Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
List of the current city rulers: click here
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Gald’ehain Amarok
Gald’ehain Amarok
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 19
IC posts : 7

Character sheet
Age: 43
Occupation: Gatekeeper
Residence : Nordshal

You're alright now, little bird Empty You're alright now, little bird

za feb 10, 2018 11:27 pm
You're alright now, little bird Gald


Gald'ehain dismounted from his horse, cursing the bloody North and those cold winds and chilling nights that made his old battle wounds hurt like hell. That relentless northern wind that never ceased and could chill a man’s bones. It was that hateful cold wind that never let him sleep. And sleep was something that was often lost in his system. His nights where often filled with wandering, making sure the borders of Nordshal where guarded. and if needed he would leave the island.

But his interests where triggered when he heard some men in Nordshal talk about a white wolf that has been haunting the borders of Skorravir. A shapeshifting girl that changes into a large white wolf and terrorises the landscape. It clearly seemed as the ultimate option to leave the island for a while. But it was not the girl he seemed interested in. No, it was the white wolf form he wanted. He wanted the beast as a prize. It’s head on a stake and it’s pelt hanging around his shoulders.

Wolves were the easiest beasts to bond with; they lived so close to men that they were almost human. Slipping into a wolves skin was like putting on an old boot, its leather softened by wear. As a boot was shaped to accept a foot, a wolf was shaped to accept a collar, even a collar no human eye could see.

His quest had taken him to the northern point of Skorravir. Where he had found a city surrounded by large stone walls. Best way to start a quest is by asking around or eavesdropping. And eavesdropping was something he was very good at. It was dark by the time he had found a tavern that had a decent drink. He started his night off with ale and a chicken breast but moved on to more stronger stuff before long. Several other men where in as well and with them the place became loud and jovial. So many story’s that where told amongst them. But only a few words or actually a name reached his mind and stayed there. Lingering.

Lady Skarsgård He heard a number of men say the name. Up to three times Gald'ehain heard the name of a woman apparently rolling over their lips. And up to three times it was full of praise for the woman. As if she had built this city herself from the ground up. Stone by brick. centimeter by centimeter. It had not gone beyond his thoughts that the woman who carried the name Skarsgård with her had woke up his interest. The same interest he had for the white wolf. But his time he knew that the woman the men spoke off would be within his reach. Or at least within the same city.

- Lady Skarsgård


Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

You're alright now, little bird Empty Re: You're alright now, little bird

za feb 17, 2018 3:33 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
It was one of her bad habits to sneak away from her guards, something she had been doing since she was a little girl. Her father never let her go out in the city on her own, and she was used to having at least three men around her all the time. The guards followed her around most of the time she went outside, probably because her brothers wanted them to. Freyja made sure they lost sight of her when they walked through a crowd at the harbour. She succeeded in slipping away today too. The streets were already quite dark and she had been on her way to the castle. In the blurred lights from the taverns and houses she made her way through the city. With her hood on, there was nobody that recognized her. Only someone who could recognize her on her way of walking would know that it was her. Freyja made sure her red hairs were tucked away safely and found herself entering a random tavern. When she sneaked around in her own city like this, she was able to hear what the people said about her. She would find a quiet place to sit, drink something and just listen.

Before she went to sit down somewhere, she softly ordered some food and briefly nodded to the maiden who went preparing it for her. Her blue eyes went over the place, seeing only men that were having their dinner or were drinking with their mates. Most of them had a rough appearance. They were northern men that struggled every day to keep their families alive, making sure there was enough money to feed their children. Lady Freyja was a woman of her word, and she had sworn to protect every living being inside her city walls. Yet there were threats. People from outside that wanted her gone, that wanted the riches underneath the city. They would not care about the woman, children and elderly living under her protection. They only saw a young girl, sitting in her father's chair above a huge mine full of diamonds, not knowing how to handle things. What they did not know was that she was kind, that she wanted to make sure her people survived the rough winters that returned to the north year after year. Her father had been like that, now it was her turn.

