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Daniel Miller
Daniel Miller
Real name : trndsttr
Aantal berichten : 68
IC posts : 22

Character sheet
Age: 19 y/o
Occupation: Spy - Assistant
Residence : Falkreath, Skorravir

Daniel Miller Empty Daniel Miller

ma jan 29, 2018 8:42 pm
I feel like a fly stuck in a web

♚G E N E R A L

. owl /aʊl/ [noun] : a nocturnal bird of prey with large eyes, a facial disc, a hooked beak, and typically a loud hooting call

Name: Daniel Miller
Age: 19 y/o
Gender: Male ♂
Place of birth: City of Aztlan, Nymmerwell
Day of birth: 11th June 1999
Residence: Falkkreath, Skorravir

♚M A G I C
Daniel only possesses the magic of shapeshifting, he can shift into a snow owl, which comes in handy in the place he currently lives in.

♚F A M I L Y  &  O T H E R
Mother: Natasha Y'moth
Father: Unknown
Stepfather: Michael Jay
Halfsister: Luna Jay (Natasha x ?)
Brother: Kai Miller
Aunt: Rhaenyra Y'moth
Cousin: Rhaella Medici
Crush: x
Relationship: x
Offspring: [infertile]
Sexuality: Bisexual

♚P E R S O N A L I T Y
[good traits] highly intelligent, defensive, confident, mature, loyal, protective
[neutral traits] clumsy, comical, good liar, cocky, playful, challenging, flirty, dramatic
[bad traits] selfish, sarcastic, bossy, perfectionist, easily agitated/frustrated, snappy, self-deprecating, easily jealous/possessive

These words? These are a part of him, of who he is and how he looks like at first perspective. Not a really great person, right? You see, we all judge someone by their form of personalities, of attention seeking. And despite this being a part of him, this will also be used as a layer to hide his insecurities, his fears, however, he'll try not to be at a vulnerable space anytime. Just keep an eye on how he transforms throughout the years.

[likes] silence, things going his way, winning
[dislikes] sudden noises/movements, getting bossed around, not being listened to, know-it-alls, getting his mouth shut
[fears] trees, darkness, thunderstorms, insects

Daniel is the type of person who will start as a sarcastic prick, always a cocky person when he wins something, and sometimes with a dramatic layer over it. But once you get to know it, you'll soon notice his personality melting slightly. Though as the years pass, he will become more and more of a joker, a lot more helpful and more honest. He'll also be more self-deprecating, wich can be used in humor and tension release. But if someone picks on him he'll spit fire at your face, especially if you pick on loved ones and/or friends. He can also be quite flirty sometimes, dropping some innuendos here and there.

Daniel is analytical, persistent, logical and very intelligent. Though he can have a tendency to work too hard and can easily become a workaholic putting his work above personal relationships. He is perfectly happy in his own company and does not suffer loneliness. Prone to mental health pressures, though and can become withdrawn and depressed when stressed.

He is a brilliant communicator and can display his skills on a one to one basis and in front of large crowds. He's confident in his abilities to get his ideas and messages across and will inspire others.

He has a very good observation skill and can read people easily. He possesses extremely good perception. Because of this he doesn't suffer fools gladly and will choose his few friends carefully. Any friends he does have will need to match his wit and intellect.

He tends to put his head above his heart when faced with difficult choices and decision making. He is an unorthodox and unconventional thinker and not afraid to experiment with different ideas and original concepts. To some Daniel can seem a little eccentric with unusual interests and hobbies. He is attracted to anything which is considered avant-garde, intellectual or unusual.

The main fault of him is that he can be overly critical of himself and others.


Faceclaim: Lucas Jade Zumann
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Daniel has soft, almond shaped eyes. There are three different colors, darkbrown with some tints of gold and black that mix a perfect chocolate brownish shade.
Face shape: He doesn't have a very sharp jawline, like most guys. Daniel has a soft face, due to his younger age. He does have quite sharp cheekbones and a dimple next to each side of his lips.
Lips: Daniel has plump lips, usually chapped, but what do you expect in such a cold place like Falkreath?
Body build: He's not muscular nor broad. Daniel has a rather lithe, slim posture. He does have some muscles hiding, but he doesn't seem to use them often.
Hair: Daniel has short, dark brown curly hair.
Skin: He usually has a small tan, but since he lives in a cold place, Daniel's skin has turned paler than usual, almost white.
Scars: He has a small scar on his knee thanks to his clumsy ass.
Extra: HSAN, Daniel can not feel any small pains
Tattoos: No tattoos
Piercings?: None
Voice: Daniel has a poshy accent, a clear British tone in a voice that- wel... Still could not be described utterly masculine. When screaming, it's quite high pitched, but when he talks softly, you can hear some low tones in it.

♚E X T R A
Allergies?: Insect stings
Mental illness?: A slight type of PTSD, OCD
Phobias?: Daniel is extremely afraid of the darkness, especially for the things hiding in it. Anyway, you won't see him walking around at night.

