Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
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Aeron Medici
Aeron Medici
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 31
IC posts : 17

Character sheet
Age: 46
Occupation: Advisor
Residence : Nordshal

I shall always feel thirsty Empty I shall always feel thirsty

zo jan 07, 2018 6:20 pm

I make art until someone dies.
I am the world's first fully functioning homicidal artist.

Darkness masked him. Hiding him away from plain sight as he stared up at the starry sky. He had been waiting for his daughter for quite some time now. Knowing she was probably somewhere. But always ready to get to him as quick as possible. However it did not hold back his irritation as he had to stand in silence. Staring around for any sign of movement.

For some seconds it occured to him that she could very well have betrayed him to her uncle. Making sure that his end would soon be coming. But she didn't strike him as a traitorous whore. She had too much of her mother in her. Too much pride and arrogance of him. No she wouldnt even think of betraying him. She was too stupidly innocent to do so.

And that was exactly what he needed her to be. Innocent rage for a man who destroyed her life. She was a princess in every way. Deserved the crown more than Thriumph did in every way. But there was no way to get it off the usurpers head right now.

So they had to stick together. Father and daughter. One day he would make sure she'd wear a crown. His crown. And when she did. He would have the rule of his land back once more. For such an innocent being as she was. She would not be able to rule Navarre. Making her easily slip into his willing arms. Ruling his country from the shadows once more.

Ofcourse he had rather been the one placed on his throne again. But he was no fool. Navarre and certainly D'auvignon would never trust him again. But his sweet child. A queen all could look up to. Was a perfect decoy. They would fall to their knees for her love and attention. It would all be so simple. If only she could stick to their plan. Make sure she would be here.. was the first part of it.

An slightly annoyed growl left his lips as he leaned back against the rock staring up at the sky. It would soon be too late to be out. Dawn would rise and so would the normal stretch of life. This route would be busy and he would have to leave. If only she could hurry up and join him..

Rhaella Medici
Rhaella Medici
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 113
IC posts : 71

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Firebender
Residence : The fields of Navarre

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

zo jan 07, 2018 8:20 pm

I rebuilt myself from the ashes
after you burned me alive with your cold words.

Stand by the grey stone when the waves of the Bay of steel crash down at the shore, and the setting sun with the last light of the first full moon will shine upon your face. This is where we will meet....

A million stars had gathered above her head. Every one of them seemed unique, their own shapes and sizes. Some blinked and made her pale skin light up a bit. Other.. Made their way down towards the horizon and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

There she was, the small mare was moving very slowly under her. Making her body move with every step the horse made. Rhaella pulled the cloak a bit more over her head. She was never fond of travelling in the darkness. It made her feel small and terrified of every crack and every breeze of wind she heard. As if someone was following her. Seemed quite ironic for someone who broke into a castle and planted several traps for a king, but so it was. Not that she had a choice to travel during nighttime. Everything her father wants she had to answer for. So it ever was so it always be

After a few miles a new landscape dimmed up and so did a new dark silhouette that she could identify. Rhaella pinched her eyes a bit together and with every step the horse made she could see the person clearer. For a short moment she doubted if it was him. What if he did not came to see her? So without thinking twice she grabbed the dagger under her cloak. Holding onto it as good as she could. She could use her fire bending but that might cause too much attention and that was the last thing she wanted. Once she was a few meters away she stopped the mare and pulled herself off the horse. Throwing the reins over her head and hold them in one hand, leading the mare towards the man. ….father? her voice soft almost a whisper yet warm.

And without you, I can ignite

Laatst aangepast door Rhaella Medici op vr jan 12, 2018 7:54 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Aeron Medici
Aeron Medici
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 31
IC posts : 17

Character sheet
Age: 46
Occupation: Advisor
Residence : Nordshal

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

ma jan 08, 2018 3:07 pm

I make art until someone dies.  
I am the world's first fully functioning homicidal artist.

