Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
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Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 5:08 pm

when you’re still holding on

For as long as he could remember, he had always been one to follow his heart. Sometimes against all logic. Most of his decisions were driven by emotions. Even when he knew well enough that in the end, it could turn on him in the long run. If his heart was set on it, it was almost impossible to go back or ignore it. It had made him do things he regretted, for sure. But there had been enough positive outcomes too. After he had been turned, it felt like it was even more important to him to let his heart overrule. It felt like a victory against the monster. It was in those moments he felt more human. A feeling he desperately held on to.

Perhaps that was why he knew the truth he spoke was one set in stone. He loved her. Because he felt most human with her than he had felt in a very long time. Even longer than he was a vampire. Losing touch with his family had been devastating to the young child. From the moment his brother had drifted away, he had lost everyone he ever loved. Which was kind of problematic for someone with his personality. He had a lot of love to give, but no one to actually give it to. Until the moment he had met her.

Her words made a wave of warmth wash over him. He gladly let himself get pulled under by it. The smile around his lips turned into a relieved chuckle. It proved how right he had been to follow his heart once more. If they could say this after what had happened today, he knew there was not much left that could ever be a threat to them. Only death.. Only death would separate them. And in this moment, he was at peace with it. ”I hope these walls are soundproof”, He joked to lighten up the atmosphere again. Classic Mort.

Laatst aangepast door Mort Lennox op ma jul 09, 2018 12:24 am; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 6:31 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
How much better this all had been if it didn’t feel like someone was still trying to burn the wounds shut. When the vampire told her he hoped the walls were soundproof, she rolled her eyes with a faint smile on her face. “We don’t need to worry about them,” she told him, trying to move somewhat to the side, resulting in a small groan of pain. “Lie with me, please?” she asked him, a smile on her face. It would be a bit more calming if she could just… close her eyes for a bit more, feel his cold skin next to hers. It had calmed her down before and it would keep doing that until the day she would leave this forsaken world.

You met West,” she told him calmly. “How did you get him to let you stay?” She couldn’t help but be curious. West had been like a father to her. Leaving her in the hands of an outsider… Even leaving her close to one, while he would stand guard, seemed unlikely. She just hoped that he didn’t cause any trouble, that his willingness to protect his Commander didn’t cause him to try and fight the vampire off. After all, she had no clue for how long she had been out. And the trip to the doctor was nothing but a blur either.  

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 7:06 pm

when you’re still holding on

Making stupid jokes was his coping mechanism. Luckily she wasn’t annoyed by it. Otherwise she had picked the wrong guy, honestly. Mort frowned when she started moving again, but this time she only moved to the side a bit. Making space for him. For a second, he hesitated. Knowing her warmth could trigger the monster. The thirst had gotten worse over time. Soon he decided that it was worth the risk. If he could handle touching her while she was bleeding badly, he could sure handle getting in bed with her. So he hummed, after which he pulled back the pelts and crawled under it. Careful not to hurt her of course. The fur he had wrapped around his shoulders, was now used as a barrier so she wouldn’t be laying against his bare chest.

The conclusion that she was talking about that one kind of grumpy guard was made quickly. The vampire couldn’t help but laugh when he remembered their conversation. Though he also knew the man had done quite the effort to push aside his distrust and hostility towards him. He didn’t know why exactly. ”I think the fact that you trusted me to come closer when you were at your most vulnerable, right after the fight”, He replied, thinking about that moment while he spoke. ”And perhaps because I convinced him we are on the same side. We both fight for the same cause, which is keeping you safe”, He continued. The vampire paused for a second. ”He also was quite.. Clear about what he would do if he would find out I was not honest with him”, He then said. The guard didn’t have to know about his vampiric nature to threaten him, did he?

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 7:57 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
Mort explained. It made sense. She had completely forgotten the fact that she had told her guards to let him come closer, even in her moment of pain. It had been an automatic response, not that well thought through. Then again, the battle had been about the acceptance of outsiders. The fact that she trusted her visitor enough to come close in her moment of weakness might have given her people some faith. And, it seemed like West felt the same way. He knew his Commander from when she was just a child, living on the streets and trading what she had to get trained. He had taught her first, taught her how to wield her daggers. He was a kind man. If you managed to look past the permanent frown and threats once you came close to his Commander, at least.

