- Denzel SladeMember
- Aantal berichten : 59
IC posts : 19
Character sheet
Age: 36
Occupation: ̶Q̶u̶a̶c̶k̶ best doctor
Residence : Navarre
Here's the deal
vr maa 09, 2018 1:48 am
'Here's another one..' De doden lagen overal; mannen, vrouwen, kinderen. Midden in hun vluchtpogingen overvallen door de vlammen die hen genadeloos hadden beslopen, of anders wel bezweken onder het gesteente van het gebouw. Destructief puin dat bijna levend had gevloeid en gezocht, voor de stilte was teruggekeerd. Het gebouw aan de rand van de buitenwijken van Rhoynar huisde zieken en geïnfecteerden, maar was twee nachten geleden door lokale burgers in de hens gestoken. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk door een arme stakker, een niemandsgezicht gedreven tot deze actie uit pure angst om de dag te moeten zien aanbreken dat hij, en uiteindelijk ook zijn familie, geïnfecteerd zou raken. Ongetwijfeld had hij gedacht er zo in één klap van af te komen. Zo eenvoudig ging dat niet. Te midden van al het gruis en de slachting beende een plaagdokter, de kakelende kippen voor hem uitjagend onder zijn stevige tred door de smalle straatjes. Van top tot teen geheel in het zwart gekleed; lang donker gewaad dat om zijn leren laarzen en in zijn kielzog golfde, een gordel met de nodige instrumenten en syringes om zijn middel. Zelfs de glazen kijkgaten in zijn masker waren verduisterd en alles verhullend voor de buitenwereld. Als een uit zijn kluiten gewassen, obscure kraai die vanuit een dode boom neerkeek op kadavers en hoopte op wat pikbare kaantjes. Alleen het snavelachtige masker zelf was wit, in contrast met de kijkgaten. Het wekte de indruk dat Slade zelfs in deze uitrusting zijn identieke bril met het dikke zwarte montuur droeg. Links en rechts van hem zwierven andere esculapen rond die hij maar onder nukkig weerzin als zijn tijdelijke collega's had betiteld. Ze zwoegden onder het tillen van de lijken op een grote hooikar, al volgeladen met een hoopje op elkaar gegooide overledenen, klaar om deze weg te rijden en buiten Rhoynar op een berg te dumpen en te verbranden, de laatste kansen op verspreiding zo tegengaand. Zo nu en dan bood de kwakzalver zijn hulp aan, met verborgen afkeer onder zijn masker zijn lichaam laten dienend als steun voor het lijk van een onbeduidende boer of een bottelaar. Opeens naamloos en niemanden geworden; een geestbreuk voor nabestaanden, als ze hun geliefden tenminste ooit nog konden identificeren voor ze boven en onder talloze andere blanco personen tot as vergingen - hij daarentegen was er eigenlijk alleen maar door overmand door walging. Wat haatte hij zijn plichtskomingen soms toch. Maar hij dwong zichzelf ertoe aan. Al was het maar om zorgvuldig de scherpe kantjes van zijn imago te kunnen blijven polijsten. Het was namelijk niet de eerste reden dat ook hij hier aanwezig was. Wat een belachelijke drijfveer zou het zijn om Rhoynar een dienst te doen door je eigen gezondheid op het spel te zetten met het attenderen van overlevenden en het uitmesten van lijken die de smoezelige straten bespikkelden. Nee - hij was hier voor hele andere zaken. De pestdokter sloeg linksaf, kriskraste een listig patroon de vele nevelige steegjes in rondom de ravage. In geraffineerde, geoefende bewegingen duwde hij de lijken die hij tegenkwam op hun rug met het uiteinde van de ziekenstaf die er speciaal voor bedoeld was. In Slade's boekje niet om ze te onderzoeken of te identificeren zonder ze aan te hoeven raken, maar om nauwkeurig onder een vest of een jurk te porren, te tasten, te sporen - en een beurs geld of een sieraad of twee bungelend aan zijn stok tevoorschijn te zwaaien. Soms een sleutel. Ironisch genoeg hing de gestolen waar vaak aan één van de zilveren vleugeltjes waarmee de ziekenstaf mee gesierd was: een medisch sigil dat oogde als een gevleugelde slang, gekronkeld om een zandloper. Zo ging hij in uitgestreken kalmte de doden af, bewaarde de waar in willekeurige tonnen en kratten die hij markeerde voor zijn assistenten om later op te halen. Nu eerder een rondstiefelende gier dan een kraai. Een operatie die hem het meest eigen was. Abrupt staakte hij zijn pas toen iets de zoom van zijn gewaad beetpakte. Een vrouw, zag hij toen hij zich omdraaide, gelegen op de grond. Oh? Nog een levende tussen al het dood en verderf. Een klein momentje bleef hij op haar neerkijken voor hij loom in beweging kwam. Zwijgend hurkte Slade over haar neer, zijn in leren handschoenen gehulde handen civiel in elkaar schuivend alsof hij gewoon een alledaags gesprek met haar voerde aan de een of andere taverne-tafel. Het uiterlijke puntje van het snavelachtige uiteinde van zijn masker raakte bijna haar neus aan terwijl hij over haar heen boog. Bijna spottend afwachtend tot ze hem ging vertellen wat ze van hem moest - alsof haar dat nog zou lukken. Haar bevende lippen, gerafeld en van al het bloed onttrokken, vormden hese lispelingen waar hij niets uit kon opmaken, behalve 'son' en 'please'. Ze kon de kracht nog opbrengen om een vinger in de richting te priemen van het levenloze lichaam van een kleine jongen even verderop, met zijn gezicht gelegen in het gruis en op zijn rug een uitgevloeide vlek bloed die door zijn kleding was gedrongen. Ze was een niemand nu, op het punt van sterven, maar hij begreep dat ze buiten alles nog een moeder was die met haar zoon herenigd wilde worden voor ze haar laatste adem uitblies. Langzaam kwam Slade overeind. Een minutieuze beweging plaatste het uiteinde van zijn staf op de ranke plaats tussen haar kaak en sleutelbeen, drukte tegen haar strottenhoofd tot zijn hand beefde onder de uitgeoefende kracht. Niet vandaag. Zijn ronde vervolgde zich meer in de richting van Brightwater Keep, verder verwijderd van de bouwval, en eindigde op een rumoeriger centraal plein waar het leven zich oppakte alsof er zich nooit een systematische uitroeiing even verderop had plaatsgevonden. Terwijl Slade er zorg van maakte om zijn verontreinigde handschoenen te wisselen, hield hij zijn pas in, zijn scherpe haviksblik door de glazen kijkgaten getrokken tot één punt - en dat punt alleen. Of liever gezegd: persoon. Hij meende de combinatie van een lange jas, een stok met de knop van een kraaienhoofd en dat grimmige voorkomen te herkennen. Zijn vermoedens werden bevestigd. "By the Six Realms," glimlachte de kwakzalver onder zijn pestmasker terwijl hij zich vlak achter de gestalte opstelde, hoewel deze vanzelfsprekend niet zichtbaar was voor de oude kennis uit het verleden. Waar hij wel van uitging, was dat de bekende zich nog maar al te goed de in het zwart gehulde pestdokter moest herinneren die zich nu weer voor zijn neus manifesteerde. "Brekker." |
- Kaz
- Kaz BrekkerAdministrator
- Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116
Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar
Re: Here's the deal
zo maa 11, 2018 10:45 pm
Greed bows to me. It is my servant and my lever.
Up. Down.
Flip the coin. Repeat.
Up. Down. Flip the coin. Repeat. It had to be at least 30 minutes that he was doing this now, just out of shallow boredom. His body was leaning against the wall of a small alleyway, far enough out of sight to go unnoticed, but close enough for him to keep watch. His mind, though, was completely wandered off. His hands were working automatically, like they did when he had to pick a lock. He trusted them, assuming they knew exactly what they were doing. The coin sometimes seemed to give a flicker of light when he tossed it high enough that it could catch a small ray of sunlight.
He had smelled the fire, seen the smoke rise from the small window of the bedroom he owned, or well, borrowed for now. It had been two days now, but still you could see the faint smoke of what was whatever left of the building rise above all the chimneys. Savages. Purely acting out of instinct, fear and probably panic when they had nottced the fire had spread.
Such a disappointment to the human race. Kaz had silently watched it at night, hearing the screams. It hadn't exactly been music to his ears and they had kept him up all night, drowning everything else out. In the morning, he had dozed off, awakening in a position that was far from pleasant.
