Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
List of the current city rulers: click here
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Athena Reagan
Athena Reagan
Real name : SnowFlake
Aantal berichten : 200
IC posts : 57

Character sheet
Age: unknown
Occupation: Assassin - Huntress
Residence : the forest of everywhere

[Date] The Disaster Date  Empty [Date] The Disaster Date

di feb 13, 2018 10:57 pm

Some people are meant to be broken. Imperfect. Chaotic

It was just late enough. The sun was going down, slowly making more shadows with the second. With poison green eyes, the ginger haired woman walked farter in the city. Her hands hidden in the pockets of her jacket. Her footsteps where slow. Showing that the woman was doing it on purpose. Trying to see if she could take more time to be on her destination. Not liking what unknown will be waiting for her. After sighing softly she looked at the wolf beside her. Hades would only follow her only up to the door of the restaurant. After that he will leave again. Leaving the woman behind for the day.

There wasn’t much of a choice. Those bartenders seemed to had a rather stupid idea of putting people on a blind date. In her case even 2. Maybe she should just go back to home. The warm bed waiting for her. If Athena wasn’t stubborn then she would have turned back. But no, the stubborn woman doesn’t want to look like a coward, now getting closer to the building. With a heave sigh she kept going. It was cold seeing her own breath condensing into mist, disappearing into the coming night.

Athena stopped in front of the door. After entering it means no turning back. After taking a deep breath the woman stepped inside of the warm building. Candles decorated the inside. lightning the room just good enough to give a warm and cozy feeling. The woman narrowed her eyes watching the room. Irritation radiated from her body after seeing other decoration. There where a lot of cute little hearts. Pink heart you can hang on the wall. Little hearts on the table with red petals from a rose- which would be beautiful if it wasn’t for this stupid date. Grumbling against herself the ginger haired woman sat on one of the available chairs. Soon enough Athena had to look up after hearing the front door open. Her green eyes glowing with irritation.

Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

[Date] The Disaster Date  Empty Re: [Date] The Disaster Date

di feb 13, 2018 11:18 pm
Kaz Elias Brekker
Don't get attached.

There was no way in hell he hadn't been drunk when he set himself up to have some stupid valentines date. Kaz couldn't remember anything about him putting himself on a list and yet here he was, making his way to the place. He told himself he would just go for the food, have a nice little chat, maybe get a few valuables from the other person along the way and disappear again. I mean, why would he say no to free food? Plus, this was the city of Archeon, somewhere where he hadn't been before. Or well, maybe a few years ago, but he rather avoided the streets since this was the city of the king. It would be a lot harder to bribe guards or to escape if anything would go wrong. Plus, his greed always got the best of him and already he felt the craving of just bumping into someone, completely by accident of course, to later find out that he, completely by accident again, had their respective watch in his pocket. But no, he had to contain himself, tonight. Food. Think about the food.

He was later than the time he was supposed to arrive, but that only meant their time would be shorter. That wasn't a problem for Kaz. Kruge had watched him from afar, probably thinking Kaz had gone mad, hell, even he was thinking it right now. The young man bit his lip in annoyance when he stood for the door and with a deep sigh, entered.
He had one foot inside until he stopped dead in his tracks. This had to be a joke. This had to be a fucking joke. Kaz narrowed his eyes, stepped inside and didn't look one moment away from her. He ignored the decorations, it wasn't his style anyway, and tried to contain the anger crawling up. He eventually sat down next to her, noticing another chair that was at the table. Oh no. This hadn't even started and it was already a complete disaster. ''Fancy meeting you here.'' He started, already looking if the knife closest to him might be sharp enough for... reasons. ''I thought you didn't have the.. appetite for these kinds of things.'''Kaz said coldy, staring right into Athena's poisonous, green eyes. His cane was leaning against the table, away from her but in his reach so he could get up whenever he wanted and wanted to get the fuck out of here. Which was number one on his priority list at the moment.
Reyes Reighaillach
Reyes Reighaillach
Real name : Bubbles
Aantal berichten : 48
IC posts : 33

Character sheet
Age: No comment
Occupation: Freelance consultant
Residence : None

