Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
current event
Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
List of the current city rulers: click here
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©2017 Fallen Skies staat onder leiding van het team en wordt ondersteund door Actieforum. Alle teksten, beelden, codes en plotlijnen zijn auteursrechtelijk beschermt door de desbetreffende eigenaar.

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Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 12:03 am
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
The muscles of the man in front of her seemed to tense when the outsider found his way to her, but she threw him a faint smile. She knew he hated killing. How it wasn’t necessary. Sadly, in her life, it was. Did that make her a monster in his eyes? She frowned for a second. Did it perhaps remind him of what happened with Kaz? She felt her chest hurt at the thought, but got distracted when her side hurt worse.

When Mort grabbed her arm, she had to lift her other hand to calm her guard down. A sigh sounded, before the man spoke up. He pointed Mort in the correct direction. It wasn’t far, as the village wasn’t too big, but Lexa nodded thankfully. “Make sure everyone goes back to their daily lives. I don’t want more chaos,” the Commander told the guard, voice filled with the pain she was currently feeling. You don’t need to come with. I’ll be okay. He seemed to disagree, but the cheering crowd needed their attention too. She would be in good hands once the doctor was reached.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 12:15 am

when you’re still holding on

This was her life. Her reality. It was all way too casual for his liking. As if this was normal. To them it was. This was how their society worked. Violence and faith. It worked for them. To him, it was all ridiculously extreme. She had risked her life to prove a point. Making sure her position wouldn’t be threatened as much in the future. His opinion on the matter was so different, but he refrained from speaking his thoughts. There were more important things to take care of now. Like making sure she got proper help from someone who knew what they were doing. And keeping the monster hiding beneath in control.

When he was standing right next to her, a mix of emotions crashed down on him. He was feeling so much at once, and so intensely as well. Her presence caged the monster, as usual. But her blood was drawing it out at the same time. The vampire directed his attention to the guard, who gave him directions to the doctor he had mentioned. The pain sneaking in her tone, almost broke his heart all over again. With a little nod to the guard, he gently pulled her with him. The crowd luckily made way for them as they passed.

The vampire was clearly uncomfortable, but not a second the thought came through his mind to let her go. He wouldn’t abandon her. Never. Somewhere halfway he noticed how she was struggling more and more with her wounds. So he stopped for a second, repositioning himself. Without any effort, he picked her up from the ground. With her in his arms he walked on. Blue eyes focused on the road ahead. From time to time he checked if she was still awake. ”Stay with me”, He whispered when he noticed she was slowly getting weaker because of all the blood she had lost.

Laatst aangepast door Mort Lennox op ma jul 09, 2018 12:24 am; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 12:33 am
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
The people made way for her and the outsider. No matter the current problems, she could feel a slight smile appear on her face. They actually made way. They allowed the stranger to take care of their Commander, the woman who had just proven to be guided by the Mother. They allowed him to take her away. Without fighting it off. An hour ago, this would have been impossible. Today had proven that she was following the right path. The Mother must have watched as she was there, must have helped her out. There was no way she could have been lucky enough to avoid death there without her, right?

Walking was hard. Not only that, standing up itself was difficult. She could slowly feel how the world was starting to turn in circles as she walked on, but she was keen on not showing her weakness. It was already horrible enough that she had to be supported on her way to the doctor. A true Commander should walk there, get her wounds treated and walk out. She had wanted to show Mort her strength, yet she felt so weak. Him picking her up didn’t make it any better, yet she allowed him to, resting her head against him as she closed her eyes. Just for a second…

‘Stay with me.’ She could hear the words, but they sounded a lot further away than they in actuality were. She hummed softly, unable to open her mouth to speak to him, as she struggled to keep her consciousness.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 12:44 am

when you’re still holding on

The burning sensation in his throat made this so much harder than it should have been. Cursed. Would they let them through if they had known his true nature? The vampire pushed that thought away. She needed him and he would do everything in his power to give her the support he had promised her. The support she needed. Her heartbeat was slow, struggling to pump the remainder of the blood around. The adrenaline that had kept her going during the battle, was now gone. She didn’t even protest when he stopped to pick her up. Luckily most of the people were still back at the main square, probably discussing the fight. Not that it would matter. He didn’t really care about her reputation at all at this moment.

