave for Brightwater Keep in a few days, something he hadn’t yet notified Skaði of. He wasn’t sure if he was going to. Maybe he’d just wait until she found out herself, once he’d disappeared already. At least his crew seemed to appreciate him more now, since he proved that he didn’t mind lowering himself to doing the kind of work that the average sailor had to endure. Once he’d worked his fingers down to dust and the sun started to drop beneath the surface of the sea, he decided to call it quits. The remainder of his crew started to disappear into the city one by one, in search of a tavern or brothel to spend their night and their hard-earned money on. Asher stayed behind, sitting at the docks and letting his legs dangle above the water. He proceeded to fish a letter out of his pocket, one that he’d received a while ago already. He just couldn’t shake the habit of reading it over and over again. It was from his daughter, pleading him to come back home to her. Something he’d promised to do a hundred times and he still hadn’t come through. He pictured his wife, Zypha, standing over their daughter, whispering to her that her father was a liar, that he wasn’t going to come back to them. Sometimes he feared she was right. With a deep sigh, he folded the piece of paper back into its original shape and slid it back in his pocket. He fixated his gaze on the horizon. Somewhere over that great body of water was his daughter and all he could really do was hope to keep his promise to her this time around.

& Zuzana

Zuzana Bryant
Real name : Butter
Aantal berichten : 149
IC posts : 100

Character sheet
Age: 8 years
Occupation: Thief - Helper of Kaz
Residence : The streets of Rhoynar

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

wo feb 28, 2018 11:08 am
Time's Arrow Image

Zuzana Bryant

It had been a little while ago that Zanna met Kaz. The dark looking young man was maybe not the best example a girl her age could have, but he was better than no one at all. Besides that she had felt a lot safer than she had been when she had been alone. Kaz however did like to travel and since he had promised to take her wherever he would go, she had followed him to Isla de Juages. The sea smelled like salt and though she loved the smell of the salty waters, she missed her home a little; or what memories she had of home. Stealing money from a person walking om the streetd here, was remarkably different than stealing from someone in Sunfall. As of usual the young girl walked the streets with her darkbrown eyes glancing at the small shops all the while trying to find places she could hide or find some money.

Pickpocketing could be dangerous if done by the wrong people. She knew about pirates and always remained a clear distance away from them. Kaz was doing something and Zanna was secretly bored. She wasn't an usual eight year old. After a few weeks living om the streets one got used to the dangers and the cold. Winter was still hanging thick in the air and temperatures could drop. Though it was relatively warm here, Zanna would welcome spring with a smile on her face. The sun was dropping low and Zamna knew she had to find her way back towards Kaz or take a risk staying on the streets. However, she didn't wish to meet more criminals. One wrong move and she would be in trouble, to not speak about the fact that she didn't know any escape routes. She could always run, but that wouldn't safe her life necessarily. Her feet brought her towards the dock with one large ship laying there. Waiting for its crew, one that probably had decided to spend the night somewhere else than on the ship. The ship however was not alone, a somewhat older man was sitting on the dock, his legs dangling above the water. More docks were at this area, but the one the man was at, was one that was the most interesting in her opinion. Her feet made a soft sound while she walked up to him, her expression calm and somewhat curious. What was interesting at staring at the body of water? Without a word she slowly sat down next to him, not seeing anything of interest, the young girl looked up. Her dark brown eyes scanning his face for recognition and emotion. "It's getting dark. Darkness equals danger on the streets." The girl whispered, her voice calm and sweet like chimebells. Maybe she had to warn him, but at the same time she could not tell him the safest places of this Isle. Since she only just got here with Kaz.

Innocence is like polished armor;
it adorns and defends

Asher Morrigan
Asher Morrigan
Real name : Demi
Aantal berichten : 758
IC posts : 559

Character sheet
Age: 38
Residence :

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

za maa 10, 2018 3:12 pm

The last couple weeks had been hectic, to say the least. He’d been hit, stabbed and threatened, all indirectly because of a woman he’d met. Things eventually had started to brighten up a little and they even admitted their feelings for each other. Everything had been fine for a while, until his former fling walked into them in a precarious position. Things hadn’t been the same after that and their fights had increased in frequency as well as intensity. He often escaped to the docks or to the beach. Afterwards he disappeared into the city, drinking himself halfway to death in one of the taverns. It was a rut he was already growing tired of.

