Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
current event
Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
List of the current city rulers: click here
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©2017 Fallen Skies staat onder leiding van het team en wordt ondersteund door Actieforum. Alle teksten, beelden, codes en plotlijnen zijn auteursrechtelijk beschermt door de desbetreffende eigenaar.

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Robin Akesh
Robin Akesh
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 129
IC posts : 69

Character sheet
Age: 18
Occupation: Princess of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

[M] Curse me with your love Empty [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:42 pm

she got those warrior goddess
gypsy soul magical witch bitch type of vibes

She had been dressed in a black cloak hiding away her deep dark hair and vicious blue eyes. It wasn't a miracle people tended to call her witch by just the mere sight of her. She was an almost unatural beauty and often woman couldn't accept that someone like her excisted. They made up lies just to feel better while they layed in bed as their husbands were out drinking themselves to death. But once a rumor had been made it spread like wildfire and thus Robin became the witchgirl. Someone to stay clear off unless you wanted bad luck to flood your way. It didn't really bother her that much. It mostly helped her get by to be honest. The common folk stayed out of her way so she could go where she pleased. Well that again was with just some minor issuis sometimes. Appearently royal palaces didn't care wether she was a witch or not and she still got kicked out barely managing to escape with her head still on her body. Didn't even bother to ask who she really was. Honestly hopeless.
She may be living on her own right now and she may be traveling 'round, seeing the world, but that didn't make her any less of the person she really was. Her legacy was quite one to behold. She was one of the twin daughters of the 'great' Dacosta Valyra Vynx Leandaerys second of her name and blablabla that bullshit. She had never really cared for the royal status of her beloved mother since she wouldn't even be close to getting that throne one day, not that she really cared for it. Ravenna could get it for all she cared. No, Robin was a free spirited person. She did not want to stick around and look pretty only to get married to some weirdo and die while giving birth to her 14th child. She had plans, places to go and people to meet. All over this world were people with interesting stories. The one more tragic than the other and all that just made Robin more hungry she lived on those stories of tragedy and loss. She adored them and found great satisfaction in watching someone break down as they spoke of their life of pain. Such a beautiful disaster human life was.

So that was the reason why she was here stowed away in the hold of the ship. She had decided carefully. The flag which had been waving at the mast was one still unknown to her which ment this ship would lead her to an unknown country and as many times before she got on in silence without a single soul noticing her. Sometimes it seemed as if she could blend in with the shadow's on the wall and thus far had never been caught before. Even though she took bigger risks with every free ride she got. She wasn't getting cocky not at all. These humans were just stupid enough to never really check. Not her fault. Besides they always had food and mead enough for her as well. It was almost as if they were so willing to take her along on their journeys.

Laughing softly she leaned back grapping an apple from the small crate en stared out through the tiny window which was one of her only light sources. The sea stretched out vast before her and there was no sign of land anywhere on the horizon. It promised to be a long journey as they had already been traveling for two moonrises but it was a comfortable ride. Even the hold was almost fancy looking and she had guessed by the first dawn that this was not just a ship but an important one. Perhaps even royal. Hmm she hoped the king or queen above her head slept peacefully dreaming of safety and defeating its enemies while if she had bad intent his or her end could be so near. All it would take was to get out in the dark of night sneak in the unprotected door and stab stab stab.

She let out a small giggle in excitement covering her mouth with her hands as the door opened suddenly letting in lots more light than she had been expected and ducked down behind the crates growling irritated. There went her fantasy moment. Didn't these people have dignity to let a girl dream?
Rhys de Poitiers
Rhys de Poitiers
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 99
IC posts : 59

Character sheet
Age: 26
Occupation: Quartermaster
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:46 pm

The ships where fully loaded and the crew was all set and done. Ready to make one of the longest sails in his life, Rhys’s eyes found a way trough the men while he was standing next to the captain. Screening every crew member in front of him if and when they would do their jobs right. If not. He wouldn’t be very gentle for them.

Rhys was, is the first mate of ship. Not just any ship, but one of the largest ships in the country.

The frigate was the backbone of the navial force, The ship is a well-rounded vessel that combines good speed and agility with impressive offensive and defensive capabilities. It is equipped with large cannons, mortars and barrels and is one of the best ships used for battles. Rhys once started on a gunboat, gunboats are often used as screening boats and mostly the men on board are destined to die in larger battles. Although Rhys had fought enough battles he was always on time to escape death.

Ships where often famous because of their places in battles and their names. This ship, -His ship- was called
The queen mary.
The ship was covered with golden details, heavy armour and a large rammer. The sails where pure white and where covered with dark blue sigils.

Once the men where settled on their posts and the captain where shaking it’s head towards Rhys to gave the order. Rhys made a step forward;
Hoist the sails you lazy scums or else we will never arrive in Valyria on time. Rhys voice was harsh, sharp and clear. With a blink of an eye the crew mates started climbing the rigging to free the sails and started sailing.

Once he had given the command the turned himself towards the rudder and started sailing.

Two days later...

Last nights storm has passed and the once so wild sea was not nothing more then a very quiet riverbend. Rhys left his cabin and walked upstairs to get some fresh air before the day would start. While walking trough the storeroom he felt the need for some fresh foods and grabbed the first fruit that his eyes captured. But then he stopped walking, and watched from the corner in his eyes the darkest spot in the storage. He held his breath for a second and could swear that he have heard some strange noises. Rhys turned around and started walking towards some larger barrels. Maybe a rat or so?