The only thing that mattered, was getting her to that doctor. Now that he was carrying her, he could go a bit faster. He wasn’t really running, knowing the shocking movement would hurt her. It didn’t take him too long to finally reach the building that had been described to him. He pushed open the door with his shoulder, not bothering to knock. The force at which it was opened, alerted the man anyway. With only one gaze, he told him to put her on a table. Carefully he followed the instructions, letting her go and making space for the other to do his job. He didn’t go far though. His clothing was soaked with her blood, but the fear of losing her still overruled the damned bloodthirst.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 1:06 am
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
Carefully, the doctor helped the Commander take off her shirt, revealing the wound on her side and the one on her arm. The spear had got her good and the amount of blood that had left her body already, caused the Commander to struggle with her consciousness. Her skin felt cold, which reminded her of the vampire. The wound on her side seemed to hurt most, causing the rest of her body to feel numb. Her skin had started to pale and she knew that it wouldn’t be long before she was going to fully pass out, a point the doctor desperately tried to avoid.

The Commander didn’t even grasp the situation anymore. She faintly noticed how the wound on her side got cleaned. It was when the smell of burning metal reached her nose, that she seemed to realise what was going on. No. No way in hell. The amount of scars over her upper body made perfectly clear that this wasn’t the first time she had sat through this. Stitching would take too long, she had lost too much blood already. ‘Hold her tight,’ the doctor instructed the vampire. As soon as this was done, the hot metal was put against the wound. The intense pain shot through her body, resulting in her heartbeat rising. Because of the loss of blood, the woman quickly lost consciousness. Which was, honestly, probably for the best.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 1:32 am

when you’re still holding on

The doctor started working frantically, mumbling all kind of things to himself while moving around. With his supernatural hearing, he could follow what he was saying regardless. She was bleeding too heavily, she had lost too much blood already. His blood-soaked clothing were proof of that. The man started cleaning the wound, fast but thoroughly. When he suddenly dropped everything, Mort looked at him in confusion. He threw a log of wood in a tin bowl, lighting the fire that was burning softly. Next, he grabbed a knife. With a suspicious gaze in his blue eyes, he followed everything he was doing. Whatever it was.

The metal was slowly turning bright yellow, as the blade got hotter and hotter. He still didn’t quite get what he was up to. That was until he grabbed it and instructed im to hold her tight. He could feel his stomach turn. Despite the nausea, he didn’t complain. The vampire grabbed her shoulders and pushed her against the table. He watched how the doctor pressed the blade against the wound, cauterizing it instantly. Lexa didn’t put up much of a fight. It didn’t take long for him to realise she had finally lost consciousness. For the better. She wouldn’t feel the pain now. The scent of burnt flesh made the air thick, so he decided to stop breathing for a while. After treating the wound on her side, the doctor moved to her arm, repeating the process. Afterwards, he applied some sort of cream and started wrapping her up in bandages.

While the doctor was finishing her up, the vampire walked over to the front of the room again. His hands were trembling, his breathing was shaky. Right when he thought he would break down himself, the door opened and a guard walked in. He recognized the man from earlier. He seemed like someone Lexa trusted a lot. The male threw him a suspicious look, and he could only stare back at him. Finally, he spoke. ”How is she doing?” He asked. ”She’s unconscious. She’ll need lots of rest, but she’ll recover”, He repeated the words of the doctor. The man nodded, after which he turned back to the door. Outside, there were still people shouting. The dust hadn’t settled yet. It was probably the reason this man had showed up. To keep her safe.

Mort felt the same adrenaline going through his veins again. ”She can’t stay here”, He noted. This place was way too open. Too many entrances. ”When it’s dark we need to move her to some place safe”, He said. The man shot him an angry look. ”I don’t take orders from outsiders”, He hissed. This time, there was no Commander to calm him down. For a second, he could feel himself getting angry as well. A feeling that ebbed away almost instantly. ”I’m not asking you to do so. I’m asking you to do what’s best for her”, He said quietly. That seemed to get through to him, as he nodded. ”It shall be done”, He replied, the tone in his voice now only distant and not hostile anymore.

