Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
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Kendra Akesh
Kendra Akesh
Real name : Marielle
Aantal berichten : 12
IC posts : 4

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Perfumer
Residence : Nymmerwell

Kendra Akesh Empty Kendra Akesh

di apr 24, 2018 6:03 pm

Poison, the perfect weapon for a snake

Name Kendra Medeia Akesh
Faceclaim Janet Montgomery
Date of birth November 18th (Scorpio)
Current Universe Fallen skies -
Family Valemar Akesh (father †), Elise (mother †), Larethian Akesh (brother), Fingall Akesh (Nephew), Avareth Akesh (brother), Romano (brother),

Perfumery, The art of making and creating new perfumes with a variation of ingredients such as; plants, spices, chemicals and other extracts. Kendra mostly uses nature based products as a source of essential oils and aroma compounds to create her perfumes. Plants are perhaps the most common used ingredients and contain a wide variation of smells and colors.

Scent is our most primitive sense, it's the closest thing to the emotional brain. It consumes you. You love it, and you want to be part of it.

Alchemy, The art of (alchemy) brewing potions and poisons by combining ingredients with matching effects. Due to the wide variety of ingredients needed for potions/poisons, obtaining them can be time-consuming and depending on the ingredients, costly. Kendra has a fascination for toxic and dangerous plants. She is often found wandering in the woods to find new treasures which she collects or make new poisons from.

Below are some of the well known potions and poisons created from scratch.
Wolfsbane - is an innovative and complex potion that relieves, but does not cure, the symptoms of lycanthropy. Although recent developments in potion-making have to a great extent alleviated the worst symptoms
Amortentia - is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them.
Wiggenweld - The Wiggenweld Potion can be used to heal the most common injuries.

Hemlock Poison - Can cause painful convulsions, nausea, and death are common, and those who survive are often afflicted with amnesia or lasting tremors.
Deadly Nightshade poison - Causes paralysis in the involuntary muscles of the body, including the heart. Even physical contact with the leaves itself may cause skin irritation.

Stubborn, adaptable, hard to love, empathetic but hides that easily, sharp tongue, build a thick wall around herself,  

Everything she does is all out of love, and it's all because she just doesn't know how to love. She's never been taught love. She's never been shown love. Some people turn sad awfully young. No special reason, it seems, but they seem almost to be born that way. They bruise easier, tire faster, cry quicker, remember longer and, as I say, get sadder younger than anyone else in the world. The early stages of her teenager life Kendra could be describes as an insecure, small girl. Due to the hateful environment she grew up in. But her character seemed to change when she grew up, finally being able to leave the hell she was living in. She was able to shut her feelings down. Let alone to show them to another person. She decided not to be sensitive. Growing a thick skin around herself just to avoid being hurt by anybody. But it was at a great cost. Nobody could hut her, but nobody could make her happy either.

When it comes to her work, she’s determined and dedicated, but she certainly isn’t as good with relationships. She has hard time creating a deep bond to another human being - she expects a lot and doesn’t trust easily -.

Kendra was born in Cerasus in the realm of Uropa to a wealthy aristocratic family; her father, Valemar Akesh was very well known in the criminal scenes. While her mother; Elise Akesh, was a former courtisane lady who runned a small estate. Where courtisanes and prostitues could invite their 'customers'. Her father was always busy running the brotherhood he had and her mother was always in her estate making sure the customers where able to leave satisfied. Kendra was too young to understand anything that was happening there. But the pleasure house often made conflicts between Valemar and Elise.

0-15 y/o
The youngest daughter of a courtisane lady and her husband. A well known man in the criminal scenes. Kendra was loved, cherished in the short moments she was with her parents. She grew up under the wings of her brothers. But the days of Kendra’s early life it became darker. An almost black blanket was placed over the Akesh name and the family had to leave the estate they were living in. Only to continue their lives in a lodge deep hidden in the forest. For a few months they have lived there and while she could not remember anything about it the lodge was attacked. Making her family disappear from her and she ripped away from them. The girl was taken as a bargain with the looters but unfortunately there was no one the looters could bargain with as Kendra her parents got killed. Instead, the girl was somewhat dumped to a foster family. (Victor and Kathryn Thénardier ) Making them their illegitimate daughter. Calling them step father and mother on the ocassion.

Kendra grew up within a rather dangerous and hateful environment. When the girl was taken to the small city they also found an Akesh pendant on her with her name written in it. So the illegitimate mother decided to leave her name like that. Although she would create other names for her on other occasions. While she is under their care and the girl grew up. They beat and starve her and force her to perform heavy labor in the inn they had.

“It wasn't that she didn't like people. She just didn't like love. Any association with the emotion had been a bad one, and her body just learned to reject it, like a foreign substance. The way her step father had lifted his fist against her made her really wonder - why do humans fall in love if this is the consequence? The way she screamed as his white knuckles gripped her throat or his snickering laugher as he kicked away at her. It was just wrong.”

AGE 15 To ensure her own future she was able to get away from the inn. She went  overseas to start a new life and Kendra has never seen the Thénardiers ever again
AGE 16 Kendra finally ends up in Rhoynar were she was able to rent a small room from the money she had saved over the past couple of years. She always had an interest in creating new things out off what nature had to offer with plants and chemicals.
AGE 17 Was able to study at the alchemy school in Brightwater keep. Making her realise that she could do this for a living.
AGE 20 Started creating move and more poisons and eventually found a recipe to create sweet smelling perfume.  
AGE 22 Decides to move from Rhoynar to Nymmerwell because of the environment, the infamous plants and nature the area had to offer.
AGE ?? Is able to work for Queen Zaleera Rayen??
AGE ??Visits the castle of Archeon??

Love is to a woman what war is to a man, the most deadly thing they’ll do. Only a fool runs quickly to war, or love.

But why do I notice everything? She thought. Why must I think? She did not want to think. She would rather force her mind to become a blank and lie back, and accept quietly, tolerantly, whatever came.
love is never equal

Freyja Skarsgård
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 656
IC posts : 375

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Occupation: Lady of Hillerød
Residence : Falkreath, Hillerød

Kendra Akesh Empty Re: Kendra Akesh

vr apr 27, 2018 9:25 pm

welkom op Fallen Skies

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