It had been the same last night, him sitting in a chair, lost in thought, lost in his evergrowing problems and growing fear and paranoia. A drunkard screaming on the streets had awoken him very early. He probably had slept a maximum of five hours in the past days and he could feel it. While his face was bleak as ever and dark circles were under his eyes, the rest of his body started to protest. His leg ached, hurting with every step, his ribs were bruised maybe even broken and his head was a mess. At least his hair was still on point.
Kaz surpressed a yawn, tossing the coin one more time before he stopped, putting it away in his pocket. These past days had not been pleasant, but the show must go on. Besides, gold just didn't start rolling towards him, no matter how much he wished for it. He pushed himself away from the wall, grabbing the left side of his torso as he felt pain flowing through it. Why did he even think about getting mad to her, he had known what she was capable of, so why had he forgotten? Stupid asshole. The young man bit his lip and started walking, though his limp was more visible than ever. It had taken him two steps before he had stopped again. Would even make it out of the end of the street without taking a break? Probably not.
He was about to gear himself up again and stop his self pity when a voice startled him. A shift in his body told the other he hadn't expected the voice, that he might as well just push a knife between Kaz ribs and Kaz still would notice too late. With effort, the black haired man turned around, his face grim, annoyed. He was in no mood to talk to someone. But then came the second surprise. Kaz narrowed his eyes, taking a small step back to distance himself from this.. creature. For a moment he had thought this had been his own doing, that this was a demon summoned unkowningly by him, that he would create havoc and descrution all over again. The beak was the first thing he noticed, the fact that this person was almost unrecognizable due to the mask, was his second statement. The third? Brekker. No one called him by his surname, no one really knew about it anyway. Except a few of them. But no one he actually knew walked around like this.. as if they were death themselves. Unless..
Slade.'' He pronounced with a clenched jaw, getting himself to stand up more straight, though he was still leaning heavily on his cane. Eyes went up and down the body of the doctor, noticing his.. particular clothing style. ''Looking faishonably as ever.'' Kaz continued, lifting his cane to poke the beak of the plaguemask. ''Sadly for you, I'm still not dead. So if you could please don this charade, it would be easier to talk.'' Would the doctor be sad? Or would he be happy to have another body he could experiment on. Nontheless, Kaz was indeed not dead. Yet.
Flip the coin. Repeat.
Up. Down. Flip the coin. Repeat. It had to be at least 30 minutes that he was doing this now, just out of shallow boredom. His body was leaning against the wall of a small alleyway, far enough out of sight to go unnoticed, but close enough for him to keep watch. His mind, though, was completely wandered off. His hands were working automatically, like they did when he had to pick a lock. He trusted them, assuming they knew exactly what they were doing. The coin sometimes seemed to give a flicker of light when he tossed it high enough that it could catch a small ray of sunlight.
He had smelled the fire, seen the smoke rise from the small window of the bedroom he owned, or well, borrowed for now. It had been two days now, but still you could see the faint smoke of what was whatever left of the building rise above all the chimneys. Savages. Purely acting out of instinct, fear and probably panic when they had nottced the fire had spread.
Such a disappointment to the human race. Kaz had silently watched it at night, hearing the screams. It hadn't exactly been music to his ears and they had kept him up all night, drowning everything else out. In the morning, he had dozed off, awakening in a position that was far from pleasant.
It had been the same last night, him sitting in a chair, lost in thought, lost in his evergrowing problems and growing fear and paranoia. A drunkard screaming on the streets had awoken him very early. He probably had slept a maximum of five hours in the past days and he could feel it. While his face was bleak as ever and dark circles were under his eyes, the rest of his body started to protest. His leg ached, hurting with every step, his ribs were bruised maybe even broken and his head was a mess. At least his hair was still on point.
Kaz surpressed a yawn, tossing the coin one more time before he stopped, putting it away in his pocket. These past days had not been pleasant, but the show must go on. Besides, gold just didn't start rolling towards him, no matter how much he wished for it. He pushed himself away from the wall, grabbing the left side of his torso as he felt pain flowing through it. Why did he even think about getting mad to her, he had known what she was capable of, so why had he forgotten? Stupid asshole. The young man bit his lip and started walking, though his limp was more visible than ever. It had taken him two steps before he had stopped again. Would even make it out of the end of the street without taking a break? Probably not.
He was about to gear himself up again and stop his self pity when a voice startled him. A shift in his body told the other he hadn't expected the voice, that he might as well just push a knife between Kaz ribs and Kaz still would notice too late. With effort, the black haired man turned around, his face grim, annoyed. He was in no mood to talk to someone. But then came the second surprise. Kaz narrowed his eyes, taking a small step back to distance himself from this.. creature. For a moment he had thought this had been his own doing, that this was a demon summoned unkowningly by him, that he would create havoc and descrution all over again. The beak was the first thing he noticed, the fact that this person was almost unrecognizable due to the mask, was his second statement. The third? Brekker. No one called him by his surname, no one really knew about it anyway. Except a few of them. But no one he actually knew walked around like this.. as if they were death themselves. Unless..
Slade.'' He pronounced with a clenched jaw, getting himself to stand up more straight, though he was still leaning heavily on his cane. Eyes went up and down the body of the doctor, noticing his.. particular clothing style. ''Looking faishonably as ever.'' Kaz continued, lifting his cane to poke the beak of the plaguemask. ''Sadly for you, I'm still not dead. So if you could please don this charade, it would be easier to talk.'' Would the doctor be sad? Or would he be happy to have another body he could experiment on. Nontheless, Kaz was indeed not dead. Yet.
tag: Slade ma boi
- Denzel SladeMember
- Aantal berichten : 59
IC posts : 19
Character sheet
Age: 36
Occupation: ̶Q̶u̶a̶c̶k̶ best doctor
Residence : Navarre
Re: Here's the deal
wo maa 14, 2018 3:17 am
Nonchalant steunend op zijn staf richtte de kwakzalver zijn hoofd iets op, in stilte neerkijkend op de verschrikte gestalte die hij inderdaad achtte te kennen. Het kon immers niemand anders zijn dan hij. Hoe lang was het nu geleden; twee jaar? Drie? Bij lange na niet lang genoeg voor Slade om hem te doen vergeten - hij vergat zelden iets, iemand. Niemand. Bij wijze van begroeting porde zijn oude kennis zijn onmisbare wandelstok ongevraagd een enkele keer tegen het gekromde uiteinde van zijn masker. Het onttrok geen reactie bij Slade - behalve een klein, onwillekeurig niesje toen wat snufjes kruiden in de punt van zijn snavel zijn neusgaten binnen schoten. De plaagdokter in het zwart bewoog er zijn hoofd onder als een kraai die met opgetrokken vleugels trillerig zijn kop schudde, eigenlijk niet geheel blij met die aanraking, en hoe het simpele stootje de kruiden binnen het masker al om deden wentelden. Hoewel er geen duidelijke uitdrukking viel te zien, leek hij zich te herstellen met een enigszins verontwaardigde air over zijn gelaat. Het was de blikkering van het licht in het precieze moment die zijn starende kijkgaten een soort hardheid gaven. "Indeed, you're still alive," klonk zijn stem desondanks joviaal, ondertussen het uiteinde van Brekker's wandelstok met twee vingers nonchalant van zijn snavel wegdraaiend. Niet meer aanraken. "Seems like you didn't prove yourself a waste of precious space, still hopping around lively and all. Somewhat in the same fashion as that crow of yours. Joy." Een fladderig gebaartje van een hand om een streep te zetten onder zijn absolute vreugd. Slade zou Slade niet zijn als hij het laconieke sarcasme niet kundig in zijn zinnen haakte, moeilijk te zeggen wanneer hij iets meende of niet en puur om tussendoor misschien wel zacht in zichzelf te gniffelen om de verwarring die het gebruikelijk opwekte. Evenals zijn houding - hij was geen man die zich aan de ernst van een situatie aanpaste. Hij volgde zijn eigen flow. Kalm en berekenend, en zo af en toe met een gezond vleugje spot erdoor. Al zei hij zelf. "I'd like to give you a little poke back in a greeting manner of sorts, but let's not slash away at your health any further, shall we. Can't give you a hug either, so sorry." De opmerking kwam er tussen neus en lippen door uit terwijl de dokter deed alsof hij zijn nagels bestudeerde - ondanks dat er geen enkele nagel te bestuderen viel aan zijn zwarte lederen handschoenen. Dat zou hoe dan