Distracted by his own thoughts, Asher wasn’t all that aware of his surroundings anymore. He looked up somewhat alarmed when someone suddenly joined him. The fact that he didn’t hear that someone coming at all slightly worried him. When he turned his head to look at her, he was even more surprised. A small frown appeared on his face as he inspected his new company. A young girl, even younger than his own daughter. He was pretty sure he’d never seen her before. He looked over his shoulder to check if there was someone else as well, but the girl appeared to be all alone. There weren’t that many women on the island and even fewer children, so seeing a young girl like her here was almost as rare as spotting a unicorn. Asher wondered who her parents were, and why on earth they’d let her wander around on her own like this. Everybody knew that the island wasn’t exactly safe for women and children alike. Ironically, she was the one to tell him that it was getting dark, and therefore, dangerous. As if he was the one between the both of them that was in danger when wandering the streets after dark. Asher raised a curious eyebrow at her. “That’s eerie” he replied, somewhat sceptical. “I’m sure I’ll be fine,” he continued. She’d sounded calm, as if she was entirely convinced that nothing bad was to happen to her tonight. Asher wondered why. “You don’t seem all that worried about the darkness, though,” he noted, studying her face for a reaction. Most children that wandered the island belonged to the whores working in the brothels, or they simply had no parents at all. Still, somehow Asher thought she was different.

Zuzana Bryant
Real name : Butter
Aantal berichten : 149
IC posts : 100

Character sheet
Age: 8 years
Occupation: Thief - Helper of Kaz
Residence : The streets of Rhoynar

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

zo maa 11, 2018 9:21 pm
Time's Arrow Image

Zuzana Bryant

The older man was not at all vigilant. He seemed to be distracted by his thoughts. Which meant that she could approach him without getting much of a reaction. Zanna knew it was dangerous to let down one's guard especially at night. He looked up somewhat alarmed, before a curiousity would arise. Most didn't expect young children on the streets; alone. She knew that this place the Isle was no place for children and woman. She was both a young child and a female. The worst combination possible to be here. A small frown appeared upon his face as he inspected his young company. It was no surprise that he throwed a look over his shoulder to search for a parent or other family member. However she was alone, Zanna would search for Kaz in a short while but before she was able to do so; she needed to know the enviroment a little more. Searching the new streets for good hiding places amongst other things. He probably wondered where she came from and where she would go. It was dark amd therefore dangerous. Zanna knew about those dangerous at least partly and warned the older man while she was the one that would be in the most dangerous situation. She could not ward off the dangers, she was not strong enough to win a fight against adults or even teenagers. Sitting down next to a stranger was probably not the smartest thing she could do. Even if said stranger was to be trusted. The man raised a curious eyebrow while looking at her. A small young girl. "That's eerie", He replied, a bit sceptical. He would have known about the dangers, everyone knowing the streets would. "I'm sure I'll be fine," He proceeded to say. His voice wasn't gruff or dangerous, thoigh his vibe said that he would be able to care for himself if needed. Most man these days could. "You don't seem all that worried about the darkness, though," He noted while studying the young girl's face. While the girl had no dead wish, she was not afraid to die. She had seen and known enough dead people like her parents to not be too scared anymore. If she died, she died. If she lived she had to fight each day to remain alive. "I have not much to lose." She whispered while turning her soft gaze upon the water again. As if that would explain everything. She never knew the salty air would smell that nice almost as of it opened her airways to the healthy oxygen she needed.

Innocence is like polished armor;
it adorns and defends

Asher Morrigan
Asher Morrigan
Real name : Demi
Aantal berichten : 758
IC posts : 559

Character sheet
Age: 38
Residence :