When dusk had settled, both of them walked over to the table again. She was still sleeping. Heartbeat weak but steady. They moved her body on some type of stretcher, after which he covered her with a warm blanket. He let the guard lead the way while he carried the other side. Once they stepped out the door, the streets were almost completely empty. Four more guards joined them, flanking the Commander as they walked back to the throne room. Carefully they moved her on the bed. Afterwards, the guards left, except for the one that had taken the lead. ”Now leave”, He told him. Mort bit his tongue. ”I can’t”, He replied. The male stepped over to him, his chest almost touching him. ”Who do you think you are?” He growled, quietly as to not disturb her rest. ”Just an outsider that swore her to keep her safe as best as I possibly can”, He said, determination audible in his voice. For a moment, the guard stared at him, after which he lifted his chin and turned around. ”I will end you if you break that promise”, He huffed, after which he left the room.

Mort sighed deeply. Today had been another emotional rollercoaster. Then again, would it ever be any different? To make sure he wouldn’t be tempted to bite her, he had to get rid of the scent of blood. Her bandages were clean, mostly. But his clothing was not. So he quickly pulled his shirt off, throwing it in the fire that was burning softly. After that, he walked over to the sink, scrubbing away the blood until he was completely clean again. Now that was taken care of, he grabbed one of the pelts that were scattered around the place. It made him smile lightly. She had a tendency to collect these, didn’t she? He wrapped the pelt around his shoulders and sat down on one of the chairs next to her bed. Keeping a close eye on her breathing and heartbeat, so he would be sure to notice if anything would change.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 1:52 am
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
It was not the first time the Commander passed out from loss of blood and she doubted that it would be the last. A scar on her other side showed the time she had been attacked while trying to save Saggitarius. Back then, there had been no Mort to save her. She had made it back to the village on the back of her horse, asking the help of doctor Breck. Most others were small, but all of them had a clear story to them. Just like the tattoo on her back, every mark on her body was there for a reason. Once healed, so would these. She would wear them with pride, for she had gained some trust today. For she had done what she thought was the correct thing to do. Not only that, though. She had lived to see another day. The Mother had allowed her to and she would gladly accept that precious gift. She wasn’t ready.

The whole world still seemed to move when the Commander opened her eyes again. Her mind didn’t process what had happened instantly, so she shot up in panic, causing an immediate pain to shoot through her entire body. Immediately, she let herself fall back into the pillow, groaning in pain. Both her arm and waist seemed to be treated. Both of them hurt terribly, though the waist was so much worse than the cut on her arm. She gasped for air as she remembered the burning metal touching her skin, feeling an intense wave of pain come over her again. No, she didn’t have time for this. She had to seize the moment and tell her people what she was up to, what the plans were. There was no time to lie in bad and feel sorry for herself. She had to…

It was when her eye fell upon Mort that she frowned. Oh. What was he still doing here? A feeling of panic washed over her as she looked at him. Had anyone else gotten hurt? What had happened after she passed out? She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it quickly enough and instead, made an effort to get up.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 4:23 am

when you’re still holding on

Honestly, he didn’t know what he was supposed to feel right now. The situation was so uncommon, no one would be able to give him any sort of advice. What had he gotten himself into. While he was sitting there though, gaze focussed on her, he knew he wouldn’t want it any other way. Today he had had a taste of what it would be later, when the day would come she would run out of time. Still, it was impossible to even begin to imagine how it would feel. When he would lose her forever, while he would have to live on without her for eternity. It scared him, now more than ever. Th young vampire bit down on his tongue again. Was it bad enough for him to break his promise though? No. He wouldn’t. She was worth it.

For a while longer, he was left alone with his thoughts. Until she suddenly woke up. Disoriented, which caused her to panic. He was too late to prevent her from getting up. A groan of pain sounded when her body punished her for her sudden movement. She didn’t stop there though. For some reason, she tried to get up again a second time, right after. Mort got up from his chair, not even slightly bothered that he had been in the same position for so long.

Gently he placed his hand on her shoulder, pushing her back down in the pelts. ”Stay down”, He said calmly, but a bit strict. ”You need rest. You were hurt badly, you lost a lot of.. Blood”, He said, forcing out the last word while a shiver found its way down his spine. Was she actually thinking it would be a good idea to get out of bed this soon? Or that he would even let her? The vampire had seen the wounds.. He wouldn’t allow her to risk her safety and health by letting her out of this room too soon.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 4:36 am
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
The danger of being Commander. She had been the better fighter in the fight before, but there had been one advantage the man had over her. Like everyone else in the village, he had seen her in action before. Multiple times. He knew what to expect, had the chance to prepare, yet she was thrown into the deep. She still won, but he had managed to get her in a dangerous spot and had hurt her quite badly, something she was still feeling now. Luckily, her doctors were good and it seemed he had patched her up nicely. Even if it hurt like a fucker, she still lived. He had been smart enough to not go for stitches, but instead burn the wounds to prevent any further blood loss. Painful. It wouldn’t look pretty after, either. But, she lived. And for now, she had to appreciate that.

