Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
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Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Violent candy Empty Violent candy

ma maa 12, 2018 8:01 pm

may never die

With a deep sigh the man got up and pulled up his pants. It took him a minute before he was able to buckle his belt again. The alcohol was still rushing through his body, making it kind of hard to focus on the job. From the bed, the younger woman was still panting. The room smelled like sweat, alcohol and sex. When he was done with his belt, he picked up his shirt from the ground and pulled it over his head. In an attempt to fix his hair, he ruffled his hand through it and pushed it to the side a bit. From his pocket, he picked the pack of cigarettes and lighted one with the fire of one of the candles that was burning on the table. He grabbed his sword and attached it to his belt. ”Don’t you wanna stay a bit longer?” The girl asked, her voice desirous. ”Not this time”, He said with his signature smile around his lips. With those words he left the room, leaving the girl behind.

The stairs creaked when he made his way down. He went right for the door, leaving the brothel without paying the services he had enjoyed a moment ago. He still felt quite euphoric, thanks to the alcohol and the release of endorphins. The streets were still crowded, but it didn’t surprise him. Not anymore. He should be heading back to the Shark now, but he didn’t feel like it. So he decided to wander the streets, in search for something exciting. And as if the Drowned God was feeling generous tonight, he suddenly came eye to eye with the last person he had ever expected here. ”Commander Raccoon”, He said with a grin, his amber eyes focused on hers intensely as he tried to figure out why exactly she was here at this very moment.


Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

ma maa 12, 2018 8:08 pm
fiercer than fire
Commander Raccoon. There was only one person who had called her that and had lived to tell the tale. The brown-haired woman looked at the man that had somehow appeared in front of her, raising a brow as she always did. She had not forgotten him. No, not even close. He was probably one of the few faces she wouldn’t forget in her lifetime, considering how their first meeting had gone. It had been… a story to tell for sure.

Where a normal, socially apt person would probably greet him with a smile, she kept the expression for a while before she responded. “Captain Smartass.” What a way to greet a person. Yet, for the first time in a few weeks, a slight smile formed on her lips. “I didn’t expect to encounter you here.” Well. To be fair - she could’ve expected him here. But, what were the odds of actually running into him? She kind of expected him to be at sea most of the time.  
tag: Captain Smartass
notes: ~
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

ma maa 12, 2018 9:23 pm

may never die

Not in a million years had he expected to run into her. He couldn’t imagine her leaving Vanaheim, as she was so devoted to her people. Glued to her throne, or whatever she sat on while ruling. Maybe she was here for business, but his mind didn’t make that connection. Yet. Normally he would hate to be so out of control, but for once he didn’t mind. He didn’t feel as vulnerable as he sometimes did when he was in this state of mind. Otherwise he would have gone back straight to his ship. His private quarters being the only safe space available nearby. But he was feeling fine, now more than ever. Meeting Lexa here made his evening even more interesting.

It took her a while to respond to his greeting, but he didn’t even notice. Time was a concept he couldn’t quite grasp at the moment. “Captain Smartass.” She finally replied, a soft smile curling around her lip. The man chuckled amused, shaking his head shortly. “I didn’t expect to encounter you here.” She continued. This time he pulled up one of his eyebrows in a surprised expression. ”Yeah you are not in a position at all to say that, you know that right?” He laughed. ”You finally left that God forsaken place you call home or what?” He continued, teasing her a little bit by adding a wink to his words.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

ma maa 12, 2018 9:35 pm
fiercer than fire
She wasn’t really in a position to say that, the guy told her. Maybe not… Ah well. She shrugged for a second, listening to his following question. She placed her hand on her chest, raising her brows a bit to try and get a bit of an innocnt expression. As she had taken off her makeup to not stand out too much in Rhoynar, it might even work. Just a little. “But Romeo, I came here to run away from that God Forsaken place and live my life at sea,” she said, sighing in what was supposed to sound full of agony. Nah, she had been here on business. To be fair, she hated the smell of the ocean. It was more salty than people online who just lost a fight.
tag: Captain Smartass
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

ma maa 12, 2018 10:30 pm

may never die

Calling her Raccoon without her make-up smeared across her face sure was a weird experience. But he couldn’t just not call her that. He’d just pretend he was talking to her inner Raccoon. It made him wonder why she wasn’t painted though. She didn’t look the same, but maybe that was the point. He sometimes tried to imagine what he would look like now, if his tattoos weren’t permanent and he could take them off whenever he wanted. But his tattoos were as much part of him as his distinct amber eyes. So he wondered how she was feeling right now. Exposed? Probably. Out of place too, if he had to guess. She didn’t seem as confident as he remembered her to be. But that could also be the fault of his intoxicated brain.