He could have been sure of it. His child would come. She'd always come to him. Even if she wanted to hate him from time to time. Or felt like he could be a monster. She still would run to him. for they were just as rotten and broken on the inside. Two sides of the same coin. Cursed since birth.

There she was. Walking careful obviously not sure if he was her father or not. So when she called him out softly he stepped up and moved the hood slightly away so she could see the red shining in his darkened eyes.

"My child. It was been too long."

He hadn't been like he was doing much. but still his time was valuable and he did not like spending it in wait of anyone. Not even for his daughter. She had made him wait too long already so he stepped towards her with a darkened look. "You took long. Problems along the way?" He asked coldly not really all that interested in the answer.
Rhaella Medici
Rhaella Medici
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 113
IC posts : 71

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Firebender
Residence : The fields of Navarre

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

vr jan 12, 2018 7:54 pm

I rebuilt myself from the ashes
after you burned me alive with your cold words.

Every call, every letter and every raven she had to answer for. And if she did not answer soon enough he would find her. There was no escape from this man. It would be a good idea just to vanish and never contact him again. She tried. Many times. And many times before she disobeyed him. Tried to irritate him that munch until he would spit her out. But nothing worked out the way she wanted. Every single time he talked her out of her own plans and made sure she was reminded on how her mother died. Making her hate her uncle even more for what he did. So she had to play along with him. For now.

When she would take care of her uncle there was nothing else to fight for. Her niece Faylice could take her rightful place on the crown and Rhaella would finally be able to live her life at ease. Maybe with eros, maybe without. Who knows.

The familiar voice reached her ears and she looked up.Making sure to still hold her distance from him. But as he turned his large body towards her and made his way forward she hold her breath very careful. I had to made sure I was not followed, father. she lied. And lying was something she became very good in when it came to her father. There where times that she loved him. That she saw the man again that she knew many years ago. The kind and gentle giant, her hero. But he was gone. He had left her the day her mother died and haven’t seen him since then. Rhaella crosses her hands and let the reins rest around her arm. What are your plans for the next few weeks? without any hesitation she asked him. She wanted to know what he was up to, and how it involved her.

And without you, I can ignite

Aeron Medici
Aeron Medici
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 31
IC posts : 17

Character sheet
Age: 46
Occupation: Advisor
Residence : Nordshal

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

wo jan 17, 2018 9:25 pm

He couldn't help but feel a sting of pain. As she had gotten off her horse. The way the moonlight lit up her hair. The freckles spread across her nose and face.
Each time he saw her in the moonlight she looked even more like her mother. And each time the moonlight left her face he was left once again empty handed. Knowing that she wasn't his Nyra. But a woman all on her own. With her own life, a life he was sipping out of her with every task he laid on her shoulders.

She rebelled against him. Hated him and wanted to destroy him. A anger he had first hated, but now only wanted to feed more. If she was disgusted by her own father she would be disgusted by the world just the same. And that was what was needed to survive. If she didn't feel the anger, the hate and the distrust with him that she did. How would she ever survive on her own, when he wouldn't be there anymore to hold her baby hand.

How would she ever make a queen.

"You know you're not interesting enough to be followed." He replied shortly and almost emotionless as he narrowed his eyes. Letting his sight run over her entire body. Searching for any reason to worry about her or even more importantly, his safety. But he found nothing off about her today so instead of holding back even more he nodded on her question sitting himself back down again.

"Come sit."

He commanded her shortly and crossed his arms togetheer to stare up at the nightsky. "Things are beginning to get interesting. I found your niece earlier along the way. The poor thing thinks she has a chance of a normal life. Hopes to be free. Not realising the leash Thriumph still holds on her. We need to sever that nice little leash so that he will loose controll of her." He turned back towards his daughter. "You will have to do this as she will not come closer towards me. And then we have both the Tenebrae boys to deal with as well. You remember what I told you about them Rhaella?" Speaking icy cold he stared at her. Waiting for her reply, hoping that his lessons had stuck around in her foolish head.