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

za maa 17, 2018 3:33 pm

As he looked at her, he wondered what on earth it was that she could possibly want from him. He couldn’t say he was all that enthusiastic about her being here. Many children that lived on the streets of Rhoynar were slowly but surely being led into a life of crime. Some random criminal lured them in with promises of a better life and before they knew it, they’d made themselves guilty of picking pockets and petty theft. Children were useful that way. People tended to pity them, stopping dead in their tracks to ask a child where their parents were and trying to get them back home. They usually didn’t notice they were being robbed until it was far too late. He half expected some sob story to come out any time now to distract him from minding his possessions. Luckily for him, Asher was pretty low on empathy and he therefore considered it unlikely to fall for something like that. However, the girl didn’t start about anything like that. Instead, she was the one warning him for the impending danger of being on the streets at night. There was always another option, something that had happened to him only once or twice. Asher was fully aware of the decent number of bastard children he might have, due to his various antics overseas. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time some unknown child would approach him, making the claim that he was, in fact, their father. He usually wasn’t too happy with those kinds of revelations. Then, there was always the option that this girl was here for no particular reason, which might be the strangest option of them all. He noted that she didn’t seem all that scared of being alone on these streets. The answer she gave was absolutely depressing. She didn’t have anything to lose. In all his life, he’d never met a child that carried such a cynical point of view. However, her cynicism seemed to make her less fearful, which could be a good thing. “Which means you have all the more to gain,” he noted. Somehow, he kind of envied her. He was at the point in his life where he had everything to lose and nothing to gain. His title, his job, his family, everything he’d worked so hard to build and it might only take one mistake to ruin it all. One mistake he was bound to make somehow. “What’s someone your age doing at the docks all alone?” he then proceeded to ask her. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to do her parents’ job for them and guide her to safety, but he couldn’t really leave her out here on her own either, could he?

Zuzana Bryant
Real name : Butter
Aantal berichten : 149
IC posts : 100

Character sheet
Age: 8 years
Occupation: Thief - Helper of Kaz
Residence : The streets of Rhoynar

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

ma apr 02, 2018 9:52 pm
Time's Arrow Image

Zuzana Bryant

The man on the docks, was the name the child had given the guy that had decided to stay there. Staring at the sea, apparantly that was an interesting pastime. It was the way he had been gazing at the salty waters that had made Zanna approach him. Probably becaise he didn't seem as a guy that killed or harmed people for fun. Though she would never know that for sure, people weared masks all the time. Especially adults, who had a hidden sceme all the time. Like most children on the streets of Rhoynar, she was one of those that had been pickpocketing innocent people. Not that she had much of an option, orther then an orphanage maybe. Even then, Zanna wasn't one to trust strangers. Kaz being the only exception on that general rule of hers. People tended to pity young children like her if they had to make a living on the streets. Though she didn't want pity, she needed love and warmed. Zanna needed her parents as they had been before her mother died during childbirth. Even her little brother hadn't made it. Her father then turned to alcohol and never had been the same. After her almost cynic answer the man seemed to feel the need to make her look at the positive side of life. One could always gain if one had nothing to lose. "Which means that you have all the more to gain," He noted. The young girl nodded. Though gaining what, she would not get her innocence back, her life back. She would not get her mother, no one could buy her a parent. Kaz seemed to be like a brother to her, but he wasn't someone that nutured to good in her. The girl frowned slightly before looking solemnly at the older man. "I am eight, they won't come back just because I wish them to." She calmly stated. She wished for her mother more then she wanted to admit. "What's someone your age doing at the docks all alone?" He proceeded to ask her. Zanna shrugged before looking him in the eye. "Overthinking life." She carefully answered. Her eyes lightened up with recognition. He probably would try to get her 'home' wherever that was supposed to be. Ask her about the whereabouts of her parents or caretakers. She would not lead him towards Kaz. She moved to stand up while examining his face, he didn't seem too bad for an adult.

Innocence is like polished armor;
it adorns and defends

Asher Morrigan
Asher Morrigan
Real name : Demi
Aantal berichten : 758
IC posts : 559

Character sheet
Age: 38
Residence :

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

di apr 03, 2018 3:12 pm

If it’d been his own daughter who was wandering the streets of the island, approaching unknown men, he’d be out of his mind. He didn’t trust anybody, especially not around Cres. Maybe he was irrationally overprotective or maybe it was just common sense, but he couldn’t bear the thought of her walking around here by herself. After all, most men were without good intentions, and sometimes he was one of those. He found himself trying to cheer her up a little, which felt unnatural. Usually he was the pessimistic one, but that role already seemed to be filled for today. By a child, nonetheless. His attention was drawn to her once more as he heard her voice again. “I am eight, they won’t come back just because I wish them to,” she softly spoke. Asher stared at her in silence for a few seconds. Undoubtedly, she was talking about her parents. Something he could somewhat relate to. He’d lost his mother at an early age. She’d passed away while giving birth to a stillborn daughter when he was only a few years old. Asher couldn’t recall anything about her. He’d mostly been raised by whatever maid his father had appointed at the time. The man himself never seemed to have much time for his own son, and Asher had slowly started to resent him. Sometimes he felt like he would’ve been better off without the man. He contemplatively bit his lip for a second, before quietly speaking. “Those are the people that are taken from you young, so you’ll know loss for the rest of your life.” He then turned his gaze towards the pulling and pushing of the waves again. He’d often wondered what it would have been like if is mother had been around when he was younger. Maybe he’d be a better man for it, or maybe everything would be exactly the same. He turned his head towards her again when he asked her what someone like her was doing here, all by herself. He cocked an eyebrow at her when she replied she came here to overthink life. He couldn’t help but grin a little at the thought. Such a small child came here to contemplate about the very mysteries of life. Although she didn’t exactly look like it, she was wise beyond her years. He softly shook his head, still bearing the tiny grin that she managed to get out of him. “You’re depressing the hell out of me, kid,” he said, somewhat amused. Having philosophical conversations with eight year olds was pretty much the opposite of what he was planning to do today. She got up, looking at him, and Asher decided he’d been here long enough as well. He stood up, towering over her even more that way. “Let’s get you back home, alright? Maybe we could both make it back before dark.” Now, that wasn’t exactly true. He’d do his absolute best to try and avoid going home for the rest of the night, completely terrified of what was waiting there for him.