Lexa laughed when Mort made clear he had been threatened, causing her to groan in pain immediately. “He’s like a father to me,” she explained. “He was one of the people who taught me how to wield a weapon when I was a child.” Not exactly what any other land would consider a good father-figure. “He became part of the guard when I became Commander, swore to protect me,” she went on, a smile on her face. “So I’m a bit surprised he trusted you.” Pleasantly surprised.  

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 8:15 pm

when you’re still holding on

The message had been very explicit. West would ‘end him’ if he would hurt the Commander. A tough job, considering his rapid healing. Unless the man had a silver sword lying around somewhere. Or a dragon, but that was even less likely. The vampire didn’t doubt for one second he would find a way though. He had been pretty serious about it. Despite all that, Mort didn’t fear him. Because he truly had no bad intentions with her. Not even when he was this close, her heartbeat demanding his attention. His throat burned, not yet painfully but clearly noticeable. The only reason why he didn’t lose control, was because he loved her. She kept the monster caged and safely locked away.

Lexa explained who this guard was and what he meant to her. Basically he was what Edmund had been to him. Someone to guide her, teach her and give her a sense of safety and belonging. The man chuckled when she said she was surprised. ”It’s not like I’m the most impressive warrior around here”, He said, shrugging lightly. It had probably been very obvious how uncomfortable he was around weapons, fighting and violence. It wasn’t hard to conclude he wasn’t a threat at all. ”He seemed ready to die for you”, Mort then mentioned, remembering how he had offered to fight for her. He wasn’t the youngest one of the bunch, but still. He looked like he was a very capable warrior. His chances against the younger challenger weren’t that great though. And yet, he had offered to take her spot without any hesitation.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 9:36 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
‘He seemed ready to die for you.’ Lexa nodded immediately, without a doubt. “He is,” she agreed. “That’s why he is my most trusted guard.” She smiled as she thought about the man. He was by far not the youngest anymore, but he was a highly capable warrior. He wouldn’t have made it against the opponent, however, as he had been skilled too. With his younger reflexes, the man would have lost. “He was a weapon smith before,” she told Mort in a smile. “But as soon as the Commander died, he kneeled and told me he would give me his life.” She shook her head, thinking back at how the man had sat in front of her. The man who had taught her so much, kneeling in front of her. It had been weird, had only shown that her life truly changed as soon as she put the war paint on.

Lexa moved her gaze towards Mort again and frowned. “How are you?” she asked. As always, incapable of worrying about herself for more than ten minutes. She was aware of the fact that he hadn’t… fed recently, as he had spent all his time with her. Unconsciously, she moved her hand to her neck again, putting her fingers on the little puncture marks. “There was so much blood…” she spoke, suddenly realizing the whole situation. What had she put him through?

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

za jun 02, 2018 11:15 pm

when you’re still holding on

While they were laying here, it all seemed so normal again. As if she hadn't been staring death in the eyes today. Just chatting about everything and nothing at once. She was sharing more stories with him and he listened, asking questions about the details. He was soaking it all up like a sponge. The more he learned about her, the happier he was. So this man had been a smith. Probably a job that paid well around here. It looked like even the youngest children were armed in some kind of way. It was all so normal for them that they probably didn’t realise how strange the concept was to people that were not from here.

Suddenly she asked how he was. It surprised him so much he couldn’t reply immediately, which caused her to mention the blood. It was a trigger for the thirst. The vampire swallowed hard, but he managed to pull up the corner of his mouth in a half smile. ”It’s manageable”, He replied. He didn’t mention how it was quite a struggle to do so. ”I got rid of the smell of blood in here, so I should be fine”, He continued, to reassure her that she was still safe.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

zo jun 03, 2018 1:12 am
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
It was manageable, he said. Lexa frowned, Was it? He told her that he had gotten rid of the smell of blood in here, but that didn’t mean he didn’t need anything. “I wish I could be of help,” she told him, clearly unhappy with the fact that she was simply not capable of giving him anything right now. She had lost so much blood at this point that her body was struggling with it anyhow, giving any more would be an insanely stupid decision. One she would have offered, had she not passed out from the blood loss and pain the same day. Perhaps she would try tomorrow. If he stayed for that long, at least.

