Fallen Skies is een 'high fantasy Textbased-RPG' die zich afspeelt in een mytische wereld vol wonderlijke wezens, monsters en magie. Het land verdeeld onder zes koningkrijken is altijd bewegend en beïnvloedbaar. Het kan zomaar zijn dat jij de held wordt van het gehele land of misschien zelfs de grootste terreur die Fallen Skies ooit meegemaakt heeft. Alles is mogelijk in deze gevaarlijk mooie wereld. En niets is gek genoeg.
De ondraaglijke hitte kan maar één ding betekenen. Zomer is in het land. En met regen dat over geheel Fallen Skies uitblijft ziet het er niet goed uit voor de boeren en minderbedeelden.
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Een onbekende ziekte teistert Fallen Skies. Niemand blijkt veilig te zijn voor de verwoestende dood die Queen Dacosta meegenomen lijkt te hebben. Is er een mogelijkheid om te overleven, of is iedereen ter dood veroordeeld?
List of the current city rulers: click here
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Trystane Bayard
Trystane Bayard
Aantal berichten : 33
IC posts : 21

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Duke of Rhoynar
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

Can you brew me an ale? {open} Empty Can you brew me an ale? {open}

di okt 10, 2017 7:46 pm

For hours he had been there in his study room being busy with brewing several potions and poisons. And he was halfway there to find the perfect mixture to use for diseases but also poisons to light pains for the injured and when someone was sick and wanted to “end” their miserable lives. Satisfied he placed the purple mixture on the table and scooped it over in a smaller bottle. Hmm not good.. not good.. he gasped. Placing a shell on top and closed it so it would not get spilled by maids who will clean the room. Sometimes they could be so clumsy. He also preferred not to have too many cleaning sessions in this room but sometimes he must.

For Trystane Alchemy was a form of art brewing potions and poisons by combining ingredients with matching effects. Initially, you don't know the effects of ingredients and must discover them by eating ingredients, reading recipes, or brewing them into potions or try them on other people. Alchemy was always something he was fascinated about. Creating different colours, mixtures and ways for perfect solutions. The mixture of different substances, herbs and powders was something he had been doing for years.

The days were long seemingly endless as time drifted by one day bleeding into another all too easily. It had felt as such for as long as he could remember his self-imposed solitude spent traveling as he had always done since birth. Except for one time but the memories of that period in Trystane his life were best spent avoided rather than dwelled on. After all even now they still were like daggers to his heart, and although the wounds were shallow ones compared to the deep lacerations before it was still the pain that was still strong enough for him to shy away from it. Even he could not run from it forever because in the end it always caught up at some point. No matter what he did. Oh he hated himself in those moments. He hated how weak it made him.

A soft sigh ran from the mans lips as he stayed focussed on the mixture in front of him. He decided to go on with the mixture until he finally found the right solution. Trys put some absint in the mixture and it started turning green in a few seconds. Even though he had his title as a duke for a few years right now. Poisons where still one of his daily business. And he had spend enough years of studying that he could call himself well skilled. As the mixture was done he smiled a bit. "What a bit of absint can't do”. He talked to himself as he picked a flower from the vase and put it into the bottle, it immediately turned grey and death and as he watched the transformation a soft smile and grin of statisfaction could be seen on his face. "Finally, now I need to write this down before it is erased from my system”. As the man put the bottle on the table he started writing down the ingedrients. As he looked at the paper with a bit of a worried face he came to the conclusion that it missed something. Some "special" ingredient that needed to be fixed before he could continue. Trystane stood up and commaned his servants to saddle his horse. And once that was done he moved himself to the center of the city.

Brightwater keep was always busy. Especially in the middle of the day and evenings could be even more crowded. He stopped the horse in front of the tavern and made his way down the horse. Letting his hand slide through his hair for a moment to turn his gaze around.

