Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Isabella Lennox
Isabella Lennox
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 93
IC posts : 88

Character sheet
Age: 26 {Immortal}
Occupation: Antagonist
Residence : Seere

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 1:20 am
   I'm gonna raise the stakes
TRIGGERWARNING! This topic contains: TORTURE.
How fun.

The basement of the house she had found was clearly old. It was only one room, with nothing but a simple chair in the middle and a bookcase at the wall. The chair was wooden, but sturdy. Chains were found around the chair and it was clear that this place had been used for one purpose only: torture. And that was exactly what she was going to be doing today. The bookcase held certain herbs and objects that were harmful for a vampire, as this house had been used by a vampire hunter who had made the horrible mistake of trying to track her down. Now, this house was empty and she was going to make the most of it.

With a rough movement, she pushed Kaz down on the chair. He had been weakened by the silver dagger in his back, so he didn’t struggle too much. Good for him, as she wouldn’t mind stabbing him again if he tried anything. She closed the shackles around his wrists so he couldn’t move, after which she took the chains from the ground and attached the shackles attached to those to his ankles, making sure he couldn’t go anywhere, even if he was stupid enough to try.

I hope you’re feeling at home here,” she eventually spoke, stepping back and looking at the vampire. “Because you’re going to be staying for a while.
I'm gonna smoke you out
Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 1:29 am

The pull on my flesh was just too strong
Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs
Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie

The pain in his back was enough for him to not even notice where they were going. He blacked out a couple of times, stumbeling and almost falling down, though the woman had held him up and pushed him forward. Besides the panic he was mostly confused. What had he done? Was this a personal thing? Was she supposed to have a personal grudge against him because he had swindled or stolen from her in the past? Her face was familiar but it didn't ring any bells. The only bells he heard were alarm bells.

Though the chair gave some comfort, the fact that cold metal was around his wrists and ankles was enough for him to try to pay at least a little attention. The wound in his lower back still hadn't healed and besides the blood he could feel sweat dropping down his forehead. Her words scared him. ''Why are you doing this?'' He managed to speak up and he managed to look at her. There was still resistance in his eyes. He still wanted to fight. It would only be a matter of time before that would be broken.

Isabella Lennox
Isabella Lennox
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 93
IC posts : 88

Character sheet
Age: 26 {Immortal}
Occupation: Antagonist
Residence : Seere

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 1:42 am
   I'm gonna raise the stakes
Isabella did not care for the boy sitting there. He was but a child, had his life in front of him. Yada, yada. It bored her how many people had told her so when she ended the life of someone in their twenties. They had fucked up, or were just plain unlucky and had encountered them in a time where they wish they hadn’t. Life sucked. Get over it. Kaz hadn’t done anything to end up here. He was merely collateral damage, used to scare his little brother into giving her what she wanted. Had she gone overboard? Definitely. But she had been annoyed after the man had spoken of Edmund as if he was a good man. And she was going to show him how real her anger was.

Because your brother has some information that he’s not willing to give me,” she calmly answered. “And I considered chaining him up… but, where is the fun in that?” she went on, smiling again. “He would break in mere seconds.” She had higher hopes for Kaz, who had shown that he had some kind of spice in him. He was willing to put up a fight, even if he knew he couldn’t win.
I'm gonna smoke you out
Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 1:51 am

The pull on my flesh was just too strong
Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs
Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie

His brother. It had always been Kaz who got them into problems, he was the one who had to rescue them or himself out of situations like this. This had to be the first time that his brother had done something that had caused Kaz to end up in a horrible situation like this. He had no lockpicks, he was wounded and overall, his head was all over the place. There was no way of getting out of here. But Kaz was too stubborn to show defeat.

He narrowed his eyes, slumping in the chair as he tried to wriggle with his hands to see how much space he had. ''You're gonna pay for this.'' He spat in her direction with the little energy he still had within him. He was throwing empty threats at her, I mean, what could he do from this chair? It wasn't even a really fancy chair.

Isabella Lennox
Isabella Lennox
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 93
IC posts : 88

Character sheet
Age: 26 {Immortal}
Occupation: Antagonist
Residence : Seere

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 1:57 am
I'm gonna raise the stakes
Boredom. Rage. Two feelings that should never go hand in hand. Not in the mind of someone who was taught to think the world was bad. Taught that it was okay to end lives, that she had to take what she could. Rosalie had, perhaps, been worse than she was. After all, the woman had taught her everything she knew. She had forged her into the woman she was today. The woman that Edmund had taken care of no longer existed. She had died when he had left her behind with Rosalie. And she would never forgive him for it.

