Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
List of the current city rulers: click here
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Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Empty faith Empty Empty faith

di jun 19, 2018 8:35 pm
No one's there to hear you scream
You gasp for air but can't breathe
Did you ever picture life like this? No shooting star to grant your wish. Are you everything you hoped you'd be or caught somewhere in between?
The sun had started on its way down and clouds filled the sky, causing it to be a lot darker than it normally was at this time of day. It would probably rain soon, causing the cemetery to be completely empty, except for the one woman standing in front of a grave. She had tears in her eyes as she slowly pulled her fingers through her hair. Her long, brown hair was put up in a messy bun, a look that was not commonly found on her. Instead of her usual, picture perfect attire, she was found in a simple, black dress. The make-up on her face showed that this would not be her first tear today.
The woman looked broken, a look that didn’t fit her. She was strong, was supposed to be the unbreakable one. Made up of nails, teeth and bone, her chest filled with ice and stone. She was the one who was supposed to find the solution to vampires, kill all of them. Rid the world of any curse that had been haunting the people on it.
She had been ambitious, something that seemed to have been broken out of her at this point. Yet, she would smile again as soon as she left this cemetery. There was none on this planet that would know. Not Kaz, not anyone. They would only see the smile that said: ‘I’m fine, thanks. Yes. Tomorrow will be better.’

To be fair, most people thought she lived the perfect life. And they weren’t to blame.
She had a beautiful husband. A man who had gone through such efforts to keep her safe, to keep her happy. Even if they didn’t always get along. Even if every day between them was a fight, they fought it. They struggled and they lived. When he told her he loved her, she knew he meant it. Yet, her heart weighed heavy. And so did the ring around her finger. She loved him, she truly did. But it wasn’t as simple as that. Life never was.
She had a child to take care of. While Zanna wasn’t her own, the brunette had grown to care deeply for the young girl, even if she had only had the pleasure of taking care of her for a short while. The girl had something about her. A shimmer of survival in her eyes, a passion in her heart. She would make it. One day, she would be ready to take the world. It warmed her heart that the girl had opened up to her, trusted her. Perhaps, she had told herself, she would do some good to this world: just by raising that girl. She would be the gift she would leave to this earth the day she’d die. The girl would know both love and hate, both sickness and health. The girl knew what this world truly had in store for her. She was the future.
She had a passion. As an alchemist, she worked on so many things at once. She had accomplished things, had created her own recipes that would be taken by the world, used by people long after her death. The Alchemists who she taught were going to be amazing, were going to follow in her footsteps. If she died here today, she could at least say that she had done so with a nice list of accomplishments. She had made progress on the cure, after all. How many people could say that at age twenty-four?
And not just that. She had a fucking castle. A life as the Grand Duchess of all of Rhoynar. Every single day, she looked out the window and saw the beautiful city of Brightwater Keep, knowing that it was hers. And she hadn’t been gifted it. No, she had worked for it. Her alliances, everything had worked up to the point where she had been able to take it. Not alone. But with all the help she had earned over her life.

If her mother had seen her today, would she tell her that she would be proud of her? Or would she tell her to work harder, that the end wasn’t in sight just yet?

Because that beautiful husband of hers, was a vampire too. And any sane person understood the usual troubles with that. They had gotten married, promised themselves to each other for eternity. But his eternity was different from hers. In a decade, her body would have had its best time. Would he still feel for her? Or would they grow apart as time took its toll on her body? Were they doomed to fail? And not just that. He needed blood to survive. The idea of him feeding on another human being, just to ensure his own survival… Every time she thought about it, her heart ached and her stomach turned.
Zanna was a lovely child, but she needed a mother. And Allison couldn’t be that for her. She could be the aunt that took care of her while the mother was away, but she had never been a good mother. She was a mess herself, crying over everything and worried about the life ahead of her. She wasn’t ready to take on any responsibility. She needed to fix herself before she should even think of being the shoulder to cry on for the child. Perhaps she had made a mistake in promising that their door was always open for her. Perhaps they needed to find someone else to take care of her, because for the love of the Gods… She couldn’t anymore. She couldn’t even take care of herself. The girl was the future and she didn’t want to be the one ruining the stars in her eyes.
Even her alchemist business had been suffering under everything. Lately, she hadn’t been able to make sense of the words. It was like it was written in a language she had yet to understand. She could copy it, make the potions she had to make. But working on any, progressing any further with the cure… The possibilities no longer appeared in front of her eyes, the words no longer found their way on the paper. She didn’t know how to fix it. She didn’t know where to start and the end seemed further away than the moon. She couldn’t do it. Even the one thing she was supposed to be good at, was failing. It made her wonder why she was even trying, why she even bothered. Perhaps she needed to find another alchemist, hand them her notes and call it there. Perhaps the cure would actually end up existing one day if she did. At the hands of someone who was actually capable. Her accomplishments would be forgotten in no-time, bettered by alchemists who were simply more talented than she was. Maybe she had had her best times already and things would only go downhill from here.
She had a castle and it didn’t feel like home at all. The people in there were mostly strangers, people who didn’t care for anything other than the money they got for their work. The castle was too big, giving it a sense that wasn’t homey at all. It felt like she was constantly away from home until the moment she entered her bedroom, which was the only safe space she had left. Even the library had people walking in and out. No more sitting in between the books, nothing but pj’s on. Privacy was no longer a thing and she couldn’t lock herself in for days without wanting to see anyone. As soon as she wanted anything that wasn’t in the bedroom, she needed to get dressed. Because people would see. And it made her miserable.