But then the coldness in his eyes made place for a irritated grin,You thought I wouldn’t notice any strangers on my ship.huh? Rhys bowed a little forward and grabbed the person by the collar, and pulled him back from the barrels. Then he loosened his grip around the collar and noticed it was a woman face that was been hiding. Do you think I am that stupid? I’ve been following you around for a few days right now miss. Did you actually thought I would let a woman stay on one of my ships? Rhys voice was irritated, cold. Haven’t you heard about the consequences if you sneak on a ship? If you would have been a men you would be useful. Maybe you are too dumb to believe in such story’s, but my men do. He sighed shortly, and looked at her.But.. maybe you are very usable as shark bait, my men have to eat and they won’t bother how they will get their food. His eyes where deep and dangerous settled on her, and the once blue colours made place for a gold glow around his iris. -Wild like a raging sea.- Unless you are going to tell me what your business on this ship is.

Silver and gold, mate

Laatst aangepast door Rhys Torrance de Poitiers op ma aug 07, 2017 10:16 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Robin Akesh
Robin Akesh
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 129
IC posts : 69

Character sheet
Age: 18
Occupation: Princess of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:47 pm

she got those warrior goddess
gypsy soul magical witch bitch type of vibes

Robin should've guessed that the luck she had been having all this time would run out sooner or later. Though she would've liked it if it had been later at this point. Once she was grabbed by the large man and pulled away from her hiding spot in the dark al she could do was stare at him. Her big blue yes tumbling with darkness as the young woman frowned hearing what he had to say. Nothing more than a little smirk playing over her pale lips.

Oh he was such a brave man. Such a fierce man. He didn't scare her. Rather, he bored her. He was nothing like those fairy tale stories her mother used to tell her about the scary people of the sea. Nah. He cared too much about his looks and he didn't miss a leg. Which was quite a shame from her point of view. Slowly she opened her mouth to speak while her eyes focussed on his. Atleast those eyes were interesting, that was about all she could say of this man. His eyes seemed to hold her captive. "If you had been following me. Why did you allow me on your ship~" She made a soft chuckle laying her hand on his and slowly pulling herself looes from the firm grip while only moving a little bit closer to him and looking up at him.

Robin had never been scared of danger, and while being in a situation which could be very dangerous for her she didn't at all seem faced by it. She was interested in this man and wanted to know more about the ship he called his. "Killing a woman on your ship is bad luck. Especially a whitch do you not know that?" She smirked on letting her hand rest on his cheek before stepping away and walking past him grabbing his apple he had picked earlier and took a bite out of it looking at him over her shoulder.

"Now you see, I'm here because I need to cross the ocean. And you are crossing the ocean. So I hopped on." Smirking she walked up the small stairs opening the door to the deck as if she was at home on the large ship blinking against the brightness before walking outside.

The wind immediatly pulled on her dark hair and she loosened the long travelcape a bit leaning against the ballustrade looking out over the sea chuckling as she heard the men around her whisper and gasp in fear once they realised who. Or well. For them 'what' she was. Would her finder also believe in the nonsence commoners spoke about her? "I see no sharks. So how can I be shark bait then?" She sounded a little bit dissapointed as she spit out the piece of apple in the sea watching it drift off with the waves. "None at all.."
Rhys de Poitiers
Rhys de Poitiers
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 99
IC posts : 59

Character sheet
Age: 26
Occupation: Quartermaster
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:48 pm

A cold breeze found it’s way trough the interstices of the boat, it was always colder down the deck. And it made him shiver for a second. "If you had been following me. Why did you allow me on your ship The woman asked him, breaking the silence forever. Rhys didn’t had to think about an answer for very long; Because I wanted to know what your purpose would be on this ship, and why you want to travel with us to Valyria. Rhys wasn’t the only one who knew about the girl on deck, he also informed his captain once he saw her sneaking in the store room. but the captain ordered him to let her stay and see what she would do. That is also why rhys always slept with a gun or a knife underneath his pillow, you would never knew what the night could bring you.

"Killing a woman on your ship is bad luck. Especially a whitch do you not know that?”
Maybe killing a woman is bad luck, but what about sacrifices for the sea god? Have you thought about that? Rhys pulled up one eyebrow and looked at her with a rather arrogance smile I think our sea god would be very glad to welcome a witch

Rhys wasn't very well know with witches and stuff like that, he knew they had to be burned to die, but he guessed that throwing her into the sea to feed the sharks was also a good change on killing her, if the captain wanted her dead.

When he abruptly woke up from his short daydream he saw she had opened the door to the deck and started walking outside. For a second he stood there with a surprised look on his face but it didn’t take long before he followed her towards the deck. He heard the few men that where working on deck whispering to each other but Rhys had to give them just one look and they continued their work. A little overwhelmed the men continued their working.

Stupid girl, it’s obviously that you have never seen a shark in your whole life, do you? A short sigh escaped from it’s mouth and he shaked his head while speaking these words in a sarcastic tone. It wouldn’t  matter, what would a spoiled daddy’s girl know about the seas? Because that was what she looked like, her hair was too shiny, too perfect for a street rat and to clean for a commoner and her skin was like porcelain, so untouched and unharmed. No, he wouldn’t believe it for a second if she would tell him that she came from the streets. Not. one. bit.

Well, since you are so intrigued by the sea and since you think you know it all, I will show you. Rhys turned his eyes to some buckets that where fully loaded with chopped fish, destined to be used for fishing. He grabbed one of the barrels which where rather heavy and threw the fish in the sea. Watching the blood spread as it sinks to the bottom.

It took only a few seconds until some darker shadows ’sailed’ next to the ship, three larger male sharks where now circling around the large ship. looking for the food that had just been thrown. Rhys would rather not talk about those beasts because of his fathers death, he would never forget the day that happend. And he would never see a shark so big, so aggressive and so bloodthirsty.

Now that she has seen what kind of creatures there would be on the open ocean he turned himself towards her; Well, Miss. What do you say about that? Does this answer your questions? Rhys grin turned into a rather dark smile while he was watching her.  She must have been a princess, or maybe a queen, or a duchess. suddenly a short thought came trough his mind, what if anyone else would find out that there is a high society woman on the ship? They would definitely chop of her fingers; for a second he grinned, that would be nice, it would silence her at least. Because Rhys had already enough of the girl and her wisecracking comments.