Zuzana Bryant
Real name : Butter
Aantal berichten : 149
IC posts : 100

Character sheet
Age: 8 years
Occupation: Thief - Helper of Kaz
Residence : The streets of Rhoynar

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

di apr 03, 2018 8:49 pm
Time's Arrow Image

Zuzana Bryant

Zanna wasn't your usual eight year old. Her past had shaped and formed her in a way that didn't show her scars but did show her experience. Some of her innocence was still preserved. Though she had pickpocketed a lot of people in her short time on the streets. Especially after Kaz had learned her some of the more important tricks she needed to survive on the dark, cold streets. Adults would notice her at Isla de Juegas a lot faster then at other places in Rhoynar. Probably since they weren't used in seeing young children around here. Those streets weren't actually kind to anyone. Zanna knew she had to keep up her game, stay strong. There was no room for error; no matter how small it would be. One little mistake could cost her dearly, though the young child had not much to lose, her life still was important to her. Though no one knew what the future would hold for someone her age. Especially since she already was in the criminal circuit. The man at the docks tried to cheer her up a little, he probably wasn't used to children and if he was he was probably used to seeing them carefree. Children had no care for the world around them, other then winning self made games. She softly exclaimed that she would not get her parents back. She missed her mother more then anything. Her father had never been really close with her, especially after his only son had died during childbirth as well as his beloved wife. Zanna saw the strange man stare at her. Apparantly at loss of words. It was not every day he would meet a child without parents that would be as pessimistic as her. "Those are the people that are taken from you young, so you'll know loss for the rest of your life." He spoke quietly, with understanding. Somehow the child knew that he had experienced something like her himself. Which build her trust on him and made her stay longer at his side then that she normally would. He turned his gaze towards the moving waters of the sea. The young girl sighed softly before nodding. It was a lesson she had learned. One could and would always miss their family when they were gone. She would never reach them; unless she died. The man on the docks, as she still childishly called him; turned his head towards her while asking her what her business was here on the silent docks. He cocked an eyebrow at her reply. The child shrugged only, daring him silently to say anything about her answer. He didn't seem to mind her blunt and careless answer, a small grin appeared on his with darkness blurred face. He shook his head, all the while still bearing the tiny grin. "You're depressing the hell out of me, kid," He said, still somewhat amused. The young child gave him one of her sweet smiles before answering just as sweetly. "Someone has to," There was some truth in her answer. Reality could be depressing. One could not survive the streets as long on her age without knowing and dealing with reality. Zanna knew that probably at that moment he would try to get her home. Would start to ask questions she didn't want to and couldn't answer. She had longed for a home the first few weeks on the harsh streets, before making the streets her home. Kaz was her home now. Though Zanna knew she could not bring a stranger at his doorstep. She got up, looking at him and thinking about a way to say 'goodnight'and leave without him following her. He stood up before she could say and try such a thing, towering above her. He was huge! At least for a child her age he was. It reminded her why she normally wouldn't talk with strangers of that gender. He could harm her with a single action. She stood no chance against him. "Let's get you back home, alright? Maybe we could both make it back before dark." He said. Zanna shook her head before looking at him with tired eyes. "Home is long passed. The streets are my home." She whispered, before taking a few steps back. She was scared of the dark, especially in a place like this. Still she tried to be brave. She needed to be..