Would her mother still be proud of her? Or would she tell her that it was enough? That she needed to create the end she saw? Because, if she didn’t, wouldn’t it all fall apart anyhow? There was no way she could do this, not like this. Acting as if everything was fine, all day, every day. Putting a smile on her face that told everyone that she was fine. It had to be believable, had to convince them that she indeed was fine. That there was nothing on her mind but the worries that every leader would have. She couldn’t be selfish, couldn’t waste her time worrying on things that mattered to no one but herself.
And yet, here she was. Standing in front of the grave of the man who had made life nothing but worse. Or at least, that’s what they told her. The man had done so many things that could be considered bad. He had taught her that it was possible for life to get more miserable than it already was, yet he had been the hope she needed. He had protected her and, unlike Kaz, had actually never abandoned her. He had been there when she needed him to. While he had never offered his shoulder for her to cry on, he had given her distractions. Had told her what to do, how to live on. If he had known, he probably would have told her not to do any of the things she had done.
And that was exactly why she was here. He had always helped her and perhaps he could do it again. Even now, she could feel his presence. As if his hand rested on her shoulder, his eyes staring into her soul. She closed her eyes, feeling the wind brush against her skin as she took a deep breath in.

Giovanni,” she started. Just simply saying his name was enough for the first tear to finally leave her eye, ruining her make-up and slowly making its way down her cheek. “I haven’t visited in a while. For that, I am sorry,” she apologized, shaking her head softly. She scratched her arm, not sure where to leave her hands as she got a bit nervous. She was talking to the man again. Maybe he could even hear this. Or maybe she was just going crazy. No matter what, she needed someone to talk to. And who was more trustworthy than her dead boss? No one. Not even Kaz could hear the worries she was having.
I think I’ve done a lot of things wrong lately,” she admitted. She could feel another tear rushing down her cheek as she spoke, softly shaking her head. “I’ve done everything you told me not to do.” She couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Giovanni lecturing her about her mistakes. She almost missed how he made her feel like a total mistake. Because at least then she had something to work on.

I fell in love,” she admitted, biting her lip for a few seconds. “You would hate him,” she laughed. “He’s nothing like you. He… Actually cares. In his own way, I know he does,” she went on. She could feel her knees getting a bit weaker as she thought of it, but she kept standing in place, only moving her hand through her hair as she fell quiet for a few seconds again. “He’s not the easiest and definitely not perfect,” she went on.
But he’s the only reason I can sleep at night, Giovanni… I…” Another tear came through and she had to take a deep breath in for a second, making an effort to calm herself down. “I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost him, like I lost you.” As long as Kaz was alive, there was still a hope inside of her that they would find their way back to each other. No matter what had happened. Because she would always forgive him. Her love for him was more important than the hurt he could cause in a hundred years.
You know,” she went on, coughing softly as if that would help her get her voice back. “He’s a vampire now.” Her eyes were fixed on the gravestone, but she had stopped seeing it minutes ago. All she saw now was the way she had found Kaz. Broken, alone. He had been turned into the monster she was raised to hate. “And I still love him. It’s stupid,” she went on, smiling and shaking her head.
He’s the monster you taught me to hate. His heart beats for no one, not even himself.” Were those words the truth? Had she been fooled into thinking he loved her? Giovanni had always warned her for this. He had told her how it was impossible for a vampire to love. That it was just their way of toying with their prey, before they finally got bored of it and would snap their neck. All that was left, was a monster that liked to play with those who were weaker than him. ‘A dead heart beats for no one,’ he would have told her. ‘And especially not for you.