Rhys grabbed her arm turned her arm around so she was in front of him with her back turned towards him. He could almost smell it, after two days on this ship he already knew the smell of a high born, always covered with perfume and the nicest jewellery you can only dream of. Alright woman, if you keep quiet I probably can offer you a place on the ship She would probably spend her whole journey in the barracks, or cleaning the ship but at least she would ‘live’? But first, we are going to discuss this matter with the captain. Maybe he will like you as his little pet, since this journey is gonna take quite long. and a man has his needs... Rhys grinned shortly  while pushing her forward. Move along little dove, you don’t want to bother the men with your presence and the captain’s cabin is on the other side of the ship.

The breeze was still rather cold but it wouldn’t take long until the sun would set very high and it would be over 25 degrees. Rhys closed his eyes a little and turned his view for a second to the horizon. Nothing.. nothing more than the ocean. While walking he pushed her forward a little to hard so that she would easily slip over and fell to the ground. Rhys wouldn’t bother about that, womans are a curse on ships and now that he had found one between the barrels of the storage room the ship was destined to sink. or maybe worse, but what would be worse than a sinking ship…?

Once arrived at the captains cabin he opened the door and “threw” the girl on the ground, in front of the captain. Which was standing with his back towards them, his eyes towards the windows of the back of the ship. The captain which name was Edward Teague was a rather long man. with black hair, a black beard and a gruff demeanour, he has collected a lot of scars trough the years. He’s always very moody but Rhys never really bothered about that. He has been a good captain to him. Rhys turned around and locked the door so he would be sure she wouldn't just escape or vanish. Captain, He spoke shortly, making an end of the quietness in the room. I have found the little rat that sneaked on board the day we sailed out. What should we do with her?

Silver and gold, mate

Laatst aangepast door Rhys Torrance de Poitiers op ma aug 07, 2017 10:16 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Robin Akesh
Robin Akesh
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 129
IC posts : 69

Character sheet
Age: 18
Occupation: Princess of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:50 pm

she got those warrior goddess
gypsy soul magical witch bitch type of vibes

Hmm Dorne.. Robin hadn't heard about that land before. That was probably the reason why she didn't know the flag either. Which really ment that she was going to a place unknown to her. She couldnt help but grin at that fact ignoring the threats and insults the male threw at her. As she watched the sharks devour their snack she leaned over a bit more just to watch them close how they teared apart every last shred and faught amongst themselves for the last bite. They were just like humans. Just as greedy and obsessed with their own good. Robin decided that she definetly liked sharks.

There is no sea god. There are only three gods in this world and the devil. I've seen them all.'' She looked up at him a bitter darkness in her eyes. ''If your sea god excisted. Which it doesnt mankind Wouldnt be able to sail. Do you think a god allows us puny humans to live and kill innocents?" She stared in front ofnher once he turned her around roughly leaning her back against him. "You'd do better to keep me alive and unharmed.'' a soft smilr appeared on her lips as she looked up at him licking her lips softly.

''Offer me to your captain go ahaid my brave strong sailor and you'll have to take his role in the morning while your captain feeds your precious sharks.'' With those words barely louder than a whisper she walked with him staring at every single sailor on deck till they almost shivered with fear. Thats how they were supposed to be. Why did this man think he was any different?

The landing she made inside the captains cabin was one she didnt quite enjoy so much and let a soft growl slip her lips as she scraped her knee on the hard wooden Flooring. Damnit. Even though scars barely stayed on her ivory skin it still anoyed her. See sometimes she could be ladylike. She still somewhere looked like her mother.

''Ah the captain.'' A seductive and very eye pleasing smile crossed her lips as she looked up at the scarred man. His body seemed broken. Would his mind be as well? ''I must apologize for this trouble yout first mate is making.'' She kept smiling innocently and sweet as a summer bird. "My name is Helena Maria Dephaera. Daughter of King Rofried Dephaera of Raheara.'' She got a hsnd through her hair and looked up st the male her eyes hard and demanding respect. "As you may have heard my uncle resently claimed the throne after killing my father and he's out to either marry me against my will or kill me. This is why I took shelter in your ship. If you wish I'll pay you in all the gold you want For my stay. My people will be greatly pleased if I get to Dorne safely. But you see the world is full of traitors that's why I couldn't reveal myself sooner. I trust that your crew is honest and would never hurt a damsel in distress.'' Easily she spun the words around him creating her web of lies with the sweetest of words. She would be sure that it was only a matter of seconds before she had him.in the palm of.her hand.

From the captain she looked at the man who had treated hwr like he should have and smiled innocently. He seemed like a clever man. There would be a small chance he believed her lie but she was sure that the captain had already completely fallen for her charms and innocence. The poor man could do nothing but obey his captain and her.
Rhys de Poitiers
Rhys de Poitiers
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 99
IC posts : 59

Character sheet
Age: 26
Occupation: Quartermaster
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:51 pm

Despite her utter beauty he did not like the way she treated him. It was as she thought she was way better then him, lay claim on him.  As if she could demand him and the captain. On land she might be a highborn, but on the sea everyone is the same, everyone only wants one thing and that is; survive the journey trough the other side of the ocean. And that is one thing, one code Rhys always was clear of. Dying was not an option but once you set sail a ship is a treacherous place to be it is always stormy and unpredictable. One moment the sea can be like a mirror, calm gentle and very clean. But that could vanish like smoke into thin air. The weather at sea can easily change into storms that goes beyond your imagination.