She was going to pay for this. “Am I?” she asked, laughingly, as she made her way to the bookcase. There were some books in there, but they were mostly journals. Perhaps she could read them in the time they spent inside of this little dungeon. But for now, she had other plans. She took out a small dagger, cleaning it with a piece of cloth that was lying next to it. The dagger could almost be called a needle, so thin. Clearly made for stabbing rather than slicing. And, made out of silver. Obviously. She walked up to the vampire with a smile, before stabbing the thing straight into his upper leg. “Tell me how you’re going to make me pay for this.
I'm gonna smoke you out
Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:04 am

The pull on my flesh was just too strong
Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs
Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie

He had to admit he was scared of her. She was unpredictable and definitely insane. How had Mort even crossed paths with someone like her? It felt like there was more behind it but he was quite sure she wouldn't just give him her life story. No, she was more the kind of person that rather kept themselves busy than to wait around. He had noticed that now. And if it was true, if she really wanted to keep him here for days, he truly feared for his life.

The dagger, or needle, in his leg send a wave of pain through his body. Kaz convulsed, screaming out as he tried to keep himself together. He could do this, he had been through worse. The vampire leaned forward, trying to catch his breath, hair falling before his eyes. ''I'll find a way.'' He hissed, his eyes meeting hers, still full of fire. ''Don't you worry.''

Isabella Lennox
Isabella Lennox
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 93
IC posts : 88

Character sheet
Age: 26 {Immortal}
Occupation: Antagonist
Residence : Seere

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:09 am
I'm gonna raise the stakes
It hurt. She could almost feel how the silver burned his skin as it tore through his flesh. She kept it in place, letting go as the dagger was in as deep as she could get it. He told her that he would find a way and immediately, the smile found its way back on her face. She placed her finger underneath his chin, smiling. “Oh, I look forward to breaking you,” she told him softly. She hadn’t had a clear goal before. Perhaps she’d only lock him up and scare Mort with the thought of losing his brother. But now? No, she was going to deliver a broken Duke to the castle. Broken in a thousand pieces that would never make whole again. She had a goal. And Izzy with a goal was a dangerous thing.

So, why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself?” she asked, clearly amused, as she took a step back. “We’ll be stuck here for a good while after all.” And neither of them needed sleep. So these coming days were going to be rough.
I'm gonna smoke you out
Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:13 am

The pull on my flesh was just too strong
Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs
Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie

It burned. It burned so much that it consumed his thoughts wholly. The silver had dug it's way into the flesh of his leg, tearing apart the skin and burning everything in it's wake. The vampire bit his lip to stop himself from screaming out again. He wanted to pull back when she touched him, flinching. It only made the pain in his leg worse.

She was sick, she was sick beyond a cure besides ending her life. And right now, that something he would gladly do. He spit in her direction, blood visible in the saliva. ''Fuck off.'' He growled, knowing that it would probably not help his position in this matter at all, but he was stubborn and far from giving up. For now.

Isabella Lennox
Isabella Lennox
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 93
IC posts : 88

Character sheet
Age: 26 {Immortal}
Occupation: Antagonist
Residence : Seere

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:18 am
I'm gonna raise the stakes
She knew what it felt like to be stabbed by silver and it was not a pretty feeling. There were things worse than silver. Absolutely. But those were things she’d save until later. Perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps even the day after that. They had all the time in the world and she was going to take this as easy as she could. Every step to the next level would be taken slowly, would be dragged out as long as she could. For she did not just want to hurt him. She wanted to break him. She wanted to make sure that he would never be the same again. Rosalie had taught her how and today, she was going to show just how much she had learned.

You’re as stupid as your brother,” she told him softly, pulling the dagger from his leg. “But keep fighting. I have eternity,” she told him, before she put the blade straight back into his leg. “Fight,” she commanded him. Try to get out of this. Fight back. Because that was exactly the reason she had picked him instead of his brother.
I'm gonna smoke you out
Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:23 am

The pull on my flesh was just too strong
Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs
Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie

Just as he thought he felt relief, the pain was right back. Again he screamed, slamming his back against the back of the chair, trying to do something about the pain. But it only seemed to make it worse. Where the dagger had left his leg, a burning feeling was left behind and another burn pierced right through it. She wanted him to fight? He would give her a fight.

He tried to get loose, pulling at the shackles around his wrists, pure anger written on his face as he bit his lip. But he was far from the strength he usually posessed when he had been a healthy vampire. It felt depleted, yet somehow he found a new reservoir and again he tried to turn the anger into power. But it was to no avail. It didn't stop him from casting her a hateful look as he searched for ways to get closer to her, to hurt her. But the shackles were strong and he was weak. No matter the strength he posessed, while he was in this aweful chair, she would have the upper hand.