Innocence is like polished armor;
it adorns and defends

Asher Morrigan
Asher Morrigan
Real name : Demi
Aantal berichten : 758
IC posts : 559

Character sheet
Age: 38
Residence :

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

wo apr 04, 2018 3:00 am

Asher found himself wondering why she came here. If she was set on pickpocketing him, she’d have done it by now. And even though she was only a child, he was pretty sure she wouldn’t need to rely on him to get back home, if she even had one. She didn’t look the part, but for some reason he found himself believing she was more resourceful than she let on. So, his question remained unanswered. Maybe she just enjoyed talking to strangers, a discomforting habit for a child. Besides, he couldn’t imagine why she’d possibly want to conversate about these things with him. He wasn’t exactly the ideal person to vent to. Most of the time, he was too caught up in his own problems to even consider caring about others, let alone that he could provide anybody with useful advice or solutions to their troubles. Over time, he’d come to learn that he was pretty much useless in the emotional department, something he enjoyed blaming his father for. His old man had blessed him with the amazing combination of a bad temper and complete emotional inarticulacy, which had in turn resulted in an endless series of failed relationships. Among these relationships was his current marriage that was less than ideal. His wife and he could barely exchange words without landing into some kind of argument. Every now and then, their arguments escalated into downright fights and the only thing Asher could do was hope that their yelling wasn’t loud enough to wake his daughter. He softly shook his head at the thought and tried to focus on the topic at hand to distract himself from the horrors that were waiting for him back home. He quietly commented on her remark about the loss of her parents, to which she only nodded. Still, he found some kind of agreement in the silence, some common kind of pain that they both seemed to share, regardless of their many differences. She then proceeded to tell him she came here to overthink things, one more cynical yet mature comment. He put a grin on his face, telling her she was greatly bringing down his mood, but her reply actually managed to get a chuckle out of him. ”Someone has to.” As if there weren’t countless people on this planet that were trying to bring him down already. “I think I already have some people taking care of that,” he retorted. His wife, Zypha, was definitely one of them. Skaði had also joined the list pretty recently. “But thanks for trying.” The whole thing felt surreal: thanking a child for depressing him. It wasn’t really a mood he was looking forward to having. Lately, however, he’d been craving to feel anything at all. He mirrored her movements, getting up as soon as she did. She shook her head when he suggested to take her home. Apparently, she didn’t have one. He noticed her taking a few steps back. Maybe she was scared. Now that he was standing up, he looked all the more intimidating and darkness was starting to loom over the island. Asher eyed her for a bit, not really knowing what to do. “You have anybody you can go to?” He knew she did. If there wasn’t anybody looking after her at least a little, she’d been long dead by now.  

Zuzana Bryant
Real name : Butter
Aantal berichten : 149
IC posts : 100

Character sheet
Age: 8 years
Occupation: Thief - Helper of Kaz
Residence : The streets of Rhoynar