And it’s not just him,” she admitted. Finally, she seemed to come back to the real world, pulling her hand through her hair once more. “His brother is one too. He turned him, actually.” Mort. He was your typical nice guy. The one who tried to do well in the world, but was selfish when it came to it. He had turned his brother not because Kaz wanted this, but because he didn’t want to lose him. Selfish, but she’d still say the man had a golden heart.
He’s good, Giovanni. He’s… more pure than any man I’ve met. How can that be a monster?” she asked, shaking her head. More tears had started to follow and her eyes looked like a total mess, the make-up spread across her face. “How can he be the monster, while my father isn’t? While you aren’t?” she went on, shaking her head. “I’m trying to make sense of it, but I can’t…
Honestly, it felt like her life had been a lie. Everything she had worked for, everything she had tried so hard for… It was all coming to an end. Ever since his death, she had had no one to whisper her where to go. Everything had to be done alone now. She needed to find her own path, needed to forge her own opinions. Something she hadn’t done before. It scared her. Because what if she was wrong? What if she opened her heart to someone who only intended to crush it? Would she survive? If she let her walls crumble and someone came in to knock her down, would she be able to get back up?
What if we’ve been wrong all this time, Giovanni?” she asked, her voice softer than before. It was higher of tone too, sounding desperate, almost. “What if a heart doesn’t need to beat to feel love?” Could she actually allow herself to believe that? She knew it was already too late. She asked these questions, not because she wondered if they were true. But because she had already decided them to be. She loved the man. She cared for his brother. There would be more vampires like them on the world, those who had people that cared for them.
She asked these questions, because she wanted his permission. Because she wanted to devote whatever she had to a cure. So these monsters could go back to being people. So their heart would beat again. Their family members would no longer look like a snack and they could finally enjoy simple bliss like sleep again. They would be human.

I need you to answer me, Giovanni.” And that was it. That’s where her voice broke, where the tears finally started rushing down her face together. She pulled a hand through her hair and looked at the grave stone. “I can’t do this by myself. I need you. I can’t.” The tone of her voice had started to change, turning more desperate than sad.
I just… I don’t know how to continue. I’m not…” Her knees finally gave in, while her tone sounded more and more panicky. “I’m not strong enough for this,” she admitted, falling on her knees and placing her face in her hands. She wasn’t. There was no way she could do this all by herself and she knew it. She wasn’t accepting Kaz’ help and she didn’t know who else to trust. And without Giovanni here, she didn’t know who to trust. Who to let in.
Because, truly. Who hadn’t been a complete disappointment? Her mother had died at childbirth. Her father hadn’t cared. Her stepmother hadn’t wanted her. Giovanni was the first to take her in and she had loved him for it. Yet, she had stabbed him in the neck. She was the only reason he was dead. It wasn’t on Kaz. She made this decision. She was the disappointment, the traitor. Backstabbing the only one who had ever cared enough. And here she sat, talking to his grave as the desperate fucker she was. Slowly, her hands moved away from her face, falling on her lap as she stared at the stone again.
You’re the only one, Giovanni,” she whispered. “You’re the only one I could count on.” He had been her rock. Hard, without emotion, no softness to be found. But, she also knew that he would always be there. No matter when, no matter what. If she needed him, she would have found him exactly where she expected him to be. There had been no one in her life who had done the same. And yet…
I’m so sorry and if I could turn back time I would’ve made sure none of this would have happened,” she told, her voice cracking and tears falling down on her lap. “I should have taken responsibility for what happened and instead I made excuses. Like I always do,” she went on, shaking her head. She should have told him that Kaz was hers to deal with. She shouldn’t have allowed any of it to happen. Yet, she was weak. She closed her eyes, pretending none of it was happening. So, her boss took matters in his own hands. And she killed him because she couldn’t live with the consequences of her actions.