“But Romeo, I came here to run away from that God Forsaken place and live my life at sea,” She replied to his comment. This time he didn’t hold back his laughter. ”You? A life at sea?” He roared, drawing the attention of some people that passed by. ”Have you even been on a ship, Raccoon? Cause I doubt you’d voluntarily get on another one if you sailed all the way from Vanaheim to Rhoynar”, He continued, a bit too loud. He was unaware of the fact she was trying to hide her identity, therefore he wasn’t really careful of who might be listening to his words.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

ma maa 12, 2018 10:54 pm
fiercer than fire
Her eyebrows raised a bit as he roared. He seemed amused at the thought of her being at sea and she sighed again. “I just want to get away from it all, from the mad men that haunt that God Forsaken place.” Maybe she should run away and start a life as an actress? Who knew. To be fair, the only reason she could say this without sounding like she didn’t mean it, was because the past few months had been rougher on her than they ever had been and she wouldn’t mind to run away from it all. But, she knew she had to go on and so she would.
And no, I came by horse. Looking for a ship, actually. If I had known I’d find you here I might’ve waited before I paid someone else…” she spoke, as she raised a brow once more. Though she doubted it’d be a good idea to spend a few weeks with this boy right here.
tag: Captain Smartass
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

ma maa 12, 2018 11:20 pm

may never die

It seemed like she was in a much more depressed mood than he was. Or it was all fake and he was buying it. Which was perfectly possible. Normally he’d sense when someone was tricking or deceiving him, but at this point he didn’t even care to find out. To be alert, to stay on guard. He simply couldn’t. He had let go of that control. Hopefully that didn’t turn out to have been a bad decision. Anyways, back to dramatic Raccoon. “I just want to get away from it all, from the mad men that haunt that God Forsaken place.” She said. Romeo squinted his eyes a bit. ”You know, if you want to forget I got something that might help”, He then said with a grin. Alcohol! Of course. Because alcohol is a solution. Not that our dear Romeo was a chemist or anything, or smart in science, for that matter. But he knew it worked, so there’s that.

“And no, I came by horse. Looking for a ship, actually. If I had known I’d find you here I might’ve waited before I paid someone else…” She admitted, after which he looked at her a bit offended. ”As if I had done it for free”, He joked. She probably wouldn’t have paid that much though, but still. He had a crew to pay, so at least a small fee would be needed to keep them happy. ”Where do you want to go so badly that you are actually getting on a ship though?” He then asked, curiously. Though he looked around for a second. ”Hold on, don’t answer that. Let’s go somewhere more private”, He suggested. There were enough rooftops to sit on that were out of reach of curious eyes and ears.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

di maa 13, 2018 6:47 pm
fiercer than fire
If she truly wanted to forget something, he knew what would help. A single eyebrow got raised once more before she spoke. “And what could that possibly be?” Oh, no. She probably should not start drinking with the young man here, as she tended to get way too much like a regular 20-something year old girl when she drank. You know? Less of a Commander than she already was, it was awful.

I paid him a few hundred,” she said, thinking about it, while smiling at Romeo. When he asked the next question, she was about to answer, when he seemed to decide that they should go somewhere else before they spoke more, though. She shrugged. “I am not familiar with this place - where would you have us go?” She could leave this up to him. She wouldn’t mind catching up with Romeo, he was interesting company and she couldn’t leave this place just yet anyways.
tag: Captain Smartass
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

wo maa 14, 2018 2:06 pm

may never die

As he remembered, she had never been drunk. If he remembered correctly, that was. His memory was kinda blurry. But it was his personal mission to get her drunk at least one day in the future. The near future, preferably. “And what could that possibly be?” She asked, a little suspicious. The grin on his face broadened. ”Rum, of course”, He replied cheerfully. He didn’t expect her to actually accept his offer, but he could always try. She probably wouldn’t even need much to get tipsy, as she had no resistance to it at all. He could easily drink a whole bottle by himself and not feel a thing. It was just how things went on a ship. Fresh water was hard to come by, so for long journeys the whole crew sipped liquor. If they found an island with a water source, then they could restock their water, but in the meantime they had to be thrifty with it.