There is no creature on earth
half so terrifying as a truly just man

Rhaella Medici
Rhaella Medici
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 113
IC posts : 71

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Firebender
Residence : The fields of Navarre

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

wo jan 24, 2018 8:28 pm

I rebuilt myself from the ashes
after you burned me alive with your cold words.

Many people would have called her an idiot for meeting up with her father for all these times. Especially alone and at night. Without anyone knowing where she was or what she was doing. But, besides Eros nobody else needed cared to know of her conditions. But right now, with Eros away for his own duties she had no one to fall back on, if her psychotic, murderous father would harm her. Many times she wanted to burn him, kill him, slit his throat for making her life so miserable. But she couldn’t. She could not burn him because his skin was made of iron, cold hard iron. Impregnable. She tried, many times. And enough times Rhaella had failed.

She narrowed her eyes as he told her she was not interesting enough. As if he knew. As if he knew what she was doing other than helping him with his plans. She turned her gaze away from him and decided not to pay attention to any of his mean words. Her eyes found some light stars that light up every now and then. A soft smile appeared on her face. When she was just a little girl the darkness had frightened her. So hard that she would get out off her bed and search for her mother. With tears in her eyes the lady would have hold her in her arms and pressed some kisses in her hair. She would have taken her to the large window in the living room letting her see the stars. They where always fascinated by those small lights, lighting up every now and then. ‘without the darkness we’d never see the stars.’ she would whisper in the girl her ear. Before she could get comfortable with the thoughts of her mother she heard the grasping voice of her father again. Her red eyes trailed towards the man who commanded her to come sit next to her. I am not going to sit next to you. she simply replied as she also crossed her arms and turned her body towards him. Again she let his

As Faylice her name rolled over his lips she felt a certain anger grow towards him. He knew how well the girls are getting along when Rhaella lived in the castle. Most of the time the two girls found each other and irritated the guards with their girl talk. But those days where over once Rhaella had left the castle. I don’t think Faylice will ever come close to me again she lied. She knows how fond I am of you. And she is definitely not stupid enough to confront me with her problems As her little play continued she started to get a hold on her words and for a seconds a slight smirk run down her lips. This could be another episode of a musical if you asked her. Her father continued and she could not help it but grin, Letting her slender fingers glide through her deep red locks, twisting some of them around her finger and release them again. Father, Why should I care about some boys who can’t even keep their country together? Boys who are probably more dead than alive by now. Those boys are not worth my time nor yours. She hissed at him, her voice sharp.  She stepped closer but stopped as soon as she stood in front of her father. Her arms crossed again, raising one eyebrow Since when did you see those weakened boys as a threat? with a suspicious voice she waited. Waited for his reply.

And without you, I can ignite

Aeron Medici
Aeron Medici
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 31
IC posts : 17

Character sheet
Age: 46
Occupation: Advisor
Residence : Nordshal

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

ma feb 12, 2018 8:19 pm

The insolence of his daughter was never much appreciated. And especially not when he was busy planning things ahead for her future. Why could the child not see that she should simply shut up and endure for the betterment of her own future. She could be a queen. A goddess but instead she choose to behave like some little girl who got too little attention of her parents.

It annoyed him to no end when she spoke up acout not thinking the traitors child would not come close to her. He knew their friendship back at home and he knew how stupidly innocent Faylice was. She would never give up on her pretty little friends. Including Rhaella.

Her stupidity got increased the moment she spoke about not caring for the tenebrae sons. Had she not learned a thing in all these years? The many many lessons he had given her.

As his red eyes focussed on her daughter a small smirk ran over his lips before slowly moving himself up as she stepped in front of him. Within a second and without much thinking he grabbed towards her neck pushing her down to the ground against the hard rocks that he had just been sitting on top of.