Lexa bit her lip, focussing her gaze on the vampire. “Can you still stay, or…?” she decided to ask. She didn’t want to push him, didn’t want to have to fight the monster within him, simply because she was too sad and lonely to let him go. But, she also knew his life wasn’t in Vanaheim. He had a brother to get back to and she couldn’t keep him here forever, right? Especially if she wasn’t able to help.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

zo jun 03, 2018 1:26 am

when you’re still holding on

As long as no one mentioned blood, he would be fine. Thanks to the couple of years of experience he had, it was not that hard anymore to kind of make the urge disappear into the background. Sadly, whenever something reminded him of it, it came back and when it came unexpectedly it could hit him quite hard. Around her though, he felt a next level of control over the monster. His brain was kind of reprogrammed to not see her as a potential prey anymore. Which he was very grateful for. With her, he was human, not vampire. Unfortunately she worried, and she accidentally bursted that bubble with her question.

“I wish I could be of help,” She said, bothered by the situation. The vampire shook his head. ”Going through the battle was the hardest part. I’m fine, really”, He told her again. ”You should worry about recovering”, He then said, frowning lightly. Of course she would help him if she could. But he didn’t expect it from her either. “Can you still stay, or…?” She then asked. Mort went quiet for a second, closing his eyes. He gently pulled her a bit closer. ”I’m not leaving until you are better”, He said. It would be hard, yes. Yet he couldn’t imagine abandoning her just because of the thirst. He would find a way to handle it, with or without her help.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

zo jun 03, 2018 3:04 am
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
He would be fine and she needed to worry about recovering herself. “Worrying about that isn’t going to speed up the process,” she complained. The thought of being bedridden today was fine-ish. She would survive. But when she thought about not being able to do much the coming days, her fingers started tingling. She hated the idea of sitting still, of not working at all. It was fine when he was there and they had their ways of staying busy. Like showing him around in the temple, or practicing the fight they had. She bit her lip. Somehow she seemed to make everytime they went out go bad, didn’t she? Feeling bad increasing.

She clenched her teeth when he pulled her a bit closer, but smiled quickly enough. She wanted to be as close as possible to him, always. Pleased, she closed her eyes as he told her he wasn’t leaving until she was better. “You’re the best,” she told him in a whisper. She could tell him he didn’t need to, that she could take care of herself. But, he knew all of that. And she appreciated that he was here for her. He made her feel lucky, something she hadn’t felt in a while before him.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

zo jun 03, 2018 11:45 am

when you’re still holding on

It was unbelievable. She was obviously in a lot of pain, yet she was already worrying about other things. In this moment he wished he could read her mind, as he was curious about her thoughts. “Worrying about that isn’t going to speed up the process,” She replied to his words. ”No, and pushing yourself to get out of bed isn’t going to help either”, He retorted, with the same strict tone he had used earlier. It wasn’t nearly as impressive as her own, but he wouldn’t allow her to one way or another. ”You almost died today. You need to rest at least a couple of days”, He continued, fixing her with his gaze for a moment.

Which would mean he would have to go a couple of days without his fix. A challenge for sure. But leaving her when she needed him most? Never. “You’re the best,” She whispered. The young vampire smiled. ”I know”, He joked. He softly touched the bandage again. He could feel her tense up from time to time, probably because she was in pain. ”How much does it hurt?” He asked carefully, knowing well enough he would set her attention on it. But maybe.. Maybe he could help.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

zo jun 03, 2018 11:57 am
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
Multiple days. Not one, not two, but a couple of them. She could feel her eyes widen as he told her that, shaking her head softly. “I can’t do that,” she told him, almost sounding panicky. There was little left of the Commander that had stood there, yet she knew she would be able to regain herself the moment someone came in. After all, it was the Commander inside of her that was turning this into a problem. “This battle was a step. Finally. I need to take the next before something else grabs their attention,” she told him, biting her lip while thinking of a plan. She couldn’t see her people like this - broken down and weak. But she needed to…