So she hadn’t been on a boat yet, as he expected. But she would board one soon. She had hired someone to take her somewhere, apparently. And she thought she could get a free ride with him? Didn’t think so. “I paid him a few hundred,” She replied. Romeo chuckled amused. ”Yeah you’ve been scammed”, He said. He suspected she had paid him in advance, and would pay more when they arrived. She would be lucky to ever see the man again. He got curious about her destination though, but they shouldn’t be discussing that here. “I am not familiar with this place - where would you have us go?” She asked. Romeo looked around for a second. ”We could either go to the Shark, or we climb the roofs”, He suggested. It would depend on if she wanted to have a view while they were chatting or not. "The Shark has booze though", He grinned, as if that would make it easier to decide.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

vr maa 16, 2018 11:35 am
fiercer than fire
Rum, he said. Lexa sighed once. “Of course,” she smiled. Why was she even surprised? She pulled her hand through her hair, kind of feeling weird that it was hanging fully loose, rather than being half-tied up at the back to keep it out of her face. She had never been a woman to care much for her looks in general. She kept things clean, but no one would call her tidy, with her hair in a mess and makeup that would scare a raccoon.

He said that she was scammed and she shrugged once. “Can’t do it by the books, sadly,” she said. And, she hadn’t paid him yet, so there’s that. She’d pay him before they took off - but from there he’d already have to go with. “And I’ll cut his throat otherwise.” I mean. If she got scammed she would. She’d just declare him an enemy of Vanaheim, deport him and then execute him. All good.

The Shark had booze. Lexa thought about it for a second, but sighed after a few. “I’m curious, so let’s head to the Shark.” She could fend for herself quite well, so she wasn’t scared to head to this guy’s shark. Because of reasons that involved a huge Monster, he had seen her home after all. So, it was nothing weird that she was curious to see his beloved Shark. He could’ve come up with a more impressive name, though.
tag: Captain Smartass
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

vr maa 16, 2018 11:55 pm

may never die

There were a lot of positive sides to alcohol. Generally speaking, he was more relaxed, less aggressive towards others, capable of having an actual conversation, no anxiety around strangers, his usual triggers were way down and he was in a much better mood. But there were also downsides, of course. Like how he tended to overshare. ”Do you think I’d be like this if it wasn’t for the liquor?” He replied to her words, his eyebrows pulled up in a questioning look. Oh how he would regret this. She had met him when he was in her territory, which meant he had been doing his very best to keep control over his emotions. He only remembered freaking out internally when she had demanded him to have his wound checked out by her doctor. But he hadn’t expressed that panic. Here in Brightwater Keep, he let go of that control much more. In this neighbourhood, people feared him for what he was capable of if something snapped.

But she didn’t know that. His words could confuse her, or she would just brush it off. Or it would get lost in the next subject. Which was her confession that she needed a boat, and that it cost her way more than she would pay a fair sailor. Even though those were hard to find in Brightwater Keep these days. “Can’t do it by the books, sadly,” She reacted after shrugging lightly. “And I’ll cut his throat otherwise.” She continued. Romeo inhaled sharply through his nose. ”I love how you say that so casually”, He admitted with his signature smirk around his lips. “I’m curious, so let’s head to the Shark.” She then said. The Shark it was. He gestured to follow him and turned around, feeling the gaze of several people burning on his back while he lead the way to his ship.

There were only a few crew members walking around on the deck. The others were probably getting drunk somewhere too. But he always made sure there were a couple of people left to guard the ship. The gangplank creaked when he climbed it. He nodded to the guard closest to him, who turned around and strolled away again when he noticed it was just the Captain. He didn’t even acknowledge his company, probably thinking she was just one of those girls he sometimes brought along. Romeo walked over to the door to his private quarters and opened it. It was an organised mess inside, the room was cluttered with various items collected on journeys to far places. ”Welcome aboard”, He joked, while closing the door behind her. There was currently only one candle burning, but soon he started lighting the others as well, so the room was more lit and they could actually see each other. He pointed to the comfortable couch, that obviously was not a part of the original furniture. ”Take a seat”, He instructed, while he went looking for that booze he was talking about earlier.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

zo maa 25, 2018 1:11 pm
fiercer than fire
Almost instantly she had decided she didn’t like his crew. Probably the way they looked at her. But, she wasn’t exactly planning to assert her dominance by fighting his crew. She was here as a visitor, out of her usual, safe space. She better bahve, or she’d cause way more trouble than she was willing to put up with.

