Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

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di jul 17, 2018 1:04 am
Romeo’s handwriting had been questionable at best, causing the woman to wonder who had taught him how to write. Her mind was quickly distracted, however, as it seemed he requested her to go to an even more questionable location. If it hadn’t been for the fact that she had been there once before, she would have worried for her safety. She did, however, doubt that the owner of the villa had any plans to harm her, even though he wasn’t the biggest fan of her husband. Perhaps the fact that she was longing to leave Brightwater Keep for a few days, did not exactly help either. So, she decided to take her stupidity for granted for once (or perhaps she did do so more often) and had planned a trip to the lovely city she had been invited to for a second time now.

As per usual, her attire was questionable for someone of her status. There would not be a day where this wasn’t the case, however, so those who had met her before weren’t quite surprised anymore. She did notice the strange look she got from the guard who walked up to her, but managed to keep that permanent smile on her face. One she had been practicing for longer than she could remember. A fake smile was a strong weapon, after all. Being able to hide your true intentions behind it was something not everyone could do. Calmly, she pulled a hand through her long, brown hair as the guard walked up to her, taking her attire in as if he was planning to judge. “Allison Lenier,” she introduced herself, with a gaze that could kill, yet that same smile still on her face. “I suggest you show me where I can find mister Haris.
@ romeo <333 
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

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di jul 17, 2018 7:51 am

may never die

Sitting outside was supposedly good for him. Aside from the fact his head started hurting from the moment it was too bright, he could see why he had gotten that advice. The past couple of weeks he had spent the majority of his time inside, hiding in the chambers Jasper had so kindly assigned to him and Elodie. It had made him visibly weaker, skin pale and obviously skinnier than before. Not only his physique, but also his posture were a quiet sign of how much he had suffered lately. He was slowly getting better, but he was far from there yet. Though he had finally given in to the slight pressure to come out of hiding.

So, with a black piece of fabric tied around his head, he was sitting on the terrace at the back of the villa. Looking over what could be considered the back yard, which was basically just a vast field of golden grass, bordered by the beach and lastly the ocean. The waves were clearly audible, which had a calming effect on the man. He placed his hand on the table in front of him, sliding it towards the glass of wine standing on top of it. If he tried to go directly for the object, chances were he would miss and knock it down, spilling the liquid everywhere. With this little trick he could at least pick it up without too much trouble.

Slowly sipping from the glass, he suddenly heard a knock on the outside door. The guards had surely grown accustomed to the fact he could not see properly, announcing their presence to not startle him too much. Measures they had taken on orders of the Governor. ”Allison Lenier has arrived”, The voice sounded. He only nodded and waved with his hand. Once the guard had guided her outside, he turned his head towards him. ”Leave us, Nathan”, He said, voice way softer and less authoritative than it once had been. Afterwards, he turned to the brunette. ”Thank you for coming on such short notice. Have a seat”, He said, nodding at the chair on his right, where he would be able to see her. ”Some wine?”

Laatst aangepast door Romeo Haris op di jul 17, 2018 12:06 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

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di jul 17, 2018 11:15 am
The woman was a mess, that much was clear if you knew her well enough. On the outside, however, everything was picture perfect. She looked as neatly organized as she always did, from her long hair to the short dress she wore. The make-up seemed to hide most of the exhaustion, though it would be noticeable if you paid enough attention. The smile on her face didn’t seem to shimmer in her eyes, but there was no other emotion found in them either. She was tired, but planning to get everything together. There was a plan and for that, she was happy. Because it meant that there was a chance for the future to be bright.

The name didn’t seem to ring a bell with the guard, which was no news to her. While the news of a new Grand Duchess and Grand Duke was getting old, their names were still not that widely known. Soon, those would spread too and she would start to get recognized on the streets, but for now she quite enjoyed walking around the other cities, avoiding the life she led at the castle and instead being the woman she once was again. Sitting in a tavern and being approached by men who thought she would ever lower herself to their level.