ook onverstandig zijn in de wetenschap dat de korte staf krioelde van de ziektekiemen; en zijn mantel, besmeurd met beschermende oliën, diende op een brandstapel gegooid te worden zodra daar de gelegenheid voor was. Niet dat hij iemand was voor gratis knuffels, zelfs niet na jaren weerzien. Hij had al genoeg doden in zijn armen gehad vandaag. En Kaz was in zijn opinie ook zo goed als halfdood te noemen. Niet zo levend als hij beweerde, achteraf. De volgende woorden die tot hem doordrongen deden Slade abrupt zijn handeling staken, zijn ijzige ogen vernauwend achter zijn kijkgaten. "Are my methods making you feel uncomfortable?" Omineus boog de plaagdokter zich iets naar de jonge dief toe die de implicatie maakte of hij zijn masker af kon nemen, steunend op zijn staf. "This morning," vervolgde hij half fluisterend, zijn woorden zwevend in de schemer van het gure steegje, "- I stood in front of the mirror, staring into the insignificance of the void presented before me - and I found myself wondering.." In een trage handeling streken de vingers van zijn vrije hand bedenkelijk over de snavel alsof het zijn kin betrof, er concreet werk van makend om een zekere spanningsboog op te bouwen. "Perhaps I should add a small bow tie to complete the image. What do you think?" Zijn gehandschoende vingers traceerden de vorm van een piepklein vlinderdasje boven zijn borst om zijn woorden kracht bij te zetten, in quasi-heugelijke afwachting staarden de kijkgaten bijna fonkelend op Kaz neer - en daarmee was ook meteen de druk van de ketel. Menig persoon die Slade goed genoeg kende zou dat echter als misleidende schijn benoemen. En ze zouden er griezelig dicht bij in de buurt komen. "Ugh." Met een achteloos handgebaar wuifde de dokter het volgende moment inderdaad zijn woorden en die van zijn oude patiënt weg, in lichte irritatie zijn rug rechtend. Hij draaide zelfs ongunstig zijn snavel van de jongeman af. Hoe hij er werkelijk over dacht. En hoe het erop neerkwam dat hij gedurende zijn opzettelijke extra neergezette charade alleen maar kluchtig op Brekker liep te spotten, juist om toe te happen en er verder op in te breien. Was hij nu werkelijk genoodzaakt om dit soort naïviteit aan te moeten nemen? "Honestly, you ought to know about laying low and pretexts. I, on the other hand, am simply doing my job." Zijn diepe, nevelige stemgeluid klonk een stuk serieuzer, en de cru naklank die het onthield legde daar nog eens extra bovenop. "Clock of death ticks away the seconds, Brekker," klonk zijn stem zacht, één enkele wijsvinger afkeurend voor zijn neus zwaaiend. De lome, beschimpende beweging liet het leer van zijn handschoenen nadrukkelijk kraken. "It does not stop for you, nor me, nor anyone. You might just be in the wrong place, at the wrong time - again. And I might just not be around to patch you up a second time." |
- Kaz BrekkerAdministrator
- Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116
Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar
Re: Here's the deal
do maa 15, 2018 10:41 pm
Greed bows to me. It is my servant and my lever.
Even though the view he was looking at was very undesirable, and only brought back bad and painful memories, a faint smile could be seen. Wether he wanted or not, Slade had saved his skin. Kaz was greatful for that in his own way, but showing respect to the doctor was not something he would express. The grin faded as fast as it had appeared, gone and drowned out by the unpleasant ambiance created between the two. Though, the fact that Slade had lowered his cane as if Kaz had been a bad child who kept touching things that weren't his, made him scoff. Nonetheless, the man was happy to have a tool to lean on again, as his leg was becoming unbearable. Bite through the pain, bite through this conversation and get your shit together Kaz. 'Hopping around very lively' wasn't something Kaz would see himself do, but he chose to ignore it, knowing that if he started talking he would have no idea where this conversation would end. Unpredictable, a thing he couldn't detest more than he already did.
''What a disappointment.'' No smile, not even a faint hint of honesty in his eyes, as he replied, the grip on his cane strenghtening the grip on his cane. Touching someone or something had never been his forté anyway. The fact that Kaz knew that the man before him had operated on him, touched him, almost made him want to throw up. The fact that he already found it hard to shake hands would say enough. Maybe it was for the best he had almost no memory of any of Slade actually touching him, making sure the cuts would have stopped bleeding, that Kaz could be saved. A reason why he had no respect for this man, although he had absolutely no reason to hate him for it. If it hadn't been for the doctor, Kaz wouldn't have stood here, ignoring how bruised and battered he was. He either would have been be burned, or be buried deep under ground with how many other people, decaying and rotting away. But would that make any difference? Wasn't he rotting away right where he was standing? Maybe it was just for the better to just join the people who had burned in the fire days ago. Maybe it had been planned for him, he should have seen it as a chance, but it was greed that was keeping him on his feet. The thirst for more and the feeling that that thirst could never be quenched.
With a quick look over his shoulder, Kaz could see that literally no one was caring about the situation unfolding here at all. Good. The less attention, the better. He slowly shrugged, his face only showing a mask of boredom, an uncaring look in his eyes, while inside he just wanted to leave, ignoring the circumstances his body was in.
''You better make it a bright color. All this dark leather doesn't exactly make me feel more.. alive.'' Kaz jumped on the bandwagon, eyeing the plaguedoctors outfit as if he was a professional designer who knew what fashion was. How long had he been wearing this coat? And how many times had it been patched up? Knowing that Kaz was a thief and could easily get the money to buy a new coat, would make you think he would actually walk in the richest of clothing. Yet, the opposite was true and Kaz rather stayed close to his homage. Old and worn, yet fancy in its own way. The only thing that was missing, was a tie. He could add it to the collection later.
Though Slade had gotten on his nerves the moment he had appeared before him, Kaz was good at hiding. He always won hide and seek games when he was young, so emotions were just as easy. But, the young man couldn't help but get annoyed and that clearly showed. Biting on the inside of his cheek, only stopping when he tasted the iron aroma of blood.
''My job is to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.'' He retorted, straightening his back, but almost immeadiately clasping the left side of his torso again, feeling the pain in his ribs, while a glimmer of arrogance could be spotted in his eyes. ''I ain't have plans for death yet. Or dying for that matter.'' He added, narrowing his eyes, trying to find Slade's eyes in that abominable mask of his. ''So, if there will ever be a next time, just put a knife in my throat and end it.'' Kaz hissed with cleanched teeth.
''Do with me whatever you want, like the vulture you are.''
''What a disappointment.'' No smile, not even a faint hint of honesty in his eyes, as he replied, the grip on his cane strenghtening the grip on his cane. Touching someone or something had never been his forté anyway. The fact that Kaz knew that the man before him had operated on him, touched him, almost made him want to throw up. The fact that he already found it hard to shake hands would say enough. Maybe it was for the best he had almost no memory of any of Slade actually touching him, making sure the cuts would have stopped bleeding, that Kaz could be saved. A reason why he had no respect for this man, although he had absolutely no reason to hate him for it. If it hadn't been for the doctor, Kaz wouldn't have stood here, ignoring how bruised and battered he was. He either would have been be burned, or be buried deep under ground with how many other people, decaying and rotting away. But would that make any difference? Wasn't he rotting away right where he was standing? Maybe it was just for the better to just join the people who had burned in the fire days ago. Maybe it had been planned for him, he should have seen it as a chance, but it was greed that was keeping him on his feet. The thirst for more and the feeling that that thirst could never be quenched.
With a quick look over his shoulder, Kaz could see that literally no one was caring about the situation unfolding here at all. Good. The less attention, the better. He slowly shrugged, his face only showing a mask of boredom, an uncaring look in his eyes, while inside he just wanted to leave, ignoring the circumstances his body was in.
''You better make it a bright color. All this dark leather doesn't exactly make me feel more.. alive.'' Kaz jumped on the bandwagon, eyeing the plaguedoctors outfit as if he was a professional designer who knew what fashion was. How long had he been wearing this coat? And how many times had it been patched up? Knowing that Kaz was a thief and could easily get the money to buy a new coat, would make you think he would actually walk in the richest of clothing. Yet, the opposite was true and Kaz rather stayed close to his homage. Old and worn, yet fancy in its own way. The only thing that was missing, was a tie. He could add it to the collection later.