‘How much does it hurt?’ he asked. “He burned the wound shut, Mort,” she answered. “He didn’t carefully stitch it or whatever. He took a hot piece of metal and burned it.” A sigh sounded. “It hurts,” she then admitted, voice a lot softer. She hated it, seeming weak. It was against all her instincts. They told her to get up, get going. Ignore the pain and show what a true Commander was about. But, her body was against it. Every movement was met by intense pain that told her to just lie down and take the rest.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

zo jun 03, 2018 12:14 pm

when you’re still holding on

Stubborn. One of the traits he knew he had, and apparently he shared that with her. It was a mystery to him why she was so rushed to get back out there. She tried to explain. “This battle was a step. Finally. I need to take the next before something else grabs their attention,” She said, and the vampire bit his tongue for a bit while thinking about her words. ”Fine. But you best believe I will tie you down on your throne if you as much glare at the door, plotting your escape”, He sighed, after which he pulled up the corner of his mouth in a half smirk. If she could just talk to her people while sitting down, that could count as resting too, right?

Though he didn’t think that would be possible tomorrow. Her body was hurting. She could barely push herself off the bed. When she replied to his question, he could see the memories of it flash by. And the scent.. ”I know, I was there, you know”, He said quietly. He hated to see her hurt. ”There is maybe one thing I can try to give you some relief”, He said, bringing it up hesitantly. He turned his blue eyes to the ceiling. ”My venom, in a higher dose, works as a painkiller”, He continued. ”It won’t make it heal any faster, and it’s only temporary. I can’t do it too frequently either, because you would be at risk for addiction, but one time wouldn’t hurt”, He explained to her. If she could at least get a comfortable night, she might feel better in the morning.

Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 559
IC posts : 503

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Commander
Residence : Mothers watch

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

zo jun 03, 2018 12:22 pm
We're standing face-to-face
with our own human race
 We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay. Our tainted history is playing on repeat, but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
Sounds like a plan to me,” she told him in a smile. She could talk to her people from her throne. Tomorrow. She could get herself to do that. The wound was burned shut and as long as it was just for a short bit, she could bite through the pain. Her people needed to see their leader back on her throne, speaking to them with the courage that only their Commander could have. They needed to see it. Needed to see her hurt. Because the path to their future wouldn’t be easy either. Yet, they had to take it. They had to know what they were going to face. All she had to do, was forget about her own pain and worries for a bit. Focus on her people.

The thought of a painkiller was appealing. Just forgetting about the pain for a bit, lying down and taking some sleep. But, she couldn’t. Wouldn’t he have to bite her in order to do that? She didn’t want him to have even more trouble with the thirst. It already being something that was on her mind, she didn’t want to make it even harder for him. “I’ll be fine,” she decided to smile. “I’ve had worse.” As the scars on her body showed perfectly fine, this wasn’t the first time.

NOTES, none
TAGS, Mort
Mort Lennox
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 571
IC posts : 566

Character sheet
Age: 21 (25)
Occupation: vampire.exe, full-time baby vampire sitter
Residence : Isla de Juegas

On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

zo jun 03, 2018 12:37 pm

when you’re still holding on

Sometimes he actually came up with good ideas. It didn’t happen that often but when it happened, it was a great one. The vampire realised he wouldn’t be able to talk her out of it, so he decided to offer her a compromise. She wanted to speak to her people? Fine. But she would have to sit down. Luckily, she agreed on it. It made him feel slightly better. He knew how important it was for her to be a good Commander. To lead her people on this new path. She had shown how serious she was about it today. She was right when she said she needed to push it a little further now. Otherwise she would have done it for nothing and that idea wasn’t quite appealing to the vampire.

If she would now only let him take away some of the pain. It wouldn’t be easy on him, as he would have to bite her. The blood would trigger the instinct to hunt again. Badly. Especially when he would taste it on his tongue. But he was confident he would be able to control himself. For her sake. She declined his offer though. ”I believe you can pull yourself through it without my help, but I’m here now. I can help this time”, He tried, in an attempt to persuade her. ”I could bite your wrist, one of the smaller veins. You wouldn’t lose any more blood than necessary”, He continued. He pulled his gaze away from the ceiling, looking to meet hers. ”I can control myself”, Mort said, with a certainty he was confident of. He had controlled himself through the battle. It couldn’t get any worse than that.

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On my knees - Pagina 13 Empty Re: On my knees

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