To say that Romeo seemed different, would be an understatement. Immediately, the woman frowned, wondering what could possibly have happened. But, she knew that patience was key and that he had probably asked her here to explain. For once in his life, he didn’t seem hostile at all. A change she would gladly accept, though it bored her in a way. Romeo had been an interesting one, after all. He nodded towards the chair and she sighed softly, before taking place and crossing her legs, back straight and eyebrows raised slightly, wondering what was going to be next.
Wine sounds good,” she responded to his question, ignoring his earlier words for the most part. He did not need to be aware of the fact that she would take any opportunity to avoid the castle at the moment. “You look like you have been through a rough time,” she calmly stated. What was it with men and getting themselves into trouble? Kaz, Mort, Romeo… Did she need to look after all of them? Miserable, truly.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Keep one eye open Empty Re: Keep one eye open

di jul 17, 2018 12:22 pm

may never die

Recovering from the attack was taking a very long time. The man had lost a lot of confidence and above all his trust in everyone around him. Physically he was fine, however. His eye would just never get better than it was now. The pain came in waves, sometimes at random but sometimes triggered when he moved it too fast or when a bright source of light was shining directly in it. The most notable change came with not being able to see whatever was on his left. The loss of vision was a limitation not fit for a man like Romeo. Any sudden movement or touch could be a potential trigger for his anxiety, and now he could barely see half of it coming.

It made him constantly turn his head, to compensate for what he could not see when keeping his head still. He also paid close attention to always sitting next to a wall, to make sure no one could sneak up on him. It were all new measures he had to take, and he was still getting used to it. The way he perceived depth, was also a lot different. Hence the weird little tricks he had to implement in his daily life for even the smallest of actions. Like pouring her a glass of wine. He had to hold the glass in a very specific way, resting the decanter against his thumb to make sure he didn’t simply pour it next to the glass.

When he put it down, it was standing dangerously close to the edge of the table. His aim was obviously way off. “You look like you have been through a rough time,” She commented. For a second he clenched his jaw. His gaze shot to her, a mixture of fear and anger in it. ”I’ll be fine”, He replied after a short pause. ”I am, however, not fit to sail anymore. That’s why I have called you here”, He continued. Not entirely true. He just didn’t want to leave this villa anymore, ever again, not even for Brightwater Keep. ”I left the command of the Shark in the hands of my quartermaster. He is willing to stick to my part of the deal. The question is, are you?”

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

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di jul 17, 2018 12:59 pm
Romeo looked like shit, yet seemed to do better than her husband. Having no clue what had happened to the pirate made her incapable to judge. For all she knew, he could have either gouged his eye out himself, or he had pissed off a lady friend. Neither possibility would come as a surprise, if she were to be honest. But, she could still feel how annoyance slowly settled, how she could feel her blood starting to boil. Because Romeo worked for her, and with that, had become her responsibility. Something he wouldn’t like to hear, but was nonetheless very true. Unless he had gotten into this fight by himself, on his own responsibility, she realized that she would make sure the wrongdoer would get punished accordingly.

Pushing the glass back a little as he placed it dangerously close to the edge, she listened to the words he was speaking. “You are clearly unfit to do what I have asked of you, at least for the time being,” she calmly agreed, not giving an answer to his question just yet. The answer to that would differ, depending on how the rest of their conversation would go. “I would like for you to explain what happened,” she stated, shifting her legs and taking a sip of the wine he had poured. She was well aware that he was probably not willing to tell the story, yet she needed to know. For she needed to know who did it and why they had done so.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

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di jul 17, 2018 1:25 pm

may never die

Eventually he would have to pull himself together. The question was more of a ‘how’ than a ‘when’. If he wanted to survive this, he had no choice. Life had put him through a whole lot of difficult situations, and he was still alive. That was something. Fair, he had been lucky with Elodie, who had saved his life twice already. It was clear this world wasn’t done with him yet. For the past few weeks though, he had been done with the world. Hiding in his chambers, staying in bed day and night. Because he did not have the strength to start fighting. There was progress. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. He wouldn’t be sitting here outside if there wasn’t. Now he only had to find a reason to push through. Which would take some more time, he figured.

And he was not the only one deeming him unfit for doing anything but feeling sorry for himself. “I would like for you to explain what happened,” Allison continued. A deep sigh escaped from his lungs. ”Of course”, He grumbled. He brought his glass to his lips and took a big gulp before taking a deep breath. He didn’t like to dig into his memories of that day. At all. ”I was in Seere, just minding my own business for once, when a guy bothered me at a bar. Wanted to pick a fight with me. So naturally I stabbed him”, He spoke, his tone flat. A mistake had been made with that action for sure, yet he did not regret killing the man.