In one move he grabbed it’s pistols and pointed the guns on her. Choose your words wisely because you're the one in the bad position Rhys voice turned from some kind of friendly to a deeper and darker growl. His blue eyes showed their golden edges again.  He turned himself to the captain the guns still pointed on her.Captn. What do you want me to do with her? It wasn’t spoke out like a question, and he did not bring it as one. It was more like an command towards the captain. He wouldn’t bother if she would get killed, they could throw her into the sea and see what the sea god would do with her body, or he could easily shoot her. That would make things easier since Rhys irritated himself; with her perfect skin and vicious words. He was waisting his time and he had enough work to do today so he wanted this to end now.

I trust that your crew is honest and would never hurt a damsel in distress she spoke to the man in front of her. Before the captain could answer that Rhys had already thought out one he stepped closer towards her lowered the gun and started slowly walking around her until he was in front of the dark haired beauty; Let me teach you one thing miss, we do not care about statuses on this ship, or any ship. You may be the princes of whatever you came from but on this ship the captain is the ruler. And there is nothing that your father the king can do about that. His voice was sharp, harsh and after he finished his words he showed a sinister smile. Little dove, You should have been honest with us, we are no pirates. And we have enough gold to buy our fortunes He had in fact everything he needed. Of course wealth would be very welcome, but how did he had to manage all the money while he was almost everyday on a ship.

The captain hadn't spoked a word until he turned himself around, with his hands behind his back he now made a few steps towards them, his eyes where dark and tainted. He lay a hand on Rhys it's shoulder and made sure he stepped aside. The captain got closer to her untill he was only a few inchess away from her face. You have a debt to pay miss for being here on my ship, My men are hard workers and sometimes they have their own 'needs' if you know what I mean. So.. I will give you to my men. and once we set foot on land you'll be gone.  he gasped shortly while pulling away his head. Rhys, take her upstairs to the docks where she can earn her freedom. The captain laughed harsh, with a surly undertone.

On deck Rhys could hear the men shouting at each other to loosen the sails because the weather was already changing. He heard the creaking beams of the ship, and the waves hitting harder against the wall. and smiled shortly while grabbing her harsh by her arm again pulling her away upstairs.

Silver and gold, mate

Robin Akesh
Robin Akesh
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 129
IC posts : 69

Character sheet
Age: 18
Occupation: Princess of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:54 pm

she got those warrior goddess
gypsy soul magical witch bitch type of vibes

She didn't mind a gun being pointed at her. There was more needed to kill someone like her anyway but whst she did mind was the pure rudeness of the man who pointed them as he broke her eye contact with the captain.

Shit shit shit. Had it been enough to get him under her control or was the captain still free thinking? These kind of details were very much important as it could mean the difference between a boat ride in luxury or fearing for her life and sanity.

She narrowed her eyes as the captain spoke slowly they turned a dangerous dark blue like the sea during a storm as she listened carefully to his words. ''You're a smart man. Not smart enough to safe your crew or yourself.'' She hissed softly and kept  her eyes focussed on him as the man she now identified as Rhys pulled her away. A little sinester Smile showing on her lips. If he wanted to play this game she was in. She only hoped that the ones that stayed alive at the end of this could do the work for every men she'd slaughter. Oh well their problem. Bur Robin made a note in her head to make sure the captain would die the slowest death.
Once outside again she stared up at the sky. It was a dark gray while the sea below them resembled the blue in her eyes. The weather almost seemed to react to her mood. ''You do not strike me as man who's willing to share?" Softly she whispered turning to him laying her hand under his chin. ''Do you not wish to keep me for yourself and yourself alone Rhys.'' She whispered his voice sweet and softly as she stared into his eyes a soft smile on her lips.

She wasn't afraid of what those man would do to her. In all her travels she had there would always be troubles along the way. It was only a matter of smart thinking and talking to get herself out of it. And if all else failed she'd kill. Though mostly she enjoyed human life and killing them off was messy work. Perhaps it would be better to kill no one but the captain today.

''I can give you anything you'd want Rhys do you realise that?"'

Smirking she looked up at him her dark hair dancing on the wind as she pulled his face to hers. ''And I can see everything you'd want in those eyes of yours. You don't need money or fame. You wouldnt even mind if you never became a captain. You're interested by woman but have none you love fearing you'll just leave them behind when you go out on sea. Like your father left your mother hmm?" She took a step back looking at him with a smile curling over her lips. She had  Thought this man was hard to figure out. That she wouldnt get a clear picture on him untill he opened up. But the anger and hate in his eyes already spoke enough for her to start on. ''Perhaps.. that is even the only thing you want in life. Your poor father back from your sea god. Hmm.. did he drown? Did the sharks get him?" An wider smirk crossed her lips. ''What if I can bring him back?"

Laatst aangepast door Robin V. V. Akesh op ma aug 07, 2017 9:56 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Rhys de Poitiers
Rhys de Poitiers
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 99
IC posts : 59

Character sheet
Age: 26
Occupation: Quartermaster
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:54 pm

Rhys pushed her forward and as soon as they entered the deck the woman turned herself around, pointing her haunting eyes at him. But before she could do anything he pushed her roughly away. Avoiding those eyes who now looked like a rough sea that you could easily drown in. "You think you are the smart woman here, right?" That you can turn everyone towards you with your pretty body and haunting words. Rhys could feel the ship moving beneath them, the waves became higher and some of them now even got so high that they pushed themselves over the borders of the ship.

For one second he turned away his gaze the golden sparks flickering in his eyes, turned darker and more dangerous. Well I have news for you miss whatever your name is. I am not enchanted by your presence, and I never will. You may threaten me with any words you'd like but I don't care about it, you may scare me, haunt me in my dreams, laugh about my comments or think that you are undestroyable but I will let the world know what kind of creature you are. And you may act like you are some kind of goddes bur you are not. On this ship everyone is the same, and if the sea wants to destroy you it definitely will. And there is nothing you can do about that. And if it wasn't for me I would already have feed you to the sharks.[/b] It hurted him badly that she had spoked about his father, speaking of him like she could really get him back to life. His body has already been taken by the sea, and they never found it back. So how would that be possible? Maybe.. after all she is still a witch.