Though Slade had gotten on his nerves the moment he had appeared before him, Kaz was good at hiding. He always won hide and seek games when he was young, so emotions were just as easy. But, the young man couldn't help but get annoyed and that clearly showed. Biting on the inside of his cheek, only stopping when he tasted the iron aroma of blood.
''My job is to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.'' He retorted, straightening his back, but almost immeadiately clasping the left side of his torso again, feeling the pain in his ribs, while a glimmer of arrogance could be spotted in his eyes. ''I ain't have plans for death yet. Or dying for that matter.'' He added, narrowing his eyes, trying to find Slade's eyes in that abominable mask of his. ''So, if there will ever be a next time, just put a knife in my throat and end it.'' Kaz hissed with cleanched teeth.
''Do with me whatever you want, like the vulture you are.''
tag: Slade ma boi
- Denzel SladeMember
- Aantal berichten : 59
IC posts : 19
Character sheet
Age: 36
Occupation: ̶Q̶u̶a̶c̶k̶ best doctor
Residence : Navarre
Re: Here's the deal
za maa 17, 2018 8:36 am
Achter zijn masker hadden de mondhoeken van de plaagdokter zich omgekruld tot een zuinig glimlachje, in de wetenschap dat het puur sarcasme was dat hij van de jonge dief terug kreeg. Hij had niet veel anders verwacht. "How you ruffle my feathers," ging Slade willens en wetens met typische nonchalance in op de opmerkingen die zijn kant op werd geslingerd - wetende dat de uitdrukking zo goed als sloeg op iemand die een ander niets anders dan nijd gaf, maar intussen eigenlijk geen genoeg van de betreffende persoon kon krijgen. Als Brekker hem dan zo nodig een gier moest vinden. Zijn scherpzinnige blik gleed over het postuur van de jonge man voor zijn neus, een kiene analyse die zijn eigen versleten kledingdracht bespiegelde. "Really?" het klonk te schamper om een vraag, of zelfs maar een retorische vraag te kunnen zijn. "Why, I don't necessarily dress to make you feel alive. But I shall keep in mind to fix an attire next time that will make your heart race. If you insist." Apathisch eindigde hij het met een mager handgebaartje, zelfs daar nauwelijks de energie in willen stoppend. Ook hij had zeker wel door dat hij op de zenuwen begon te werken bij de dief, maar in alle eerlijkheid kon hem dat geen zier schelen. Brekker maakte de situatie op zijn beurt wel heel troosteloos. "My, no need to get all dramatesque. I find a limping thief in the dreariness of a dirty alley - and you want me to do what? Is my apparel scaring you off so much that you jump to the wild presumption I cornered you just to put you down, like a crippled horse?" Een beetje verontwaardigd streek Slade met een hand langs zijn borst, zonder daarbij zijn oogcontact te verbreken. "I wasn't implying that I'm willing to kill you." Zijn krenking uitte zich nog net niet verbaal terwijl de dokter zijn hoofd kort van Kaz af draaide. "That would be very contradictory to previous acts in the past, would it not. Moreover, it would make me a criminal. Please," lispelde de dokter met een verholen, honende ondertoon, als een schaduw over de dief heen hellend - "I'm a doctor - not a murderer. Wherever did you get that hideous idea?" De kwakzalver stond nog in dezelfde houding - als een loerende vogel - toen de rust in het steegje op slag ruw verstoord werd door het geluid van klossende voetstappen en helder gelach. Kinderen, al veel te snel niet meer aangedaan door het vurige incident in hun stad, want het leven ging immers door. Slade bleef als een statief standbeeld staan terwijl de twee kleine jongens zijn mantel terugsloegen als een gordijn en het nota bene als verstopplaats gebruikten, alleen zijn snavel in een extreem langzame, lugubere beweging schuin naar beneden draaiend. Alsof hij verwachtte dat ze vanzelf wel op zouden houden als hij lang genoeg staarde. "Could you not," zweefde de vraag als vanuit het niets enkele seconden later achter het masker vandaan toen dat niet gebeurde, hoewel het niet eens als een vraag klonk. Zijn stemgeluid dat tussen zijn opeengeklemde kaken snibde, droeg een zekere zweem van irritatie met zich mee. Ten eerste omdat er vandaag al zekere objecten ongevraagd in en tegen hem liepen te porren, en ten tweede doordat hij het onbehoorlijk kortzichtig vond - zelfs voor een kind - dat de interesse voor een plaagdokter bij deze twee jonge Rhoynishmen duidelijk groter was dan de bijgelovige angst. Menig bewoner vreesde de meesters van zijn kaliber, zagen ze als een brenger van de dood. En deze zekere dokter hield niet van ongevraagde aanrakingen door bevuilde handen, inbreuk op zijn personal space. Zijn lichaam was zijn gebied, op alledaagse momenten strak en keurig verpakt in dracht van piekfijne smetteloosheid. De nog redelijk rustige vraag bood echter geen overeenstemming. Rude. In een ijzig kalme beweging trok Slade zijn mantel terug om de sortering van enorme syringes aan zijn gordel te onthullen, sensueel met een vinger over een cilinder strijkend - voor hij er in ieder geval één willekeurig tussenuit plukte en de inhoud ervan in korte straaltjes op de grond spoot, vlak voor hun versleten schoenen. Als een waterpistooltje. Ga weg. De flinke naald die hij naast zijn masker hield, fonkelde intimiderend in het zonlicht, maar het was niet langer nodig om een Dr. Slade-sessie te starten of gratis injecties uit te delen. De voetstappen van de kinderen klotsten in snel tempo door de regenplassen in hun wegstervende tred, niet wetend hoe snel ze weg moesten komen. "This is hardly a place to loiter," verbrak de dokter enkele seconden later de stilte met een teken van lichte weerzin, en in wat leek op een kleine zucht. Zijn opgetrokken snavel was naar de door de ondergaande zon bloedrood gekleurde hemel gericht, langs de smerige muren van het nauwe steegje. Als het even kon, wilde hij hier geen seconde langer op dit plein blijven. De kijkgaten lieten zich langzaam weer neer tot ooghoogte terwijl hij de syringe weer aan zijn gordel schoof, hoewel het moeilijk was om te zien of hij Kaz direct aankeek. De rode gloed deden de spiegelende glazen haast oplichten - bijna even fel als de likkende vlammen die het gasthuis en diens zieken hadden verzwolgen, en waar hij ondertussen misschien of misschien ook niet iets mee te maken zou kunnen hebben. Een klein, zijdedun draadje aan een vinger dat hij in een fractie van een seconde even had aangetrokken wanneer er niemand had gekeken. Manipulatie was iets machtigs. Zolang je kon inschatten tot hoever het vuur zich spreidde, was het een spektakel van een schouwspel om van een afstandje te mogen bewonderen. "Come." De plaagdokter draaide zich resoluut om, stok aan een arm, zijn gewaden in de beweging sierlijk meedraaiend. Tot een zekere mate, in hoeverre een pestmeester die stiefelde over dodenvelden sierlijk kon zijn. "Walk with me, son." Ondanks dat hij donders goed wist dat dat een behoorlijk moeizame taak voor zijn jonge compagnon was. |
- Kaz BrekkerAdministrator
- Aantal berichten : 1327
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Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar
Re: Here's the deal
vr maa 23, 2018 2:32 pm
Greed bows to me. It is my servant and my lever.
My oh my, in these past years the doctor didn't seem to have changed. Neither had Kaz probably. He was still the same, thieving and schemins asshole he had always been. The streets had made him that way, molded him into something he hadn't necessarily wanted to become, but since he hadn't had any plans on his own, since he had been desperate to survive, it may have looked like had had no other choice. And now he was here, fancy clothing, cane in his hand and gold in his pockets. He might be an ordinary thief, but that didn't stop Kaz to achieve everything he wanted. That list was long, too long almost. A neverending paper full of scribbles of greed, notes of gold and letters of paranoia. He might be driven by greed, might want to exploit every situation he got, he would do it all to get what he wanted. He lost everything once, maybe even twice, but there would be no thrid time. Period.