I’ll never be capable of following your footsteps,” she admitted. “I can’t… I can’t shut it all off. I care, Giovanni. I care, I actually do,” she went on. Over and over again, she showed that she couldn’t do what he did. Not anymore. Without him whispering in her ear, telling her that she was following the correct path, she started to doubt. What if he had been wrong? What if nothing was as it had seemed before?
I promised to care for a girl. Barely eight years old, I think,” she admitted. She had no clue how old Zuzanna was, but it didn’t matter. The girl was too young to care for herself. “I should have left her on the streets, but now she’s welcome in our castle. There was no reason to,” she went on. Or actually, there was. One simple reason. “I just… couldn’t. I just… can’t. I can’t send her back.” Not only because the girl reminded her of herself, but also because she was weak. She cared for the girl. She wanted her to be safe.
We took over the castle and I’m… You would have had plans, Giovanni,” she went on. He had always spoken of power, how they needed to work towards having more of it. How every goal of theirs would be within reach if they could take possession of a throne. “Especially this one. It’s every Alchemist’s dream,” she told him, smiling softly. The castle had everything an Alchemist wanted. Combined with all she already had, this truly opened up the possibilities when it came to the Cure she had been trying to develop. Finally, there wasn’t anything in her way anymore. She had the chance to work on this. But instead, she cared for matters that she shouldn’t care about.

I need you, Giovanni. I need you more than anything,” she repeated after a silence again. “I… I can’t make the right decisions without you,” she went on. “I don’t know what to do, who to trust or… Or where to go…” Again, the panic had made its way into her voice as she spoke. A drop of rain hit her arm and she looked up, before changing position, fully sitting down on the floor now, her knees pulled up in front of her. She hid her face in her knees, wrapping her arms around her legs.
Do I deserve to die too, Giovanni?” she asked, still hiding her face. “Because I don’t know what to do,” she repeated, as if she would find the answer to her problems by telling him. She was talking to the man she had killed, telling him about the problems she faced in life. If there weren’t enough signs that things were going bad, this would probably be enough.
And I know that if you were here, you’d tell me to suck it the fuck up and get my shit together,” she spoke. Finally, she looked up from her knees again, resting her chin on them. “And you would be right, Giovanni. I know you would be. We’ve come too far to give up now.” Because they had accomplished so much. She had. “But I just… I can’t… Without you it’s…” She had to interrupt her sentence, taking a few deep breaths in to regain her voice. Or at least, a part of it. “It’s like I’m alone. I’m not fearless like you wanted me to be… I’m terrified,” she went on. She realised she wasn’t making sense at all. And he would have told her so. “What if I fail?” There were so many possibilities. So many ways in which everything could go to absolute shit.
I would have died for you, Giovanni. If only you would have given me the chance.” She would have taken Kaz’ place if it would have saved both men. But, sadly, that was no possibility. Giovanni would never have ended her life. She was too valuable to him. “And I knew you would never. Because you were the only person to ever have my back like that.” The man was perhaps the worst person she had ever encountered. Selfish, manipulative, angry… But, he had her back. And she truly believed that she could trust him with everything she had.

I’m so lost,” she eventually spoke, hiding her face in her knees again. Because, that was exactly what she was. She had lost the thing she had held onto and she had no clue what to do now. Every certainty in life had vanished with him and it had finally caused her to face the issues she had. She couldn’t just walk up to him and ask him what to do next. Now, she had to decide for herself. And she didn’t feel like she could.
And I…” Her voice broke off when she noticed how it actually started to rain. Softly, but it wouldn’t be long until there would be more. She’d get up and leave, but she wasn’t ready yet. She had come here for answers, to finally find the path she needed to walk after this. But, it didn’t help. He hadn’t given her anything. All that this had given her, was the realisation that this all was even messier than she thought it was.
I’m so sorry.

TAGS, Dante
Dante Tessaro
Dante Tessaro
Real name : Caro
Aantal berichten : 87
IC posts : 62

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Hit-man
Residence : Rhoynar

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

wo jun 20, 2018 7:05 pm
I don't need a weapon, I am one.
tag: Sierra // words:
Dante stared of in the distance. Everything that had happened the last couple of days literally blew his mind. He didn’t know if he was pleased with the fact that Kaz and Alli were the new power couple in Brightwater. It was a position that could cause danger for the two of them, danger he couldn’t foresee sometimes. Yet, he was happy for them that they got married. Never in a million years had Dante thought that his buddy would even commit to such a thing. Kza, always bringing surprises. But still, he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around everything. Not that it mattered. It had happened and now it was his time to step up to the task of protecting a Grand Duchess. Stressful times up ahead.