”Unfortunately some fucking vampire bounty hunter type was there to collect a debt the man owed her client”, He continued, his voice turning bitter. ”She wanted me to pay it, since I had been the one to kill her initial target.” Pause. Another gulp. ”I refused. We got into an argument, it lead to a fight. In the end she decided to stab my eye, as payment”, He said, clearly struggling with it. ”I permanently lost my vision.”

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

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di jul 17, 2018 1:37 pm
‘Of course,’ were two words she hadn’t expected from Romeo. Yet, he seemed willing to surprise her today. A pleased smile pulled on the corners of her lips as she took another sip of her wine, staring into the glass as she had done for these past few weeks. There had been days where she would shiver at the sheer taste of alcohol, yet now she barely tasted it in the wine, having drank so much of it that it was as if she was drinking juice. A habit she needed to quit, but one that had helped her deal with the mess that had been her life recently. She sighed softly, glad that Romeo pulled her out of her thoughts again once he started speaking.

So naturally I stabbed the man,’ the idiot explained. One day, she would learn to understand how the non-functioning part of the brain of men was capable of causing them to do something as stupid as that. Today was not that day. She couldn’t help but smile and shake her head softly at the thought of Romeo stabbing someone in a bar, though she knew that it was nothing new for the people of Seere. A part of her felt bad, as it was still a city under her reign. Yet, she knew that there was nothing she could do about it. Seere would always be Seere and if she tried to change anything about it, it would do more harm than good. Plus, there was still money coming in from that part of the land, from the thieves that still functioned as they were supposed to. Another reason not to bother.

Some fucking vampire bounty hunter type. Well, that was oddly vague yet specific. She raised a brow when he made clear that it had been a woman. A female vampire that had stabbed out his eye. “Sounds like we’re not the only one dealing with a problematic vampire lady,” she noted, taking a sip from her glass as she let the information settle in her brain. “Did you happen to catch her name? Or a description?” she asked, after a short silence. As expected, she showed little remorse for what Romeo had gone through. Instead, she was more interested in making the vampire who had done this, pay for her crimes.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

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di jul 17, 2018 3:15 pm

may never die

There was only one reason why he didn’t protest when she asked him to tell her what happened. She hadn’t been there to see the aftermath. She had not seen how he had been broken to pieces right after. The panic and pain that had forced him on his knees, begging for mercy. If she had seen that, he would have as easily cut her out of his life as he had done with his crew. Luckily she was not aware of any of it, which made it bearable for him to sit here and talk to her. It was still obvious the event had left a mark on him, but he was slowly pulling himself together. His spirit had been broken, but not beyond repair.

“Sounds like we’re not the only one dealing with a problematic vampire lady,” Allison commented when he was done talking. Vampires. A curse, a disease, an abomination. It made him feel sick. “Did you happen to catch her name? Or a description?” She then asked. Strictly business, as expected. His gaze drifted towards the fields again. ”No name”, He replied. ”She looked quite average. Long brown hair, not that tall”, He continued. ”The only thing that could make her stand out, was the tattoo beneath her eye”, He then muttered. Normally he would overlook those quite easily, especially if that person had more ink. Though he had just seen that one, perhaps because the look in her eyes had been so intense he hadn’t been able to really look away.

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

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di jul 17, 2018 4:29 pm
The description Romeo gave, caused the Duchess to raise a brow. Even though the chance was small, she could not keep herself from comparing his description to the woman who had tortured her husband. The woman who would soon pay for what she had done, no matter the cost. While Allison was strictly business with Romeo, only angered by the woman’s behavior because she took it as a personal insult when one decided to hurt someone working for her, things were different with Kaz. He was hers and for that, everyone who hurt him, was going to face her wrath. Isabella had made the mistake of thinking she was invincible, simply because she was immortal. Forgetting about the fact that the Duchess had spent most of her life figuring out how to mass kill vampires. Isabella would die. Simple as that.