Open. NL reageren mag ook <3

Adeline Blackfyre
Adeline Blackfyre
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 28
IC posts : 14

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Occupation: Adventurer
Residence : Traveler

Can you brew me an ale? {open} Empty Re: Can you brew me an ale? {open}

di okt 10, 2017 8:27 pm
wore her scars as her best attire
A stunning dress made of hellfire
Adeline had een herberg gevonden waar ze kon verblijven zolang ze in Brightwater Keep was. Wanneer ze haar zaken hier geregeld had zou ze weer doortrekken met haar reis. Elke keer bracht deze haar weer ergens anders, hetgeen wat het zo mooi maakte. De jonge vrouw was nooit iemand geweest die vast wilde zitten aan één plaats. Ze wilde de wereld zien, ze wilde elke stad bezoeken en niet opnieuw afhankelijk van andere mensen zijn.

De jonge avonturier had al veel van de wereld gezien, voornamelijk in Rhoynar en Navarre - waar ze vandaan kwam - bezocht ze de laatste tijd vaak. Dit stadje was haar ondertussen al redelijk bekend en ze vond het er prachtig. Met haar zwarte paard aan de teugel was ze weer onderweg naar haar herberg. Eerder deze ochtend had ze gemerkt dat haar paard een beetje moeilijk iets, en daarom liep ze zonder moeilijk te doen naast haar zwarte parel mee. Het dier had haar al zover gebracht, telkens weer, ze ging niet moeilijk doen als hij eens zijn dag niet had.

Op het moment dat ze aankwam bij de plaats waar men hun paarden neer kon zetten was er nog iemand anders. Adeline was niet van hier en zou iemand van een hogere status nooit aan hun gezicht herkennen. Rustig bond de jonge vrouw haar paard vast, klopte deze kort op zijn nek en liet voor een moment haar ogen vallen op de andere persoon die bij het paard naast de hare stond. Lang staan bleef ze echter niet, want ze glipte naar binnen en zocht een leeg tafeltje voor zichzelf, de plaats waar ze de laatste paar dagen steeds was gaan zitten. Rustig trok ze haar benen wat op en haalde haar tekenblok uit haar tas. Het was in feite een groot dagboek wat ze bijhield van al haar reizen, waarin ze plaatsen en mensen tekende die ze tegenkwam. Iet wat dromerig gingen haar ogen door de ruimte heen, zoekend naar een interessant iets wat ze op papier kon zetten.
notes: Outfit
Trystane Bayard
Trystane Bayard
Aantal berichten : 33
IC posts : 21

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Duke of Rhoynar
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

Can you brew me an ale? {open} Empty Re: Can you brew me an ale? {open}

di okt 10, 2017 9:56 pm

As soon as he got down the horse he patted the horse on it’s neck and then tightened the reins around the stick. In the corner of his eyes he saw another silhouette appear. So he lifted his head and saw the lady appearing. He nodded slowly and watched her go inside.

Not too long after that Trys followed the lady and saw the Inkeeper standing behind the bar. Good day Bard, how are you doing today? he greeted him as if he was a friend. And in fact he was. Trystane always go to this tavern for the different herbs when he needed them. And Bard had proven him time and time again that he was loyal to him. Can you get me some hemlock today? He asked him with a soft smile. The man in front of him nodded and moved himself to the back on the tavern. Where a lot of pots and test tubes where displayed.

Trys turned himself around and looked around the tavern. Even now, on a hot day like this it was crowded. Crew members where already drunk and entertaining themselves with the ladies. But one lady got his attention. The lady he had just seen outside. He saw her going in but didn’t bother to make a talk with her. He was a bit curious though. She had a small drawing notebook with her and seemed very busy with it and as he saw her looking around the room he corners of his lips curled a bit up. He tried to point his gaze on the notebook, curious about what she was drawing. But it was too far away.

As Bard appeared again with the herbs he needed he offered him the gold and put the herbs in his pockets. But the lady still got his attention. He had never seen her around here so she might be travelling. As he turned himself around again he made his way towards her table Seeing anything you like already? His voice was curious with a hint of exciting in it.