The man found himself in a house that was completely destroyed when the Vikings raided the town. It wasn’t a place that meant much to him, but he was asked to come her for a meeting with one of his sources. A meeting that had already ended, a meeting that hadn’t brought useful information which annoyed the hell out of him. A sigh rolled over his lips while he stepped out of the house, making his way through town with not really a destination in mind. So how he got to the graveyard actually didn’t matter. It wasn’t usually a place he would visit, mainly because he had no one of meaning laying there under the ground. The thing that had drawn his attention was a familiar looking brunette, sitting down by a grave. A sight that he would actually never ever forget. Allison was sitting in front of a grave, she looked so vulnerable that it actually made the man worry.

Silently he walked over to her, still keeping a good distance. The words he had heard made him worry even more. Allison wasn’t the person to feel lost, or to actually care about having people around her that she could trust. From the first moment on he had seen her as a strong woman, a woman that could struck every man’s heart at some point. I mean, Kaz? ‘Don’t be scared.’ Dante took of his jacket an put it over her shoulders. He let his hand rest on her shoulder, just a few seconds longer so she could maybe pull some strength out of it. ‘I can’t have you sneezing around in the castle, the germs would be unacceptable.’ He spoke on a soft tone, making a little smile appear on his face. Not that that smile could make the frown on his forehead disappear. It didn’t quite matter that she would get a cold tho, it actually was pretty stupid to say but he needed to light the mood just a little bit. ‘What’s up Allison?’

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

wo jun 20, 2018 7:45 pm
No one's there to hear you scream
You gasp for air but can't breathe
Did you ever picture life like this? No shooting star to grant your wish. Are you everything you hoped you'd be or caught somewhere in between?
Her body trembled and the brunette felt like the only way to keep herself together, was to wrap her arms more tightly around her legs. As if everything would fall apart the moment she let go. Because, truly, she wouldn’t be surprised anymore. She had been keeping everything together by just a thread, waiting for something (or someone) to break it. Just waiting until everything would fall apart. Who would have thought that she herself would be the one breaking it? That it would be her own weakness even before anything actually went wrong? It was miserable. Pathetic.

It was only when he spoke, that she noticed the man. She didn’t look up until she felt his jacket on her shoulders, slowly raising her face and showing him a frown. Immediately, she started rubbing underneath her eyes, as if that would help any. For once, everything about her screamed that she was a mess. From her make-up to the look in her eyes. Something that no one in this world was supposed to see. Not Elayne, not Kaz. And most definitely not someone who worked for her. She smiled faintly when he joked, but aimed her gaze on the grave again when his question sounded. She didn’t want to look at him as she felt the tears rise again. “He’s dead,” she spoke, her voice still unsteady. “And it’s killing me.

TAGS, dante
Dante Tessaro
Dante Tessaro
Real name : Caro
Aantal berichten : 87
IC posts : 62

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Hit-man
Residence : Rhoynar

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

do jun 21, 2018 3:15 pm
I don't need a weapon, I am one.
tag: Alli // words:
It certainly was quite odd to see her like this. He wasn’t used to her wearing just a black dress, her hair quite messy and even sitting in the rain. Alli was the kind of girl who hated not looking all glammed up. It was a weird sight, a sight that intrigued him nonetheless. He wanted to know what was wrong, to see if he could help her in any way possible. It was likely she wouldn’t accept his help, but he still pursued it.

From the moment his voice had sounded she started rubbing her face, mainly beneath the eyes. They both knew it wouldn’t help but he just kept quiet. Somewhere deep down he wanted to give her a hug, but he sat still. He didn’t know how she would react to it. Dante didn’t want to scare her away. For once in his life he actually took the time to sit down with somebody to listen to there story. If Allison was willing to share tho. When her gaze went back towards the grave, he kneeled down next to her aiming his eyes on the gravestone. The name on it didn’t rang any bells. But his mind took him to another place, the moment when he had met Alli and she was talking about the Syndicate and it’s leader. Could it be? Her voice didn’t have that typical high pitched tone in it like it normally had. ‘He was the leader, wasn’t he?’ He softly spoke. Gently he brushed his shoulder against hers. ‘Your plate is getting quite full nowadays. I’m sure in a way he would be proud of what you have become.’ Stupid words to say since he didn’t actually knew the guy. ‘Try to take some time off here and there, it’s important that you don’t lose yourself in all of this.’

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

do jun 21, 2018 5:08 pm
Surrounded, but always alone
So pick a place, pretend it's home
The higher you climb, the further you fall. But don't be ashamed of wanting it all. Cause the view from the top is beautiful but fleeting. Looks can be deceiving
Dante was a smart man, putting it together in no-time. He realised that Giovanni was the leader, even though he had never encountered the man. Probably never heard of his name, even. Allison had made sure to only send the death notification to those of use, those who had actually met the man. Others were of no importance, had no business with who ruled the group. As far as they were concerned, there was still someone paying them. And that was all that mattered. That was all that would ever matter.