[Date] The Disaster Date  Empty Re: [Date] The Disaster Date

wo feb 14, 2018 12:15 pm


“And? Do I look pretty enough?” Ondertussen werd hij al genadeloos richting de deur gemanoeuvreerd, wat zijn geamuseerde grijns alleen maar verbreedde. “No, seriously, doesn’t my butt look too big in these trousers?” Theatraal knipperde hij nog even met zijn blauwe ogen, zichzelf voor de grap als vrouwen gewoonlijk deden van alle kanten bekijkend, voor hij tenslotte zonder pardon de gang op werd gezet. “Brann?” BAM! En dicht was de deur. Lachend draaide hij zich er nog naartoe. “You know… it’s not too late to join me. As mental support.” IJzige stilte. “No?” Een kleine pruillip verscheen. “You’re no fun, woman!” Met een diepe zucht had hij zich tenslotte de herberg uit begeven.
Booze. Think about the booze.

Op advies van… said sister had de jongeman zowaar eens zijn beste been voorgezet en een prachtige, rode roos voor zijn date meegenomen. Date… Hij zou zich bijna weer zestien voelen, …minus een paar pukkels, stotter, kneuzenbrilletje en beter passende kleding. Keurig… te laat… kwam hij tenslotte bij zijn bestemming aan. “Okay, here goes nothing…” Zijn vriendelijkste glimlach opzettend, duwde hij de deur met een zwaai open. Over tieners gesproken, werd hij eerst begroet door een overweldigend overschot puberhormonen wat zich in tweetallen overal in de ruimte had verspreid. …Adorable… Wacht, zou dat betekenen dat hij ook aan een dergelijke… leeftijdsfase was gekoppeld? Hij mocht toch wel hopen dat zijn date op zijn minst een beetje legaal was. Aan de andere kant… zou dat de pret ook weer niet mogen drukken… Zelf kon hij in ieder geval in uiterlijk nog als een twintiger doorgaan.
Pas toen hij de enige, nog lege stoel in de omgeving opmerkte, begon het hem langzaam te dagen. Zijn donkere wenkbrauwen schoten eerst even omhoog bij het bemerken van… “Athena? Hey…” Verrast was hij bij de tafel blijven staan… en liet zijn blik verder glijden. “And person I don’t know yet.” Wacht… Een trio? Het bleef beduidend stil… lang stil… voor een uiterst geamuseerde, aanstekelijke lach hem ontsnapte. Oh… Dit was… Dit was geweldig! Ze hadden zeker een gevoel voor humor gehad bij het samenstellen van de koppels. Dat of… de whisky had lekker doorgewerkt. Misschien allebei…
Toen hij echter de enige van het dynamische drietal leek te zijn die er niet als in een grafstemming bij stond, was hij geleidelijk aan weer stil gevallen. “Okay… well…” Met een luchtige schouderophaal had hij de roos tevoorschijn gehaald. “Brought this as a romantic gift. It seems I brought one too little. So let’s fix that, shall we?” Met een enkele ruk van zijn handen, brak hij de bloem in tweeën en gaf hen ieder eerlijk de helft.
Terwijl hij de jongeman eens aandachtig in zich opnam vanonder zijn donkere lokken, had hij hem even grijzend toegeknikt. “Reyes.” stelde hij zichzelf voor, met nog een redelijk goed humeur ook. Seriously… what was the deal between these two? “Alright.” Hij klapte eens in zijn handen, trok soepel zijn jas uit en keek vanuit zijn ooghoeken naar de bar verderop. “I don’t know about you, but I have a feeling we could all use a well-deserved drink. Ath, the usual?” Terwijl hij zijn jas over de stoel hing en al aanstalten maakte drankjes voor hen te regelen, had hij zijn priemende, blauwe ogen nog even op de vreemdeling laten vallen. “And… what’s your poison?”


Athena Reagan
Athena Reagan
Real name : SnowFlake
Aantal berichten : 200
IC posts : 57

Character sheet
Age: unknown
Occupation: Assassin - Huntress
Residence : the forest of everywhere

[Date] The Disaster Date  Empty Re: [Date] The Disaster Date

wo feb 14, 2018 2:02 pm

Some people are meant to be broken. Imperfect. Chaotic

The woman should have stayed home. There was still a lot to do. Things to keep track of. Watching or killing people. You would really be surprised how much people want others dead. The ginger haired doesn't have always much time for herself. So it was completely unexpected that she was set on a blind date. Not even knowing how that even could happen. People wouldn’t guess she was ready for date, being in her normal clothes. Her hair was in their usual curls. Here she was, sitting. One leg over the other while she waited. Her arms crossed over each other, while her face showed the irritation she was feeling.