With a low hiss he let her go and turned away from her. "You stupid selfish girl. Have you no braincells left or are they all burned away?" He hissed shaking his head. "One of those boys is playing around with your precious best friend. The other is by far too close to another slut who thinks she has any claim to the throne. Our Throne, MY THRONE!" Fuming he turned to her grabbing her by her hair as he kneeled down. "They know how to play this game. Its time you started learning it as well my precious child." Narrowing his eyes he pushed her back once more. "You will find either Faylice or your other niece Spectre. You will get close to them and you will kill them. I am done having things play out in anyone elses favors. Kill the boys as well. Destroy everything in your path.

Or else I will destory you."

There is no creature on earth
half so terrifying as a truly just man

Rhaella Medici
Rhaella Medici
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 113
IC posts : 71

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Firebender
Residence : The fields of Navarre

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

di feb 13, 2018 7:36 pm
I shall always feel thirsty Kaderimg_by_ladyperfume-dc3p3dp

Rhaella Medici
She wears strength and darkness equally well
She knew what would happen when she did not obey his words and walk behind him like she was some kind of dog. Bad things would happen. The man was perfectly capable of  shoving her down, belittle her and make her feel weak. She could attack him but it would make no difference. He was stronger and even without his fire bending he was able to throw her off her feet. After the lady finished her last words she saw the large body of her father push himself up from the ground. He looked enormous in the dark shadows of the night and his red eyes that where pierced into hers made her feel even more terrified. She wanted to take a step back from him but before she could do that a large hand was roughly placed around her neck. Pushing her whole body down as if it was nothing. She lost her balance and before she knew she was on the ground. Her face scratches against the rough stones and she could feel the skin burn. A low scream was hearable from her throat and almost immediately her hands where placed around his. But as soon as the hands where placed around her throat the faster they where removed and a sea of irritated words that came with it.

Why did he do this to her? Why did she allow it?

Her slender hand reached for her neck, placing it on the spot where her father just roughly touched her. She breaths in and tries to get her focus back after everything that happened just now. I have done so much for you… she whispers as her red eyes where pierced on the black stones. I have lied for you, done everything in my power to get my uncle from his throne. And I have never ever asked for anything in return. she quietly speaks after regaining her breath, her voice stronger than she had imagined.

But it only seemed to make him even more angry. Before she could even relax from his attack just now she felt something pull on her hair and the large body of her father kneeled down next to her only to continue his sea of frustration he pushed her back once he was done again. She could balance herself with her hands and tries to get out off his reach. It is never enough for you, what would mother think if she would have seen you this way?.. It would have broken her heart she spat at him. Her long red locks where going all the way. Covering half of her face as she had turned her gaze away from him. Her blood was boiling but her eyes where filled with tears ready to be released every moment. She did not deserve this and he did not deserve her love.

Rhaella found the strength to push her body up from the ground. She balances herself and looks at her father. You are all alone. she murmurs. A king who lost his crown, his family and the love from the only person in the world who actually cared for him until now, the only real family who he had left. As much as she had a way with words, she knew there was no way to talk herself out of this situation, and despite her sharp tongue she found herself beaten and broken. Her confidence stolen with a rough hand. 'Me.' Her last word was spoken softer, hoping she was able to get through that hardened steel wall he had put up around himself. That iron door that was locked when her mother had died.

But it would not surprise her if he would continue his rage. His way of seeking revenge for everything that had happened.

the girl has always been half goddess, half hell

Aeron Medici
Aeron Medici
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 31
IC posts : 17

Character sheet
Age: 46
Occupation: Advisor
Residence : Nordshal

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

za apr 14, 2018 9:59 pm

His eyes were wild fireballs blazing in the nightsky as he stared at his daughter. His one and only child. His heir, his future and the flesh and blood of the love of his life. How dared she, how dared she dissobey him like this. How dared she burn him down and walk her on path without even consulting him. It disgusted him, annoyed him and furiated him even.

"How much you've done? Child you have done nothing but dissapoint me from the day you were born." He hissed ice cold venom leaking from his lips as he stared at her. "Lied to who. Your uncle is still on his throne and stronger than ever and all you have ever done is begged for more." He growled not even sure why he dignefied her taunts with a response as he shook his head stepping backwards.