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

wo apr 04, 2018 10:03 pm
Time's Arrow Image

Zuzana Bryant

Zanna knew that this man was smart and could be dangerous. Everyone could be dangerous if they wished to be. Especially intelligent people were people she had to look out for. For they did notice more, remember more and if she tried to pickpocket them; she would be in a very delicate situation. Zanna didn't plan to steal from the man at the docks. He was nicer to her then her own father had been and she kind of liked his sense of humor. Besides that he didn't try to pressure her into living or going to an orphanage. The young child disliked having strangers decide upon her life. His question about her home and her way of living remained unanswered. She would not bring him towards Kaz, it could endanger his business. With that it would be problematic for hers. Zanna was smart for a youngster her age and her intelligence had saved her more times then she could count and wanted to admit. She once had saved a man named Romeo from a knife in his back. She knew all about criminals. Life on the streets, especially at night were no place to be. If Zanna still had her parents she wouldn't even think about being outside as much as she was. She was lucky that Kaz had been willing to care for her and take her under his wing. Even though he wasn't the most friendly guy living. He had some rules set to keep him and those that worked for him safe from some high ranked people. Zanna knew he probably had a history like hers. Missed out on the loving embrace a family could be. The man did seem to enjoy her remarks. She was calm and confident around him. Zanna knew that it would be pitch black, dark in just a few moments time. It scared her, of course it did. She knew that her senses, her eyes would not be able to see as much as she would in the daylight. People could creep up to her and the strange man. He quietly commented on her loss, on which Zanna only nodded. They seemed to understand each others pain. Her next comment made the man smile. She could see it and was slightly surprised by it. He didn't seem to be someone that smiled often, at least not a real smile. Though his life wasn't her business. Zanna's reply on her being able to bring down his mood, made the man chuckle. She shot him an innocent look, asking him silently why he had laughed. Though a soft amile found its way on her lips as well. For just a moment, a single moment she felt carefree. She felt like a child her age, before she remembered her situation; the situation at hand. Zanna needed to find a safe place for the night or find a way to get to Kaz before it would be totally dark. Who knew what kind of man roamed the streets. "I think I already have some people taking care of that," The man reetorted. Zanna shrugged. "Too bad, don't get yourself killed." The young girl answered with a slight shudder. Some people did bad things during fights, her own father had been killed while being drunk in a pub fight. He was not classified as being smart. "But thanks for trying." He told her, thanking her for depressing him. The child pouted slightly before she raised an eyebrow. As if to say ' your welcome' without speaking. He mirrored her movements which made her back up a little. He was huge and she was small, tiny, powerless. She shook her head in negative, when he indeed was trying to get into her business. Asking for her home, wishing to bring her home. She had no home. Just the streets. Beautiful and dangerous streets. Zanna was tired but didn't show it to him. Instead she tried to think of a way to get out of the situation she had gotten herself into. Just because she had been curious. Curiousity killed the cat. The man eyed her for a bit before speaking. Probably because he was unsure what to do with her. "You have anybody you can go to?" He asked. He wasn't stupid. She knew he wasn't. Only the mere fact that she was still alive told him that someome did in fact take care of her. "Yeah," She only whispered before moving to rub her eyes fitfully. There was no way to hide the truth.

Innocence is like polished armor;
it adorns and defends

Asher Morrigan
Asher Morrigan
Real name : Demi
Aantal berichten : 758
IC posts : 559

Character sheet
Age: 38
Residence :

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

za apr 07, 2018 6:07 pm

His paternal side was loudly begging him to take her to whomever was taking care of her. To bring her back to safety, if there even was such a thing. His rational side suggested that since she didn’t have any parents and she seemed incredibly hesitant to give up the name of her current caregiver, she probably didn’t want him to know who it was that was taking care of her. Withholding the name of her guardian only confirmed his suspicion. Whoever it was, he didn’t want to be found. Probably because he had something to hide, or he was generally involved in dubious practices. It wouldn’t surprise Asher in the slightest if the doe-eyed girl in front of him had made herself guilty of more than one crime. He could only hope it hadn’t gone any further than pickpocketing and petty theft yet. But then, who was he to judge her? Asher was not a saint. Not innocent in the slightest, although sometimes he liked to believe everyone he ever hurt got what was coming to them. For some of them, it was true. For others, it wasn’t.

His conversation with the young girl had taken a somewhat dark turn, something he wasn’t expecting at all from someone like her. She was supposed to be carefree, innocent, slightly naïve. Instead, she told him to not get himself killed. After all, she must’ve learnt trusting the wrong people could cost you your life from first-hand experience. She was robbed of something valuable: her youth. And for some reason Asher found himself hoping she’d get it back someday. He knew the path she was on was one of steady decline. The criminal underworld brought nothing but pain and misfortune, especially to a child. Still, he knew he wasn’t the one to get her out. No one could, except for herself. She was smart, resourceful. She was able to think for herself, decide whether this would be the life she wanted to live once she got older. All he could really do, was to ensure she got to whomever it was that looked after her. She confirmed the fact that she indeed had someone she could go to, to which Asher nodded. “Go and find them, before it gets dark,” he told her, noticing she was rubbing her eyes. No matter how mature she seemed, she was still a child and bedtime was starting to pass. “If you can’t, just go into the nearest tavern. The barmaids can be trusted,” he let her know. Even though there weren’t all that many women on the island, the ones that were here, had learnt to look out for each other. “Or you can always find me there.” He pointed towards the villa he lived in, at the peak of the cliff that was located nearby the city itself. The remote location and the large mansion might’ve been a tell-tale sign that he carried some importance around here, or maybe she was compeltely unaware of such things. In any case, he’d provided her with options. The choice was all hers.