➤ plays the piano
➤ good at making ideas
➤ great source of information

➤ clumsy
➤ big mouth
➤ chaotic

♚H I S T O R Y
Daniel was born from a shapehifter and a werewolf. Though he didn't get the werewolf privilege he would rather have. No, instead he got the shapeshift ability from his mother. She taught him how to transform and how to control the power he had.

As a kid, Daniel had a pretty rich life. He got spoiled a lot, got praised a lot. He had good grades, a good life. Despite his biological father going away right before his birth, his stepfather was a good enough replacement. Being the youngest one in the family really had it's benefits. Daniel got all the attention, he got all the love and everything he wished for. What could've possibly gone wrong?

At the age of 12, Luna was born. His halfsister, might as well to recall. That took away all the attention Dan had earned from his parents. She had all the attention and praise. It seemed like being the middle kid was hell. Kai got a nice job, Luna got her love and priase. And Daniel seemed to be forgotten.

Desperate times called for desperate measures. If he wanted attention, it had to go the tough way. He decided to become a problem, instead of a blessing. He began to threaten children in his school. Throwing erasers and taking away stuff from kids. He even caused some commotion at the City of Aztlan in Nymmerwell, by stealing some stuff. And yes, that gave him a lot of attention, but not the good type of. His mother basically disowned him after an argument.

And that's when puberty kicked in, thus, a voice in his head.
No, not the 'kill yourself' type of voice. More of a comforting type of voice. It helped him through deep waters. Kept him silent, isolated from the outside world. He wasn't a problematic boy anymore. Though he kept the arrogant, mischievous persona he always possessed.
Right after his 17th birthday, it was told that some men were going to pick him up to work at some place. It seemed like his mother chose that option for his life for her own benefit. Using him to get the money he was supposed to earn, and managing to get him out of the house legally. Of course, he wasn't stupid. But yet he had no chance but accept what was told him to do. He was 17 after all.

Until one night.

It was midnight, clear enough. The only sounds were footsteps, fire cracking. A rather large fire torch in his hand. He had no idea, but something told him to do so. Wether it was the voice in his head, the isolation or the feeling of being disowned, unloved. It was too late to back off. And soon, only in a matter of seconds. He threw the torch against the wooden door of the house. Not even in 30 minutes the house was burning. With his parents, his brother and his sister in it. A lot of people went to see what was happening and tried to help, but in such a big fire it was too late. The case remained unsolved. It was clear that someone had ignited it. But who? No one knew. Just because Daniel fled towards Falkreath.

Since that day, he had been focused on himself. He earned a good job as a spy, slowly learning the rules as an assassin thanks to Athena. Who even took the nerves to train him and managing to support his attitude.
Unaware of the feud between the two, Daniel also took the training from Athena to prove himself useful to Kaz Brekker. A man who found him and used his past as a form of making him his spy. Due to his flying abilities it was easier to look around unnoticed. Daniel is a smart boy, let’s say. He eventually chose to work for Kaz’ side while he trained with Athena.

It was nearing Spring when Daniel disappeared. He just went to the near mountains, away from the places he knew. The young man had a new mission and had to bring a message to someone far away from the rest. It had just happened that he got stuck in a rough storm. Different from the ones in his hometown. So it was obvious that he got lost and later on kidnapped by some old lady, still quite dizzy from his crash. For months he was stuck in the small house the lady had. And it didn’t take long before he noticed he wasn’t just used to be a pet. He saw the animal skulls hanging on the wall, the feathers.

But somehow it seemed like, whoever was out there, had answered his prayers. Because the old lady seemed to have a young, yet beautiful daughter. Her name was Jane Ashyr. She was the only one who had seen him in his human form. Late at night. The girl was obviously shocked when she saw a young man stuck in the big cage and quickly got him out after a small argument. The two didn’t really get along at first. Since they had quite the same personality traits and that could crash together sometimes. But soon the fire became a bit more clearer and Daniel found himself being in love for the first time. She kept him alive and he kept her happy, that was the deal they had.

But again, all good things didn’t last. Daniel remembered why he was here at first. That grew quite a homesickness to him. So when the others were asleep he managed to get his cage open, after he saw Jane do it multiple times it seemed easy enough to do so. But it wasn’t. Fortunately, the door of the cage broke after some frustrating slams against it. But it gave quite a loud sound when it made contact with the floor. Thus the whole family came out of their rooms to see what was happening. And that was the last time they saw something of him. An owl flying out of the half open window. Back to where he belonged.

but i'm thinking my spider's dead

Laatst aangepast door Daniel Miller op wo aug 01, 2018 10:46 am; in totaal 7 keer bewerkt
Dacosta Laendaerys
Dacosta Laendaerys
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 599
IC posts : 46

Character sheet
Age: 38
Occupation: Queen of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

Daniel Miller Empty Re: Daniel Miller

ma jan 29, 2018 9:17 pm

welkom op Fallen Skies

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