It clicked somewhere in his head that he was doing the wrong things and with the next words the pieces fell in place. As the anger in his eyes faded and he stared at her. When she used her mothers as an straight attack on him he could swear he heard his heart crack a little. Staring at the child in front of him.

She was a direct image of her mother, as strong and kindhearted but as wild and spirited. She couldnt understand the pain he went through, the hell that had been his life ever since her mother had left this life and how dearly he had laid awake at nights begging for his own life to be over. It was his own personal hell that he still walked around here. A broken man his crown and life taken from him. Everything his brother had done to destroy him. The medici curse had eaten him away from the inside out till there was nothing left of him. And that was exactly it. There was nothing left of him. Not even a child. Because something so pure and good could not come from a monster like him.

Her words didn't even fully reach him anymore staring into a point way past her as his mind clouded again. Anger returning to his system, a deep grounded hate for everything living. Everything that was still happy while he was in this constant state of misery. The happiness he wanted to sniff out. The warmth he needed to destroy only so everything in the world would feel the same like him. And everyone would share his hell.

"If that is truly how you feel."

He spoke his voice calm like the dying wind before a hurricane as he turned his eyes back to her. "Then you won't mind turning to the only person who ever loved you." As hhe stepped forward he grabbed his sword by its handle grabbing it so tight that his knuckles turned white. "I would say send greetings to your mother. But she has no place in the burning hell I will send you to..


There is no creature on earth
half so terrifying as a truly just man

Rhaella Medici
Rhaella Medici
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 113
IC posts : 71

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Firebender
Residence : The fields of Navarre

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

ma apr 16, 2018 7:10 pm

she wears strength and darkness equally well
the girl has always been half goddess half hell

Tears slowly forming in her eyes, tainting her freckled cheeks as her father started talking what a disappointment she was. And for some moments she had believed him. He had often told her that she was a disappointment, not worthy and not to be loved. And often she had believed him. The flashback crossed her mind of her weary trainings with her father. The hurting he had done her, the threats he had given her, the pure and evil looks he had flashed her when she did not obey. It all became clear before her eyes again and it only made her mind feel more sad and disgusted by the man. Do you really think I could take a throne with my own hands? From my uncle…. her voice trembles as she chooses the words precisely. He knew how indestructible Triumph was he probably knew it a bit too well.

She had loved him, or so she had thought it was love. Perhaps it were just wishes from a little girl that longed for both her parents their love. For it was everything that a girl ever wished for. Just to be normal, have a happy life with both her parents and growing up within their safe zone. But everything had gone from wrong to even worse and it wrecked her when she realized his feelings had never been the same way around. His words touched her more deeply than he would ever imagine. The only thing what he saw was himself. And he probably did not care if he should erase his own daughter along the way. And with that and a combination of the rest of his actions and words she was definitely and most sincere afraid of him.

Despite her fear towards the large man she knew she was never going to give him   benefit of the doubt. She had seen how it turned her niece into a delicate and breakable flower. And she definitely did not want to end up that way. True queens were born strong and learned to be as hard as cold lava from the moment they grow up. True queens don’t turn into delicate flowers that are almost too breakable to touch. And for that it was also a reason why her niece was never fit enough for the Navarrian crown on her head. Perhaps it was not clear for her. But she would see it, in time. Not that Rhaella ever wanted to have a crown on her head. Maybe when she was just a little naive girl she had longed for the fam it brought. But the older she got the more weight was put on the title of king or queen.

A striking voice makes her lift her chin, a small fire of hope struck within the deepest of her being. She straightens her back a little  and licks her lips, tasting blood in her mouth. From the scratches that has been made by the stones earlier. It were only a few drops but just enough to reach for her red lips and give them an even more reddish glow. With her free had that was resting on her waist to support her body she wipes away the little strands of blood. Only to search for his deadly red eyes again. But the man she once knew was gone. He was truly gone now. A few weeks ago she could see a few sparks from how he used to be. That kind a loving father she longed for. But those feelings seemed to have been banished to the background.