Zuzana Bryant
Real name : Butter
Aantal berichten : 149
IC posts : 100

Character sheet
Age: 8 years
Occupation: Thief - Helper of Kaz
Residence : The streets of Rhoynar

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

do apr 12, 2018 9:30 pm
Time's Arrow Image

Zuzana Bryant

Her innocence and youth was something that made most of thebolder people more considerable. She didn't want to use their kindness and help without being able to give something back. Something that was not considered as being crimical. The man of the docks seemed to be in an internal fight. One part of him seemed to be soft and caring while the other was rational, probably knowing that the young girl had to be hardened by her life. Zanna looked at him, her tired doe-like eyes scanned his rugged face. He was not stupid, she knew he was not, which meant that she had no way of hiding the truth. He could easily understand that she wished to protect her caregiver. Though normally people would ne really suspicious but he did still not treath her any different then any other girl her age. She somehow liked him for an adult, for he had a great sense of humor as well as knowledge about life.

When Zanna the seemingly young and naive girl warned him about the possibility of getting killed, their conversation changed towards a more serious one. Zanna wasn't carefree, for she knew about the fact that a lot of people were dangerous. Her father had been killed because of a drunk man, pub fights were not even the most dangerous fights and it had taken his life. He had told her he would come back after going to the pub with one of his friends. He did not come back. Zanna was tired and slightly uncomfortable, she was not used to having such conversations. She tried to keep her distance on most people. Zanna confirmed the fact that she had someone she could go to. She rubbed her eyes tiredly, it was well past her bedtime. A bedtime that she did not have. "Go and find them, before its get dark," He told her, noticing how tired, no exhausted she was. Zanna nodded and supressed a yawn. "If you can't, just go into the nearest tavern. The barmaids can be trusted." He let her know. She appreciated his words, his help. Zanna did know that she needed to know the safer places and he told her those without asking for anything else. "But, there are drunk men.." She whispered, shocked. How could a tavern be safe?! "Or you can always find me there." The man on the docks pointed towards a hill with a large house, a mansion maybe. It was located near the city. It was in a remote area, far away fron the most dangerous area. She looked at him pondering on her options. Her hand moved towards his, before she touched his hand in thanks. "I am not familiar with these streets. I am from a different part of Rhoynar." She explained.

Innocence is like polished armor;
it adorns and defends

Asher Morrigan
Asher Morrigan
Real name : Demi
Aantal berichten : 758
IC posts : 559

Character sheet
Age: 38
Residence :

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

di apr 24, 2018 2:09 pm

It wasn’t the first time he ran into a young girl that was taken by the streets. Criminals seemed to favour girls, for obvious reasons. They looked innocent, harmless, and trustworthy. Nobody would suspect someone like the girl in front of him to roll their pockets, not until it was too late. And even when caught, they still had a decent chance to talk their way out of it. After all, most men had a weak spot for girls like this, reminding them of their own daughters. They’d try to help and protect her, salvage what little innocence was left. Unfortunately, there were also men with darker intentions. And Asher was pretty sure those were roaming these streets as well.

Even though she’d managed to make him laugh, their conversation took a darker turn. The sun would set, probably in less than an hour, and the girl was still anything but safe. Most sailors were already on their way to the various taverns and brothels throughout the city, getting drunk out of their minds. Something he was planning on doing later on as well. One part of him just wanted to leave her here. He tended not to care for other people, especially strangers, and the girl was no exception. However, the childlike way she rubbed her eyes, indicating she was tired, reminded him of his own daughter once again. Leaving her here to fend for herself would weigh on his conscience, undoubtedly. Still, he had no idea where to take her. He suggested the taverns in case she couldn’t find her caregiver, but she voiced her concern of the drunk men that inhabited them. “Drunk men are hard to avoid here,” he told her, even though she was right. The truth of the matter was that Isla de Juegas was not a safe place for someone like her, and she had to pick the lesser of two evils. He then suggested she could come up to his home, only because he didn’t think she would. She looked at him in silence, before reaching out to him. As she touched his hand, his first instinct was to pull back immediately. He wasn’t particularly fond of being touched by strangers, but since the little girl hardly presented a thread, he stayed completely still. His gaze was drawn towards her hand for a second. It was dainty and fragile. Immensely small compared to his hands, roughened up by years of labour in the harbours of Rhoynar. The contrast didn’t escape him. She told him that she wasn’t from here, that she didn’t know these streets. Asher sighed. “Listen, as long as you’re not telling me who’s taking care of you, I can’t help you find them,” he told her. She clearly didn’t want him to walk her home, scared of accidentally revealing the location of whomever it was that was looking after her.