Romeo’s chamber looked… interesting. She raised a brow at his couch. “Are you sure it’s… clean?” Way to go, Lexa. But, she didn’t want to sit on a couch where he had been rolling with the entire female population of Rhoynar. She’d take a chair if that was the case. Standing there, waiting for his answer, she looked around a bit. She didn’t like the feeling of the ship, though it was doable this close to land. She bet as soon as they’d hit the waters, she’d feel like puking the entire way. What a struggle. She didn’t understand how people thought that was a good way to live. She definitely disagreed.
tag: Captain Smartass
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

zo maa 25, 2018 8:47 pm

may never die

There was no place like home. The fun thing about living on a ship, was the fact that he could take it around the world and still have the feeling he was safe somewhere. A place to belong. The past few years had been a rollercoaster for sure, but he had finally settled. He was the one true captain of this ship. No one would take it away from him, and he was pretty sure he would die on these very wooden planks. He wouldn’t want to die any other way. Closest to his God and the ship he considered his dwelling. He was curious about Lexa’s opinion on it, but at the same time he didn’t want to know what she was thinking. She had proven to be pretty straightforward, which he normally would appreciate. But when it came to certain subjects, he didn’t want to hear a bad word about them.

Romeo welcomed her in his home, and immediately felt a bit exposed. This was his sacred place and he had given her the opportunity to see that. He could see that she was looking around with the same curiosity he had felt when she had taken him to Mother’s Watch. Meanwhile he was looking for that bottle he had been talking about. “Are you sure it’s… clean?” She asked, after he had instructed her to sit down. The man turned around and looked at the couch for a second. He slowly scratched his cheek, before nodding. ”Of course it is! I’m 99% sure I own this one for only a week”, He noted. Stolen from a rich trader’s house back in Navarre, if he was correct..

At the exact same village they had plundered some expensive wine, but as they were back in Rhoynar, their supply of rum was restocked as well. And he wouldn’t deny her a taste of the famous liquor. He pulled out a bottle, found two relatively clean cups and put them on the table. After that, he filled both almost halfway. He reached one of the cups over to her. ”I insist you try at least one cup”, He said with his signature smirk. The captain sat down and leaned back in the pillows. ”So, tell me, where are you going with a ship?” He asked, curious about her plans.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

ma maa 26, 2018 1:52 pm
fiercer than fire
The fact that he had only owned the couch for a week, was reassuring. With that thought, the brunette sat down on the couch and put one leg over the other, as she looked around a bit more. She went through her hair with her hand once, slightly annoyed at it not being tied up, before she sighed. She missed home, so she understood the appeal of a ship in that way. Having a home you could move anywhere, not needing to sleep anywhere else unless you moved into the land. But, she didn’t like the water. Didn’t help.

Holding the glass, she kind of moved it from left to right as she looked at the liquor inside. It didn’t exactly look like it’d taste well, so when he spoke, she looked up again. “I’m heading north,” she spoke. “I need to find something that’s mine.” Hers, because she was the Commander, and thus owned what was related to their God. It was a scary thought, but just the idea of bringing Mother’s spirit into this world, of at least revealing Mother’s past… It would be an interesting journey, that was for sure.
tag: Captain Smartass
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Violent candy Empty Re: Violent candy

ma maa 26, 2018 10:28 pm

may never die

Having her in his private quarters, was a weird experience. Probably enhanced by his intoxicated state. It felt as if he was watching himself from a distance, while she was taking in the bits and pieces of information about him that were scattered around the place. Personal items that revealed huge parts of his journey. It was pretty clear he was the one that lived here. From treasures he plundered, to empty bottles on the floor, traces of his faith along the walls and signs of violence when he had lost his temper again. It was a chaos, the same chaos he felt in his mind all the time. As if a storm had raged through the cabin. But it was not a bad thing. His God had chosen this path for him and he was happy to follow. No matter what.

So for that same reason he actually had invited her in. To sit down and talk about her plans. Because he couldn’t believe that he ran into her just by accident. There had to be a reason and he wanted to find out what. She answered in riddles though. ”This is the right moment to be upfront and honest to me”, He replied, giving her a small nod as to encourage her to stop being mysterious. He took a big chug of the cup, downing it almost completely. ”What are you looking for and how far are you prepared to go to get it?” He asked. If he liked her answers.. He might just offer his help. And probably regret it in the morning, but that was sober Romeo’s problem.

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