Isabella Lennox
Isabella Lennox
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 93
IC posts : 88

Character sheet
Age: 26 {Immortal}
Occupation: Antagonist
Residence : Seere

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:28 am
I'm gonna raise the stakes
Kaz was exactly the kind of man she needed in this chair. The kind that was stupid enough to fight. The kind that felt anger in ways that she once had too, before it turned into rage. He was angry, he was ready to rip her throat at the first chance he would get. Even when he knew that he didn’t stand a chance. If the possibility came up and he would be able to get rid of the chair, she would still be stronger. Especially now that he was going to need blood more and more, as his body used up the energy he had to heal the wounds the silver dagger left. It was a simple way of draining a vampire: making sure their body needed to work hard, so their energy dropped almost instantly. She wondered how long it was before his thirst would overtake completely. Because that would be the moment where she could bring in something more interesting.

For now, they were here. And he was trying to put up a fight. She pulled out the dagger again and walked up to the bookcase, to clean the dagger with the cloth and calmly put it down again. “You’re weak,” she calmly stated, looking through the things that were found on the shelves.
I'm gonna smoke you out
Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:33 am

The pull on my flesh was just too strong
Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs
Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie

She just watched him, she watched him meddle with the shackles and not getting anywhere. It was pathetic. But he didn't stop trying, he continued to show her that he was strong, that he could handle whatever she threw at him. He finally had everything he wanted and he wasn't prepared to let it be thrown away by some crazy vampire womand whom he still didn't even know the name of.

“You’re weak,” The words echoed in his mind. Though the intense burning feeling in his leg had stopped, it still lingered around, telling him this all wasn't over. And it wouldn't be over any time soon. ''You don't know anything about me.'' He growled back, tugging at the shackles again but again, to no avail. But his mind was still far from giving up.

Isabella Lennox
Isabella Lennox
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 93
IC posts : 88

Character sheet
Age: 26 {Immortal}
Occupation: Antagonist
Residence : Seere

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:40 am
   I'm gonna raise the stakes
He was weak. He tried to be strong, but he was failing. For he was trying endlessly to escape from a shackle that had forced him down. It was useless and his energy was better spent in a different way. But, she didn’t mind. Quite the opposite, actually. This way it would take less long until the hunger would take over. Until his thirst for blood would become unbearable. Something that would normally take a few days, but… with the right effort you could drain a vampire of blood in a single day. You just needed to make sure their body worked as hard as it possibly could. And she had ways to make sure that would not take long. Part one was anger. His anger would drain him of energy in no-time.

She knew nothing about him. “I know that you’re a thief who became the Grand Duke of Rhoynar,” she told him, though her voice sounded like she was making fun of him more than anything. “Stabbed Trystane in the back, huh? How honorable.” A different kind of dagger was taken from the shelf and she calmly walked up to him again.
I'm gonna smoke you out
Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:46 am

The pull on my flesh was just too strong
Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs
Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie

He wasn't weak, he never had been. If she knew what he had been through, perhaps she would try harder, perhaps then he didn't have to prove himself. But the woman seemed to have better ideas. Her words in that mocking tone angered him even more, but instead of trying to break free once again, he sat back in the chair, watching her every move. He saw the dagger, the still lingering pain in his leg reminded him of what was to come. But he didn't flinch. Not yet.

Kaz clenched his fists. How long would it take for these wounds to heal? Would they even heal now that they had turned out to be made of silver? For some reason, he managed to get out a chuckle. ''Unlike you, I still have some honor.'' He spat at her with narrowed eyes, though the painful expression on his face was telling the obvious. ''And he didn't deserve to suffer.'' Oh no. A murderer with a conscience.

Isabella Lennox
Isabella Lennox
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 93
IC posts : 88

Character sheet
Age: 26 {Immortal}
Occupation: Antagonist
Residence : Seere

[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

wo jun 27, 2018 2:51 am
   I'm gonna raise the stakes
Honor?” she laughed. “Honor is what gets men killed,” she told him, before driving the dagger into his side, showing him a faint smile as she pushed it deeper into his flesh, giving it a soft turn to make it hurt even more. She didn’t believe in honor. Honor was a thing only man said to have and even they didn’t. In the end, everything they did was selfish. Was done for themselves and no one else. Honorable men were just stupid. Nothing brave about it.

So what about your wife?” she asked, pulling back the dagger again and standing straight, looking at the silver that was now covered in blood. She smiled softly, before looking down on him again. She wasn’t actually planning on pulling anyone else into this, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t throw threats. After all, he didn’t know what she was capable of. Not yet.
I'm gonna smoke you out
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[M] Dungeon of despair Empty Re: [M] Dungeon of despair

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