Zuzana Bryant
Real name : Butter
Aantal berichten : 149
IC posts : 100

Character sheet
Age: 8 years
Occupation: Thief - Helper of Kaz
Residence : The streets of Rhoynar

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

ma apr 30, 2018 5:12 pm
Time's Arrow Image

Zuzana Bryant

The streets would turn dark within an hour and even though Zanna knew that Kaz would be waiting for her, she didn't know where ont his Island he would be. He could be hidden somewhere even the man next to her couldn't find him. Living on the streets made for certain skills, one of those was hiding. Most sailors were already on their way towards various taverns and brothels, and even though they were not as agile when drunk they still could be quite dangerous for a girl her age and size. Somewhere she had expected him to just leave her alone and let her handle the delicate situation herself, but maybe not all men where crappy. Some still had a heart hidden somewhere. Zanna wasn't used to having someone care for her wellbeing. Even though Kaz did and this man seemed to as well, most didn't. Her father hadn't, he had left her much to early on her own, ot fend for herself. She missed her mother, her mother was warm and kind. She didn't get herself killed because she loved drinking. Zanna rubbed her eyes tiredly, in such a childlike and innocent way that one could not forget that she was just a young child in a harsh world. The man of the docks suggested that she could go to one of the many taverns and talk to the barmaids; something that she didn't wish to do. No matter how uncomfortable she felt, she wouldn't go to them. The young girl voiced her concern of them, those drunk men. Which made him tell her the obvious truth. "Drunk men are hard to avoid here,” He told her, knowing that she had spoken the truth as well. Somewhere she had been surprised that he didn't seem to be drunk. For the streets of this Isle were more dangerous then she had believed the streets could be. It was no wonder that she hadn't seen any other children hanging around her yet. This place wasn't safe and she might had to pick the lesser of two evils. After that he suggested she could come to his home, though he probably wouldn't think she would. The first thing a child learned was not to go with strangers. No matter how nice and friendly they seemed. Zanna looked at him in silence before she reached out to touch his hand. He remained stoic, probably hadn't expected her to reach out to him. For he could represent a great danger to her. Her hand seemed small, fragile and dainty compared to his. Besides that his were roughened by the work he did, whiles her were soft and warm. She told him that she wasn't from around here, she didn't know these streets. He sighed, though if it was because of annoyance she didn't know. “Listen, as long as you’re not telling me who’s taking care of you, I can’t help you find them,” He told her. Zanna didn't want him to walk her home, wherever that was on this Island. For she didn't know if he was to be trusted, though he seemed the better of all the evils here. "If he doesn't want to be found, he won't be." The girl whispered silently. Kaz knew how to remain hidden as did she.

Innocence is like polished armor;
it adorns and defends

Asher Morrigan
Asher Morrigan
Real name : Demi
Aantal berichten : 758
IC posts : 559

Character sheet
Age: 38
Residence :

Time's Arrow Empty Re: Time's Arrow

zo mei 06, 2018 3:41 am

Although it certainly was nice he still seemed to be able to care for someone else at least a little, his patience was slowly running low. His time was costly and she was currently taking up a lot of it. Now, Asher wasn’t her nanny and she wasn’t some charity case. He was willing to help her get home, wherever that was, but she was making it annoyingly difficult to do so. He’d provided her with some alternative options for good measure, but she still wasn’t sold and seemed adamant on seeking out her caregiver, even though she seemed to have no idea where he or she was. Great parenting. At least Asher could momentarily comfort himself with the notion that maybe he wasn’t the worst parent in the world after all. However, he realized that he had consciously avoided his own daughter for over a month now, so that praise deteriorated as quickly as it had shown up. He momentarily seemed to soften up at her slight touch. He had no idea why she reached out to him, why anyone ever would. He couldn’t even help himself, let alone others. Still, it felt slightly comforting, if not a little awkward. Eventually, he let her know that there was no way for him to help her if she couldn’t tell him where her guardian was. Her response was vague, as ever, and Asher let out another deep sigh. “Fine,” he said, looking down at her, seeming to be in thought. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a key, somewhat hesitating to give it to her. “This is the key to the captain’s chamber on the ship over there,” he told her, pointing at a massive vessel that was resting at the docks. “If you can’t find anyone, you can stay there. Lock the door and you’ll be safe.” It wasn’t exactly a great idea, leaving a child who was very likely a pickpocket in a room with some of his most valuable belongings, but he couldn’t leave her out here in the dark, could he? Maybe his chambers would be completely raided in the morning or maybe his entire ship would be gone, but at least he could rest easy knowing that she would be safe tonight.

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