Adeline Blackfyre
Adeline Blackfyre
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 28
IC posts : 14

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Occupation: Adventurer
Residence : Traveler

Can you brew me an ale? {open} Empty Re: Can you brew me an ale? {open}

vr okt 13, 2017 12:03 am
wore her scars as her best attire
A stunning dress made of hellfire
Adeline had haar benen opgetrokken zodat ze het schetsboekje op haar bovenbeen kon leggen ter ondersteuning. Ze had naar de haven kunnen gaan en daar wat inspiratie kunnen zoeken voor haar schetsen, maar in elke stad in Rhoynar waren wel havens. Dat maakte Brightwater Keep niet origineel. Ze zocht iets speciaals, iets wat haar zou herinneren aan het moment waarin ze zich nu verkeerde. Haar blik bleef op iets rustten, waarna ze zelfverzekerd met het kooltje wat ze ervoor gebruikte begon te schetsen.

Haar dromerige blik dwaalde af en toe eens terug naar het onderwerp van haar tekening waarvan ze nu al de basis in haar boekje had staan. En terwijl ze zo druk bezig was werd haar aandacht getrokken door een stem. Wanneer ze haar ogen op de persoon in kwestie richtte zag ze de persoon van buiten eerder staan. Haar mondhoek trok een beetje omhoog en kort blikte ze naar haar papier, waarna ze nog vlug een streepje op een bepaalde plaats zette. "Oh yes, Brightwater Keep is a beautiful place." Adeline keek weer op naar de man, vervolgens naar de lege stoel aan de andere kant van het tafeltje en weer terug naar de man, om hem lichtjes vragend aan te kijken. Ze was een master in subtiliteit, al zei ze het zelf. Ondertussen bewoog haar hand met het kooltje erin verder over het papier, nog altijd bezig zijnde met haar schetsboekje.
notes: Outfit
Trystane Bayard
Trystane Bayard
Aantal berichten : 33
IC posts : 21

Character sheet
Age: 25
Occupation: Duke of Rhoynar
Residence : The capital of Rhoynar

Can you brew me an ale? {open} Empty Re: Can you brew me an ale? {open}

do okt 19, 2017 11:22 am

slashed by a sword
As he made his way towards the table of the lady and asked her the question she looked up from her notebook. She still seemed very busy with the paper on her lap. As she pointed her eyes away from him onto the chair next to him he decide to stay for a while. Trys slid the chair backwards and sat down on the opposite of the woman. Is this your first time in Brightwater keep?? he asked her with a slight exciting hint in his voice. Letting his hands rest on the table for now. She probably wasn't from here. People from around brightwater keep looked way different then this lady. And the villagers all knew who he was. So it was easily for him he could make up she either didn't knew who he was or she just didn't care.

Although he was still interested in the things she drew in  her sketchbook he tried not to bother about it that much. After all he was just a stranger to her and she to him. He didn't saw any purpose in knowing her ideas written on paper. Can I offer you something to drink? he tilted his head a bit, as he broke the silence.

Adeline Blackfyre
Adeline Blackfyre
Real name : Daan
Aantal berichten : 28
IC posts : 14

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Occupation: Adventurer
Residence : Traveler

Can you brew me an ale? {open} Empty Re: Can you brew me an ale? {open}

za okt 21, 2017 11:35 pm
wore her scars as her best attire
A stunning dress made of hellfire
She had not been expecting the man from before to come up to her table and talk to her. Not that she didn't want him too, she was perfectly fine with everything. Adeline thought that she was not the most interesting person to talk to, as there were many other girls around her. But most of them were not girls that were sitting down and drawing in their sketchbooks. When she looked at the chair and back at him, he slid the chair backwards and sat down on it. When he asked if it was her first time in Brightwater Keep, she shook her head. "No, I've been here a few times before, but not with the intention of staying long." She was a traveler and she was never at the same place for a longer time. Perhaps she came back a few months later, but most of the time she was out in the wild.

Adeline was still busy with her sketchbook, which made it seem like she was one of those dreamy persons that were not easy to have a conversation with. The man asked her if she wanted to drink anything, a little bit surprised by his offer. "Sure, why not," she said and a little smile appeared on her face. "Do you come here often?" she asked to keep the conversation going.
notes: Outfit
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