Long brown hair, check. Not that tall, check. But, those were all quite common. It was when he mentioned the tattoo, that Allison finished her glass in one go, putting it back down on the table. “Isabella Lennox,” she stated, annoyance dripping from her voice as she spoke. “I will have her head on a spike soon,” she went on, that same smile on her face. So the woman had not only hurt Kaz, but also Romeo. How fucking great.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

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di jul 17, 2018 5:59 pm

may never die

Violent people usually met a violent end. There were always risks to living the kind of life he was. And going to Seere was, by definition, asking for it. Most of the time, he avoided the island. Because he was smarter than to get involved with whatever was happening down there. Stories about gladiator pits and people getting kidnapped were quite notorious rumours. He did not want any part in that. Though, from time to time, he had business there. So then he had no choice. He would not hang out in parts of the city where he knew the risks were higher though. He was smarter than that. Sadly, with vampires playing their games, he had been in disadvantage from the start.

“Isabella Lennox,” She replied to his description, pulling him out of thoughts again. The tone in her voice made him frown slightly. So, it was indeed the same vampire that had been causing trouble to the Grand Duchess as well. When he saw her glass was empty, he gave the decanter a slight push her way. She could help herself now, if she wanted to. “I will have her head on a spike soon,” She continued. For the first time in weeks, Romeo smiled. Genuinely. ”Good”, He hummed, satisfied. ”Monsters like her shouldn’t be allowed to exist”, He then growled softly. And he wasn’t pretending to be a saint here. No, he knew he had done terrible things. But at least, he would die some day, and then the world would be a better place.

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

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wo jul 18, 2018 5:06 pm
The fact that it had been Isabella once more, disturbing her business now as well, caused the blood of the woman to boil. There was only so much one could do before she was ready to rip their head off their useless body. With Isabella, that point had been reached as soon as she had laid eyes on her husband. After torturing him, she wasn’t going to let the woman down as easily anymore. No, she was going to suffer. And she was going to suffer badly. While she didn’t take what had happened to Romeo personally, she did take it as an insult to her business. Which was more than just a slight inconvenience. And such, the woman would feel another stake through her damned body, before she would have her head ripped off.

Romeo agreed with her words, clearly sounding satisfied. “She has hurt my husband,” Allison calmly told him, though the annoyance was still dripping off of it. For once, she decided to be wise and leaned back in her chair, trying to avoid the temptation that was wine. She had had plenty of that these past weeks, it was for the best if she tried to stay away from it. At least for a solid ten minutes.
So, what is your plan now, Romeo?” she asked him. He didn’t ask her here to complain about the hurt he had, that much was certain. He wouldn’t be Romeo if he did, even if he didn’t quite seem like himself to begin with. Understandable, as her husband was going through the same problem at this point. He seemed to be worse off than the pirate, however. But then again, the torture had probably been a lot worse.
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

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wo jul 18, 2018 6:10 pm

may never die

Now he actually had a name to match the face that was haunting him in his dreams some nights. Whenever there was a suspicious noise, he could only think of her. Every dark corner could hide a potential threat, and where he used to picture his mother finally coming to finish what she had started, now he saw her. Isabella Lennox. It was even worse because he had this entire zone in his field of vision that was blacked out. He could still perceive shadows, but that was it. The slight change in light could never warn him if someone was to sneak up on his blind side. It was even more impossible to run from a vampire. Their supernatural abilities made them perfect predators. Fast, strong, hard to kill. Plus, they had the advantage of their age as well, giving them way more experience than he would ever have.

Never trust a vampire. If he could, he would exterminate them all. Get rid of the curse and everyone affected by it. The world would be a better place. Just like it would be the day he would finally die. Hopefully that would be after Allison had taken care of this vampire. He would love to see that happen, honestly. “She has hurt my husband.” Was the reason behind it, apparently. Romeo hummed softly. He could sure respect that. At least she was fighting for a cause, which would give her more motivation. That husband of hers, he liked him. For how much time they had actually spent together, it was a miracle. But the man wasn’t fake, or pretending to be someone he was not. Which he could always appreciate. That’s why he liked her as well, in a way. They too had had a rough start, but it had worked out.

For now. Because boy if he only knew Kaz was a vampire too, he would not be having this conversation with her. “So, what is your plan now, Romeo?” She asked him. ”I don’t have a plan. Nor do I need one”, He replied after a while. ”Consider me retired”, He continued. It was true, after all. This villa was a nice place to start off his retirement. He knew he could stay for as long as he wanted, but after that he did not have any place to go.