Unimpressed, Kaz let his eyes go over the body that was standing before him. Sure, all fancy words Kaz could get half the meaning of, but it was still the ambiance around Slade that threw Kaz off. It gave him unwanted goosebumbs and the thief was glad he was wearing long sleeves. He didn't like exposing his emotions in the open, especially not when he had someone standing in front of him he rather just avoided. Sure, he was grateful Slade had had the goodwill to save him when he had been bleeding out on the streets, but Kaz had thought that would've been it. A 'thank you' and a goodbye and they would never have seen each other again. But it felt like the complete opposite.
''And here you disappoint again.'' Kaz muttered under his breath, more to himself than to Slade, though he wasn't sure where the 'again' came from. Maybe Kaz was indeed disappointed he hadn't died that night, maybe it really had been for the best.
The sudden apperance of the little children threw him off. Almost literally. Kaz took a step back, having to heavily lean on his cane to not lose his balance while his eyes narrowly followed the kids, who, somehow, thought it was a good idea to start hiding underneath the plague doctors clothes. If Kaz had been an carefree child, even then he would have thought that that would be the best place to play. Especially if he knew the man underneath the mask.
Kaz silently watched, and judged, how Slade went on with his tactics to scare the kids away, rolling his eyes. ''Theyre kids Slade. You really want to traumatize everyone where you go, don't you.'' As he straightened his back his eyes tried to catch the other ones, hidden behind the mask almost cowardly. What Kaz hadn't expected was the sun reflecting in the goggles, which almost blinded him. He squinted his eyes, looking away but keeping his mouth shut as it probably wouldn't be nice to tell Slade again that the entire outfit wasn't Kaz his thing.
''You really are in a mood for banter.'' Kaz scoffed, looking over his shoulder once, okay twice to be actually sure no one was watching them, before starting to follow the plaguedoctor. He didn't know where, he didn't know why he was following exactly, but what other choice did he really have. Walking around for the rest of the day and night like this wasn't exactly how he wanted to fill his time. Especially not when he felt how every step seemed to take more and more effort. But Kaz' pride was too high for him to ask Slade to slow down or for him to even show how antagonizing walking around like this was. The only way you could see something was off, was by the way Kaz had layed his right hand on the leftside of his chest, feeling his ribs cruch with every step. This was bad, this was real bad.
Chin up, chest forward, ignore anything else. ''I rekon you were at that place they burned down a few nights ago.'' Kaz started, not even sounding that interested in what he was talking about. ''Must've been some sight.'' At least he was glad he wasn't the one who had turned into a pile of ash. At least he would've been smoking hot. As if he wasn't already.
Unimpressed, Kaz let his eyes go over the body that was standing before him. Sure, all fancy words Kaz could get half the meaning of, but it was still the ambiance around Slade that threw Kaz off. It gave him unwanted goosebumbs and the thief was glad he was wearing long sleeves. He didn't like exposing his emotions in the open, especially not when he had someone standing in front of him he rather just avoided. Sure, he was grateful Slade had had the goodwill to save him when he had been bleeding out on the streets, but Kaz had thought that would've been it. A 'thank you' and a goodbye and they would never have seen each other again. But it felt like the complete opposite.
''And here you disappoint again.'' Kaz muttered under his breath, more to himself than to Slade, though he wasn't sure where the 'again' came from. Maybe Kaz was indeed disappointed he hadn't died that night, maybe it really had been for the best.
The sudden apperance of the little children threw him off. Almost literally. Kaz took a step back, having to heavily lean on his cane to not lose his balance while his eyes narrowly followed the kids, who, somehow, thought it was a good idea to start hiding underneath the plague doctors clothes. If Kaz had been an carefree child, even then he would have thought that that would be the best place to play. Especially if he knew the man underneath the mask.
Kaz silently watched, and judged, how Slade went on with his tactics to scare the kids away, rolling his eyes. ''Theyre kids Slade. You really want to traumatize everyone where you go, don't you.'' As he straightened his back his eyes tried to catch the other ones, hidden behind the mask almost cowardly. What Kaz hadn't expected was the sun reflecting in the goggles, which almost blinded him. He squinted his eyes, looking away but keeping his mouth shut as it probably wouldn't be nice to tell Slade again that the entire outfit wasn't Kaz his thing.
''You really are in a mood for banter.'' Kaz scoffed, looking over his shoulder once, okay twice to be actually sure no one was watching them, before starting to follow the plaguedoctor. He didn't know where, he didn't know why he was following exactly, but what other choice did he really have. Walking around for the rest of the day and night like this wasn't exactly how he wanted to fill his time. Especially not when he felt how every step seemed to take more and more effort. But Kaz' pride was too high for him to ask Slade to slow down or for him to even show how antagonizing walking around like this was. The only way you could see something was off, was by the way Kaz had layed his right hand on the leftside of his chest, feeling his ribs cruch with every step. This was bad, this was real bad.
Chin up, chest forward, ignore anything else. ''I rekon you were at that place they burned down a few nights ago.'' Kaz started, not even sounding that interested in what he was talking about. ''Must've been some sight.'' At least he was glad he wasn't the one who had turned into a pile of ash. At least he would've been smoking hot. As if he wasn't already.
tag: Slade ma boi
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Excuses voor deze flutpost
- Denzel SladeMember
- Aantal berichten : 59
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Occupation: ̶Q̶u̶a̶c̶k̶ best doctor
Residence : Navarre
Re: Here's the deal
ma maa 26, 2018 12:53 pm
Een scherpe blik in de richting van de dief duidde zich als Slade's stille, malcontente reactie toen Brekker het blijkbaar nodig vond om commentaar te leveren op het wegjagen van de jongere Rhoynish generatie. Kinderen groeiden op. En tot wat? Tot een manke dief, wellicht. Misschien tot een oplichtende psychopaat. Niemand die het kon zeggen.. Met een frons van misnoegen, vouwde de plaagdokter zijn beide handen over de knop van zijn ziekenstaf en liet deze als steun tussen zijn voeten rusten. "Here I am," vibreerde de lichte wrevel door in zijn diepe baritonstem. "Extending my hospitality, in expectation of a warm welcome committee - and this is how you greet me?" Er viel een klein zuchtje te horen terwijl de dokter zich op zijn plek herpositioneerde. Misschien zelfs wel een klein beetje sipjes. "Your glooming depression is highly contagious. No wonder the misses ran off." Hij bracht het laatste zachter, doelend op Kaz' verschrikkelijk trouwe fiancé, maar met schalkse triomfantelijkheid voor hij hem de rug toekeerde, en - of de jonge dief nu klaar was of niet - een stevige tred begon in te zetten. Zes struise stappen - misschien wel zeven, voor Slade abrupt weer tot stilstand kwam, alsof hij zich op dit zekere moment heel plotseling iets realiseerde. De snavel draaide zich een stuk naar links, een ijskoud oog priemend over zijn schouder. Donker leer wentelde zich om zijn benen toen hij zich vervolgens geheel omdraaide, kalmpjes toekijkend hoe Brekker de afstand moeizaam aflegde. De manier hoe de jongeman naar zijn zij had gegrepen - het feit hoe hij een uitgestreken, statische uitdrukking trachtte aan te houden, hoewel de pijn zo nu en dan toch doorschemerde: allicht had het geoefend oog voor lichamelijke klachten van de dokter al wel opgemerkt dat het niet zo goed met de dief ging. Helemaal niet goed. Brekker oogde flets, met diepe, donkere wallen onder zijn ogen; alsof hij nachten niet had geslapen en ieder moment recht voor zijn lederen laarzen tegen de smoezelige straatstenen neer kon smakken. Zo ver hij zich kon herinneren - of, beter gezegd: hoe hij zich hem kon herinneren op die éne betreffende dag - had de jonge man altijd al een nevelige, zwartgallige schaduw over zijn voorkomen gehad, droeg het als een mantel in persona. Dit moest hoe dan ook toch wel het toppunt van zijn guurheid zijn, zelfs voor hem. "Oh dear," sprak de plaagdokter desondanks luchtig. "You need some rescuing?" Het leek erop dat hij het er precies om deed. Maar Slade was hoe dan ook niet alleen maar één en al cynisme, hoezeer dat wel zo mocht lijken. Hij zou hem opvangen, mocht dat nodig zijn, hem op zijn rug nemen, mocht zijn lichaam er daadwerkelijk mee uitscheiden voor vandaag - en jeetje, Slade, want ben je vrijgevig vandaag: hij zou zelfs misschien wel kleine pruttelgeluidjes maken als een briesend paard terwijl ze het licht aan de horizon tegemoet hobbelden. De dief had het geluk dat hij hem wel mocht. Nauwkeurig koos de plaagdokter een meer afgelegen route via de achtersteegjes uit, enigszins van de meute verwijderd, en hield zijn pas nu wel iets in zodat Kaz hem bij kon houden. Zwijgend bekeek hij het van kleur onttrokken gelaat van de dief met een zijdelingse blik. Ah - natuurlijk werd het onderwerp aangesneden over genocide. Omineus glimlachend onder zijn masker hoorde hij zijn woorden aan, zijn hoofd gedraaid om een blik te werpen op de rookpluimen die boven de achterwijken nakringelden. Heel verschrikkelijk allemaal. "A night of mortal judgement. And perhaps, some would even say - a cleansing. At the end of the day, a false sense of peace always roams about," sprak hij zacht. Zijn zilverblauwe haviksogen vernauwden zich, en de klank in zijn stem tastte zich zwaar aan met een grauwend, moeilijk te plaatsen emotie die de lucht bezwangerde met een ongure ambiance. "Praise the mutilated world." Dat was alles wat hij erover te zeggen had. Voor nu. De scherpe ogen achter de kijkgaten flitsten de vuile achterstraatjes door, de omgeving onderwijl scannend. Het duurde niet lang meer voor ze er waren. "All idle talk aside," verbrak Slade de stilte, akelig kalm in contrast met zijn vorige woorden. "I dare to say that I'm the one who's a bit disappointed.." Veelbetekenend hield hij zijn pas iets in; de snavel opzij gedraaid naar de jonge dief, zijn wenkbrauwen iets gefronst. Smart achter zijn glazen kijkgaten - of in ieder geval iets dat daarop moest lijken. "I had the pleasure of admiring your face plastered all over local notice boards," gaf hij hem te kennen. "Tell me why I had the pleasure of admiring your face plastered all over local notice boards, Brekker?" Het klonk daadwerkelijk haast teneergeslagen - als een vader die diep, diep teleurgesteld was in zijn zoon. |
- Geen probleem!