She wasn’t planning on lying here, however. Even if it hurt, she needed to see her people. She needed to know the effect the battle had. She needed to show her face, talk some courage into her people. Tell them how she knew the path they were walking would carry a high toll, but that she believed it would be worth it. The hand on her shoulder made clear that she wasn’t allowed to get up, however, slowly pushing her back down into the pelts.

When Mort spoke, he sounded strict. Something she wasn’t quite used to, so she immediately kept still in the pelts. “But,” she tried, though she sighed soon after. Something told her it was of no use. He wouldn’t let her out anyhow and she would have done the same if the roles were reversed. “I’m sorry,” she told him instead, voice barely anything more than a faint whisper again. This wasn’t what she had in mind when she had wanted him to see more of the Commander.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 10:45 am

when you’re still holding on

Silently he scolded himself for his wandering thoughts. If he had paid more attention, he would have heard her heartbeat rise from the moment she was waking up. The panic that had taken control of her, had made her heart go wild for just a second. If he had been keeping an eye on her pulse, he would have noticed and he could have stopped her before she hurt herself. Unfortunately, he was too late. A sharp pain went through his chest as he saw how she was suffering. Though it didn’t seem to stop her from trying to get up again. The vampire didn’t know what she was planning to do once she got out of bed, and he didn’t want to find out either. She had to stay in bed. It didn’t happen often, but the man could actually be strict too.

It had the right effect. For a second she wanted to protest, but the look in his eyes was enough to stop her from doing ridiculous things. Instead, she apologized. Mort let go of her shoulder and grabbed her hand. His eyes dropped down to the bandages around her body. ”I’m just glad you’re still alive”, He whispered back. If he had it his way, he would never have to see her hurt ever again. But it was her way of life. He had to deal with that. After a short moment of silence, he searched her gaze again. ”Is there anything I can do for you? You can ask me whatever”, He then said, hoping to make her recovery as comfortable and quick as possible.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 3:03 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
It hurt. Not just the wounds, but seeing the worry in Mort’s eyes did too. When he told her he was just glad she was still alive, she looked down, fixing her gaze upon the bandage that was keeping her from moving her body too much. There were so many things that she needed to do, it clouded her mind. Because it would always be the same. The moment you needed rest the most, you couldn’t. She was well aware that even if she were to somehow convince Mort, West would have her head if she even thought about standing up. The man had surprised her. He had been more of a father to her than anyone in her life had been, training her when she was just a child. He was a skilled guard and she knew he would give his life to protect her. Not because of the Mother, but because he cared for her like his own child. Because Mort was the only one with her in the room, she expected him to have talked to the man. It was something she’d have to ask him about later. For now…

This will happen again,” she told him, after being quiet for a while. Her voice was faint, but she knew he would hear her clearly enough. Every part of her just wanted to ask him to lie down next to her, take all the comfort from his presence she could get right now. But, reality had hit today. And she needed to give him the chance to back out if it was too much.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 3:21 pm

when you’re still holding on

“This will happen again.”

The last words he wanted to hear. At the same time, the ones he had expected. The vampire hummed softly, to let her know he had heard her. He couldn’t find the correct respons immediately. So he just stayed quiet for a bit, while his fingers wandered off. To the inside of her wrist, where the puncture wounds of his first bite were barely visible anymore. Two pale little dots. Nothing compared to the many scars that had marked her body forever. Upwards to the fresh bandage of the battle. He touched it carefully, as the visual of the wound beneath flashed before his eyes. Further up, along her shoulder, collarbone, where it eventually rested in her neck. The marks from his second bite, hidden between the few bruises he had caused last night. He ended up touching her face, following the movement of his fingers while he was still thinking of a reply to her comment.