Rhys thought about the day of his fathers death, the day his whole world was ripped apart when he lost another parent.That day white flames and burning flags where set on the horizon. masts broke, sails came down, people where screaming and running al over the place, but his father was not there to save him, this time. Rhys knew he had to survive, not just for himself but also to make sure his father did not die for nothing. -Never forget; keep your eyes on the horizon- his father told him, Always. because it might be the difference between life or death.

There was always the feeling of loss and despair with these thoughts about the day his father died. Feelings which he hadn’t been able to really give a place. His fathers loss was one of the most terrifying and sad moments in his life. For the first time ever he had to do it all by himself, had to live like nothing has happend and move on. Or else, he wouldn’t make it in this world. A faint smile lingered on his lips, thinking about the dark haired man made him both grief and happy at the same time.

The ocean was getting deadly, powerful, and incredibly unpredictable. And therefore the storm inside Rhys his mind also grew. It was about to prove it once again as the world above grew darker and darker. The storm was getting rather close now. The water grew choppy, the waves crashed upon the surface harder and harder as the sea grew more restless. The men where preparing the ships but as fast as those dark clouds came they could also disappear in a minute so Rhys hasn’t been very careful yet. As long as he didn’t see any tornados on the water surface it would be alright.

Well miss, since you are our honoured guest and the men are getting frustrated by your presence, I’ll take you to the rooms where you can stay for a while until the storm passes, and if this ship sinks at least you can get a nice and slow death down there. Rhys ordered the men to stand down and inform him if there are any problems on deck or if the storm is getting heavier.

He grabbed the woman her arm again and this time tighter then the first time, and dragged her downstairs deck. Once he had closed the doors he escorted her to the room opened a door and pushed her inside. For a few seconds he looked into her eyes, they had definitely been haunting him the whole time she was in his presence, he could not deny that they where one of the most beautiful things he had seen in this world. But still, sneaking and hiding especially for a woman was not allowed on this ship and there fore she had to face her punishment. If they could already give her one, since Rhys would not be surprised if she could leave her room in one blink of an eye.

He does not knew what she was capable of, and if all of her words where true, but what he knew was that he definitely felt sparks inside of him that he had never felt before. It was like every vein, every muscle has collapsed. like his soul has been ripped apart, for a second his breath choked and if he did not leave right now he would never. Rhys loosened the grip on her and stroke his hand softly until he found her hand, grabbed it shortly and looked her in the eyes. I wish there would be a way to trust you his throat was dry, so dry that he almost swallowed the words inside him and she would never hear it, but he did speak them, clear enough for her to hear. he loosened the grip on her hand, and turned around. leaving the room he closed the door but did not lock it. What was happening to him?

Silver and gold, mate

Robin Akesh
Robin Akesh
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 129
IC posts : 69

Character sheet
Age: 18
Occupation: Princess of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:58 pm

she got those warrior goddess
gypsy soul magical witch bitch type of vibes

The man before her didn't seem compelled by her words. And for a second he seemed like the first person, that she used it on, to overrule her powerfull words with his own mind. She couldn't slither in and take over. But then again.. had she been able to with the captain? Both the old man and Rhys seemed to be made completely different than all others. It wasn't the sea or this ship. She had been able to talk sailors on other ships around and the sailors on this one had also a few fallen to her. So what made them so different.

''Are you and the captain both from Rhoynar?" Soft and sweet she whispered staring at him demanding a reply.

He seemed to get that her eyes were the most dangerous in this situation and he stared out over the raging sea. "I don't just think so my dear. I know so. I am the smartest on this ship.'' A cocky little Smirk played over her lips as she looked at him. His next words only made her question wether he was really inmume to her or not and she couldnt keep down a chuckly and a blush. ''You dream about me? Most don't dream about me till they are completely under. And even then i normally do not allow their mind to turn and twist me to their desires. But you.. dream without me turning you mindless. How cute.''

''What the sea wants she gets. What i want I get. But what if we want the same thing. Who'd win..''

He seemed to doze off. She guessed he thought about his father. The one most inportant in someone's life always was the clearest to find in saddened eyed. Rhys had been no different in that fact than any other. And for someone like Robin who lived to see that pain overtake someone she couldnt help but smirk at The gorgeous sight.

"But unlike the sea. You do not need to fear me. You're the only one here who doesn't need to tremble as I speak.''

As he spoke and pulled her along once again out of the raging storm she just had gotten confortable to a frown formed on her brow. The push made her stumble but she turned around quickly for as far as.she could and stared up at him again.

The suddenly almost seeming tender hand made her shiver as she hold her breath. He was completely enchanted by her, she realised it as she once again found the mans eyes and as if this day didn't bring 'firsts' enough she realised she didn't want him bowing to her will. She wanted him to fight it destroy it and overpower her. She wanted him to show her how dangerous he thought he was. And she wanted to lower her head in defeat to him as their games would end. She didn't want to be the winner in this game because if she won he'd lay dead.

Sincerity formed in her eyes that slowly seemed to become lighter as she touched his fingertips with hers. ''Trust me. I'm not to be trusted today.'' Closing her eyes she let him go hearing him walk away and bit her lip. What was she feeling. Why were tears abouy to burn in her eyes. She lived her life for herself. It had always been that way. It had never been different. Why would it be now.>
Just what was this man doing to her?