Her bread arrived and slowly she started eating it, listening in silence to the people. When they had a few ales they held nothing back. A few times she heard her own name, what brought a little smile on her face. Most of it seemed to be quite positive. Of course people in the tavern had noticed the young woman, dressed all secretive with her hood over her eyes, eating the bread what was served for her. Multiple gazes were occasionally pointed at her. In silence she ate her bread, not reacting on the gazes of the men. Perhaps some had recognized her, after all she had not noticed a tuft of red hair sticking out under her hood.
notes: none
Gald’ehain Amarok
Gald’ehain Amarok
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 19
IC posts : 7

Character sheet
Age: 43
Occupation: Gatekeeper
Residence : Nordshal

You're alright now, little bird Empty Re: You're alright now, little bird

vr maa 02, 2018 11:11 am
You're alright now, little bird Gald


Gald was a simple man. He was often used to survive in weathered conditions. Although he hated them. He hated the cold and what the weather brought with it. He hated it to a point where the only option was so escape the country or let the rest of the city get used to his grumpy attitude. And when anger or frustration grew in his system it inflicted on his words to other people, or to himself. And it only became worse when people started asking him questions they already knew the answer on.

Multiple eyes where focussed on his gruesome looks as he did enter the tavern. And for a moment he had stood still and just watched at them. You could say that he was used to it.

As he found his place at a table he makes himself as comfortable as he could. Glad sighs and places the cup around his lips again and takes a sip. His body felt less frozen then when he just entered the tavern and he was getting a bit more comfortable from the fire the place offered. He places the cup on the table again and picks up the chicken from the table and takes some bites as if he had not eaten in days. He closes his eyes for a short moment and enjoys the food. Not as good as in Nordshal but he could get used to it. Back in Nordshal he was always hanging around a tavern where strangers would meet and where he could eavesdrop on their stories. And the same thing he was doing right now. His mind was still resting on the name of Lady Skarsgård. And he could feel that his interest was triggered. It was clear to him now that he had to look for this lady. Maybe she would know things about the white shapeshifting wolf girl that was terrorising these borders. Or she would have any other information he could satisfy himself with.

He scrapes his throat and looks around the tavern with his dark eyes. Multiple persons where already more drunk than they probably should have been. And he could see that the tension between some of the men was getting worse and worse. A few women where trying to entertain them nonetheless. Trying to do their best to keep the peace. He leaned forward a bit and let his arms rest on the table watching the play with a little interest. If it would came to a fight things would get interesting around here. But for now his eyes trailed along the strangers and a small person that had placed itself behind one of the tables. He noticed the small piece of what appeared to be flaming red hair under her cloak and he wondered what face would behind these red locks.

When suddenly the focus on the person snapped back towards the men in the corner of the tavern. One of them had gone mad and threw his drinks against the man in front of him who in an instant stood up and drew his dagger from under his cloak. Things where definitely getting interesting around here and he decided to lean back and simply enjoy his time. Perhaps he would involve himself in their fight when things would really get out off hand, but all in time.


Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

You're alright now, little bird Empty Re: You're alright now, little bird

zo maa 18, 2018 5:44 pm
if I'm going to die, let it happen
while there is still some of me left
She wondered if it had been smart to sneak away from her guards. Even though it was her city, there were enough people in here that weren’t part of her population. Merchants from the south with all their crew members, scavengers from other parts of Falkreath. There were enough people that wouldn’t hold back into harming her, strangers that didn’t care for a lady that wasn’t theirs. She knew she was being naieve by coming here, but she didn’t really feel like leaving yet. Now she was here, she could better make it a useful visit and listen to what everybody was talking about. Perhaps her ears would catch something interesting she wouldn’t hear anyways.

Freyja looked at the big cup of ale that was set in front of her. Normally she preferred the southern wine over ale, but ale was fine as well. Her eyes flashed around in the tavern, watching some men that probably had a few ales already. A little grin was formed on her lips, nobody would be able to see it anyways. It was funny how they thought they were incredibly handsome right now, trying to impress the woman that tried to keep the peace in the tavern. Little did they know they were only making a fool out of themselves. Freyja knew she had to be careful with alcohol. She had made the mistake once to give in to the temptation of refilling her glass a few times too much, and she knew how that night ended. It was not like she regretted what happened, but she had made a little sidenote in her head that it couldn’t happen again. Such thing was dangerous for her reputation. She had a city to lead. Drinking could only happen when she was on her own, or with someone close to her from whom she knew would not try anything and just put her to sleep when she had enough.