While his voice sounded so calm before it changes with the way he spoke. Telling her how she should turn against him as he stepped forward reaching for the sword that was resting on his hip. no no no she trembles as in a reflex she took a few steps back. You cannot mean that father but the desperate tryings to hold grip on him were failing over and over again. This only made clear that Aeron Medici should not be trifled with. And it broke her heart time and time again.

"It was time to turn her feelings off."

In order to overrule him she had to become an equal. Stronger than her niece, stronger than her uncle or her beloved mother and even stronger than her father. So this was it, her moment and she had to take it with both her hands. No hesitation, no panic, no time for faults. She didn’t knew what would happen if this was going wrong. But nevertheless she did not want to think about it also. If she wanted to get out alive this was her only change.

She breaths in with the most warm breath she could have ever imagined, and as she breaths out the air a warm and sweltering breath could be felt around her. Her eyes where focussed on the man again. But not with their natural reddish shine. No, this time a darker read had appeared. As if they where glowing with fire. As if she was on fire from the inside. She took a step back and bends her knees a little her hands where raised in her fighting position and with every breath that went trough her lungs the heath became more intense. I will not let you determine my future. This was what her father had trained her for all the time. To become stronger than him and perhaps even wiser. With the slightest movement of her fingers the air around her started to heat up and within no time she had  created fire all around her.

Not anymore.

And with those last word being said Rhaella flashes a fire wall towards him. Making sure to leave no trace of the path towards her father untouched with the orange and hot clouds she created. She knew what her target was and she aimed for him. Hard.


Aeron Medici
Aeron Medici
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 31
IC posts : 17

Character sheet
Age: 46
Occupation: Advisor
Residence : Nordshal

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

di apr 17, 2018 11:11 pm

Driving her to the absolute edge had always been atleast in some form part of his plan. He wanted to see what pure hate and rage would do to her. It was lovely to see how each and every Medici got consumed by it in its own way. It was their curse and at the same time their gift. He had burned down half of a country in his blinding rage and she, his child, would be so much stronger in her moment of hatred than he could ever be. He had trained her well enough. It had all been for her. Even if she was too blind and stupid to realise it in the moment. She would be strong enough to take the weight of the crown in her time. And she would defeat her niece and anyone else who wanted to stand against her. She would burn them to a crisp like the firebender she was born to be. Medici's lived with fire. Were molded by it. All those who could not stand it should be burned on the spot. A medici wouldn't fear the flames. A medici wouldn't be burned.

He stared at her, his eyes wild with rage and passion. Staring as his daughter made up her mind. Pushed her fear aside and let anger and survival take full gear. He loved watching it as he gripped his sword tighter. Somewhere not sure if he woul actually attack her but got barely a second to truly come to the conclusion of wether or not he should. His daughter spoke about him not determening her future and a laugh left his lips. "Your path has been written in stone many years ago child. You'd do well to just lay yourself with that conclusion." He warned her but his eyes widened once more staring at the fire she created around her. The heat coming from her body turned to intense. Making him nearly take a step back as he watched her movements. Each one perfect as she had been taught for so many many years.

He almost complimented her on her movements as she send the raging fire towards him. In automatism he shielded up his hands as he would've done to break the firewall with his own. Yet the true situation of this matter doomed up to him again as the first sparks licked his skin and he lost his form, he knew all to well again what it felt like when he lost his fire. His eyes turning from anger to terror as the fire rippled over him letting a scream echo from his lips as the intense heat pulled at his skin. If he had been a weaker man he would've fallen to his knees. But he stood tall while the hair on his body burned away and into his skin growling loud he stepped forwards to her. His skin red and even blackened around some parts. "You little bitch." He spat at her laughing cold. "You think for a second your petty little fire would harm me? Haven't i hold fire to your face more than enough to explain that we do not burn." He spat at her even with his entire body rejecting that statement. "But you know what we do burn from you little witch."['/b] He hissed grabbing a satchell from under his coat. [b]"Chemicals hurt a lot more than a bit of fire. It's time i really showed you a lesson." He grolwed stepping forward again, forcing his body to move to his command. Everything would always move to his command. Everything was his to command after all. Including her, especially her.