When he was gone even if he was still standing on the other side of the door the ship suddenly felt colder and Robin couldnt help but hug herself and kneel down noticing how badly she was Trembling. She felt sick and dizzy. Powerless as she was stripped away from her one power and instead a new unwanted desire seemed to form. A need for his voice as he told her off. The darkness of his eyes still haunted her. The salty, sweaty smell of his body still lingering around her seeming to completely overtake her as she shut her eyes. The sea raged on mirroring the rapid thoughts inside of her mind making her dizzy as her hand still burned from his touch..

She was going completely insane like this.

This need inside of her kept throbbing no matter how lang she waited in the darkness as the sea tried her hardest to take the ship and all it's members down. The world seemed blurry as she kept holding onto her balance to not pass out growling at her own weakness. This Isn't how she was rased. She was stronger than this. Stronger than this man. And she just had to delete him from her mind so he could not win this battle.

If she let him her heart would never be hers again. If she let him come too close she'e depend on him and he would see the ugly truth of who and what she actually was. He'd leave her broken behind which she couldn't afford. Never again.

The knife was easily found even if she hold it in trembling hands and sat down in silence hiding it under her coat waiting in silence keeping her eyes open since if she closed him she saw his again. She had to stay focussed. Emotions off or they would destroy her just as it had always been. She had given herself too much freedom and now she had to pay..
Rhys de Poitiers
Rhys de Poitiers
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 99
IC posts : 59

Character sheet
Age: 26
Occupation: Quartermaster
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 9:59 pm

After taking the lady downstairs she eventually started talking again, asking him questions about his life and if he was also from Valyria yes or no.Rhys decided to be rather polite then moody and so he answered her question. We both live in Rhoynar. he answered sharp. I actually grew up there with my father Rhys did not want to go into full details about his “family status”. The lady did not need to know that his mother was a whore who slept with almost the entire city and his sister went away on her 16th birthdaywith some pirate captain. Little she would care about him and his family it was none of her concern. It has made him harder, stronger and also a little colder.

I think the sea would win my dear, The sea had abilities that even your pretty face can’t win from. he nodded with a flirty face -xD- while dragging his hand around her waist while still holding her arm. ''Trust me. I'm not to be trusted today.’’Trust is your most loyal companion on this ship my lady. Once you lose that you are cursed.. but.. I think you already are. Once he had pushed her into the room he pointed his golden eyes on her for a second and closed the door.

The lady in the room was not his biggest concern right now. The ship started moving more roughly and the waves grew larger and larger. The sky turned darker and strokes of lighting where seen in the distance, Rhys needed to hold onto the bars on the side of the ship once it sailed trough a deep wave. he could barely hold his balance while running upstairs.

Once he came upstairs he saw the men running on deck and waves crashing trough the side of the ship…  Later that night the storm faded away and there was nothing more then a soft breeze rushing trough Rhys his hair.

It was early in the morning and the sun has not set already, so he decided to take a small nap before the day would started. ‘Luckily’ for him in all the hurry he had locked the woman away in his own room so he decided to check up on her and then he would finally be able to get some sleep. Rhys told the men to call him when there where any problems on deck.

He walked his way below deck and had to let his eyes getting used to the darker area, There where a few candles in the room that where still on.

Silver and gold, mate

Laatst aangepast door Rhys Torrance de Poitiers op ma aug 07, 2017 10:17 pm; in totaal 2 keer bewerkt
Robin Akesh
Robin Akesh
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 129
IC posts : 69

Character sheet
Age: 18
Occupation: Princess of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 10:00 pm

she got those warrior goddess
gypsy soul magical witch bitch type of vibes

He left her. He left her all alone. Her knife clutched in her hands. Was she trembling.. It seemed like she was. Was she cared of what she was about to do. Or was she scared of the fact that he was out there. While the wind and rain clashed against the small round window. The sea seemem mercyless. Angry with the words Robin had spoken about her. Seagoddess. It was a sick joke for small kids to warn them from comming too close to the shore. This man had nothing to fear out there..

The night fell, and with the night the storm did as well. Still she could not find sleep. The adrenaline rushing through her body was too high to possibly find rest in the darkness.

By the time dawn arose the young woman was softly singing to herself but stopped as the door seemed to open. Quick as a shadow she removed herself from the bed and towards the wall to get behind him. Where the adrenaline, just moments before, seemed to calm down, it was now rushing through her entire system again. She knew not to find those golden eyes. For if she did she would be lost in them once again. No she had to move through, put her mind to blanc and just go on with her plan.

As quick as she had just moved, she moved once again this time towards him and trew her arm around him laying the blade on his neck. He was taller than her and she had to push herself on her toes to actually reach him while she leaned a bit against him her mouth towards his ear.

The scent, salty of sweat and the sea nearly seemed to overtake her as she felt dizzy pushing her nose in his hair softly. What the hell was she doing just standing against him, the cold blade pushing more to his neck as she opened her mouth softly. "Rhys." She whispered against the earlobe breathing against his soft skin. Had he bewitched her instead of she him. The knife didn't seem to want to do the cutting for her.

"Dii hil los kinz naal Cupid. Zu'u distain viim-viiz kirg. Til los nid vis franvoth zey. Nuz dii Inlok saatiik boziik."

Without notice she sang the small line into his ear in her mothers language. It was a holy tongue, not to be used by the weak hearted. A lust filled tongue she had always thought. It had hard tones and a rough sound to it. But suddenly it sounded so soft. They always used to say that the words would only be true when spoken to the other part of ones heart.

Though that was just bullshit.
Rhys de Poitiers
Rhys de Poitiers
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 99
IC posts : 59

Character sheet
Age: 26
Occupation: Quartermaster
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 10:02 pm

The hall was not quite narrow and the few candles that hung on the wall where flickering against the shadows of the early morning. It would not take a lot of time once the sun would rise so he would be able to take a small nap. And after a stormy night he would be glad when his body would touch the bed. It was not a very comfortable bed but it was better then the beds the crew had to sleep on, and he has his own room. Which could be in his disadvantage right now…

Rhys entered the darker room and saw a shadow almost floating trough the room. His eyes where not yet focussed on the light so before he knew he felt something “hanging” around his shoulders. And something sharp stung into the flesh of his neck. He gasped shortly and tried not to let his rage take over his body but how could he not? He was fucking threatened with a knife.