Eventually, he got up and sat down on the edge of the bed. He placed his hand next to her side, making sure he wouldn’t hurt her as he supported his weight on it. He bent forward, pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek, where he had just placed his hand. Afterwards, he hid his face in the curve of her neck. ”I know”, He whispered against her warm skin. He pushed himself back again, looking down on her. ”And I will hate it as much as I hated it today. It will hurt me over and over again, until the day you will be the one on the lethal side of the blade”, He sighed, pain soaking his voice. He bit his lip for a second to fight back the tears. ”But don’t for a second think I will turn my back on you and leave. We both knew it wouldn’t be easy, yet I made a promise to you last night. I’m not one to break my promises”, He continued, a soft smile breaking through the sadness. It was what he wanted, what he needed. He had never been so sure of that.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 3:45 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
His wandering fingers gave her an excuse not to look at him. Avoiding his gaze, she laid hers upon the fingers that trailed alongside the puncture marks on her wrist. She had looked back on those with a smile since the day they met. They had started off on an insanely good foot, where she had offered her help to him. Somehow, it had formed a bond of trust between the two and they had shared their story. They knew each other’s story, knew each other’s sins and pains. It had created a weird feeling of familiarity between the two from the very start, which had made them move quickly. And not for a moment did she regret it.

His hand found its way to her cheek and she gave him a faint smile, finally looking at him again. The soft kiss on her cheek caused that familiar feeling of warmth again and she closed her eyes when he hid his face in her neck. Finally, he spoke. ‘I know,’ he whispered and she bit her lip, watching him as he pushed himself back. His words still managed to hurt, even though she was well aware of the fact that it would hurt him even more. There would be a day where she would be the one who would lose the fight. Whether it was against her own people, or outsiders didn’t matter. They both knew that day was coming.

Lexa sighed when he told her he intended to keep his promise. That she shouldn’t think that he would turn his back on her. “Now you had to see that again,” she told him, a serious look on her face. They both struggled with what they were. He had his vampirism, one they had to keep in mind. Yet, she was the killer. She had tried to kill his brother and now he had to see her do the exact same to someone else. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” She had wanted him to see something else. There was so much more to being the Commander. Like motivating your people, which she had been wanting to do when she collapsed.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 4:19 pm

when you’re still holding on

Today he had also realised how lucky he had been the first they day had met. That she had chosen to give him a fair chance. He still didn’t know what had made her decide he deserved one. He had ran into her and basically behaved like a complete idiot. For some reason, she had not plunged her knife through his chest. It wouldn’t have caused him to die, but he sure wouldn’t have stayed around for a casual conversation. Such a critical point in their relationship. The very beginning. How it all could have turned out so different if they both had let their monsters win. The vampire and the murderer. Because it was pretty clear they were each struggling with that side of them. Afraid to show it to the other, yet fully aware of the existence of the shadow that sometimes blocked the positives.

They were equally as dangerous to each other. But there was no other place he felt as safe as he did with her. Even if she had proven that her killer instincts were still lurking somewhere within her. Just as she knew the monster was still hiding within him too. Mort placed his elbows on his knees, and rested his face in his hands. He rubbed through his eyes, after which he pulled his hand through his dark hair. ”You didn’t have much of a choice though”, He said, turning his head towards her again. ”I won’t ever judge that side of you. You’re so much more than just a ruthless Commander to me. You showed me kindness, compassion, support and that’s what matters most to me”, The man paused, as he couldn’t help but smile now. His following words would probably come very unexpected. But he also knew he meant them whole-heartedly. ”I love you.”

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 12 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 4:44 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
They both acknowledged that the other wasn’t perfect. There was no pink cloud to hide this. She was fully aware of him feeding off people. That him being where he had been today, was a risk. Just like how she could not always be who she wanted to be with him. She had her responsibilities and when it came to it, she needed to forget who she wanted to be, become who she needed to be. She felt no guilt as she killed her challenger, only felt relief instead. She had won. His death meant that she would be able to follow her path, guide her people onto it. A sacrifice for the many. But, it wasn’t that simple. She still killed a man. And she was well aware how hard Mort had worked to never do that himself.

She had no choice, however. He was right in the matter. His following words caused her to look down again, avoiding his gaze. Even with his bloodlust, he had rushed up to her, ready to help. Even though her people had tried to stop him at first. She didn’t understand how she had been able to capture a heart this pure, but she praised herself lucky for doing so. In silence, she looked at him once she thought he was done speaking.

‘I love you,’ he told her. She had expected herself to panic once she realised how much he meant to her, how much she would mean the words she was about to speak. But, instead for a moment, the pain made way for a warm feeling as a smile forced its way on her face. There was no doubt. “And I love you.” How she wished she could have gotten up and wrapped her arms around him right now.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
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