There is no creature on earth
half so terrifying as a truly just man

Rhaella Medici
Rhaella Medici
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 113
IC posts : 71

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Firebender
Residence : The fields of Navarre

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

ma apr 23, 2018 4:15 pm

she wears strength and darkness equally well
the girl has always been half goddess half hell

For a moment she wanted to have the earth under her feet being washed away and just vanish from this lands. Just to live her life somewhere else with her animals and build a house were no one close to her would ever find her. But she knew that was not possible. At least not while certain people were alive. And killing them or at least wiping them out would be hard. Even if she would have all the help in the world.

The skin on her cheek was still burning from the earlier scratches that has been made. But she decided to ignore it. For now at least. Until she would find a better moment to take a look at them. If, there would ever be a better moment. Because for now she had only awaken the dragon his rage and anger. Something she probably should not have done. But it happened anyway and she could only hope to get out off here alive and well. Even if it was just for her animals. And he only option to survive this was either try to run away from him or attack him with all that she had. While the first option would probably the best for her to choose from she could not let her father win. She loved him. With every muscles in her vein she still cared for the man. For he had taken care of her most of her life. And they indeed had known times when everything was better, happy and she knew how it was to be loved by both her parents. Those were the days she treasured the most. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she must. Not only for herself but for the rest of the country also. And perhaps, when the man was brought back to his early mind, he would show her kindness. It was a illogical and unrealistic thought if you would ask others. But for her, it still kept her thoughts of her beloved father she once knew alive. And the man in front of her was not her father. He was a monster. A monster it’s full form. No monster could ever stand up against him. For he had survived so much in his life. And he would survive so much more.

What felt like heavy smoke was breathing out off her mouth and nose when she started to warm up. The air also started to heat. Her intense red eyes were still placed on him as she followed all of his movements. Making sure to keep her eyes on him. Her eyes turned darker in a short moment of time making them almost glow of fire from the inside. She breaths in and what felt like her lungs were on fire she breathes out again. With every second that passed she could feel an intense feeling of hatred fill every vein in her body. Her thoughts and actually feelings were shut of as if she ran on fire and adrenaline only. With the smallest movements of her fingers she creates fire around her as if it was nothing. Her last words were said and she unleashes a wall of fire towards her father. Making entirely sure she was able to hit him her eyes were closed and she let the intense heat rule over her body. And with that moment she became nothing more than an empty shell with all the strength that she had.

As a scream could be heard her red eyes were opened again and the fire which was just thrown towards him seemed to have vanished into thin air. For a moment the night sky had been light up by the warmth of it but it also seemed to disappear as fast. Her breath is heavy and her arms are still stretched out towards him. She could feel how the fire had drained a lot of her energy already and not to fall over she took a step back. Pointing her red gaze on her father again she could see how some parts of his skin got burned. But he was still standing. Tall as ever. And angry as the devil himself. This was only confirmed by his next words. You little bitch. Her eyes grew wider and she could not actually believe it. How he was able to stand tall even when she could see how she had damaged his body. As if his mind was running his life on it’s own. Without any hesitation she took another step back as the tall man moved himself closer towards her. Throwing her another sea of worlds while he pulled something out from his pockets. Her breath was getting heaving and she knew what would happen next. It has been a stupid decision to trifle with him. From the moment she had shut her mind off she should have given him what he wanted. A throne to sit on. A country to rule. Even it was probably going to take years to achieve that. And while that thought crossed her mind her mind lingered on. Perhaps she was a weak as her niece has been for years. Perhaps she was not fit to walk on this earth. Let alone the next one. Perhaps he was right. She was not an equal, she would never be an equal to him. The adrenaline that was there a few moments ago and the intention of overruling him had failed. Not only this meeting had became a mess. It had also ruined her change to life a happy life every again. She sighs and sighs again as he stepped closer and she had made her body stand down. Almost ready to take another shot from him.