Immediately he grabbed around himself but couldn’t get ‘hold’ on it. so instead of grabbing behind him he grabbed the woman’s arms and tried to loosen them but instead of loosening they only seemed to suffocating him even more.

Once he heard the woman’s voice calling his name and after that some words of a song that he would never forget his arms loosened and he lost grip of her arms. He was in trance.. haunted by these words that sounded so lovely, so caring.. but. “He knew the song, the words.. he recognised them. The men where often singing about the underwater world, the tales they told where true it must have beent true.” But how?! Rhys thought about the tales of the mermaids his father once told him, he would never believed him then but right now, he was true. He was so true about everything.

For a moment he couldn’t bear to say anything, think about anything or even breathe. His mind has just exploded of what he just heard and the storm inside of him only awakened more by her words. For a second he was just staring at the floor, or at least what he could see of it trough all the shadows. Has he heard this song before? And them he knew it. Rhys eyes turned darker almost black.. This song He spoke or what looked like speaking with a knife pushed against your throat and with a little irritated undertone he tried to say some words. I heard this song before.. for a moment he thought about how to get out of this situation and how to give this witch what she deserved.. she had played enough tricks with his mind.

I heard this song, the day my father died. The day he got burned in flames, a few moments before it happend there where these voices all around the ship. calling the crew, the captain.. my father The last words he spoke with a deep and dark voice, the storm inside his mind has made place for a tornado and before he knew he grabbed the arms of the woman again and pushed them away from his throat. He could finally breath normally again and pushed the woman away from him, with his back against the door.

Did you really thought I would get myself killed by some kind of woman! I still don’t understand a thing about what you are doing here, but alive or not you are going to leave this ship now The once so soft voice has changed and made place to something deeper, and even more irritated. For a second his mind seemed to calm down, but before it could he started thinking again about his fathers death. The day it happend. He was so small he could only see a few details vague and dark shades but the song has made something clear in his brain, very clear. You and your bloody witches has poisoned my fathers brain and all the other crew members and made them do this!

He didn’t knew she was also there the day he died, but he just couldn’t care about that right now. All he knew was that she and her folk had poisoned them made them burn the place down and he could not forgive anyone for that.

Silver and gold, mate

Robin Akesh
Robin Akesh
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 129
IC posts : 69

Character sheet
Age: 18
Occupation: Princess of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 10:03 pm

she got those warrior goddess
gypsy soul magical witch bitch type of vibes

She had been overtaken by this man. Completely lost in the moment. Off course he would use this to better himself and gasping for air she got pushed against the door. Her deep dark eyes found his and a carefull smile once again formed on her lips. He acted out of the past. Not with eyes on the future ahaid. That foolishness would be his dead in the end.

"Rhys.'' She spoke softly. Her voice clear and calm as she looked at him. ''I have nothing to do with the death of your father. Look at me. I'm younger than you are.''

She kept staring at him. Inside her a fire was raging. Who was this man. How did he know what the song was. Did he speak Dovahzul. What was Dorne to Valyra. Damnit why hadn't she put more interest into the political bullshit of her country it could've saved her ass right now.

''I need you to listen carefull to me.'' She slowly began layingg her hand on his strong arm. ''I only once heard the song.'' Her eyed turned soft almost pleading. ''If any of us bewitched the other its you who put a spell on me.'' She let her fingers run over his skin feeling the veins run under the soft layer of flesh. So easy to kill. And so needed. But now she needed to get out first.

''I am human. Just as human as you please.'' She slowly moved the knife up, carefully she made a slow cut over her skin biting her lip aa it started bleeding immediatly. ''See.. human. Just completely human. There are other ways to show you but i wouldn't want to disrespect my father with that..'' she whispered a half smile turning on her soft lips. Just keep talking Robin. He'll let go just keep talking.

She had been in quite thr ammount of Stupid things. Shit seemed to follow her wherever she went. But this man was beyond the common fools and perverts. He was a real danger and she needed to deal with him.

''I do not know what overtook me.'' She whispered. ''I was scared you were one of those crew members and jesus we both know they'd do anything to get to me. Princess or not. I would never want to hurt you Rhys so please..'' she bit her lip and stared up at him pushing him off and away a bit creating some breathing space. ''I just sang that to fuck with your mind. I didn't even know it were real words or a real song let alone that it was sung the day your father..''

Looking away again she swallowed walkind past him dropping her travel coat revieling a bit short and tight dress she was wearing. In silence she bandaged the cut in her arm and turned back to him. ''They may call me a witch. But you put a spell on me.. the moment i touched you I just.. lost it.'' She shook her head. ''I'll be damned if this is love or how ever the hell she called it.'' She whispered to herself sarcastic as she wondered how her sister would react seeing het like this. Miss Crownprincess would probably die with laughter. All of her family would for that fact. Especially her father. God let him not find out about this she'd never hear the end of it for sure. He'd probably even pull some kind of stunt like gettong rhys to court. Just to bully her. Asshole.