Proud?” she asked, after listening to Dante’s words. She slowly looked away from the grave again, to frown at him. “He’s dead because of me,” she then followed, her voice barely anything more than a whisper. Looking down again, she recalled the event that had led to his death. “It was him or Kaz,” she admitted, looking back at the grave again. “So I…” Her voice died before she could finish the sentence, wrapping her arms around her legs again. So she killed the man who had cared for her. What a fucking idiot she was.

TAGS, dante
Dante Tessaro
Dante Tessaro
Real name : Caro
Aantal berichten : 87
IC posts : 62

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Hit-man
Residence : Rhoynar

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

za jun 23, 2018 7:47 pm
I don't need a weapon, I am one.
tag: Alli // words:
Dante had his doubts if the man really would be proud of her. Mainly because he didn’t know much of him so it was kinda hard to form an opinion on the man. When she aimed her gaze at him a frown appeared on his forehead. Wow, he couldn’t have been more wrong to say the least. Yet her word didn’t really matter that much. She killed a man, by the looks of it her first real kill. For a short moment he kept still looked towards the gravestone. He needed to think about what he was going to say next. Why was it that he always found himself in difficult positions? When she mentioned Kaz he looked towards her. Always Kaz.

‘I assume it was the first life you had taken?’ He spoke softly. ‘It doesn’t make you a weak person Alli. You made a choice, and at that moment your choice was love.’ That sounded so cheesy, but it was a fact. ‘You may have taken a life, but the memories are still with you. Maybe he despises you right now, but maybe he felt his time had come and had you make an unforgettable choice.’ Dante placed his hand on her shoulder. ‘There are things that can break you down, don’t let this be one Allison. If I would break down every time I took a life, it would be pretty useless for me to get up ever again. It happened. Moving on is the next step, learn to accept what you did and why you did it.’

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

za jun 23, 2018 7:59 pm
Surrounded, but always alone
So pick a place, pretend it's home
The higher you climb, the further you fall. But don't be ashamed of wanting it all. Cause the view from the top is beautiful but fleeting. Looks can be deceiving
The first life she had taken. No. But, that was something that had little to do with the situation. This had been… different. She believed that the lives she had taken before, were taken for a reason. Failed experiments, while this was true murder. And it wasn’t just any man. It had been the one person in this entire world to take her in when things had gone bad. The only one she could always count on. Dante spoke on, pulling her out of her miserable thoughts. He spoke of how it didn’t make her weak, but that was the problem. It did. While the memories with the man remained, it wasn’t what she needed. She needed him here, with her. To tell her what to do, what to think and who to love. Because this wasn’t working.

He cared for me for as long as I can remember,” she spoke softly. The hand on her shoulder kept her in the real world, reminding her that she was in the here and now, not inside of her memories. “It’s not because I took his life,” she admitted. No, she wasn’t pure of heart. As always, she was too selfish to care about that specific fact. The problem was what had happened after. Because after the death, she had realised one thing. “It’s because I don’t know how to move on.” She was alone. Married, constantly surrounded by people, yet she felt this… emptiness. This darkness inside of her that kept pulling her in, kept calling her as soon as she had the smallest moment of weakness.  Because she had lost the one controlling her and now she finally had to face the world by herself.

TAGS, dante
Dante Tessaro
Dante Tessaro
Real name : Caro
Aantal berichten : 87
IC posts : 62

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Hit-man
Residence : Rhoynar

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

ma jul 02, 2018 12:58 pm
I don't need a weapon, I am one.
tag: Alli // words:
Dante didn’t really know where everything he said came from. It was almost like his vocabulary was updated without him knowing it. But that on the side, he really did believe that Alli would get over this eventually. She was strong, even if she didn’t knew it herself. ‘It’s time you get a grip on your life Alli. You don’t need anyone that takes care of you like you are a little child. I would say Kaz could take care of you, but well it’s Kaz.’ He shrugged. It was hard, maybe on of the hardest thing to do. Not that he ever had to go through that kind of thing. Dante didn’t care for anyone, apart from Alli and Kaz maybe. Kaz could fend for himself since he got a wicked update himself, Alli couldn’t but both him and Kaz could protect her if it was necessary. For a moment a little smile appeared on his face. Off course it wouldn’t be something as silly as that. Yes, she was an annoying little girl at times but she wasn’t scared to end someone. ‘Moving on is the hardest part.’ The man admitted. Dante had his difficulties with the particular matter himself, yet he grew out of it. The first time he took a life because he needed too, was a day he still hadn’t forget. Yet he didn’t remember the name of his victim. Dante eventually stood up and held out his hand for her to grab it. ‘Get up.’ He ordered.