But she couldn’t. She could not let him take her life away, all of her animals and her beloved Eros. For a few seconds her eyes were shut to the ground but as they opened again her gaze trailed towards the face of the man, now even closer than ever. He was probably ready to throw the chemicals on her, but she was also ready to give him another shot. And so she did, her words were released at him. Fire benders don’t burn. And you are not one of us anymore.. Her voice was sharp and her eyes were narrowed a little. Her hand was raised towards his face and before she actually realised it another fire ball was fired.


Aeron Medici
Aeron Medici
Real name : Michelle
Aantal berichten : 31
IC posts : 17

Character sheet
Age: 46
Occupation: Advisor
Residence : Nordshal

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

vr apr 27, 2018 9:32 pm

The rage filling him inside had once been enough to burn the world down. He had done so before. And even if nothing would come from his hands anymore he knew well enough there were other ways to burn. Other ways to destroy. He knew it all the well. Had worked too much with everything that could give him a simular result. How he would love to see thriumph choke on a poison created by him. Watching him puke up his insides as he melted away before him. He was no real Medici. Only they were. No, only he was. His daughter had betrayed him. Had betrayed herself.

Watching her as he stepped forward towards her he growled deeply. For a small moment rethinking wether or not he should boar the liquid over her and watch her take a pill of her own medicine or wether he should let her go. Have mercy on the little girl she had once been.

The decision was not up to him. Before he could speak up to her again she spoke once more. Turning the blood he tassted in his mouth into sour ash. Making him spit on the ground and hiss a 'what' before she fired at him again.

A direct hit, so closeby that it stayed on his face for a few seconds. Burning so intensely hot that it melted his skin away. Making him scream out and grab towards his face as his knees finally werent able to hold him up anymore. Feeling for his face the texture made him sick gagging as he grabbed the ground for somesort of steadiness. And stared back up at her once more panting. "What did you do.." He hissed darkness clouding up his eyes as he lost consciousness.

There is no creature on earth
half so terrifying as a truly just man

Rhaella Medici
Rhaella Medici
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 113
IC posts : 71

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Firebender
Residence : The fields of Navarre

I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

wo mei 02, 2018 9:45 am

she wears strength and darkness equally well
the girl has always been half goddess half hell

Rhaella did not knew how but she had became strong enough to attack him for a second time. And this time everything would be over. With so many emotions that came from her face and eyes she could feel the fire drain out off her body when another attack was released. Which she put more power behind to move her body towards him and out off her mouth came  a schreechy but desperate sound. And as she saw how he tried to grab his face and the melting flesh she pulled her hands back. Her hands shaking, her eyes filled with tears. And as Aeron fell on his knees and tried to get a hold on himself he looked up. She stepped back in disgust. He hissed another pair of words before the once great king lost his consciousness. And there is was. Her legs started to feel heavy as well and the tears she was holding in so much started to glide over her face. Her arms reached for him and she was able to fell next to him on the ground. She hated him, hated him for how he made her feel. How he had used her for years and took away her happy life. But still. There was always that part that was linked to him with her mother. Her beautiful and kind mother. And therefor she could not hate him. But just love him. So desperately that she want to let him live. And deep inside her she knew that he still loved her as well. She knew that there still was a part left of the father she knew years ago. And hurting him like this would not cover the lives that he had taken over the past few years. It would not cover the fire he had started in the forest. Only to burn half the kingdom down. She could not kill him. And hurting him like this his already broken more of her soul then she would have thought.

Her slender hands reached for the last part of un burned flesh and she softly stroke over the skin and through his hair which was mostly burned away. Blood was slowly drenching out off the wound she had created. Rhaella shook her head and turned away from him. Making her head rest against her knees and closing her eyes. Only to release another fountain of tears. She had to let him go, was the only thing crossing her mind right now.


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I shall always feel thirsty Empty Re: I shall always feel thirsty

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