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

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wo jul 18, 2018 7:06 pm
While Allison was well aware that Romeo and she would never be friends, she somewhere respected the man. He worked for her and while he had proven to be useless for quite some time, he had also done what he had asked of her for as long as he could, respecting her wishes and still being arrogant enough to talk back if he felt like it. An interesting character, which was exactly the kind of people she liked to surround herself with. Not the smartest, but absolutely not dumb. He acted as he wished to at the moment, often forgetting the consequences. A completely different mindset than her own. Something she appreciated, as it was refreshing. Especially after hanging around the people in the castle for quite some time.

When he said that he was going to retire, however, her eyebrow shot up again. “No you’re not,” she told him immediately, sighing in clear disappointment. Romeo did not seem like the man to retire in his young years, simply because he had one minor setback. Was he stupid? Had the woman hurt his brain? Because even if so, that was probably recoverable. With a lot of effort, but doable.
You’re not going to tell me that you truly wish to sit in the Governor’s yard for the rest of your life?” she asked him, frowning as she did. At this point, it was not about him working for her anymore. Because she could accept that. She could work with the person who now owned his ship. Perhaps that would be easier, or perhaps she would have him beheaded and find someone new all together. But, in this moment, she was more surprised because someone with Romeo’s… usually such fiery personality, seemed defeated. It reminded her of Kaz, and she did not enjoy watching someone else give up because of that same woman.

Laatst aangepast door Allison Lenier op wo jul 18, 2018 7:59 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Romeo Haris
Real name : Wolf
Aantal berichten : 373
IC posts : 289

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Occupation: Retired
Residence : Rhoynar

Keep one eye open Empty Re: Keep one eye open

wo jul 18, 2018 7:57 pm

may never die

Their relationship was purely based on business, which he didn’t mind at all. There were only a few people he would actually call friends. Because one of the perks of being friends, was to trust each other, wasn’t it? There were not a lot of people he actually trusted. What had happened with the vampire, only proved that fact even more. There was only one person he would ever turn to for help, and it was Maverick. Conan was a close second, but he had other duties now. The Shark needed a captain and he couldn’t think of a better successor than his quartermaster. Besides, he was not safe on his ship, not anymore. Not after what had happened.

In this villa, he was safe. He had to be. A place where he did not have to defend himself, because at this point, he simply couldn’t. His reaction to her words was a perfect example of that. Where he would have given an angry reply, he now just shrugged. There was no fight left in him. ”It’s not my wish, no”, He replied. ”But I don’t have any other choice”, He explained. Sure, normally he would gladly take some time off to visit Maverick and stay for a while. If it was voluntarily, with the prospect of going out at sea again, where he truly belonged. The thought of being stuck here for the rest of his life, suffocated him. But where else to go, where else to run though?

Allison Lenier
Real name : Wrap
Aantal berichten : 1191
IC posts : 1131

Character sheet
Age: 24
Occupation: Grand Duchess. Alchemist. Good Cop.
Residence : Brightwater Keep

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wo jul 18, 2018 8:16 pm
For a while, Allison herself had been doing quite bad. She tried, however, to not get swallowed by this endless sea of self-pity that she could be feeling. Because she was well aware that if she allowed herself to, she would be stuck in this for a long time to come. Dante had pulled her out of it once, or attempted to, when he had found her at the grave of the man who meant so much to her. At that point, she had truly hit rock-bottom. Something she never allowed herself to share with the man she was supposed to share everything with, simply because his life was worse. He had been through so much and everything she wanted, was to be to him what she knew she needed in her life. Because his happiness was hers. Which meant that at this moment, her happiness was hard to find. But, that was something she was working on.

And because she was going by this new form of optimism, she needed others to do the same. Not just Kaz, but Romeo too. The thought that the asshole pirate was giving up, did not help at all. So, she sighed softly as he told her that he did not have any choice. Finally, she seemed to not be able to keep herself from drinking more wine, pouring herself a glass and checking if he needed a refill as well.
Look,” she started, taking a sip from the glass, “I am completely okay with having your replacement do whatever it was you did for me.” That was not the problem here, after all. “But you are not telling me you’re giving up because of one mentally challenged vampire, now, are you?” For the love of all that was holy, she did not like the sound of that at all.
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