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

zo jul 08, 2018 12:15 pm
He told her she was no child. For a second, she looked up at the man. Of course she wasn’t! Her entire childhood had been her taking care of herself. She had never allowed herself to truly be a ch-... Or perhaps she had. Maybe he was right and she was behaving like one. For a few seconds, she closed her eyes again, feeling herself calm down as she did. She was no child. No, not by far. She was a married woman. The Grand Duchess of Rhoynar. A strong independent woman who don’t need no man.

So, when Dante ordered her to get up, she took his hand and got up on her feet, only to rub her fingers under her eyes, in a vain effort to try and fix the mess that was happening on her face. It looked like a battlefield. Or, it looked like the damn Commander of Vanaheim. Which was perhaps even worse. Pulling her hand through her hair, she smiled somewhat awkwardly. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” she told him, still half whispering because her voice wasn’t back yet. She looked at the grave and took a deep breath in again, in order to keep herself calm as she softly smiled. “I depended on him more than I liked to admit.” To herself, mostly. She had always told herself she was strong enough. That she would be the one to make it. That she would make him proud.
Dante Tessaro
Dante Tessaro
Real name : Caro
Aantal berichten : 87
IC posts : 62

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Hit-man
Residence : Rhoynar

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

di jul 10, 2018 2:18 pm
I don't need a weapon, I am one.
tag: Alli // words:
It seemded like Allison was finally calming down. A thing he was actually happy about. Dante didn’t exactly know how to help her with this, he just went along with it in the hope he was actually doing some good instead of more damage. Eventually it did seem to help, or he was just lucky did she actually saw some sense in his words. Dante wondered if he should tell Kaz about this, but he wouldn’t probably bother his friend with this. It would be something that only him and her knew about for now. That was the smart choice after all. If too many people knew about Alli and her current state of mind, she would become an even bigger target and he wasn’t up for that. Not on his own.

When he ordered her to get up, she actually took his hand and got up which made him smile for a split second. ‘It’s okay. It happens.’ He shrugged while he looked towards her. Her face did really look like she was covered in war paint. Maybe the commander of Vanaheim could learn from this. As if. He put his hand on her shoulder and looked her straight in the eye. ‘In life you can only depend on yourself Alli. People will always come and go. But since I am not going anywhere for the next couple of years, you can depend on me. I’m not him, but atleast you’ve got someone in your corner.’ He smiled. Dante straightened his back. ‘So since you became the leader of this place, you do know that you need to learn how to defend yourself right?'

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

vr jul 13, 2018 2:52 am
‘You can depend on me.’ A frown on her face made clear that she did not know how to properly respond to his words. With his hand on her shoulder, she felt smaller than she usually did. Safe, in a way, with a man she didn’t know all that well. Dante had been a person she knew she could trust, simply because of how their first meeting had gone. He had stayed loyal to her and her cause for the entire ride, as well. And he knew Kaz, which perhaps shouldn’t be a plus, but it was. And while the woman hated admitting she wasn’t as strong as she pretended to be, she was well aware that pretending had no use with Dante. Not after today, not after he had seen what she looked like without the smile forced on her face. The broken mess she truly was.

You don’t have to,” she whispered carefully, her voice somewhat uncertain as she pulled a hand through her hair. Nervous tick. Perhaps he thought he needed to offer his help, her being the Grand Duchess and his boss. But, she did not expect any sympathy from those he worked with. Quite the opposite, as she felt even more terrible for showing him her weak side because they had a work relationship. How could you trust a leader if they couldn’t even take care of themselves?