- Kaz BrekkerAdministrator
- Aantal berichten : 1327
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Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar
Re: Here's the deal
ma apr 02, 2018 5:03 pm
Greed bows to me. It is my servant and my lever.
Kaz didn't want to feel like this. This.. this nervousness yet also a pinch of anger. No matter how much Kaz owed Slade, he would never like him. Maybe it was the job the doctor carried, the fact that he seemed to know more than Kaz had ever told him or the fact that overall.. his appearance actually scared him. Every time he saw that wretched mask, the dark clothing and those soulless eyes, he got the feeling that this was inded the end, that everything up to this point had been a lie and it just had been a figment of his imagination and he was actually still bleeding out on that horrible street. A nightmare that seemed to get more real the more days passed.
Kaz bit his lip and rolled his eyes, though it was more out of annoyance, the grip on his cane strenghtened. he had to control himself if he didn't want the same situation like the one with Aella. He was in no mood, or health for that matter, to run away from one of his creations once again. Kaz breathed in deeply, heald it for a few seconds and exhaled, calming down his nerves. Or at least, trying to. ''Make sure you don't choke on that tongue of yours.'' He grumbled, not really wanting to get into an argument once again, but also feeling quite done with the way Slade was treating him. Though, he probably caused it himself, knowing that he hadn't been the most friendly.
The fact that Slade, of course, knew that Kaz wasn't doing all to well, almost on the brink of death he if was allowed to exaggerate, didn't really make him more happier. But, he appreciated the way the doctor seemed to slow down a bit, giving Kaz more time to pick up the pace to walk next to him. ''Depends.'' If it meant touching, Kaz would rather just say 'no thank you' and walk on, counting on his body to fix itself if he just took a little more rest. Which he probably wouldn't, but that was just pure speculation up to this point.
''Such a positive outlook on life.'' He mumbled, trying to walk more straight but he went back to his hunched position within a few seconds, hating himself for looking this weak, this exposed. ''People are people. Rich, poor, sick, handicapped. In the end we all come from the same species. We should be treated equally no matter what.'' What a righteous thing of him to say while he was almost at the bottom of the ladder. Maybe if he truly got rich, he would think otherwhise, but for now, he stuck to his words, for once actually meaning something.
The sudden stop had him almost bumping into the doctor. But just as he was about to, he managed to hold back, blinking a few times as if he had to get out some trance, before looking at Slade, raising an eyebrow. Shortly after hearing his words, realizing what they meant, Kaz bursted out laughing, as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world. It took him a few moments to asess himself, but a smile stayed on his face. ''Are you for real, Slade?'' He chuckled, sarcastically raising an eyebrow while his eyes slid to the notice board to look at the pamphlet. The price wasn't even that high. ''Isn't it a part of my job? Isn't my job a reason enough to be disappointed?'' He walked closer, tearin one of the papers off the board to look at it. He frowned, this picture wasn't even like him. Ah well, less trouble with people who would recognize him on the streets. ''But if you truly and desperately want to know,'' he added a little break for extra dramatic effect, ''I swindled the Commander of Vanaheim, stole a ship, managed to break it and then basically left her to die.'' he frowned again, looking back at the pamphlet. ''Which she clearly didn't.'' he added, crumbling the paper and throwing it on the ground. He kept his mouth shut about Aella, not wanting Slade to get more into his business.
''Anything else you want to know about me?''
Kaz bit his lip and rolled his eyes, though it was more out of annoyance, the grip on his cane strenghtened. he had to control himself if he didn't want the same situation like the one with Aella. He was in no mood, or health for that matter, to run away from one of his creations once again. Kaz breathed in deeply, heald it for a few seconds and exhaled, calming down his nerves. Or at least, trying to. ''Make sure you don't choke on that tongue of yours.'' He grumbled, not really wanting to get into an argument once again, but also feeling quite done with the way Slade was treating him. Though, he probably caused it himself, knowing that he hadn't been the most friendly.
The fact that Slade, of course, knew that Kaz wasn't doing all to well, almost on the brink of death he if was allowed to exaggerate, didn't really make him more happier. But, he appreciated the way the doctor seemed to slow down a bit, giving Kaz more time to pick up the pace to walk next to him. ''Depends.'' If it meant touching, Kaz would rather just say 'no thank you' and walk on, counting on his body to fix itself if he just took a little more rest. Which he probably wouldn't, but that was just pure speculation up to this point.
''Such a positive outlook on life.'' He mumbled, trying to walk more straight but he went back to his hunched position within a few seconds, hating himself for looking this weak, this exposed. ''People are people. Rich, poor, sick, handicapped. In the end we all come from the same species. We should be treated equally no matter what.'' What a righteous thing of him to say while he was almost at the bottom of the ladder. Maybe if he truly got rich, he would think otherwhise, but for now, he stuck to his words, for once actually meaning something.
The sudden stop had him almost bumping into the doctor. But just as he was about to, he managed to hold back, blinking a few times as if he had to get out some trance, before looking at Slade, raising an eyebrow. Shortly after hearing his words, realizing what they meant, Kaz bursted out laughing, as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world. It took him a few moments to asess himself, but a smile stayed on his face. ''Are you for real, Slade?'' He chuckled, sarcastically raising an eyebrow while his eyes slid to the notice board to look at the pamphlet. The price wasn't even that high. ''Isn't it a part of my job? Isn't my job a reason enough to be disappointed?'' He walked closer, tearin one of the papers off the board to look at it. He frowned, this picture wasn't even like him. Ah well, less trouble with people who would recognize him on the streets. ''But if you truly and desperately want to know,'' he added a little break for extra dramatic effect, ''I swindled the Commander of Vanaheim, stole a ship, managed to break it and then basically left her to die.'' he frowned again, looking back at the pamphlet. ''Which she clearly didn't.'' he added, crumbling the paper and throwing it on the ground. He kept his mouth shut about Aella, not wanting Slade to get more into his business.