The men were yelling and one started throwing with some drinks, what made other men angry again, they wanted to drink their ales, not spill them on the floor. Her eyebrow raised a bit when one of the men stepped forward, drawing his dagger from under his cloak. It seemed like someone was about to get very, very hurt. Freyja didn’t do anything, she was just looking at the scene while she picked up her ale and brought it to her mouth. People could be able to see her slim fingers holding the cup, but she didn’t really notice that. A few seconds later the tavern was filled with screaming people. Multiple others brought up their knives as well, but only the first man had used his knife. Another man lied on the floor, screaming in pain because his companion stabbed him in the chest. It seemed like some others were about to use their fists. The owner of the tavern looked at the whole scene, a bit hopeless. She felt pity for the person and looked around. Some tables were knocked over, some chairs fell on the floor when people moved up. She softly coughed, drawing the attention of two men next to her that were about to punch each other. Some others that had been encouraging them noticed her as well, and the screaming stopped. She put down her cup on the table again, looking up and locking eyes with some of the men. With her free hand, she moved the hood off her head, what exposed her red locks. One of her eyebrows raised a little. She had recognized some of the men, they knew her, they worked for her. Some muttered an excuse and moved back to their seats, all were some of the man still arguing, not noticing their lady was in the tavern as well. Probably too drunk to do so.
notes: none
Gald’ehain Amarok
Gald’ehain Amarok
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 19
IC posts : 7

Character sheet
Age: 43
Occupation: Gatekeeper
Residence : Nordshal

You're alright now, little bird Empty Re: You're alright now, little bird

zo apr 01, 2018 12:47 am
You're alright now, little bird Gald


As he found a decent place in the tavern he had made himself comfortable. And before long he had ordered a few drinks and went on with drinking. Back in Nordshal he was used to different kind of ale’s and other alcohol they had to offer there. It had to be shipped from the larger cities of Navarre since the lands of Nordshall where quite fragile with plants and other ‘growing things’. But it always tastes the same back in his hometown. And the stuff they served in this viking village was even better than the shit they gave you in Archeon. That rotten ‘golden, perfect’ city was still carved in his mind. And when he thought back about it only made him more grumpy. It was not a city he would ever want to visit in his life again, but the small talk with the lady was worth it after all.

He grins as he picks up the cup and takes another large sip. The atmosphere in the tavern was changing. And not for the better. Men where getting drunk, even more than they should be. Perhaps the Innkeeper could get an eye on that but he could agree with the man. As they ordered he would make more money. So reject someone from their wine they wanted was probably not done around these borders. And for now he simply enjoyed the little play that was going on. After all he had nothing to do with it and did not want to interfere himself with some drunk men. There was no fun in killing those persons who where barely able to stand up. Gald was so intrigued by the men that he almost forgot about the person that was sitting next to the bar. The person with the what appeared to be red locks of hair.

The evening went on and the tension got worse and worse. Some men in the corner were getting mad and threw their drinks at each other. someone else stood up and drew it’s dagger. Which triggered other people to help. Gald let his gaze drift over the room and he saw that the person who sat next to the bar was also looking around. And as the men continued what they did the person removed the hood revealing the red locks that where falling around her face. He pinches his eyes a bit and tilts his head. The men who where just fighting stopped and moved back to their seats. That’s interesting.. he thought. Men listening to a woman in the north was quite uncommon. The lady had definitely woken his interest and as he saw the Innkeeper appear he grabbed him by his arm. Bard, tell me who that woman is. he murmurs as he looks at the man who looks back at him almost surprised that he did not knew who she was. My lord, that is lady Skarsgård he hastily says. As Gald released the pressure on his arm and let the man go. His eyes drifted back towards the lady and a small grin could be seen. This night was definitely getting better and better. First these laughable fights and now the lady. That he was actually looking for was placed before him on a pedestal. Wondering what this night had more to bring he stood up and moves his large body over towards the bar where he took place. His eyes where focussed on the lady but his mouth was still shut.


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