Which brought them to the next topic. Again, a frown on her face as his words came in. “Defend myself,” she repeated softly. This was the point where she couldn’t help but laugh, even if it sounded more desperate than actually amused. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I have guards, don’t I?” She’d be hopeless with a weapon, even more so without. She had never learned how to defend herself and she never thought she’d need to.
Dante Tessaro
Dante Tessaro
Real name : Caro
Aantal berichten : 87
IC posts : 62

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Hit-man
Residence : Rhoynar

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

di jul 17, 2018 3:23 pm
I don't need a weapon, I am one.
tag: Alli // words:
‘I know, but I want to. Just accept it okay.’ He smiled softly. Off course Dante knew he didn’t need to do this for her. But for when the time came she could depend on him. Or if she just wanted to whine over her husband, then she could do that. I mean, whining about Kaz was one of the things he liked to do. Not that he meant anything by it, nah it was just a thing he would do when he got bored. Sometimes about her husband, most of the time about other things. It depended on who was around him. Point was, if she needed him he would be there for her. And not because he wanted to know things or whatever, no just out of the “goodness” of his heart.

Dante had asked her to stand up. It was about time that he was going to teach her a thing or two. While she questioned him a grin appeared on his face. Off course she would laugh, the girl thought everybody would come to her rescue when something happened. And most of the time that would be so. But not always. ‘Off course you have guards, and me. But there will be a time when neither of those will be around.’ It was true. Doing the things Allison did there would be numerous times when she wouldn’t have anyone with her. ‘So, raise your hands and hit me with everything you got.’

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

di jul 17, 2018 9:37 pm
Allison had never been one to accept help. After all, she needed to do everything alone. She was the one looking after everyone else, ready to kick their ass back up when they fell down. It had always been her task to look after others, not the other way around. Yet, she was well aware that things weren’t looking good and she probably needed to take a step down, allow herself to breathe. Even if it was just a little. So, instead of fighting him any further, she sighed. “Thanks,” she simply spoke, but that was more than most people would have gotten. Somehow, she trusted this man.

Until he spoke again, at least. His request for her to hit him with everything she got, caused her to raise a brow at him. “You want me to hit you?” she asked, repeating his words with doubt in her voice. “I don’t think that will do any good,” she went on, still frowning. He couldn’t be serious, right? Asking her to hit him right after she had been crying her eyes out? She could tell him that she was physically weak without hitting him and making it feel like a tickle.  
Dante Tessaro
Dante Tessaro
Real name : Caro
Aantal berichten : 87
IC posts : 62

Character sheet
Age: 22
Occupation: Hit-man
Residence : Rhoynar

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

di jul 17, 2018 10:02 pm
I don't need a weapon, I am one.
tag: Alli // words:
She thanked him. It wasn’t necessary tho. But in a way he was glad she did anyway. Had Allison finally decided that she needed help? Oh god, he hoped so.She deserved some help. Maybe he wasn’t the right person to aid her with stuff, but in the end who knew? Maybe he could actually do some good for the brunette. It didn’t seem very likely to happen but it didn’t matter for now. For now the only thing that did matter was that she would hit him in the face. A thing she didn’t want to do so it seemed. Dante let out a sigh, but he didn’t guve up. No, she was going to hit him. He looked her straight in the eye, making sure she knew that he wasn’t joking around or anything.

‘You need you to hit me.’ He grinned. It would let out some of the feelings that she had cropped up. Well, that was if she had anything in her after that sobfest. ‘Who cares if it does any good? When did hitting someone cause any good?’ He shook his head while he got into a position where he could take the hit when she decided to throw it. ‘Impress me, I am not doing this to laugh with you after I promise.’ Let’s hope this convincing started to work, cause he wasn’t going to wait all day to let a girl smack him in the face.

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

Empty faith Empty Re: Empty faith

wo jul 18, 2018 6:46 pm
There had been many occasions in her life where she had felt like hitting someone in the face. For now, Kaz had been the only one she had actually hit. And even that had been nothing more than a girly slap that would hurt for a few seconds, but nothing more. And that had been because he had been stupid, causing her to worry for his well-being. While slapping hadn’t been the best decision, she had done so before fully thinking it through.
What Dante wanted from her now was different and, in her opinion, pointless. Because she had never needed to practice like that, had never gained any physical strength. She fought with words, or threats, but not with actual violence. There was one scar on her body and that was already too much. She would gladly keep her skin as perfect as it was and getting into fights would not help.

But, Dante did not seem to take no for an answer. Once more, he told her that she needed to hit him. He even changed his position, ready to take the seriously disappointing blow that he was expecting. When he said that he didn’t do this to laugh, she rolled her eyes. “Of course not,” she so sweetly told him, before taking a deep breath in. She had already considered getting someone teach her a thing or two, so perhaps this was a step in the right direction. Even if she didn’t really want Dante to know how hopeless she truly was, but after her sobfest, he probably already knew.
And with that thought, she hit him. ‘Hit’.
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