Now this conversation could go one of two ways. Either he'd laugh and they'd be okay. Hell he didn't even have to laugh. They just had to be back to zero. Or she had to swim home. Which wasn't all that bad. Just annoying as hell. "You do not have to fear me.'' She whispered moving back to him and felt her fingers tingle as she got closer to him. ''I just wish you Could be honest with me like I am with you.''
Rhys de Poitiers
Rhys de Poitiers
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 99
IC posts : 59

Character sheet
Age: 26
Occupation: Quartermaster
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 10:04 pm

It was like a storm of dust that raged trough his mind, and trying to take him over. Everything went blank when he finally realised where he had known the words from and everything seemed so clear this time. After a few seconds he turned to himself again, or at least what looked like himself, The deep dark eyes turned shallow and gold again, and he got his vision back. Did this truly happend just now? Was her seriously attacked by some kind of witch who spoke some strange words of a song in his ear? Or did he dreamed the whole thing because his sleep was taking over not too long before this happend. He would die right now for a bed because his head felt like it could explode in a second. Heavy, sharp stings went trough it and for a moment he closed his eyes and breathe heavily. This day could not get any worse Rhys.

While he opened his eyes and looked to the woman who had just attacked him he could only see flames and death on her.. Burning everything down within seconds, screaming men and his dad.'I have nothing to do with the death of your father. Look at me. I'm younger than you are.'' she spoke soft to him. His face was blank and he didn’t even care he had just thrown her against the wall. she, no they deserved it. They deserved to be punished for what he did to him what he did to everyone on that ship. With all the strength he had he started talking again but his throat was so dry that he could barely speak. I… Your species or whatever you are need to leave this boat. Right.Now. The last words he spoke where sharp, hard and while speaking them his eyes turned darker again and the expression on his face turned darker and angrier within seconds. Women where a curse on ships.. and that was true.

Her desperate words that she only heard the song once went right trough Rhys. But when she started talking about how HE bewitched her he grinned shortly. You are not only a witch but also a very good liar. You can’t talk yourself out of this, not anymore.

Honest? Do you even know what that is?

Rhys walked towards her grabbing her roughly by her arm again making the space between them even more close like he did before this happend. He could feel her breath on his skin and could smell her scent. I hoped we didn’t need to play this game again but you let me no choice. He had to know the truth. Well then miss, if you are so honest as you said. Then tell me. What is your name and why are you on my ship. And don’t try to fool me, I demand you to be honest like you said you are.

'I just wish you Could be honest with me like I am with you.'' Rhys could not bear hearing her speak like this, was he going crazy or what? Was she playing tricks with his mind.. apparently she was. because she was twisting all of his words around and made him look like the fool. I have never been not honest with you,He answered sharp. I don’t know where this came from but you are the one who sneaks around on my ship and tried to slit my throat. How honest will you call that missie? There where times when he just couldn’t care about women at all, they where just objects to play around with for one night and them dump them like trash, and how could he even have a relationship with someone when he was always on the sea? Women where not allowed on ships and clearly he don’t have the time to have one of his own. Until she came into his life.. or actually on his boat.

Silver and gold, mate

Robin Akesh
Robin Akesh
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 129
IC posts : 69

Character sheet
Age: 18
Occupation: Princess of Fallen Skies
Residence : Archeon

[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

ma aug 07, 2017 10:05 pm

she got those warrior goddess
gypsy soul magical witch bitch type of vibes

Her heart was beating quickly. Her dark blue eyes still wide with fear while she was almost shaking. She didn't know what he was doing to her, she didn't know why she felt this way with him and why playing around wasn't as easy as it normally was. She felt as if she just had to lay down there and die. Just give up and give in to whatever he wished to do to her. And it scared her. It scared her that he could have this much control over her without even realising it. Because what if he did realise. What if he understood the power he held and what if he decided to use it against her. She'd bleed and die for him here and now. If he spoke to do so.. How could he use her own spells her own magic against her.

"I am human Rhys." Tears stood in her eyes as if she couldn't bear to listen to the sharp words that seemed to cut her skin open and leave her tearing down. She tried to speak to him. Tried to show him that whatever this idea was that he hold in his head, it wasn't true. It was no reality. Even if it in all honesty was the truth they were facing. She had to make him see it wasn't so. "I may lie about a great deal of things, but not about this. The words I speak to you are the truth and only the truth. I am human and you have bewitched me with everything you have. Your scent your eyes which hold hurricanes. You're voice and the way you move. I do not wish this, I will not accept it. But I have no control as you have taken this away from me." Almost angry she hissed and stared straight at him. Did he not see her struggle. Did he not understand. Robin lived to be free. She wasn't ment to be kept down in a fancy dress looking pretty. But right now he was caging her and all she could do was sing like a little bird begging for freedom.

If her eyes could grow even wider they were growing right now as she stared at him, laying her free arm on his chest as he moved closer to her. The question, the truth. Everything in her screamed to shut up and stick to her story but her mouth opened as if out of her own free will. "I.. Rhys I." Swallowing again she tried to hide away the words before laying a hand on his rough cheek. "My name is Robin Valyra Akesh."

Oh dear god no she didn't. She hadn't just.. Yes she had.. Without wanting to she spoke out her full name and swallowed. "I am the youngest daughter of king Larethian Akesh and queen Dacosta Valyra Vynx Akesh-Leandaerys. I am princess of Valyra and the valley beyond the void and second in line to the throne of Fallen Skies. That is the truth, and nothing but the truth." She kept talking. No matter how badly she wanted to shut up. No matter how dearly she wanted to cut this man down and be done with it. "I came onto your ship because I was seeking adventure. I tried to slit your throat because of this hold you have over me. I do not wish to be tied down. And I will kill you as soon as I find it in my power to do so." Narrowing her eyes a bit more she leaned to him. "But right now you may not even realise how strong your hold is." Letting her hand run from his chest to the back of his head she slowly moved her fingers though his dark hair before pushing his face to hers and forcing her lips on his.

They tasted like salt. The sea water had probably been splashing in his face together with the rain that had come crashing down from the night sky. She felt her legs grow weaker at the taste as she pushed herself more to him turning him around and pushing him backwards to make him fall on the bed in a desperate attempt to remove her lips from his.
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[M] Curse me with your love Empty Re: [M] Curse me with your love

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