''Anything else you want to know about me?''
tag: Slade ma boi
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Excuses voor deze flutpost
- Thriumph MediciMember
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Re: Here's the deal
ma apr 02, 2018 7:53 pm
Gouden ei Geluksvogels! Jullie hebben het gouden ei weten te vinden. Open het ei en kies uit één van de onderstaande ’talenten’ om je karakter een upgrade te geven. Bekijk hieronder gauw wat het ei voor jullie zal onthullen. - Genees kleine wonden bij jezelf of een ander - Onder water ademen - Verbeterde weerstand tegen poisons - Roep een klein dier op (snek, goudvis, varken, roofvogel, vos, pad) - Laat de aura van een persoon zien - Vertraag de tijd om je heen voor een aantal seconden |
- Denzel SladeMember
- Aantal berichten : 59
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Occupation: ̶Q̶u̶a̶c̶k̶ best doctor
Residence : Navarre
Re: Here's the deal
ma apr 16, 2018 3:27 pm
Slade liet de boel de boel, wetende dat het een eeuwig spel van ronddartelingen bleef als hij dit bleef voeden. In plaats daarvan bleef de plaagdokter geamuseerd glimlachend op zijn plek staan, de snavel ietsje opgeheven om het sarcasme dat Brekker hem terug smeet als een verfrissende regenbui over hem heen te laten komen. "Couldn't have phrased it any better myself," klonk het gladjes op de edelmoedige kijk die de dief op het volk had, hoewel er moeilijk een vinger te leggen viel op of hij het nu daadwerkelijk meende of niet. Held. Maar hij leek duidelijk niet geamuseerd toen Kaz losbarstte in een luide lach. Really now? In een langzame manoeuvre plaatste hij een hand in zijn zij en wachtte zo in nijd af tot Brekker uitgelachen was, weliswaar gekrenkt. Zijn borst welde een aantal keer zichtbaar op in al het leer in pogingen zijn eigenwaarde te behouden. Laugh then, should you feel the need. Nu kan het nog. Zijn kille blik volgde onbeweeglijk het tot een prop verfrommelde pamflet dat over de straattegels stuiterde. Het was de gehele achterliggende reden waarom hij zich nog niet ontdaan had van zijn masker, zelfs niet na Brekkers vriendelijke verzoek. Waarom hij er zo secuur werk van maakte om een labyrint-achtige route via de achtersteegjes te nemen. Omzichtig - en ja: zelfs een beetje uitkijkend voor de geborgenheid van de jonge dief. Hij wist namelijk niet hoe ernstig de aanklacht jegens hem gold - als die überhaupt nog in kracht was. Hij voelde er weinig voor om zonder vermomming met Brekker gezien te worden. Maar hier stonden ze: hij die zijn nek voor de zoveelste keer voor het ondankbaar stuk mankepoot uitstak, Brekker die verzwolgen was door zijn arrogantie en - wat leek op - afreflecterende zelfhaat om zijn eigen miscalculaties. Ervan uitgaande dat hij koningen en dames op zijn spelbord confronteerde met zijn zwakke pionnen. De realisatie dat de jonge dief hem nu sterk deed denken aan een verwend klein kind, hysterisch om gemorste melk en de consequenties die onvermijdelijk zijn pad zouden kruisen na het spelen van zo'n gevaarlijk spel. Een kind met een klein, staalhard speelgoedschildje om die verantwoordelijkheden vervolgens af te stoten, dat enkel zijn eigen wijsheden wilde aanvaren binnen zijn zelfgecreëerde coconnetje. Het was afschuwelijk. "No," verbrak de dokter loom de stilte, een sinistere kalmte voor een storm huizend in zijn stem. "You clearly did not." Zijn toon stempelde het laatste met nadruk: misnoegd en afdalend in een nijd die nog niet helemaal woede kon worden genoemd, maar zeker hetzelfde beangstigende effect teweeg kon brengen. Gruis schraapte onder het uiteinde van de ziekenstaf die hij een meter van zijn laarzen af had gezet, als een scepter van een edelman, toen hij deze een stukje opgooide om het soepel bij het midden op te vangen. "You did whatever 'work' came your way to survive, correct?" vervolgde Slade kalmpjes terwijl zijn benen hem in beweging brachten. Onder het masker tuitte hij zuinig zijn lippen. Vingers trommelden op leer bij de plek van zijn heup terwijl de nachtzwarte plaagdokter in een trage, kuierende pas om Kaz heen cirkelde, starend door de zielloze lege ogen van zijn masker. Haast in dezelfde wijze hoe een roofdier zijn prooi stalkte, voor hij er in een eruptie van fataliteit een einde aan maakte. De snavel wendde zich een moment van hem af om bedachtzaam een blik te werpen op de overrazende wolken boven hen, zijn hoofd daarbij in zijn nek gelegd en de indruk wekkend dat hij daadwerkelijk moest nadenken over zijn woorden; alsof deze niet allang achter zijn huig lagen te wachten om als gif de wereld in te worden geslingerd. "But how, one might wonder?" lispelde hij tegen de bloedrode hemel, de quasi-verwondering moeiteloos aanhoudend. "A disabled man does not go very far. A crippled thief is a broken pawn as any, and in this case this very pawn doesn't hold the authority to move many spaces. How will you stealth around? How will you conceal your thumping footsteps? How will you walk stairs? How will you make a run for it? For example." De snavel draaide zich een moment schuin Brekker's kant op bij die fluistering, even stoppend in zijn pas, als ware het dat het starende masker antwoorden verwachtte op die retorische vragen. "The simple hypothesis is: you rarely do." Het antwoord dat hij zichzelf verschafte droeg een harde zweem van bitterheid en was als een scheur die in een egaal spiegeloppervlakte sprong, zijn façade in een klap beëindigend. Zonder zijn blik van de dief af te scheuren, pakte de dokter zijn tred weer op. "Not on the grand plays, at the least. Because I think it's not just you operating the big tasks in your pitiful condition, as smooth, quick operation is paramount for success. You are but a face behind a bigger organisation. Am I poking in the right direction? A blinking light next to a dozen others - and when they unveil you, they unveil the rest. Slowly, yes, but surely. Like a spreading disease." Slade's omineuze gestalte keerde zich nu met zijn borst in de richting van zijn jongere kompaan, zijn armen licht opgeheven. "I dearly hope it came to your attention any member of law enforcement can connect these dots. Your limp, the defiled gold in your pockets and the stained ropes that are your unlucky ties with people of importance - which, I dare to say, won't entangle with just the Commander of Mother's Heart alone, given the fact that you already made such a crude mistake - are plain give-aways at any interrogation. For them, it's child's play. They will pin you down like wild game once they get the chance, dogs of the law. Blow out your candles one by one. Why would that all matter to me?" Het dreigende cirkelen vloeide bijna onopmerkelijk over in een kaarsrechte tred in de richting van Kaz terwijl hij de laatste meters naar het notitiebord overbrugde, zijn obscure gedaante vlak voor hem opstellend. Traag, maar stelliger dan voorheen. Een groeiend onheil. "Let me explain you something. I pay my taxes and my fee in order to be allowed to conduct my business, therefore making me - what one would call - a very devoutly peer of the realm, yes? I'd like my slate to remain clean. Unscratched. Unstained. Even though you're likely not in the same position anymore, you surely understand," prezelde hij luchtig tussen neus en lippen door, onderwijl een los knoopje van Kaz' overjas heel vaderlijk door het gaatje halend. De in leer gestoken vingers zochten loom hun weg naar boven, richting het jeugdige gezicht. "But you messed up," haalde hij de dief toen met zachte fluwelen stem aan terwijl hij hem niet onvoorzichtig in een wang kneep, een zuinige maar geamuseerde trek zichtbaar aan zijn houding. Alsof hij hem op deze plagerige wijze terecht wilde stellen. "In doing so, you spread your disease even outside your little band of thieves, with chance of infecting everyone that may have a connection to you, thus scraping my slate with your recklessness. And why am I telling you this?" Onder zijn fluisteringen helde hij zijn bovenlichaam naar Kaz toe, als ware het dat hij hem een groot geheim wilde vertellen. "You see - " Die kalmte bleek echter pure schijn, toen de plaagdokter geheel onverwachts met een luide dreun een gehandschoende hand tegen het notitiebord sloeg, op maar een paar enkele centimeters van Kaz' gezicht verwijderd. Alle tekenen van hartelijkheid, speelse allures en sluiers van kalmte voorheen leken als donderslag aan een heldere hemel te zijn weggeveegd, hadden hun definitie verloren - of, hadden deze zelfs ook nooit maar gehad. Er sidderde niets anders dan puur venijn in de zielloze kijkgaten die zich tot op nog geen vijf centimeter afstand van die van de dief posteerden - en zijn normaal zo kalme, diepe stem: nu een hees gesis dat zijn zinnen rap en sardonisch vormgaven. Als diabolische verdorvenheid een geluid had gehad, zou het zo hebben geklonken: "You venture so bravely into your den of sins, and really, you pilot your affairs and I do mine - but what do you stand to gain like this? Do I nurse you back to health just so you can screw up? No, I don't. I'm not a buffer you can use at your disposal, unconsciously or not, because as it is, boy, I need to patch you up by default. Am I making myself perfectly clear?" De onnozelaar hield een vlam vervaarlijk dicht bij de lont die zijn slapende toorn was. Het was een lange lont, dat zeker, maar de explosieven aan het uiteinde waren van ongenaakbare kracht. Kwaad kreeg je hem niet snel, maar als het eenmaal gebeurde - "Your world is full of quicksand, Kaz Brekker," siste Slade met enige walging terwijl hij zich uiteindelijk van het bord afduwde, weer enige ruimte tussen hen creërend. "Don't anger me." |
- Kaz BrekkerAdministrator
- Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116
Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar
Re: Here's the deal
do apr 26, 2018 12:07 pm
Greed bows to me. It is my servant and my lever.