It became worse. After looking up who it was, athena her mood got worse in only a fraction of a second. Kaz… why him?! was it a sign that it was time to kill him? Getting rid of him so she won’t be blackmailed again? There weren’t many people that could her blood boil of rage. The man in front of her was one of them. There were things Athena Hated and this man has done it all. Pushing her buttons without knowing he was pushing them to many times. “I rather see you die then hearing those words out of your mouth again.” Showing him athena wasn’t in the mood of his pathetic jokes. “I think it’s better if you don’t think at all, it seems your brain can’t work properly to even handle that kind of stress” The woman narrowed her eyes. Not even giving an answer on his unnecessary question. It was a warning for him. Telling him that he is walking on dangerous ice right now.

The scent of Reyes filled the room. So ignoring Kaz that sat at the same table, the woman looked up. The vampire man soon joined them, with a rose in his hand. She couldn’t help it by pulling an eyebrow up with amusement for a mere second. “Reyes” was her acknowledgment of him. Her voice so soft and serene, used only when being with him. Arms still crossed she watched how he split the rose in two. “ romantic indeed...” a sarcastic sentence. The woman shrugged on his drink idee. Not in the mood at all after seeing Kaz in front of her. This will become way to awkward. Her finger twitching to attack the one who doesn’t deserve to live. Just stay calm.. It will all be over soon. “His poison may be as well be the real poison. You have to get rid of the unnecessary things , Reyes” A hungry smirks playing on her lips. By not using his nickname it meant she was death serious.

Kaz Brekker
Kaz Brekker
Aantal berichten : 1327
IC posts : 1116

Character sheet
Age: 23 [immortal]
Occupation: Grand Duke. King's spy. Bad Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep, Rhoynar

[Date] The Disaster Date  Empty Re: [Date] The Disaster Date

do feb 15, 2018 9:30 am
Kaz Elias Brekker
Don't get attached.

There was a possibility that not everyone at this table would leave tonight alive. Kaz had placed his bets on Athena, but he knew very well she would have done the same on him. Good, at least he made some profit out of this then.Because Kaz knew for sure that he would be the one who would put a knife through Athena's eyesocket tonight. He only smiled when she bit back at him, making sure that in no way she would creep under his skin. He had to be in charge, there was no way he would lead himself on his emotions again. Not after their.. oh so wonderful meeting. ''Whatever you want, honey.'' He said with a sly smile, making sure that he would do exactly as he liked.
The person who then decided to join their nice little chat, seemed to be here for the same reason as them. And god did it annoy Kaz. He only nodded as a form of welcome, his face looking grim as ever. It all seemed they were very much happy to be here. His eyes went to the rose that was split in two and while he took hit, although of course he only got the stem part, he didn't pretty much care about it. He let it roll around between his fingers, before putting it back on the table. The man had introduced himself as Reyes and while it was Kaz turn to do the same, his annoyed look didn't change one bit. ''Kaz.'' He sounded short, cold and ready to get out of here. A drink, yes, that sounded great. Kaz turned his head towards Athena when she spoke. Sure, he didn't care if they gave him real poison, but only when he first could down a glass of a very, very strong drink. Instead, he ignored Athena's words and turned towards Reyes. ''A full bottle of Whiskey.'' He said dead serious, implying that it would just be for him, only then to let his eyes fall on the green eyes of Athena and with a grin he said: ''I'm glad you finally understand how useless you are.'' But knowing that this restaurant was full of people who gladly liked to listen to people complaining and fighting, he added: ''But today is not the day to be so negative about yourself. Look on the bright side, there will probably be a lot of people right now, lonely and sad, that would love to have their blood sucked out of them, no matter how ugly your face is.'' Kaz leaned back in his chair, grinning from ear to ear. Sure, he might not be the most romantic person, especially not now, but he could give compliments.
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[Date] The Disaster Date  Empty Re: [Date] The Disaster Date

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