It was obvious the doctor wasn't as amused as Kaz was. While he softly chuckled and watched the paper he had tossed on the ground, he couldn't help but think of what this all meant. Did he truly didn't care that there was a price on his head? Was thife now, going somewhere, inflict havoc, disappear, only to return months later to do the same thing over and over again? He enjoyed it, so why would he give a fuck. Kaz positioned himself so his bad leg could rest a little, thinking that by the look of Slade's face they would be here for a while.
And here they went. Kaz surpressed a sigh and had a hard time not rolling with his eyes, but instead narrowed them a little and followed Slade's every movement with precision. Who knew what the doctor was capable of? Kaz wouldn't exactly be too surprised if he stabbed him in the back, but for now all it seemed to be was a rant. Kaz was used to them and Slade's words did very little damage. The thief stood where he was, letting the doctor hover around him, though he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. If the other didn't watch out, he might just stab Kaz his eye out with that mask. Maybe that was even his plan.
Kaz did want to answer on the questions, debunk them and tell the doctor how wrong he was. How else had he survived until now? He might be a cripple, but he knew how to work around his handicap. Years of experience got you that. But before he could even open his mouth, the doctor continued and Kaz was left with a sour taste in his mouth and the irritation that he was put in a place he didn't and couldn't find himself in. Whatever view Slade had of him, it was wrong.
Ah, and here it was. The syndicate. The fact that the doctor didn't even believe that Kaz could pull off whatever he was doing, angered him. The syndicate had only been a small step into the right direction. He was no puppet, at least he believed that. He could do whatever he wanted to, he could steal whatever he wanted to steal and if he wanted, he could even murder whoever he wanted to murder. And right now, the doctor was climbing higher and higher on that list. Kaz furrowed his brow, his eyes cold and angry, staring right back into those void glasses of the mask.
But that all changed when the other walked over to him and got a little too close. Kaz already wanted to take a step back, distancing himself from the man in order to keep his nerves under control. But he was frozen in place as soon as Slade's hand pinched his cheek. The anger in his eyes changed to fear, just for a brief moment. The contact hadn't exactly been skin on skin, but it was enough for Kaz to recall memories he wanted to forget.
Kaz closed his eyes and turned his head slightly away, scared, when Slade punched the board. The thief tried to control his breathing, not wanting the doctor getting more on his nerves. But it happened and all Kaz could do was wait it out. He opened his eyes again, watching the man carefully. He tried to hide the anxiety rumbleing in his chest and he even more tried to hide his fear, but Kaz knew that it probably would be written on his face in capital letters.
Nonetheless, he breathed out, taking a few moments before he spoke and then continued as if nothing had happened. ''Thank you for being so concerned about my wellbeing.'' He started, though his voice wasn't as stable as he had hoped. ''But as it may have occured to you, I've been doing this for quite a few years now,'' almsot ten to bexact, but he withheald that information, ''and I always find a way to get out my problems.'' He let a silence fall for a short moment, the anger now fully back. ''Always.'' He added with clenched teeth. He put his cane next to him, allowing himself to take a few steps forward, away from the noticeboard, away from that entire rant that had fallen over him like a monstrous storm that wanted nothing but destruction. ''And if I don't, I had it coming.'' He turned around, facing Slade, the grip on his cane strong, the beak poking into his skin. ''I am very well aware of what my actions inflict, I know I am just a lamb to be offered to a hungry tiger'', He hissed, pointing his cane at Slade. ''I don't need to hear it from you or from anybody else.'' Unable to keep his balance he put down the cane, but the anger stayed in his eyes like a ferocious animal, ready to pounce on its prey. ''Everybody is a king at their own chesstable Slade, and they can be if they make the right moves. So, see me as a broken pawn, but I am well on my way to become a king.'' And with that, he ended his tirade, almost feeling out of breath, but somewhere content that he manged to get those words out of his mouth. They might not bee as fancy as those of the doctor, but they, hopefully, conveyed the message.
And here they went. Kaz surpressed a sigh and had a hard time not rolling with his eyes, but instead narrowed them a little and followed Slade's every movement with precision. Who knew what the doctor was capable of? Kaz wouldn't exactly be too surprised if he stabbed him in the back, but for now all it seemed to be was a rant. Kaz was used to them and Slade's words did very little damage. The thief stood where he was, letting the doctor hover around him, though he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. If the other didn't watch out, he might just stab Kaz his eye out with that mask. Maybe that was even his plan.
Kaz did want to answer on the questions, debunk them and tell the doctor how wrong he was. How else had he survived until now? He might be a cripple, but he knew how to work around his handicap. Years of experience got you that. But before he could even open his mouth, the doctor continued and Kaz was left with a sour taste in his mouth and the irritation that he was put in a place he didn't and couldn't find himself in. Whatever view Slade had of him, it was wrong.
Ah, and here it was. The syndicate. The fact that the doctor didn't even believe that Kaz could pull off whatever he was doing, angered him. The syndicate had only been a small step into the right direction. He was no puppet, at least he believed that. He could do whatever he wanted to, he could steal whatever he wanted to steal and if he wanted, he could even murder whoever he wanted to murder. And right now, the doctor was climbing higher and higher on that list. Kaz furrowed his brow, his eyes cold and angry, staring right back into those void glasses of the mask.
But that all changed when the other walked over to him and got a little too close. Kaz already wanted to take a step back, distancing himself from the man in order to keep his nerves under control. But he was frozen in place as soon as Slade's hand pinched his cheek. The anger in his eyes changed to fear, just for a brief moment. The contact hadn't exactly been skin on skin, but it was enough for Kaz to recall memories he wanted to forget.
Kaz closed his eyes and turned his head slightly away, scared, when Slade punched the board. The thief tried to control his breathing, not wanting the doctor getting more on his nerves. But it happened and all Kaz could do was wait it out. He opened his eyes again, watching the man carefully. He tried to hide the anxiety rumbleing in his chest and he even more tried to hide his fear, but Kaz knew that it probably would be written on his face in capital letters.
Nonetheless, he breathed out, taking a few moments before he spoke and then continued as if nothing had happened. ''Thank you for being so concerned about my wellbeing.'' He started, though his voice wasn't as stable as he had hoped. ''But as it may have occured to you, I've been doing this for quite a few years now,'' almsot ten to bexact, but he withheald that information, ''and I always find a way to get out my problems.'' He let a silence fall for a short moment, the anger now fully back. ''Always.'' He added with clenched teeth. He put his cane next to him, allowing himself to take a few steps forward, away from the noticeboard, away from that entire rant that had fallen over him like a monstrous storm that wanted nothing but destruction. ''And if I don't, I had it coming.'' He turned around, facing Slade, the grip on his cane strong, the beak poking into his skin. ''I am very well aware of what my actions inflict, I know I am just a lamb to be offered to a hungry tiger'', He hissed, pointing his cane at Slade. ''I don't need to hear it from you or from anybody else.'' Unable to keep his balance he put down the cane, but the anger stayed in his eyes like a ferocious animal, ready to pounce on its prey. ''Everybody is a king at their own chesstable Slade, and they can be if they make the right moves. So, see me as a broken pawn, but I am well on my way to become a king.'' And with that, he ended his tirade, almost feeling out of breath, but somewhere content that he manged to get those words out of his mouth. They might not bee as fancy as those of the doctor, but they, hopefully, conveyed the message.
tag: Slade ma boi
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